1. Bill Gates refusing to farm his land and pushing lab grown food
2. The EU and Bill Gates trying to block out the sun under the pretext of global warming
3. The Snake Bite of Genesis 3:15 is gene rape vaccination
3a: How to sentence count Scriptures to see their time value
4. The Future according to Daniel7
5. The Chronology of Digital IDs which are to be the Mark of the Beast
6. s are the image of gold of Daniel3 which predicts the length of WW3 to be 7 months more than WW2
7. The 1044 day of Revelation7:13-17 which runs for 36 months less 36 days of Matthew24:19-21, and the 28 day Nuclear war of the of Mark13:17-20
8. The world lasts for 2 millennia, 2 recreative days of Genesis1 after the sacrifice of the Christ on 33Nisan14
9. The Timetable
10. The Coronavirus of spike proteins is the Crown of Thorns bashed onto ' head
11. The Judicial Lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah, the end of the road of homosexuality
12. The Chronology of the next 9 years until the end of the world
Genesis3: The curse on Adam:
17 And He said to the man, Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree about which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat [from] it, the ground [shall be] cursed because of you; you shall eat of it in hard-labour all the days of your life.
Genesis 4: The Curse on Cain
11 And now you are cursed from the ground which opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.
12 When you till the ground, it will not again give its strength to you. You shall be a vagabond and a fugitive on the earth. (Genesis 4 )
So Adam could farm but it was going to be hard work. Whereas Cain could not farm at all. He was cursed from receiving power for humans (food) from the ground. So what you say? Who cares what happened to those guys if they even existed? Well ask Jeremy Clarkson how easy it is to farm for food, even today, with all our mechanised farm machinery and high tech communication and information processing technology. He has been literally fulfilling Genesis 3 on our TV screens for 3 whole incredibly successful and entertaining series on Amazon prime. That is because Clarkson is a son of Adam, and the curse on Adam is on his genetic house, his seed, his children, his offspring.
Whereas Bill Gates is the largest farm land owner in the states and yet he does not farm at all. Why is that? And why is he making up pseudoscientific garbage to try and persuade us all that farming is not only obsolete but actually dangerous to the planet and if we continue doing it then cows will fart the human race into extinction? And why is he on record as performing 'geo-engineering' on the sun, with a view to blocking its earth bound radiation so that solar power fails, wind power fails, all renewable energy fails, photosynthesis fails and a worldwide famine results other than from lab grown food powered by small nuclear power stations presumably under deep state bans on licences to drill for coal or oil?
Well it is because he is a son of Cain. And he knows he is a son of Cain. How does he know that? Because all demonic people are in empowerment and damnation covenants with which mirror the Abrahamic testing by persecution and salvation covenants of God. It is a level playing field. If God has a covenant and a cup for man to drink. Then so does . The difference is that God advertises his salvation covenants and hides his. He hides them to protect his people in them and to trap others in them before they realise what has happened to them.
It is not a coincidence that Bill Gates is preventing other people from farming with considerable energy as are the EU and the UK government and many others. Top people, (the demonic equivalent of saints, the serpents who are the offspring of vipers, the seed of vipers, the covenant children of vipers according to at Matthew23, and who are the offspring of Cain according to Moses at Genesis3) know their curse and do not like to see Adam farming land successfully. They are jealous of Adam's freedom and so try to take that freedom from him, to con him out of it, just as they conned Eve out of her life, and try to get around their curse with technology.
33 Serpents! Offspring of vipers! How shall you escape the judgment of ? (Matthew 23 )
Cain = Sons of Cain by genetics, who have not made it into an Abrahamic testing by persecution and salvation covenant.
And sons of Cain by secular empowerment and damnation covenant as a result not of genetics but of life choices.
= Sons of by genetics, who have not fallen into a damnation covenant. And sons of Adam and of Cain who have made it into a salvation covenant.
Whereas Adam is the floating voter in no default covenant.
So Cain (meaning Cain & genetic and covenant sons) is the heartless faithless minority (25% of Revelation 6:8 - to which we shall return later) and (meaning & genetic and covenant sons) is the faithful loving 75% majority of mankind. The order of succession being Cain, then genetic sons of Cain, then covenant sons of Cain versus , then genetic sons of , then covenant sons of (in the post Abrahamic world).
So a salvation covenant with God gets you physically screwed but spiritually empowered and protected for salvation
Whereas a damnation covenant gets you physically empowered and protected but spiritually screwed.
8 And they will tremble. Writhings and cords will take hold; like a one (female) that is giving birth. They will turn, man towards his companion. Faces of flames [shall be] faces of them. ()
9 Look! The day of itself is coming, cruel both with fury and with burning anger, in order to set the land for desolation, and sinner of her he shall annihilate out of her. ()
10 For the stars of the heavens and their constellations will not flash forth their light; the sun shall be darkened in its going forth, and the moon shall not shine its light. ()
11 And I will visit upon the fertile-earth evil, and upon the wicked their depravity; and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and I will lay low the haughtiness of the tyrants. ()
12 I shall make mankind [vAna/] rarer than refined gold, and man [~d'a'] [rarer] than the gold of Ophir. (Isaiah 13 )
He mainly will do that by rapturing them into the ark.
1 Blow a horn in , Oh men, and shout a war cry in my holy mountain. Will tremble, all the inhabitants of the land, for the day of is coming, for it is near!
2 It is a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of cloud and thick gloom. [Whereas] Like light of dawn spread out upon the mountains, there is a people numerous and mighty; one like it has not been made to exist from
the indefinite past, and after it there will be none again to the years of generation after generation.
3 Ahead of it a fire has devoured, and behind it a flame consumes. Like the garden of Eden the land is ahead of it; but behind it is a desolate wilderness, and there has also proved to be nothing thereof escaping.
10 Before it [the] land has become agitated, [the] heavens have rocked. Sun and moon themselves have become dark, and the very stars have withdrawn their brightness. (Joel 2 - adapted)
15 Sun and moon themselves will certainly become dark, and the very stars will actually withdraw their brightness. (Joel 3 )
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Matthew 24 )
24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, (Mark 13 )
20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and epiphanaic day of arrives. (Acts 2 )
12 And I saw when he opened the 6th seal, and a great earthquake occurred; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, (Revelation 6 )
So now we can see clearly the battle of the two seeds of Genesis 3:15
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3 )
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman; and between thy seed and her seed. He will wound thy head, and thou wilt wound his heel." (Genesis 3 THOM)
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed, he shall watch against thy head, and thou shalt watch against his heel. (Genesis 3 LXXb)
The Hebrew word translated bruise is ambush/lie in wait for. The seed of was Cain. Cain in Hebrew means spear/Needle/Spike. For speared/skewered/pierced Eve to make Cain. Whereas Abel means breath. for Adam kissed Eve before making Abel. The vaccines are an attempt to make you into the seed of Cain/Spear/Needle/Spike. We are in the end times battle of the seeds, the fulfilment of the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. Do not permit your body to be genetically modified. Do not be conned. DO NOT BE NIGH EVE. do not let Cain/Spear/Needle/Spike, turn all your cells into spike/needle/Cain factories! Do not machine gun your body with man made bio weapon
The woman is the (God's administration). Her seed is covenant (in the post Abrahamic world), those in a testing by persecution and salvation covenant with God.
The serpent is . His seed was Cain, and is today all those in a secular empowerment and damnation covenant with to be a spiritual son of Cain and all those genetic sons of Cain who have not entered into an Abrahamic testing by
persecution and salvation covenant with God. There are no genetically floating voters. That is the disadvantage to being born on the wrong side of the genetic tracks. But since everybody is soon going to have to make a choice one
way or another that disadvantage is about to disappear.
The gene rape vaccinations are the snake bite in the heel, a fang per jab. We mistakenly thought that the Covid19 vaccines themselves corrupted the genes of the vaccinated to become . Because Cain means spike/needle in Hebrew. So a spike protein assault is a assault. But we now understand from the 42 months of Revelation13, that they will become cainian genetic raping agents only for the last 42 months of demon possession and only after people have been made aware that they are about to be genetically raped by the vaccines for the next manufactured pandemic. The purpose of the next pandemic is to provide the pretext for the prophesied and permitted 42 months of gene rape from 2025Iyyar14 (May12/13) to 2028Heshvan14 (November5/6), the end of demon possession - see U151#13.
I mean if you are raped you know you are being raped (unless you can somehow remain asleep). So God has to give us a chance to Say NO, knowing what we are facing. So once this knowledge becomes widespread, there will then be 42 months of genetic rape. The rape would not work if it was merely genetic anyway. Because life choices trump genetics in salvation and damnation covenants. So there needs to be a conscious spiritual decision, an informed consent even, before God permits this genetic rape for this 42 months. One could argue that such a thing is not genetic rape because it has a consent. But those who give consent will in the main not believe or understand the warning. So its a kind of spiritual statutory rape I suppose.
The reason that Iraq war disaster Sir Tony Blair says that Digital IDs are essential is that they are essential to the demons in producing more seed. For the Digital ID will be the Mark of the Beast of Revelation13 without which you cannot buy or sell anything.
19214 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast [s]
that had the sword-stroke and yet revived.
15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak [Social Credit Score linked Smart s - computer says
NO] and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast [through starvation and perhaps also capital punishment for people who refuse the Mark in certain
16 And it puts under compulsion all [ones] the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the enslaved [ones] [All [one] (2x) + all persons (small and great) + all
persons (rich and poor) + all persons (free and slaves) = 2x+2x+2x+2x = 8x of Mark Registration Compulsion from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14],
that they should give these a mark [Social credit score] in their right hand [works] or upon their forehead [thoughts]
[meta wy
literally - between the eyes. the mark upon the hand is the vaccine passports governing your actions, the mark between the eyes is the social credit score governing your thoughts],
17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark [Social credit score], the name of the wild beast [the
authority of the sea beast] or the number of its name [your digital ID Registration number] (Revelation 13 ).
This creates 2 concentration camps. Those without a Digital ID are financially imprisoned, excluded from he financial system, but are morally free. Those with a Digital ID are financially free but morally imprisoned and excluded from the Kingdom of God
The new global currency follows after the death stroke to the US head, since it is an image of the beast that had the sword stroke yet revived. So the sword stroke must precede the destruction of the dollar as the worlds trading currency.
The snake () is controlling the rod (authority) which is a needle (vaccination). The authority of the rod/needle is over the whole world (the global map) as Caesar (the laurel wreath). Ruling rods do not normally have pointed ends. This one does.
18 Here is the wisdom: The [one] having intelligence let him count/calculate [yhfizw] the number of the wild-beast, for it is a man's number; and its number [is] 616/666 [the sentence count of Revelation13:1-9 - see U271-11#19] (Revelation 13)192.
They will be introduced as a wonderful new high tech convenience and will not be mandatory for the first 12 months after registration is introduced to get us all hooked on them. This period being year of the face of the 6x60 cubit image of gold of Daniel3, a day for a square cubit
1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. (Daniel 3 )
But do not be fooled. The mark of the Beast is going to become mandatory and as I heard Bill Gates say twice on a video that has disappeared from the net: Non registered people: "Will be excluded".
When it becomes mandatory on 2025Adar21/22 after the introductory year from 2024VeAdar21/22, if you continue to use it and live by it, you become a concentration camp guard in the digital concentration camp that they will create. Then the scripture is fulfilled which says...
10 If anyone [takes] into captivity, into captivity he is going under; if anyone in sword will kill, it is binding him in sword to be killed. Here is the endurance and the faith of the holy (ones). (Revelation 13 )
So if you have any role in running or building or managing or funding the Digital ID concentration camp, then you will go to unless you repent, reject the Mark and become yourself an inmate.
And if you kill your brother other than in legitimate self defence, you will be killed and die the second death in .
For the Mark of the beast (Digital IDs) are the gates of . And being excluded from the social credit score linked financial system, is being included in the. So the doors to the digital Dachau are the glorious gates to the. Now will make things look like the precise reverse of that. For that is his genius.
1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel saw a dream and visions of his head [varE] upon his bed: In/at that time he wrote the dream, the sum
[varE] of the words/matters he told [perhaps we should sum the Hebrew words?].
2 Daniel was answering and saying [1x+1x=2x]: I desired/breathed to be seeing in my vision together with night, and, look! the 4 winds of the heavens were stirring up the
vast sea.
3 And 4 great beasts [war nations] were ascending from the sea [of the private sector via a rigged false democratic mandate],
each one being different this [aD'] from that [aD']. (Daniel 7 )
Verse1: 1x+3x+1x+1x+3x = 9x
Verse2 2x.2x.4x.3x = 48x
Verse3: 2x.2x.(4x+4x(1x+1x)) = 4x.(4x+8x) = 48x
Total 9x+48x+49x = 105x = 8¾ years from 2010Tebbeth10, the end of 's ministry payback lease, at which point he becomes the authorised sacred King of Babylon (all those in a false church or false religion - everyone except Laodiceans
and s), which means it is a good time to leave false religion, to 2028Tishri20, when the 4th beast ascends - see below. And he becomes the unauthorised Caesar to all whom he cons into obeying him.
Beast No. | Beast Type | BC fulfilment | End Times fulfilment |
1, first | Like a lion wings of an eagle, taken up, made to stand on 2 feet like a man | Babylonians | UK-US beast (Ram of Daniel8) |
2 | Like a bear, raised up on one side, 3 ribs in it mouth between its teeth | Medo Persians | Russians |
Another (3) | Like a leopard, 4 wings of flying creature upon its back, 4 heads | Greeks | BRICS less Russia, lead by China (he goat of Daniel8) |
4 | Terrible unusually strong, iron devouring and crushing teeth, feet trampling remainder, 10 horns, 1 head. different to 3 before it | Romans | Global military from the corporate beast sea beast of Revelation13 |
5, last | Like a lion wings of an eagle, taken up, made to stand on 2 feet like a man | British Empire |
The first 4 Beasts are the primary means of Satanic power expression during their warring activities. So from a moral standpoint:
1. The UK/US had no legitimate grounds to invade Irag (under Bush43/Blair) and Afghanistan.
2. Russia had no legitimate ground to invade Ukraine
3. China will have no legitimate ground to invade Taiwan presumably, when they become a warring beast.
4. The Globalist administration has no legitimate grounds to declare war on humanity for the purpose of forcing them to become 's seed through Cain.
Daniel7 is the march of warring nations that are used by in the end times.
Daniel7 is a list of the bad guys in military terms.
1. The UK/US lion-eagle military power in Iraq and Afghanistan under Bush43 and Blair until Biden. BAD GUYS. But the UK eventually surrenders its military capability and ceases being a military beast and becomes spiritual, a man.
2. The Russian bear in Ukraine under Putin - BAD GUYS
3. The BRICS Leopard lead by China in WW3 against NATO - the BRICS are the BAD GUYS.
4. The Commercial Sea Beast of Revelation13, run by the 10 kings, 10 economic powers are the BAD GUYS
5. , like the lion of Judah, losing its atmospheric wings for earthly interaction. GOOD GUYS.
4 The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings. I watched until its wings were torn off. And it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
4 The first one was like a lion [1x+1x=2x], and it had the wings of an eagle [2x]. I kept on beholding [1x] until its wings were plucked out [2x: The US Eagle denies air support to the UK Lion. Wings of the UK lion not of the eagle are plucked out. Now the beast counts as 2x not 4x], and it [2x] was taken up/lifted up from the earth [1x] and was made to stand upon 2 feet just like a man [2x+10x+1x=13x], and there was given to it the heart of a man [2x].
Verse4: 2x+2x+1x+2x+2x+1x+13x+2x = 25x. 25 years from the Afghan War, the start of the War on Terror, from 2001October7 = 2001Tishri15 to 2026, when the UK bows out of WW3 and stops being a war beast and becomes more spiritual, leading the path to the end of war. The bible appears to be putting the blame on the UK as the war monger in Afghanistan and Iraq. Perhaps because we came up with the dodgy dossier to justify the 2nd Iraq war. Or perhaps because we had some kind of a role in the 911 false flag?
The UK goes neutral and is disarmed after the US pulls its wings from us - we return their jets??? The wings are NOT destroyed. The UK ceases being a beast in 2026! It sounds very much like key members of the UK government are baptised into and raptured into the ark and continue to interact with the earth and run the UK whilst being ark based!! repent and joins on 2026Tishri24 (1290 days of Daniel12 after 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession). It appears that brings with him the heads of the UK government, who may be repentant demons.
5 And, behold, another beast [2x], a second [2x], like a bear [1x]. And it was raised up to one side [5x.1x=5x], and 3 ribs [were] in its mouth between its teeth [3x.42x: Bears have 42 teeth]. And they to her are saying like this [!Ke]: Rise up, eat much flesh [1x+1x+1x = 3x].
Verse5: 2x+2x+1x+5x.1x+3x.42x+3x.5x.(1x+1x+1x) = 10x+126x+54x = 190x from 2021Adar14 (2022February20/21) when Putin unilaterally declared the Donbas not to be Ukraine and ordered his troops to invade it, to 2022Elul24 (2022September22/23). Putin called up 300,000 reserves on 2022September21. That was the bear getting up. The bear itself counts as 5x. The bear has 3 ribs in its mouth between its military teeth. These are Lugansk, Donetsk and Crimea, 3 of the 26 oblasts of the body of Ukraine, which GOD himself regards as belonging to Ukraine but in the mouth of Russia. So Russia speaks for them. They do not get 4 ribs, before the Leopard becomes a war beast in verse6. Putin is doing precisely what Daniel 7:5 predicts. He is gaining very little new land and has created a meat grinder which is killing massive numbers of troops on both sides. East much flesh, get no more ribs.
6 After this I was desiring to see, and, behold, another [2x] like a leopard, and to it [were] four wings which [of] bird/flying creature upon its back. And to the beast [were] four heads. And rulership was given to it.
Verse6: 2x+1x+4x+1x+4x+1x = 13x, 13 months of war instigated by China and the BRICS, before the final beast takes over through Mark of the Beast enforcement on 2025Adar21/22. So China becomes a war beast, instigating a war in 2024Shebat (2025January5-February4), during the transition between Biden and Trump who will be inaugurated on Monday 2024January20 (2024Shebat15). The globalists have to get the war started before Trump gets his feet under the desk.
The BRICS5 nations: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, all have leopards in their countries. On 2024January1, they were joined by Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates.
What is the flying creature associated with the Chinese? The DRAGON. 4 wings of a flying creature is a totally superfluous qualification. The flying creature is the descended Dragon the earthly administration of the demons. The Dragon exercises some of its rulership through the Chinese dragon in the leopard like beast for the last 4 years of 's Dragon from 2024Shebat to 2028Heshvan14. India has the most Leopards in the world.
Whereas the 7 heads of the commercial/big tech/central banking sea beast of Revelation13, run from 2025Iyyar21/22, the start of the 10 horns of power of the G20, to 2032Tebbeth11/12 (55x50 = 2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 - see U151#17a).
7 After this I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, Look! A 4th beast, [one] being terrifying and terrible and unusually strong [triple description. 'being terrifying' is a Chaldee peal passive participle ]. And it had teeth of iron, big ones. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was treading down in/by its feet [foot - Qere - Spoken form] . And it was something different from all of the [-lk] beasts that were before it [not necessarily temporally], and it had 10 horns [10 years of social credit score power].
Verse 7: 3x.(4x.3x+3x+4x+4x+4x.4x+4x+3x.(1x+4x)+10x) = 3x.(15x+28x+15x+10x) = 3x.68x = 204x from 2028Tishri20, when the 4th beast takes over from the BRICS Leopard like beast, to 2029Iyyar14, the end of salvation. This little horn is the EU. It is not a military horn. Its power is economic. So it looks at things not from a beastly (military conquest) standpoint but from a human (economic conquest) standpoint. It has a big mouth and seeks to close the mouths of all that criticise its illegitimacy and its naked imperialism (through banks rather than tanks) with censorship.
8 I kept on considering the horns, and, look! another horn [2x], a small [one] [1x], came up in among them, and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn, and there was a mouth [33x, for 32 human teeth + 1 tongue] speaking many/great/grandiose things [counts 2x+2x+33x.3x = 103x. Eyes like a man of verse 4. This little horn is the EU]
The serpent, the original, the one called the devil and = 1x.1x.2x = 2x
Another beast, [a] second [one] = 2x+2x = 4x
Another beast, [a] small [one[ = 2x+1x = 3x
Verse 8: from 1st look! 2x+1x+10x+3x.10x.(1x+2x) = 103x.
Verse 8: from 2nd look! 2x+2x+33x.3x = 103x
A double witness to 103 days. Not sure how that fits in.
This mouth speaks like the mouth of the sea beast of Revelation13.
9 I kept on beholding until there were thrones placed and the Ancient of Days sat down. His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool. His throne was flames of fire; its wheels
were a burning fire.
10 There was a stream of fire flowing and going out from before him. There were 1,000 thousands that kept ministering to him, and 10,000 times 10,000 that kept standing right before him. The Court took its seat, and
there were books that were opened.
11 I kept on beholding at that time because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning
fire. (Daniel 7 )
20 and concerning the 10 horns that were on its head [single head over s], and the other [horn] that came up and before which 3 fell, even that horn that had eyes and a
mouth speaking grandiose things and the appearance of which was bigger than that of its fellows.
21 I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment itself was given in favour of the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the definite time arrived that the holy ones took possession of the kingdom itself. (Daniel 7 )
23 This is what he said, 'As for the 4th beast, there is a 4th kingdom that will come to be on the earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all the earth and will trample it down
and crush it.
So the entire public sector of every nation (in the G20 beast) will be conquered by this beast.
24 And as for the 10 horns, out of that kingdom there are 10 kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will
25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a
time, and times and half a time.
26 And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] until the end. (Daniel 7 )
Verse26: 1x+1x.(1x+1x+1x) = 4x from 2032Tebbeth11, the end of the authority of the G20 beast of Revelation17, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain.
The little horn is only removed by the sitting court of verse 26 and so the 4½ years in its hand run from 2028Tammuz11 to 2032Tebbeth11, the end of the 10 horns, who are 10 kings of Revelation17 giving their G20 kingdom to the financial/banking/big tech beast, the end of globalism really, which presumably is the end of of the rulership of the little horn of the EU (a mini globalist outfit) as well.
The 4th beast appears to be a supranational globalist army.
Now we apply the first will be last interchangeability Principle and discover a 5th beast which is the last beast, which is the first beast. So we read verse4 again and interpret it for the last beast.
4 The first one was like a lion [1x+1x=2x: the Lion of Judah], and it had the wings of an eagle [2x]. I kept on beholding [1x] until its wings were plucked out [2x: The ark based earthly interaction of s ends. Now the beast counts as 2x not 4x], and it [2x] was taken up/lifted up from the earth [1x] and was made to stand upon 2 feet just like a man [2x+10x+1x=13x], and there was given to it the heart of a man [2x].
Verse4: 2x+2x+1x+2x+2x+1x+13x+2x = 25x. 25 months from 2028Adar2, the end of earthly interaction (the removal of wings for atmospheric flight) to 2031Nisan5, the end of . This beast is , the last true Christian church.
3916 And it is making/composing/creating [poiew] all (ones) [with a digital ID]: The small (ones) and the great (ones), and the rich (ones) and the poor (ones), and the free (ones) and the slaves, in order that they should give to them engraving upon
the hand of them the right or upon the forehead of them, (Revelation 13 )
16 kai poiei pantaj touj mikrouj kai megalouj kai touj ptwcouj kai touj plousiouj kai touj eleuqerouj kai touj doulouj i?na dwsin autw caragma epi thj ceiroj autwn thj dexiaj h epi to
metwpon autwn (Revelation 13 Sinai)
The small (ones) and the great (ones) = all (ones)
The rich (ones) and the poor (ones) = all (ones)
The free (ones) and the slaves = all (ones)
So it is making/composing/creating (digitally) all (ones): All (ones) and all (ones) and all (ones) = 4x precisely of all ones = 8x precisely as a sentence count. These must run from 2025Iyyar14, to 2029Iyyar14, the end of salvation, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the last rapture of s. AND from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14, the entire period of compelled Mark Registration, which is coincident with the 8 Happinesses of Matthew5. So the first 53 days of Mark Registration from 2024VeAdar21/22 must be free of compulsion.
The compulsion on s lasts for 4x precisely. The compulsion on all mankind lasts for 8x precisely. Whereas Mark registration lasts for the 12x of the sentence count of the further specification of all (ones) precisely from the List Specification Principle. This being the time it takes from the start of Mark registration, to the implementation of full Mark Enforcement. It is the same period as the 6x60 = 360 square cubit, 2D view of the face of the image of Daniel3, which is 1 year of Mark Registration without any depth of enforcement from 2024VeAdar21/22 to 2025Adar21/22. Whereas Mark enforcement lasts for the 2400 days (see below) of Revelation13:16-17 from 2025Adar21/22-2032Heshvan21/22,
11 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. (Revelation 13 )
16 And it [other beast with 2 horns like a lamb: The UK and US deep state] is making [poiei]
all [ones] [namely] the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the slaves [2x further specified as 12x counts as 2x.12x=24x here]
[receptive] in order that [ina]
they [the sea beast and other beasts] [2x] should give to them [2x: All ones] a mark/engraving upon [+genitive]
their right hand or upon [+dative]
their forehead [1x+5x or 1x+1x] ,
17 and in order that not anyone/someone [of them] [1x]
might be able to buy or sell [(1x + 1x)/2 = 1x] if not the [one]
[1x] having the mark/engraving [in the form of]
the name of the wild beast or the number of its name [1x,(1x+1x)/2 = 1x].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count/calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [see the count for Revelation
13:1-9 - see U271-11#19] (Revelation 13).
Verse 16-17: 5x (the count of 'it': The other beast with 2 horns kike a lamb).2x.12x.2x.2x (all ones).((6x+2x)/2x)+2x.12x.2x.((1x+1x)/2+(1x+1x)/2) = 5x.(2x.12x.2x.2x.4x+2x.12x.4x)=5x.(384x+96x) = 5x.480x = 2400x. 6 years 8 months from 2025Adar21/22, the start of Mark enforcement by the fiery furnace of WW3 and by law, to 2032Heshvan21/22. Then Mark registration continues until 2033Iyyar14, 97¾ months after 2024VeAdar21/22, an hour of the tet of Revelation3 of the 97¾ year day of testing of God's people from early 1935, when the Nazis offered the witnesses in Germany a chance to renounce their faith and pledge allegiance to the fatherland in order to avoid incarceration.. On 2025Adar21/22, the law is changed to criminalise Mark refusers.
The latest that these 12+80=92 months of Mark Registration then enforcement could run to would be 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain. So they must start by 2025Elul. But we are given their start date by John 10:22-24
22 But the festival of renewal/innovation/dedication [egkainia]
from en and kainoj,
meaning in-new] took place in Jerusalems [Ierosolumoij] [Plural:
In the ark and on earth]
[Chislev25-Tebbeth2. Literally this was the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus] [] and it was winter/stormy [2024Chislev25-Tebbeth2
Modern Hebrew Calendar Hanukkah, which is 2024December26/27 to 2025January2/3 Gregorian and 2024Tebbeth21-28 ]
23 and the was walking [through s being in contact with raptured s in the ark after 2024Tebbeth16-20 for Gentile call s] in the temple in the colonnade of the Solomon [Walking, without stumbling means sins are regarded as forgiven, which pictures sainthood.
This is s walking amongst s in the temple of the ark, who are waiting in the colonnade to enter into the temple of Solomon, which has a colonnade but the rock mass is yet to be laid! The rock mass is laid on 2024VeAdar2. A colonnade is where people
gather before entering into the temple]
24 The Jews therefore [oun] encircled him [2x.
One encirclement by the plural Jews, making a 2 month circle around to 2024Shebat25-2024Adar2 (Modern Hebrew), which is 2024Adar21-28 () which is also 2024VeAdar21-28 . 2024VeAdar20 is the end of the non reserve ark rapture.
Because the Jews ate the fish counts as 2x]
and [they] said to him: Until when, the soul of us are you lifting/taking up/removing?
[2x.(1x+!x) = 4x] [This is a self answering question until 4 months after Hanukkah for the rapture of the Benjamite s (completed on 2025Iyyar21/22)] If you are the Christ, say to us outspokenly (John 10 )
This nails the end of the Gentile call rapture to Modern Hebrew Hanukkah, the end of the non reserve rapture to 2024VeAdar20/21 and the end of the reserve rapture to 2025Iyyar21. And that puts the start of the image of Daniel3, 60 cubits of height earlier on 2024VeAdar21. Because the height of the image in cubits is the period of Mark of the beast testing of the saints in days, a day for a cubit.
Also the Angel of Philadelphia has to be kept from the hour of the test and he is raptured on 2024VeAdar20, the first day of that 'hour'. So this gives us.
2024VeAdar21 (2025March26/27): The start of Mark Registration. The day when vaccine status Digital IDs are introduced.
2025Iyyar14 (2025May12/13): The start of Mark Compulsion.
2025August (Gregorian or Julian): The greater Registration decree of Caesar Augustus of Luke2. You MUST register for a digital ID or you are a domestic terrorist, a deplorable, an antivaxxer and various other inapposite slanders.
2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14): WW3 begins
2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17): The Ides of March (beware): The start of Mark Enforcement by law and by WW3.
2032Tishri22/23: (2032September29-October1): WW3 ends
2032Heshvan21/22 (2032October28-30): The end of the 2400 days of Revelation13:16-17 of Mark Enforcement.
2033Iyyar14: The end of Mark Registration (because there is no one left to register).
For this timeline it is very obvious that the purpose of WW3 is to enforce the Mark of the Beast. It is the fiery furnace into which digital ID refusers are thrown by conscription
The Plain of Dura (circle)
1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. (Daniel 3 )
The face of the image is the period when it can be seen (when you can get registered) but it is not compelled. Its real purpose is hidden behind the 6x60 = 360 one circle, one Dura (meaning circle in Chaldee) facade.
The hour of the test
10 Because you kept the word of the endurance of me [for 751 main predictions, subpredictions, subsubpredictions and prediction extensions for the 1st/2nd/3rd fire signs!], I will also keep you out of the hour of the test [This is the final love test of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25. Attention all men - if you cannot find faith then find Love for your brothers! Refuse to register for the Mark of the Beast], which is to come upon the whole inhabited [earth] [all those on the planet], to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth [literal - noun counts 1x] (Revelation 3 ).
7 Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. (Matthew 7 ) - That is ' word about endurance.
So (the Angel of Philadelphia, 4) and the s are kept completely out of the hour of the test of the counsel to Philadelphia, by being raptured before the first day of Mark Registration (2024VeAdar21/22).
10 Because you observed the word of the endurance of me, and I you I shall observe out of the hour of the temptation the (one) being about to be coming upon the being inhabited [earth] whole, to tempt the (ones) inhabiting upon the earth. (Revelation 3 )
Verse10: The hour of temptation: 1x+1x.2x.2x.2x = 9x. The count of verse10 is triggered by the word 'hour'. From 2024VeAdar21/22, Mark Registration Day, to 2033Iyyar14, the end of Mark Registration, the absolute end of Cain.
The 10x of compulsion to get registered and bow to the image of Daniel3 begin. China starts paying wages in s (e-CNY) in May 10 years (60/6 cubits) before they end 2023Iyyar14 (May4/5) X__________________________ |
Annual G20 summit is held in Rio de Janeiro 2024Chislev12-13 X________________ |
Digital IDs have their Daniel3:1-3 administrative inauguration 2024Chislev17-18 X_______________ |
Mark Registration Day 2024VeAdar21/22 X_______________ |
8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 begin 2025Iyyar14 X__________ |
Greater Registration Decree of Caesar Augustus in August Gregorian/Julian 2025August1- 2025September13 X_________________ |
The Daniel3 fiery furnace of WW3 begins 2025Shebat20/21 X______________ |
80 months of Mark enforcement by law and by the fiery furnace of WW3 begin 2025Adar21/22 X_____________ |
WW3 ends after 80 months. 7x of Daniel3 more than the 73 month WW2 2032Tishri22/23 X_________________ |
End of 2400 days, 80 months of Mark Enforcement of Revelation 13:16-17 2032Heshvan21/22 X_________________ |
Mark Registration ends after the 97¾ month hour in the 97¾ year day of testing God's people from 1935 Nazi Germany and 8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 from 2025Iyyar14 2033Iyyar14 X39__________________________ |
2 years - 2 months | 1 year | 7 years + 2 months | 2+1+7 = 10 years |
The 10 horns who are 10 Kings of Revelation17 (the G20 members) are the 10 toes of Daniel2, which are partly of iron and partly of potter's clay (making 20x of the G20) run after the end of the 2 feet, the UK/US world power.
41 And as to that you saw, the feet and the toes [were] partly of potters' clay and partly of iron, [the] kingdom shall be divided. But there shall be in it the strength of iron, because you saw the iron mixed with
clay of the potter.
42 And [as] the toes of the feet [were] partly of iron and partly of clay, [so] the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. (Daniel 2 )
The 2750 = 55x50 days of Revelation17:16-17 of the 10 horns giving their G20 Kingdom to the financial/commercial/banking from 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns gain power, to 2032Tenneth11/12, when the words of God are fulfilled, when the harlot to the electorate of false democratic government is burnt..
16 And the 10 horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.
17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his judgement,, even to carry out [their] one judgement by giving their kingdom [singular] to the wild beast, until the
words of God will have been fulfilled. (Revelation 17 -)
16 And the ten horns which you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot, and having been desolated they will make her and naked, and the fleshes of her they will eat, and her they will burn down in fire;
17 the for God gave into the hearts of them to do the judgement of him, and to do one judgement and to give the kingdom [singular] of them to the wild beast, until will be
fulfilled the words of the God. (Revelation 17 -)
Then at some point during the period of WW3, from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23, the UK/US head is cut off the beast and the wings of the US Eagle are removed from the UK Lion.
Temporally, the 10 Horns = the 10 Kings = the 10 Toes = 10 years from 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of the world.
Temporally the 10 Horns and the 10 Kings and the 10 Diadems are also 10 months of power, kingship and authority.
Administratively, the 10 horns who are 10 kings = The 10 toes partly of iron and partly of potter's clay = The G20.
Actually Trump (or some other male person) will be inaugurated as the 47th president on 2025January20 (2024Shebat15). He also becomes the second horseman of the apocalypse, after black supremacist, African dictator, genital mutilator, anti Japhethite and anti American traitor and globalist agent Obama46 (Biden) has done his job of destroying the US military, corrupting and politicising absolutely every branch of the public sector, and assassinating US culture by every means at his disposal. We see this because the fiery horse of Revelation 6:4 is a yet to leave the stables (pass its first law) congress and the rider (the president) is yet to be given the great sword (become the commander of the US military). On 2023Tishri15 (US) 2023Tishri16 (UK) (16:48 EDT 2023October3), for the first time in History, a sitting speaker was ousted by congress. That could possibly have lead to Trump becoming speaker and then president. The speaker is the Revelation14 bridle of the 2nd horse of the apocalypse, which is the US Congress.
The Mark of the beast takes the form of accepting a Digital ID, on 2024Adar21/22 = 2024VeAdar21/22 (2025February24-26 or 2025March26-28) Mark Registration day, the start of the year of the face of the Mark (6x60 cubits of the image of Daniel3) without the depth of Mark enforcement. Then on 2025Iyyar21/22, the 10 horns of power for the G20 begin. Mark enforcement (the start of the 10 diadems of authority of the financial beast) begins on 2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17, the Ides of March of which we must BEWARE). The G20 forces mankind to convert all his money into s, the image of the beast, which they control. When they control all of your money, you are their slave. They have stolen your financial freedom. The EU under Ursula Von Der Leyen and the IMF under Christine Lagarde are pushing this worldwide theft of all personal money. March 2026 is when the remainers will realise how wrong they were to support giving away our sovereignty to people over whom we have no democratic control.
Here's hoping that overturns the tables of the vote counters of Dominion and the Democrats in the false temple of US Democracy and the puppet masters of the UK deep state and blob in removing Boris and Liz and without a single vote being cast, crowning Rishi whom the Tory members had explicitly rejected in favour of Liz.
34 You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of moulded clay and crushed them.
41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of moulded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay.
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of moulded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. (Daniel 2 )
The Mark of the Beast comes is as a result of the 2nd fire signs on 2024Shebat2 - 2024Adar21/VeAdar21. It is the end of the 7th world power economically. Because the globalist Mark of the Beast conquers the pound and the dollar. This may be coincident with the long overdue recognition that the people of the US voted not for Biden but for Trump in 2020. Because they do not like politicians. And Biden is the archetypical politician. Biden could NEVER outperform Obama. And the argument that he only managed to outperform Obama due to the unpopularity of Trump is plainly false because Trump is incredibly popular as his opinion polls have consistently shown (rigged though they are against him). Whereas Biden is monstrously unpopular in polls (rigged though they are in his favour).
The 2 fire signs hit the feet BEFORE the period of the G20 Beast having power etc., from 2025Iyyar21/22 to 2032Tebbeth11/12, the end of the 10 kings giving their G20 kingdom to the financial/commercial/banking beast. And the UK/US world power, the two feet, the 7th world power, ends when the toes begin. Mick Robinson said that the city and wall street will fall at the same time that the wall of the city of Jericho falls. Pretty accurate39.
Big Pharma, the state, the intel state, and the international plutocracy have realised that they can control almost every medical professional by threatening to remove their practicing licence if they refuse to administer a gene corrupting, cardiovascular, neurological, immunological and reproductive poison which doubles the recipients mortality upon covid infection. So they were antivaccines not vaccines.
So most doctors at present worship their job security more than God and more than the hippocratic oath and more than their humanity. Mankind lost round1 OK. We failed. We screwed up. But now the demons are going to roll out the practice licence threat on all of us through the Mark of the Beast. You will have to decide between your job together will your wealth in the bank on the one hand, and becoming a digital concentration camp guard on the other, by accepting the Mark of the Beast, the digital ID, which grants you access to the essentials of life but denies them to those who refuse the mark.
Anyone who accepts the Digital ID, the Mark of the beast, is condemning mark refusers to death. Because if nobody accepted the Mark, then no mark refuser would die. So each Mark accepter is part of a firing squad executing Mark refusers.
When you accept the Mark you are putting your life, and the lives of your dependents, above the lives of all Mark refusers and their dependents. You are breaking the 2nd law of God to love your brother as yourself and becoming a worshipper of the new form of social credit score linked digital money, s, the image of gold of Daniel3.
19 At/in that time Nebuchadnezzar was filled [with] rage, and the image of his faces [plural not dual in Chaldee - Gesenius] was changed/disfigured upon Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times upon/above that which was beheld to be heated of him [in other world wars. So WW3 will be 7 months longer than the 73 months WW2 from 1939Elul15 to 1945Tishri17].
1939September3 (1945Elul15): 11:15 Britain declares war on Germany and is joined by India (under British rule) Australia etc. WW2 begins.
1939September3 (1945Elul15): 17:00 France declares war on Germany.
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): David Marr is Professor Emeritus of Asian History, Australian National University. He writes a good
account of the Potsdam agreement and the September28 surrender.
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): Chinese General Lu Han accepted the surrender of Japanese 38th Army at Hanoi, French Indochina. The French delegation boycotted the ceremony due to the Chinese-Vietnamese joint attempt to place the French
delegation far from the main ceremonies during the planning process. https://ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=13. The Potsdam declaration is now fully implemented, WW2
Verse 19: (1x+1x+3x).2x.(7x+1x) = 5x.2x.8x = 80x.
Also the Grand flesh eating evening meal of God of Revelation19 is 80 months long - which is the spectacle of WW3, which lasts for 73 months plus 2 days plus 7x of verse19 (7 months) = 80 months and 2 days, 2402 days.
Nebuchadnezzar's decree of Daniel3:4-6 to bow down to the image of gold, the s, or get thrown into the MIDST of the fiery furnace if WW3 counts as 1170x of Mark Enforcement from 2025Adar21/22 to 2029Sivan21/22 - see U171. So the middle of WW3 is 2029Iyyar21/22. So it starts 1201 days before that on 2025Shebat20/21 and ends 1201 days after it on 2032Tishri22/23. It starts after the end of the 1000 day chain of Revelation20 from 2023Nisan24 to 2025Shebat3/4, which prevents it beginning. Russia is already sending Putin's opponents to the front line via prison through their corrupt justice system. And China is already paying some public servants in e-CNY, digital Yuan, and enforcing social credit score exclusions. So the concepts of bowing down to the image of gold, the s, and if you misbehave, being economically excluded and thrown into the front line of a war, are both having trials in China and Russia today.
2026February12-14 (2025Shebat20/21): WW3 begins
2032September29-October1 (2032Tishri22/23): WW3 ends
The 10x of compulsion to get registered and bow to the image of Daniel3 begin. China starts paying wages in s (e-CNY) in May 10 years (60/6 cubits) before they end. 2023Iyyar14 (May4/5) X___________________ |
Daniel3 Image of Social Credit Score linked Digital IDs and CBDCs inaugurated administratively 5 days after G20 summit in Rio 2024November22-24 2024Chislev17/18 X___________________ |
8x of Mark testing of Revelation13:16 begin Mark Inauguration Mark Registration Day. 2024March26-28 2024VeAdar21/22 X________________ |
8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 begin 2025Iyyar14 X___________ |
Benjamin's ark rapture ends. 60 days of testing of saints end 2025May19-21 2025Iyyar21/22 X_____________ |
WW3 begins 2026Feb12-14 2025Shebat20/21 X______________ |
Mark Enforcement Day by law and the by the WW3 ration book. Now illegal to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast as a Digital ID. 80 months of Mark enforcement begin 2026March15-17 (Ides of) 2025Adar21/22 X______________________ |
40 +40 day Lava flood begins. Non covenant Adam and Cain to be executed 2029May1/2 2029Iyyar17 X_____________ |
Midst of the fiery furnace of WW3 2029June4-6 2029Sivan21/22 X_____________ |
40 +40 day Lava flood ends Non covenant Adam and Cain executed 2029July20/21 2029Ab7 X_____________ |
WW3 ends Mark enforcement by war ends 2032Sep29-Oct1 2032Tishri22/23 X_____________ |
2400 days of Revelation 13:16-17 of Mark Enforcement by law end 2033October28-30 2032Heshvan21/22 X________________ |
Mark Registration ends after the 97¾ month hour in the 97¾ year day of testing God's people from 1935 Nazi Germany and 8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 from 2025Iyyar14 2033Iyyar14 X93___________________ |
96 days of Daniel3:2-3 | 6x60 = 360 days of face of Daniel3 image no depth | 1201-1170 days | 1170 days of Daniel 3:4-6 | 1201 days of last ½ of WW3 | ||||||||
First 2x of 10x of control freak social credit scoring | 8x of Mark Registration Compulsion from all [ones]: all [ones] and all [ones] and all [ones] of Revelation 13:16 | 2x+8x = 10x |
2025Shebat8 - 2028Tebbeth2: The 1044 day of Matthew24 which ends at the end of the 28 nuclear war of the of Mark13:17-20, 132 days of Revealtion19:21 before the end of salvation on 2029Iyyar14, the 5th crop Passover of Revelation22. For more see CAVE MARTIAS IDUS: Beware the Ides of March: 2026March15/16. Beware the division of the Mark - Mark Enforcement day. For the 1044 day length of the see U659#44.
2028Chislev4-2028Tebbeth2: The 28 day nuclear war of the of Mark13:17-20. For more see CAVE MARTIAS IDUS: Beware the Ides of March: 2026March15/16. Beware the division of the Mark - Mark Enforcement day.
2033Nisan14 is the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam
2033Iyyar14 is the late 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Cain.
This is because ' sacrifice ends the 4th recreative day, during which the Sun () and the moon () became visible to mankind by angelic possession in for and demonic possession in Judas fro . In the 5th creative day men could become angels (after gave his angel to on 33Nisan16 and God ransomed Adam with it on 33Sivan5).
19 Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place [heaven as angels] by the blood of ,
20 which he inaugurated for us as a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh [into angelic life in heaven], (Hebrews 10 )
Also the sun set when , the light of the world, was killed, ending the 4th recreative day.
Also the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy has the temple curtain, which stands for ' sacrificial flesh, dividing the 6000 year recreative working week depicted by the length of the temple at the 4000:2000 point. So there a 2 millennia between ' death, when the temple curtain was rent in two and the end of all salvation for Adam on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover. See U108. See U234.
One can also deduce the end of the world as 2033Nisan14 from the 120 years of Genesis6 and nation rising against nation in WW1 of Matthew24 - see U271-12#122.
One can further deduce the end of the world to be 2033Nisan14 by adding the 13x sentence count of 1Corinthians 15:25
25 For he must reign [1x], until he hath put all enemies [2x] under his feet [10x]. (1 Corinthians 15 )
1x+2x+10x = 13x. from 2020Tishri20/Chislev9, his post Quad Gapped appointment/installation to rule as Caesar over Adam, to 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st death Passover - For more see U271-11#71
The Kingdom of last for 3 Jubilees from 2020Tishri20 (his post Quad Gapped appointment as Caesar over Adam) to 2033Nisan14 over Adam (the 3x 50s and chiefs of 50s of 2Kings1 in one meaning)
17 Consequently when arrived, he found he had already been 4 days in the memorial tomb.
39 said: Take the stone away. Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: Lord, by now he must smell, for it is 4 days. (John 11 )
Take a day for a millennium and faithful mankind is in the memorial tomb of Kingdom salvation for 4 millennia from the first system salvation covenant with Abel, the , on 3968Nisan14 BC, to the removal of the stone of stumbling of Christ on 33Nisan14 AD.
God's salvation plan is first to Passover execute the balance of the Kings and the Lords in the 3rd (in accordance with their covenants to die the death of the Christ) and resurrect them into the ark after 5/10 hours asleep in their own angels, not in . And then move them into 3 for their wedding on the following Mosaic first fruits day. Those executions and marriages occurred from 2019Tishri14-17 to 2020Heshvan14-18 - see U659#32
Then to rapture the s first and the priests second and the faithful citizens from 3rd all before the start of the nuclear war of the on 2028Chislev4.
ArkTimelineChart.png" width="1820" height="1332">
3716 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call [to the faithful], with an archangel's voice [for the
saints] and with God's trumpet [to the priests], and those who are dead in Christ will rise first.
17 Afterward we the living who are surviving will,
together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord.
18 Consequently keep comforting one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
A commanding call, (Alarm) an archangel's voice (Shouting), God's trumpet (Trumpets) = 2024Tishri1, Rosh Hashana for the adamic secular year, and 2024Tebbeth1, Rosh Hashana for the Abrahamic secular year, the festival of alarm shouting and trumpets. Also there is Jubilee release horn on 2024Chislev10 (4th heavenly Kingdom Jubilee from 2008Nisan) and 2024Shebat10 (2nd Isaaic from 2016Tishri16).
All the household of Noah () goes into the ark as follows...
2008Nisan22: entry: (from heaven - not from the earth), 2015Iyyar20 (from heaven), 2019Tishri17, 2019Heshvan22, 2019Chislev20, 2019Tebbeth18 (then the expires in reappointed Laodicea on 2019Shebat10), 2020Tammuz19
2020Ab17: entry: 2020Elul22, 2020Tishri20, 2020Heshvan18 (2020Elul was an adamic Sabbath month but resurrected s in the ark are not adamic). So the for s in reverted Laodicea ends on 2020Tishri10.
2024Tishri14: The Passover
2024Tishri10-14: The ark resurrection from of the s as starts at Rosh Hashana after the installation of as Caesar to on 2023Sivan5 (dead in Christ rise first). 7.7 days for clean birds..
2024Tebbeth14: The Abrahamic World Exodus Passover.
2024Tebbeth14: The starting World Exodus Passover, the Gentile call World Exodus Passover.
2024Tebbeth16-20: The ark rapture of the never true church s into 3. It starts at the end of the 1600 cubits if sealing of s outside the city of Revelation14 -see U151#14.
2024Shebat14: The late Abrahamic (Laodicean) World Exodus bv Passover.
2024Shebat15-20: The ark rapture of the Laodicean s into 3. Inauguration day for the new 2nd horseman.
2024VeAdar14: The Isaaic World Exodus Passover. Caleb is Abrahamic as this point and so goes last.
2024VeAdar15-20: The ark rapture of the s into 3. The attendant/Isaaic boy of 1Kings18 must arrive 7x inclusively before the Pentecost on 2024VeAdar21.
2024VeAdar17: The 17th day of the 7th month of the Tishri1 adamic secular and Isaaic sacred year of Genesis 8:4, taking 2024VeAdar as separate to 2024Adar. This is when the ark comes to a rest upon the mountain of Ararat of , by a 4th
row elder being raptured into it.
2024VeAdar17: The 17th day of the 2nd Adar month. All the apostolic springs of the vast deep are broken open (installed to baptised transitively from 2024VeAdar10, entry day into the Isaaic world Exodus by rapture Passover)
2024VeAdar27 = 2025Nisan3 to 2025Iyyar13: The 40 day deluge of Genesis 7:17 upon the earth. It starts, 7 days of Genesis 7:10 after 2024VeAdar20, the end of the rapture of the saints and 6 cubits of the width of the image of Daniel3 after
Mark Registration day on 2024VeAdar21.
2025Iyyar18-21: The ark rapture of Benjamin, ending 60 cubits of the height of the image of Daniel3 after 2024VeAdar21/22, the start of Mark Registration. The Benjamin reserve s are not yet assigned rows in the temple.
2025Tishri1-14: The ark resurrection out of of the ex adamic and ex cainian s from every true church (dead in Christ rise first). 14 days for clean animals, starting at Rosh Hashana
2025Tishri15-21 to 2026Tishri15-21: 13x7 = 91 days for s (in 12 months of Revelation 6:7)
2026Tishri5: End of 574 days of the Isaaic pool of Bethzatha after 2024VeAdar2, the baptism of Caleb (inclusively).
2026Heshvan15-21 to 2028Heshvan15-21 (2027Adar16-21 counted separately to 2027VeAdar6-21) = 26x7 = 182 days (2 years of Genesis 7:2 unclean beasts just 2)
2028Chislev16/Tebbeth16/Shebat16/Adar16 and 2029Nisan16/Iyyar16: The rapture of the 1st to 6th crops of Revelation22
= 6 days
2029Iyyar16 to 2029Tishri16: resurrection of the 7th to 12th crops of Revelation22.
2033Sivan5: Kingdom adamic proselyte call. The ark resurrection out of of the adamic proselyte s who died in a true church (dead in Christ rise first).
So rapture runs discontinuously from 2026Heshvan15-21 to 2029Iyyar16.
Total is 21+91+182+6 = 300 cubits of length out of 4 years 4 months from 2024Tebbeth16 to 2029Iyyar16 (+ 4days + 4 hours??).
All s get
a rapture during Cakes-Booths of Leviticus 23:43. s do not.
Then 2029Iyyar17 is the start of the lava flood, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the 600th Nisan1 sacred year of ' life (instigated by the ).
15 ...And who is that God that can rescue you out of my hands? [2019Tishri17 to 2029Heshvan16, the 12th crop resurrection - 10 years 1 month of ark rapture and resurrection] (Daniel 3 )
Raptures begin on the 16th of the month, first fruits, festival Sabbath first fruits. Resurrections from Passover executions likewise37
Harvard Medical School in February 2020 first referred to COVID19 as a Crown of Thorns: In February, researchers published the structure of the spike protein, the hallmark protrusions that form the distinctive crown of thorns that SARS-CoV-2 uses to penetrate host cells. With this information in hand, McMahon and Kruse realized they could try to identify nanobodies that might be able to block the interaction between the spike protein and its target on human cells, a protein called ACE2, found in abundance in cells in the airway. - https://hms.harvard.edu/news/through-storm
27 Then the soldiers of the governor took into the governor's palace and gathered the whole spiral [speira] together upon/towards him .
28 And disrobing him, they draped him with a scarlet cloak,
29 and they braided/plaited/double helixed a crown out of thorns [Corona is a Latin feminine noun meaning crown. So a corona of spike proteins - Covid19] and put it on his head and a reed in his right [hand]. And, kneeling before him,
they made fun of him, saying: Good day, you King of the Jews!
30 And they spit on into [eij]
him [how COVID is transferred] and took the reed [demons controlled Laodicea, possessed ] and began hitting him upon his head
31 Finally, when they had made fun of him, they took the cloak off and put his outer garments upon him and led him off for impaling/crucifixion.
(Matthew 27)
The whole spiral or helix of soldiers, who braided i.e. double helixed a crown of thorns, a coronavirus of spike proteins (corona being the Latin for crown). Then they spit upon , that being the way in which Covid19 is transferred.
May I therefore beg your indulgence whilst I interpret these words:
The US department of defence funded the gene splicing of the Coronavirus of Spike Proteins (Covid-19) through NIH and NIAID and DARPA which must have infected the head of , the s, the last ones of whom were Passover executed on 2020Tammuz14, the 7th marriage Passover. Glenn Beck did a documentary showing that 10 hospitals in Wuhan took cases with Covid19 symptoms in October 2019.
But these soldiers kept mocking as the King of the Jews, once he had his crown of thorns on his head. So the Quad Gapped (the malediction which prevented being the King of the Jews) ends after Covid infection began in March 2020, in order that his crown of s was infected with thorns/spike proteins. Well we have the Quad Gapped ending on 2020Tishri15 - see U123.
Yes Folks. Covid-19 is a proof that is now secular King over the saints during the Covid pandemic which has now ended. So is Ceasar!,
Then the soldiers spat upon him. But that is how Covid19 is transferred, through small aerosol droplets exhaled out of the mouth. The soldiers deliberately spat upon him. It was not a SALIVA LEAK! They smote on the head because the saints are the head of the church and they caught Covid19 not by random chance infection but by a deliberate smiting with a read, a biological weapon, a deliberate weaponised attack. For more on this see here.
So what Prof Montagnier saw with his virology expertise, I saw with my theological expertise. Prof M taught us that the vaccines cause the variants. Indeed basic virology forbids mass vaccination during a pandemic for that very reason. He said the the curve of deaths follows the curve of vaccinations. Mind you, paradoxically, if the vaccines caused Omicron, then they saved us from themselves!
The crown of thorns abuse was the last indignity meted out to the Christ before he was executed. So we deduce from this the s, ' wife, his flesh, left us during the pandemic.
And today since is our Caesar, those with faith should consider paying taxes to him rather than to who is no longer Caesar and is therefore no longer entitled to tax us, if these interpretations (any many others - see U659) are correct.
I often have discussions with a gay relative about why God hates Homosexuality to the point of making it a capital offence under the law of Moses. I point out that God does not hate homosexuals and will save as many gays as straights and as many men as women through the because the scriptures say...
34 I tell you, In that night 2 will be in one bed; the one [male] will be taken along, but the other [male] will be abandoned
35 There will be 2 grinding upon the same [thing], the one [female] will be taken along, but the other [female] will be abandoned (Luke 17)
This is the salvation of the unrighteous - see U43. Obviously these men are gay. Yes that's right. God is saving 50% of gays which is the same ratio of salvation as he applies to women in the next verse. For more on the salvation of gays please see intro44
But why then does he condemn the orientation so strongly in Leviticus20?
13 'And when a man lies down with a male the same as one lies down with a woman, both of them have done a detestable thing. They should be put to death without fail. Their own blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20 )
Well the answer is found in Genesis19
4 Before they could lie down, the men/males [vyai] of the city, the men/males
[vyai] of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob.
5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them.
6 Finally Lot went out to them to the entrance, but he shut the door behind him.
7 Then he said: Please, my brothers, do not act badly.
8 Please, here I have 2 daughters who have never had intercourse with a man. Please, let me bring them out to you. Then do to them as is good in your eyes. Only to these men do not do a thing, because that is why they
have come under the shadow of my roof.
9 At this they said: Stand back there! And they added: This lone man came here to reside as an alien and yet he would actually play the judge. Now we are going to do worse to you than to them. And they came pressing
heavily in on the man, on Lot, and were getting near to break in the door (Genesis 19 ).
Every man/male in Sodom outside the house of Lot which represents the true Christian church, was gay. And all the men/males from boy to old man were outside it. The Hebrew word translated 'boy' is r[;n: . It can mean infant or schoolboy or young man or servant according to Gesenius. But since it is used as the start of a range which ends with old man, it must mean boy or young man, not servant. Also the boys are described as men/males vyai of Sodom, a term that does not mean servant but means male rather than female or man rather than woman according to Gesenius. So there is an implication of paedophilia but not a definitive one. However every sexually active male in the town demanded sex with the 2 angelically possessed men who were staying with Lot. So the end of the road in permitting homosexuality is that we become Sodom, and every single man outside the true church is gay. But not only are they gay, they are not bisexual, for Lot offered the mob his two virgin daughters and they had no interest in them - they preferred Lot himself. So the entire crowd was non heterosexual. So there was not going to be another generation of Sodomites other than by migration. They were finished as a genetic line. They were procreatophobic to a man and to a boy. No sodomite man had any interest in procreative sex. Sodom was therefore already condemned to death by homosexual heterophobia and procreatophobia before God brought that end forward through volcanic destruction.
That is the end of the road of Homosexuality. And that is why God has to legislate against it in the strongest possible terms. For if not then mankind literally has no future. Homosexuality is a weapon of mass procreative destruction. It is terminal for our species. This is why we see today the strange phenomenon of supposedly liberated rainbow oriented people removing the letter H from their alphabet of sexual orientation. Why exclude heterosexuality from the rainbow of orientations? Why chant down with heteronormalcy? Why not just accept all persuasions, if that is to be the philosophy?
The alphabet activists are not illiterate. They are simply institutionally heterophobic, just like the Sodomites were in Genesis19, which predicts this exclusion. They are haters of heterosexuality. They cannot even accept the first letter of the word into their alphabet and they ascribe no colour to the majority sexual orientation in their bigoted rainbow of heterophobic exclusion. They represent that they are inclusive of every orientation. And they are of all of them, except heterosexuality. So they are really just a -H club. They are just a vehicle to exclude and to discriminate against Heterosexuality under the cover of including every single non heterosexual orientation. The racial equivalent would be an outfit that welcomes and promotes and fights for the rights of every single race on the earth except Nigerians.
Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and +
Even the + is defined as "other non heterosexual people" - see https://bestlifeonline.com/what-lgbtqia-means/
LGBTQQIP2SAA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous, and asexual). - see https://www.verywellmind.com/what-does-lgbtq-mean-5069804
verywellmind defines '+' as follows: The 'plus' is used to signify all of the gender identities and sexual orientations that are not specifically covered by the other five initials. An example is Two-, a pan-Indigenous American identity.
Oh dear, they overlooked Heterosexual. They then clarify their definition by saying: The purpose of the acronym is to represent the tremendous diversity of people who are same/similar gender attracted and transgender. The addition of the plus is better able to fully capture that diversity.
So that once again specifically excludes Heterosexuality.
The purpose of Genesis19 is to warn mankind that practicing homosexuality leads to demonising and abandoning heterosexuality, which leads to abandoning procreative sex, which leads to the end of the species. We already see birth rates plummeting in countries which embrace homosexuality. Genesis19 is saying that if we continue to embrace it, procreative sex will end, along with the species. God is trying to prevent that mistake. is trying to entice us out of a future by offering us forms of sexual fulfilment which do not result in more humans.
2024Tishri10-14: 2024September16-21: The ark resurrection from of the s who died in as humans starts at Rosh Hashana (dead in Christ rise first), 7,7 =14 days for clean birds.
2024Tishri14: 2024September20/21: The resurrection Passover.
2024Tebbeth1-14: 2024December6-20: The ark resurrection out of of the s from every true church (dead in Christ rise first). 7,7 = 14 days for clean animals, starting at Rosh Hashana of the Tebbeth1 secular year.
2024Tebbeth14: 2024December19/20: The Abrahamic World Exodus Passover.
2024Tebbeth16-20: 2024December21-26: The ark rapture of the Gentile call Abrahamic s into 3
2024Tebbeth17: 2024December22/23: The 17th day of the 7th month of the 7th week of the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee of Genesis 8:4. This is when the ark comes to a rest upon the Abrahamic mountain of Ararat of , by a 4th
row Abrahamic elder being raptured into it.
2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21: 2025January6-March27: The 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18. An attack East of London producing a non nuclear mushroom cloud over the Thames around Dartford or on Manhattan producing a non nuclear mushroom cloud
over the Hudson. WW3 starts on 2024Shebat20/21 (2025January24-26).
2024Shebat15-20: 2025January19-25: The ark rapture of the Abrahamic Laodicean s into 3
2024VeAdar14: 2025March19/20: The Isaaic World Exodus Passover.
2024VeAdar15-20: 2025March20-26: The ark rapture of the s into 3.
2024VeAdar17: 2025March22/23: The 17th day of the 7th month of the Tishri1 adamic secular and Isaaic sacred year of Genesis 8:4, taking 2024VeAdar as separate to 2024Adar. This is when the ark comes to a rest upon the Isaaic mountain of Ararat of , by a 4th
row Isaaic elder being raptured into it.
2024VeAdar17: 2025March22/23: The 17th day of the 2nd Adar month. All the 12 apostolic springs of the vast deep are broken open 7 days of transitive baptism installation after 2024VeAdar10, 1st row baptism day and Isaaic World Exodus
by Passover entry day.
2024VeAdar21/22: 2025March26-28: Mark Registration begins. Vaccine passport Digital IDs become available in the G20 nations and the EU nations
2025Nisan21: 2025April19/20: The 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18. An attack East of London producing a non nuclear mushroom cloud over the Thames around Dartford or on Manhattan producing a non nuclear mushroom cloud over the Hudson
2025Iyyar14: 2025May12/13: Mark Compulsion Day. Mark compulsion begins and lasts 4x precisely to 2029Iyyar14 for s and 8x precisely to 2033Iyyar14, for the rest of mankind
2025Iyyar18-21: 2025May16-20: The ark rapture of Benjamin, ending 60 cubits of the height of the image of Daniel3 after 2024VeAdar21/22, the start of Mark Registration. The Benjamin reserve s are not yet assigned rows in the temple.
2024VeAdar27 = 2025Nisan3 to 2025Iyyar13: 2025April1/2-May11/12: The 40 day deluge of Genesis 7:17 upon the earth. It starts on Mark Enforcement Day, 7 days of Genesis 7:10 after 2024VeAdar20, the end of the rapture of the Kings.
2025Tishri15-21 to 2026Tishri15-21: 2025October10-17 to 2026September30-October7: 13x7 = 91 days of rapture for s (in 12 months of Revelation 6:7)
2025Shebat8 - 2028Tebbeth2: 2026January31/February1 - 2028December23/24: The 1044 day of Matthew24 which ends at the end of the 28 day nuclear war of the of Mark13:17-20, 132 days of
Revelation19:21 before 2029Iyyar14 (2029April28/29), the end of salvation, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22. For more see CAVE MARTIAS IDUS: Beware the Ides of March: 2026March15/16. Beware the division of the
Mark - Mark Enforcement day.
2025Shebat20/21: 2026February12-14: WW3 begins
2025Adar21/22: 2026March15-17: Mark Enforcement begins by martial law and by war - see CAVE MARTIAS IDUS: Beware the Ides of March: 2026March15/16. Beware the division of the Mark - Mark
Enforcement day.
2026Heshvan15-21 to 2028Heshvan15-21 (2027Adar16-21 counted separately to 2027VeAdar6-21): 2026October30-November6 to 2028November6-13: = 26x7 = 182 days of rapture for s (2 years of Genesis 7:2 unclean beasts just 2)
2028Chislev4-2028Tebbeth2: 2028November25/26 - 2028December23/24: The 28 day nuclear war of the of Mark13:17-20. For more see CAVE MARTIAS IDUS: Beware the Ides of March: 2026March15/16. Beware the division of the
Mark - Mark Enforcement day.
2028Chislev16/Tebbeth16/Shebat16/Adar16 and 2029Nisan16/Iyyar16: 2028December7/8 - 2029April30/May1: The rapture of the 1st to 6th crops of Revelation22
= 6 days
2029Iyyar16 to 2029Tishri16: 2029April30/May1 - 2029September27/28: resurrection of the 7th to 12th crops of Revelation22.
2032Tishri22/23: 2032September29-October1: WW3 ends
2032Heshvan21/22: 2032October28-30: 2400 days of Mark Enforcement (80 month) end.
2032Tebbeth11/12: 2032December17-19: The 10 Kings of Revelation17 cease giving their G20 kingdom to the financial/central banking/big tech beast - see U151#17a.
2033Nisan14: 2033April13/14: The 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam (his genetic house)
2033Nisan14: 2033April13/14: Mark Registration ends after 97 months oft the hour of Mark testing from 2924VeAdar21/22, in the 97 year day of testing of God's people from 1935, when the 's witnesses refused to obey the Nazis.
2033Nisan16: 2033April15/16: The Kingdom of is appointed over
2033Iyyar14: 2033May13/14: The late 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Cain (his genetic house).
2033Sivan5: 2033June3/4: The Kingdom of is installed over . The Kingdom adamic proselyte call. The ark resurrection out of of the adamic proselyte s who died in a true church (dead in Christ rise first).