[156] Daniel 7: The lion the bear the leopard and the terrible beast

1 In the first year of Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, Daniel himself beheld a dream and visions of his head upon his bed. At that time he wrote down the dream itself. The complete account of matters he told (Daniel 7).

NWT is a good translation here. So we have a dream fulfilment (since dream is singular) and two vision fulfilments (since visions is plural). 3 symbolic meanings in total. And the dream fulfilment is written down, so it is the non coded the straight symbolism of the account, the event symbolism. The event symbolism of the dream has the 4 beasts as the Babylonian, Medo Persian, Greek and Roman powers over God's people after God himself ceased being their King. The two vision accounts are two word symbolic threads. 

The two word symbolic meanings (in the first fulfilments) are the story of the 4 successive true religions FDS1,2,3,4 and the story of the 4 not necessarily successive military beasts in the last days. The 4th and most terrible beast emerges after the first birth pang in Manhattan. It is the UN clone/image beast of Revelation13. (which is finally corrupted by the little horn of the EU). We are yet to see this UN clone/image beast.

2 I was looking in my vision together with the night 
4 I kept on beholding/desired to see/breathed looking/was earnestly looking until its wings were plucked
6 After this I kept on beholding/(was looking) and see there! Another
7 After this I kept on beholding/(was looking) in the visions of the night
9 I kept on beholding/(was looking) until there were thrones placed
11 I kept on beholding/(was looking) at that time 
11 I kept on beholding/(was looking) until the beast was killed 
13 I kept on beholding/(was looking) in the visions of the night
21 I kept on beholding/(was looking) and that very horn made war

The phrase: I kept on beholding/(was looking) occurs 9 times in the account! Of course Daniel kept on beholding, he was a visionary! The first 8 of these occurrences are all to do with time.

We therefore deduce that the phrase I kept on beholding provides a new time frame, it is a time discontinuity. 

The phrase: I kept on beholding in the visions of the night occurs twice. And the whole thing starts with the phrase: I was looking in my vision during the night.

There is a candidate for a triple successive description in verse 7 which is headed by the phrase I was looking in the visions of the night. But it starts with a Chaldee Peal passive participle (BDAHCL) without an 'and' which means it is not being used as an adjective but as a noun. Visions of the night indicates hidden visions. These are the word symbolic threads of the account.

The phrase Kept on beholding, means that the antitypical Daniel (Gordon) kept on decoding. The scripture:

8 I kept on considering the horns

This is the main thing Gordon and the LWs were doing from 2002 to 2005. Our first of 30 or so adverts attempting to declare in advance when the Image of the UN Beast, with 10 horns. they got it all wrong. This clone/image beast is a new administration with the UN as its mother and the UK/US two horned beast of Revelation13 as its father. The false prophet of the 2 horned beast blows its spirit into the clone. So the clone has the modus operandi, the operating system,. the software, the philosophy of the UK/US world power. As of 2019September8, we are yet to see this clone and we are yet to see its 10 horns. 

1 In the first year to Belshazzar, king of Babylon Daniel saw a dream and visions of his head [varE] upon his bed: In/at- that time [!yId;aBe] he wrote the dream, the sum [varE] of the words/matters he told [perhaps we should sum the Hebrew words?].
2 Daniel was answering/speaking up and saying [1x+1x=2x]: I desired/breathed to be seeing in my vision together with night, and, look! the 4 winds of the heavens were stirring up the vast sea.
3 And 4 great beasts [war nations] were ascending from the sea [the spiritual sea of those outside the 1AC?], each one being different this [aD'] from that [aD']. (Daniel 7 LWT)

Verse1: 1x+3x+1x+1x+3x = 9x
Verse2  2x.2x. 4x.3x = 48x
Verse3: 2x.2x.(4x+4x(1x+1x)) = 4x.(4x+8x) = 48x
Total 9x+48x+49x = 105x = 8¾ years from 2010Tebbeth10, the end of Satan's ministry payback lease, at which point he becomes the authorised sacred King of Babylon (all those in a false church or false religion - everyone except Laodiceans and LWs), which means it is a good time to leave false religion, to 2026Tishri20, when the 4th beast ascends - see below. And he becomes the unauthorised Caesar to all whom he cons into obeying him.  

1 After this I saw 4 angels standing upon the 4 corners of the earth, holding tight the 4 winds of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree. (Revelation 7 NWT)

In the spiritual thread these beasts are the saints, the priests the faithful and the loving, the sons of the JAC, 4EC, 1AC, OMC. 

Beast No. Beast Type BC fulfilment End Times fulfilment
1, first Like a lion wings of an eagle, taken up, made to stand on 2 feet like a man Babylonians UK-US beast (Ram of Daniel8)
2 Like a bear, raised up on one side, 3 ribs in it mouth between its teeth Medo Persians Russians
Another (3) Like a leopard, 4 wings of flying creature upon its back, 4 heads Greeks BRICS less Russia, lead by China (he goat of Daniel8)
4 Terrible unusually strong, iron devouring and crushing teeth, feet trampling remainder, 10 horns, 1 head. different to 3 before it Romans WEF corporate beast, sea beast of Revelation13
5, last Like a lion wings of an eagle, taken up, made to stand on 2 feet like a man British Empire Zoar

The UK-US beast is one beast -the ram, [the] owner of the 2 horns. 2 Horns one owner. The owner is the head upon which the first horn was located, the UK.

And the 2 horns were tall, but the one was taller than the other, and the taller (US) was the one that came up afterward (Daniel 8:30).

The first 4 Beasts are the primary means of Satanic power expression during their warring activities. So from a moral standpoint:

1. The UK/US had no legitimate grounds to invade Irag (under Bush43/Blair) and Afghanistan.
2. Russia had no legitimate ground to invade Ukraine
3. China will have no legitimate ground to invade Taiwan presumably, when they become a warring beast.
4. The Globalist administration has no legitimate grounds to declare war on humanity for the purpose of forcing them to become Satan's seed through Cain. 

Daniel7 is the march of warring nations that are used by Satan in the end times. 
Daniel7 is a list of the bad guys in military terms. 
1. The UK/US lion-eagle military power in Iraq and Afghanistan under Bush43 and Blair until Biden. BAD GUYS. But the UK eventually surrenders its military capability and ceases being a military beast and becomes spiritual, a man. 
2. The Russian bear in Ukraine under Putin - BAD GUYS
3. The BRICS Leopard lead by China in WW3 against NATO - the BRICS are the BAD GUYS. 
4. The Commercial Sea Beast of Revelation13, run by the 10 kings, 10 economic powers are the BAD GUYS
5. Zoar, like the lion of Judah, losing its atmospheric wings for earthly interaction. GOOD GUYS.

So in particular Alex Jones, and most of the Alternative media, although correct on the threat of globalism, and the coming digital prison and on many of the dangers posed by the vaccines are wholly incorrect under international law and morally and humanitarianly over their support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the destruction/disruption of 40 million Ukrainian lives. Most of the Alternative media are Russian Nazski sympathisers. This is not trivial matter. The two largest dangers facing mankind. One is Alphabet sexuality and its end goal of institutional systemic government mandated paedophilia, which MUST result in a further fulfilment to the volcanic destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah of Genesis19. It must result in the land vomiting mankind out in further fulfilment of Leviticus18. The alternative media have this danger right. The other is a nuclear WW3. The way to stop that is to stop Putin before Xi climbs on board. The Alternative media have failed to learn the lessons of WW2 and are in danger of becoming a net negative force to mankind over this one issue. Russia needs to be condemned legally, morally humanitarianly and politically, and stopped legally without a world war. Or we are finished as a race. This concept that Ukrainian history began in 2014, when the Minsk agreement was made by the Russian puppet Yanukovich, a president of Ukraine who had previously been jailed for rigging an election, is just regurgitated Russian propaganda. As is the idea that the Donbas was revolting against being Ukrainian and wanted desperately to be abused by Putin instead. Russia sent in Wagner group mercenaries to the Donbas to create an uprising in order to prevent NATO membership. See my article in the Appointed Times. I take a really dim view of the new Nazski sympathisers. Especially those who paint the victims of plain view Nazi behaviour involving forced deportations, filtration camps, territorial appropriation etc., as being the Nazis. Adding insult and Satanic slander to the manifold injuries meted out to Ukraine by the new Nazskis. God bless protect and save, those young Russian men who fled the draft. I stand with the Arch Bishop of Ukraine who condemned the Russian Invasion as Cainian. It was certainly that. Daniel7 declares it. Furthermore God deputises anyone of his people and everyone to stop thefts among his people as follows...  

2 If a thief should be found in the act of breaking in and he does get struck and die, there is no bloodguilt for him.
3 If the sun has shone forth upon him, there is bloodguilt for him. He is to make compensation without fail. If he has nothing, then he must be sold for the things he stole. (Exodus 22 NWT)

He also condones slavery with this scripture. God is legislating slavery as a privatised prison service for thieves who cannot repay what they stole. One has to be careful interpreting it though. One should not shoot a child stealing a mars bar. But Putin is not a child. And Ukraine is not a mars bar.

4 The first one was like a lion [UK], and it had the wings of an eagle [US]. I kept on beholding until its wings [Is this the UK air force or is it the UK and the US air forces?] were plucked out, and it was lifted up from the earth [into the ark? or elevated in status politically - from the earth of all public sectors worldwide - just as the sea is all private sectors worldwide] and was made to stand upon 2 feet just like a man [and not like a winged angel. This must relate to Daniel2], and there was given to it the heart of a man. [The UK government is made to stop being a beast and to stop behaving like a beast. We are demilitarized after having lost to Russia as in Daniel8. The UK no longer has much of an air force to speak of. During WW2 we had the largest air force in the world and 2 million people were working or aeroplane construction. Today, 2024, the UK has a few dozen planes left and our future jets will be US made - But the F35 is having problems and is the only new US fighter jet now being made - They put all their eggs in one bureaucratic compromise for the benefit of accountants and stupidly enabled the largest aircraft manufacturers to arrange a competition which destroyed the smaller ones such as McDonald Douglas (just as Boeing basically destroyed Concorde). Furthermore having been the first navy to land a plane on a ship we now have only two aircraft carriers neither of which really work. However we do have 14 rear admirals and we have thousands more bureaucrats working at the MOD. Perhaps we can defend ourselves with really really politically correct paperwork? More likely we can produce a very well worded surrender document both in Russian and in Chinese which uses all the correct pronouns] 

4 The first one was like a lion [1x+1x=2x], and it had the wings of an eagle [2x]. I kept on beholding [1x] until its wings were plucked out [2x: The US Eagle denies air support to the UK Lion. Wings of the UK lion not of the eagle are plucked out. Now the beast counts as 2x not 4x], and it [2x] was taken up/lifted up from the earth [1x] and was made to stand upon 2 feet just like a man [2x+10x+1x=13x], and there was given to it the heart of a man [2x].

Verse4: 2x+2x+1x+2x+2x+1x+13x+2x = 25x. 25 years from the Afghan War, the start of the War on Terror, from 2001October7 = 2001Tishri15 to 2026, when the UK bows out of WW3 and stops being a war beast and becomes more spiritual, leading the path to the end of war. The bible appears to be putting the blame on the UK as the war monger in Afghanistan and Iraq. Perhaps because we came up with the dodgy dossier to justify the 2nd Iraq war. Or perhaps because we had some kind of a role in the 911 false flag?

The UK goes neutral and is disarmed after the US pulls its wings from us - we return their jets??? The wings are NOT destroyed. The UK ceases being a beast in 2026! It sounds very much like key members of the UK government are baptised into Zoar and raptured into the ark and continue to interact with the earth and run the UK whilst being ark based!!.

The he goat of Daniel8 which we now think is the Chinese rather than the Russians (because the Leopard has wings and is given rulership and the he goat conquers the earth without touching the ground and because the Leopard stood for the Greek world power which began with Alexander the Great), will perhaps remove the UK wings. Our air force will be rendered inactive or retrieved by the US or appropriated by China during WW3. Daniel 8 has both of the horns of the ram being broken by the he goat. So the US military is defeated too. Perhaps all our airbases are hit with Chinese cruise missiles or a new aerial weapon wielded by Chinese drones? This looks to me like demonic payback for WW2.

The US air force is plucked out from the body and head of the beast. It is not crushed. It is not burnt. It is disconnected not long after the 2nd and 3rd fire signs. This is either a political decision by what will be the Trump administration or an EMP or a hack or a jamming device or a software virus or a kill switch in Chinese manufactured US military chips which prevents US aircraft from operating. The Russians apparently have an alabuga electromagnetic missile which does this - http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/648833/Russia-radio-electronic-weapons-Vladimir-Putin-Trump-nuclear-weapons . The two wings of the giant eagle are given to the woman of Revelation12 to fly into the wilderness and then when she flies back out, the wings of the eagle are removed from this beast ?!?! 

5 And, see there! beast [1x], other, [+1: Not a feature of the bear] second [one], [2x], being-like/resembling/similar to a she-bear [1x. Mother Russia]. And to one side it was raised up [1x. It is raised up against the West but not against the East. Its hypersonic missiles raise it up above NATO in military capability or perhaps it was just provoked on one side] and there were 3 ribs in her mouth [3x.43x = 120x: 42 teeth + 1 tongue. NOT the South Ossetian rib of Georgia, the Abkhazian rib of Georgia and the Crimean rib of the Ukraine. Nope: The Donetsk, the Luhansk/Lugansk and the Crimean ribs. ALL of Ukraine, the same national body. A rib is what remains over after the flesh has been licked off and consumed. So the Russian bear will conquer the Donbas (written on 2022May27). Israel consists of 12 ribs which are 12 tribes. - But also 12 administrative regions of the country. These are 3 administrative regions of the Ukraine which have now been occupied by Russian forces and are therefore in the mouth of the Russian bear - dividing its teeth, its military as to what should be done next] [they were] between/separation of/separating teeth/tooth of her  [Bears have 42 teeth and 1 tongue. Military power]; and rightly/like this [+1x] THEY [3x: Not the ribs and not the teeth, the Russian military, who are divided over this. But the GLOBALIST 10 kings of Revelation17 - Putin's Bosses] were saying to her [5x: The bear], 'Get up, eat much flesh [1x+1x=2x: Say the paymasters of Obama46 and Putin].'

[!Ke] is not translated 'rightly' but is translated 'like this'.. Russia had and has no right to invade Ukraine having agreed to guarantee its security under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum in return for their giving up nuclear weapons. The Minsk agreement on 2014September5 was made after the illegal annexation of Crimea and after the Wagner group Russian invasion of the Donbas disguised as a local ethnic Russian insurrection. The purpose of the Russian aggression was to cause a civil war in Ukraine which prevents it joining NATO according to their rules.

rj;v. (or rather rj;f., as twenty-six MSS. and editions read, which are also supported by 11 others, which read rj;s.) Ch. Dan. 7:5, a side. (In Targg. rj;s., ar"j.si,  Syrian ܣܶܛܪܐ the same, Arab. ثَطْرُ side of any thing.)

Sentence count of Verse5: 1x+1x+2x+1x+1x+3x.43x+3x.5x.(1x+2x) = 5x+1x+129x+54x =189x from 2021Adar14 (2022February20/21) when Putin unilaterally declared the Donbas not to be Ukraine and ordered his troops to invade it, to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22). Putin called up 300,000 reserves on 2022September21. That was the bear getting up. The itself bear counts as 5x. 

‘We are now at war not just with Ukraine but with the collective West too’ https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/putin-calls-up-300-000-reservists 
‘The decree on partial mobilisation has been signed. Mobilisation activities will begin today, September 21.’ Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister) 

The count works only with 'they' being the 3 ribs not the 42 pairs of teeth. BUT if 'they' is a taken to be general Hebrew plural, then it also counts as 3x. So it could also refer to the WEF fronted demonic Globalists telling the bear to go and eat much flesh. I think the globalists AND the Donetsk Lugansk and Crimeans were telling him to get up and eat much flesh (of Ukraine). The fascinating thing is that the scripture does not say. and then he got up and ate much flesh. The scripture leaves open the possibility that although told to do it,, he fails to complete the task.

Actually he failed to conquer anymore than Crimea and the Donbas in the first 189 days to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22). But then he mobilised (got up) and started to eat much flesh. 

BUT HE WILL NOT EAT ANY MORE RIBS !!! It looks like Putin will kill a lot of people. His own as canon fodder and Ukrainians by taking out their infrastructure and turning the whole place into a resource deprived concentration camp. 

The bear is raised up on one side (against the West). It is not raised up against the East. 

Alternatively: 1x+1x+2x+1x+1x+3x.43x+3x.42x+3x.6x.(1x+1x+1x) =.6x+129x+126x+54x =315x from ??

Here is what we were predicting on 2022Elul23: "1x+0x+2x+2x+1x+3x.42x+1x+3x.21x+3x.6x.(1x+1x) =.7x+126x+63x+36x = 232x days to 2022Heshvan6 from 2021Adar14 (Monday 2022February21), when Putin unilaterally declared that Donetsk Lugansk were no longer provinces of the Ukraine, and signed an agreement between himself and himself to that effect, and promptly sent them some 'peacekeepers' in tanks, to 2022Heshvan6 (November3/4), the day after the installation of the Kingdom of God under Jesus as Caesar over Abraham, which causes the bear either to end the Ukraine war, or to get up and starting eating much flesh. WE WERE 43 DAYS OUT WITH OUR SENTENCE COUNT ON 2022Elul23. But the bear has now got up and therefore will eat much flesh. Whether that flesh is limited to Ukraine is the question."

The count works only with 'they' being the 3 ribs not the 42 pairs of teeth. BUT if 'they' is a taken to be general Hebrew plural, then it also counts as 3x. So it could also refer to the WEF Globalists telling the bear to go and eat much flesh. I think the globalists AND the Donetsk Lugansk and Crimeans were telling him to get up and eat much flesh (of Ukraine). The fascinating thing is that the scripture does not say. and then he got up and ate much flesh. The scripture leaves open the possibility that although told to do it,, he fails to complete the task.

If fact the deliberate omission of whether or not the bear did get up and eat much flesh requires both fulfilments. Putin fails to conquer any more than the Donbas in these 232 days to 2022Heshvan6.  Perhaps Putin fails in the first 232 days but then succeeds as instructed by the ribs. Perhaps he stops calling the Ukraine invasion a special operation and starts calling it a fully mobilised war.

We can prophesy from this the the Russian bear gets NO MORE THAN 3 RIBS in its mouth - during the 232 days to 2022November3/4. She will fail to conquer the other 23 provinces of Ukraine (seen on 2022May31 after Putin gave up on Kyiv and redirected his Nazi Blitzkrieg to the Donbas - the new Sudetenland). However after 2022November3/4 it will fully mobilise and complete its conquest of Ukraine or at least eat much Ukrainian and Russian flesh." 

Actually he failed to conquer anymore than Crimea and the Donbas in the first 189 days to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22). But then he mobilised (got up) and now he will eat much flesh. 

BUT HE WILL NOT EAT ANY MORE RIBS !!! It looks like Putin will kill a lot of people (his own as canon fodder and Ukrainians by taking out their infrastructure and turning the whole place into a concentration camp). 

2019Chislev25 (2019December27): Avangard hypersonic missile put into service by Russia. That may be how the bear is raised up over NATO!

Military operations upon Crimea ran from 2013Adar21-25 (2014February27-2014March3, the Russian annexation of Crimea, the 3rd rib which the bear conquered and engulfed and appropriated for its empire, its body. Putin formally accepted Crimea into the Russian Federation on 2014March21, 2013VeAdar13/14. 

Gnashing of teeth in the gospels, counts 32x for displaying 32 human teeth.

Iran and Russia signed a historic naval agreement on Monday 2019July29 (2019Tammuz24). https://www.newsweek.com/iran-says-it-will-expand-military-ties-russia-hold-joint-drills-us-tries-build-rival-coalition-1451630  In this agreement the Russian will build a naval coalition with Iran to patrol the 'Indian Ocean', in particular the straight of Hormuz, the very waters where the British ship was seized. This is to rival any European or US coalition patrolling those waters. That signature was the Russian bear getting up, stepping up, to side with Iran. 

"Iranian naval commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi said Monday that he signed an unprecedented memorandum of understanding with Russia, largely involving the two countries' naval forces, and that it "may be considered as a turning point in relations of Tehran in Moscow," according to Iran's semi-official Fars News Agency. The news came as Khanzadi was visiting St. Petersburg to celebrate Russia's Navy Day and he further announced that "joint Russian-Iranian exercises in the Indian Ocean are expected to take place soon."

"When we talk about the Indian Ocean, perhaps the most significant part of the area is the northern Indian Ocean, which flows into the Gulf of Oman, the Strait of Hormuz and also the Persian Gulf," Khanzadi said.

Such an exercise would take place in the same waters in which the U.S. has accused Iran of attacking and seizing international vessels in recent months, charges Tehran has denied as it faced mounting sanctions in the wake of Washington's withdrawal last year from a 2015 nuclear deal with its longtime foe.

The agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, was also signed by Russia as well as China, the European Union, France, Germany and the United Kingdom — all of whom still support it in spite of President Donald Trump's exit. Washington has threatened to hit the countries with sanctions should they engage in trade with blacklisted Iranian business sectors, such as its otherwise lucrative oil industry.

The Pentagon has also deployed additional military assets such as 2,500 troops, a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East in response to what the White House has claimed was a heightened threat posed by Iran. The U.S. has also held Iran responsible for two series of explosions that targeted foreign oil tankers traversing the Gulf of Oman since mid-May, accusations the country has denied.

Unmanned aerial systems too have been at the center of worsening frictions as the Trump administration claimed to have downed an Iranian drone last week, about a month after Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards shot down a U.S. Navy drone in the Persian Gulf region. Tehran denied losing a drone and the Revolutionary Guards seized a U.K.-flagged vessel the following day, accusing it of endangering vessels in the Strait of Hormuz weeks after the U.K. detained an Iranian supertanker accused of attempting to transport oil to Syria via the Strait of Gibraltar in what London called a violation of EU sanctions.

With tensions rising, the U.S. and the U.K. have made separate calls for an international maritime coalition to patrol the Persian Gulf. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Economic Club of Washington that the U.S. would be successful in building "a maritime security plan" and that "we need countries from all across the world to assist us in protecting commercial transit."

Pompeo told Fox News Channel last week that when it came to retrieving the U.K,-flagged vessel in Iranian custody, "the responsibility...falls to the United Kingdom to take care of their ships" and newly-appointed U.K. Foreign Minister Dominic Raab told London-based newspaper The Times on Friday that any European-led mission would "doesn't seem to me to be viable without American support as well." France and Germany signalled early interest in the U.K.'s proposal but have sought to distance themselves from the U.S. position toward Iran."

The bear may well eat 9 more ribs (tribes) making a total of 12 for the entirety of the 'man' it consumes. One can argue that Russia has improved to the point of being raised up in status on the world stage holding the World cup and the Winter Olympic games and then when the West depress one side they end up raised up only towards the East.

March26 US time (2018Nisan8/9) was the US expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats and the closing of the Russian embassy in Seattle. 
Russia reciprocated on 2018Nisan11/12 (Thursday Match 29, requiring the expelled diplomats to leave within 7 days ending on 2018April5) by expelling 60 US diplomats and closing the US embassy in St. Petersburg.
2018April5 (2018Nisan18/19) was the deadline for the US diplomats to leave. But neither of these was the raising up of the bear towards the West.


6 After this I kept on beholding/desired to see, and, see there! another [2x: The noun beast is omitted], like a leopard [she was] [1x], and to/for wings 4, which of a flying creature, upon its back [Indian and Chinese Air forces - Quadcopter drones??]. And to-the-beast 4 heads, and rulership was given to her [The Goat coalition of Daniel8. China being the he goat of the she goats. BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the BRICS5, all have leopards. BRICS9 include Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates as of 2024January1. Germany has the Leopard battle tank and Turkey uses German tanks. However in Daniel 8 the two horned ram is the UK/US beast and the Goat of the Goats is China and their coalition. 4 smaller horns of the he goat of Daniel8 come up in the place of the large horn which is broken. These are the militaries of 4 of the non Chinese coalition members which fill the gap produced by the destruction of the Chinese military. These may be the 4 horns of the 4 heads of the Leopard like beast].

Verse6: 2x+1x+4x+1x+4x+1x = 13x, 13 months of war instigated by China and the BRICS, before the final beast takes over through Mark of the Beast enforcement on 2025Adar21/22. So China becomes a war beast, instigating a war in 2024Shebat (2025January5-February4), during the transition between Biden and Trump.

What is the flying creature associated with the Chinese? The DRAGON. 4 wings of a flying creature is a totally superfluous qualification. The flying creature is the descended Dragon the earthly administration of the demons. The Dragon exercises some of its rulership through the Chinese dragon in the leopard like beast for the last 4 years of Satan's Dragon from 2024Shebat to 2028Heshvan14.. 

Whereas the 7 heads of the commercial/big tech/central banking sea beast of Revelation13, the 4th beast of Daniel7, run from 2025Iyyar21/22, the start of the 10 horns of power of the G20, to 2032Tebbeth11/12 (55x50 = 2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 - see U151#17).

The expression: To wings 4 which of a flying creature upon its back and to the beast 4 heads - does not mean 4x precisely. 4 wings in 2 pairs would mean 4x precisely, because it repeats the number of wings..

2022Elul25  2022September24: Epoch Times writes an article headlined Xi Jing Ping ready to counter a military coup - https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/xi-jinping-ready-to-counter-a-military-coup_4014137.html 
2022Elul26: 2022September25 around 2 pm BST: Reported Military coup against Xi Jing Ping after he returned from his foreign trip to Samarkand in Uzbekistan for the Shanghai Corporation Organisation where he met Putin. This was his first foreign trip since the pandemic began. All outbound flights from Beijing were cancelled upon his return - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/15/hat-in-hand-putin-meets-xi-at-summit-in-samarkand 
Flights were cancelled from several airports in China from September21 - https://www.theepochtimes.com/mass-cancellation-of-flights-across-china-reasons-unclear_4749582.html 
- https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/china/coup-against-chinas-xi-jinping-of-buzz-fact-checks-military-convoys-and-flight-radars-articleshow.html 
Putin's decision to mobilise and to hold sham referenda to create a fake case for using nuclear weapons against Ukraine followed from Pressure exerted by Xi at the SCO. Xi wants his Ukraine misadventure wrapped up quickly - https://www.dw.com/en/former-adviser-sees-influence-by-chinese-president-xi-jinping-in-putins-recent-decisions/a-63217909 
Xi did NOT endorse Putin's aggression against Ukraine. He told Putin that: “China is willing to work with Russia to play a leading role in demonstrating the responsibility of major powers, and to instil stability and positive energy into a world in turmoil,”  That is a clear slam of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But in 2024April they are funding and arming Russia against Ukraine. 

But Daniel7 shows that the BRICS are behind Russia, which means the China is backing Russia. The danger is China not Russia

7 After this I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, Look! A 4th beast, [one] being terrifying and terrible and unusually strong [triple description. 'being terrifying' is a Chaldee peal passive participle BDAHCL]. And it had teeth of iron, big ones. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was treading down in/by its feet [foot - Qere - Spoken form] . And it was something different from all of the [-lk] beasts that were before it [not necessarily temporally], and it had 10 horns [10 years of social credit score power].

Verse 7: 3x.(4x.3x+3x+4x+4x+4x.4x+4x+3x.(1x+4x)+10x) = 3x.(15x+28x+15x+10x) = 3x.68x = 204x from 2028Tishri20, when the 4th beast takes over from the BRICS Leopard like beast, to 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC salvation. This little horn is the EU. It is not a military horn. Its power is economic. So it looks at things not from a beastly (military conquest) standpoint but from a human (economic conquest) standpoint. It has a big mouth and seeks to close the mouths of all that criticise its illegitimacy and its naked imperialism (through banks rather than tanks) with censorship.

8 I kept on considering the horns, and, look! another horn [2x], a small [one] [1x], came up in among them, and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn, and there was a mouth [33x, for 32 human teeth + 1 tongue] speaking many/great/grandiose things [counts 2x+2x+33x.3x = 103x. Eyes like a man of verse 4. This little horn is the EU]

The serpent, the original, the one called the devil and Satan = 1x.1x.2x = 2x
Another beast, [a] second [one] = 2x+2x = 4x
Another beast, [a] small [one[ = 2x+1x = 3x 

Verse 8: from 1st look! 2x+1x+10x+3x.10x.(1x+2x) = 103x.
Verse 8: from 2nd look! 2x+2x+33x.3x = 103x

A double witness to 103 days. Not sure how that fits in. 

This mouth speaks like the mouth of the sea beast of Revelation13. 

9 I kept on beholding until there were thrones placed and the Ancient of Days sat down. His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool. His throne was flames of fire; its wheels were a burning fire.
10 There was a stream of fire flowing and going out from before him. There were 1,000 thousands that kept ministering to him, and 10,000 times 10,000 that kept standing right before him. The Court took its seat, and there were books that were opened.
11 I kept on beholding at that time because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire. (Daniel 7 NWT)
20 and concerning the 10 horns that were on its head [single head over FRCs], and the other [horn] that came up and before which 3 fell, even that horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking grandiose things and the appearance of which was bigger than that of its fellows.
21 I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment itself was given in favour of the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the definite time arrived that the holy ones took possession of the kingdom itself. (Daniel 7 NWT)
23 This is what he said, 'As for the 4th beast, there is a 4th kingdom that will come to be on the earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all the earth and will trample it down and crush it.

So the entire public sector of every nation (in the G20 beast) will be conquered by this beast.

24 And as for the 10 horns, out of that kingdom there are 10 kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate.
25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time.
26 And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally. (Daniel 7 NWT)

The little horn is only removed by the sitting court of verse26 and so the 4½ years in its hand run from 2028Tammuz11 to 2032Tebbeth11, the end of the 10 Kings giving their G20 kingdom to the Financial/banking/commercial beast, the fulfilment of God's words of Revelation17:16-17..

The 4th beast appears to be a supranational globalist army.

Now we apply the first will be last interchangeability Principle and discover a 5th beast which is last beast which is the first beast

4 The first one was like a lion [1x+1x=2x: the Lion of Judah], and it had the wings of an eagle [2x]. I kept on beholding [1x] until its wings were plucked out [2x: The ark based earthly interaction of FRCs ends. Now the beast counts as 2x not 4x], and it [2x] was taken up/lifted up from the earth [1x] and was made to stand upon 2 feet just like a man [2x+10x+1x=13x], and there was given to it the heart of a man [2x].

Verse4: 2x+2x+1x+2x+2x+1x+13x+2x = 25x. 25 months from 2028Adar2, the end of 2NC earthly interaction (the removal of 2NC wings for atmospheric flight) to 2031Nisan5, the end of Zoar. This beast is Zoar, the last true Christian church.

The Skripal poisoning deception

It appears to Gordon that we staged the Salisbury military grade nerve agent attack with BZ an incapacitating neurotoxin rather than Novichok, a lethal neurotoxin. That is why the cat did not die and why we killed it and cremated it. That is also why we effectively abducted the Skripals. Both Novichok and BZ are military grade nerve agents. But the one incapacitates and the other kills. This would be why the word Novichok did not appear in the OPCW public report.

Anything involving a spy is highly likely to be a deceptive illusion. Anything involving a double agent is even more highly likely to be an illusory illusion. Certainly one should not take the activities of a double agent at face value!


Points 10, 11, 12 say...

10. The results of analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team confirm the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury and severely injured three people. (a very UK biased wording for an independent report)

11. The TAV team notes that the toxic chemical was of high purity. The latter is concluded from the almost complete absence of impurities. 

12.The name and structure of the identified toxic chemical are contained in the full classified report of the Secretariat, available to States Parties. 

So the precise identity of the military grade nerve agent remains classified.

The findings of the UK were
1. A nerve agent was used.
2. It was military grade - high purity
3. It was the lethal nerve agent called Novichok

The Swiss lab (Spiez Labor - https://www.labor-spiez.ch/en/lab/) to which some samples were sent, determined that it was indeed a high purity military grade nerve agent. 
But was not the lethal Novichok - according to Lavrov. It was the non lethal incapacitating nerve agent BZ (3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate) which has seen service in the UK and US military and is a white powder used medically.


The Skripal poisoning occurred on 2017Adar10 (2018March4).
Theresa may gave Putin an absurdly short 24 hour ultimatum on 2017Adar19 (2018March12/13)
The UK expelled 23 Russian diplomats on 2018March20. Both of these events were UK provocations of the bear.
An international provocation of the bear began on 2018March26 (2018Nisan8/9) with the following diplomat expulsions...

US: 60 
Ukraine: 13
Canada: 4
France: 4
Germany: 4
Poland: 4
Lithuania: 3
Czech Republic: 3
Italy: 2
Spain: 2
Netherlands: 2
Denmark: 2
Albania: 2
Australia: 2
Croatia: 1
Norway: 1
Latvia: 1
Sweden: 1
Estonia: 1
Finland: 1
Hungary: 1
Macedonia: 1
Romania: 1

Total = 116 +23 = 139. from 23 + 1 countries.

Russia then reciprocated on 2018March29 (2018Nisan11/12) with the US expulsion effective from 2018April5 (2018Nisan18/19).

Pure Novichok - A-234, degrades quickly (according to OPCW contracted Spies labs in Switzerland). So that makes the death of Dawn Sturgess impossible to have been caused by the same A-234 Novichok that supposedly failed to kill the Skripals.
For some great questions about this double agent deception please see  - https://www.sott.net/article/383222-Twenty-more-Skripal-questions-Spies-Novichock-BZ-and-BS 

We thought that Brexit would not properly occur because the little horn of the EU must humiliate 3 horns, the German, French and UK horns. We thought that the EU would not be able to humiliate the UK horn unless we were stuck in the EU. Then we thought we were wrong when Boris did the impossible! But now (2023March) Boris is saying that Rishi has failed to deliver our sovereignty just as he did. Are we really Brexit or was it all a charade and do we have a secret agreement to keep all their rules in force and to shadow their new rules whilst technically being outside? It looks like the whole things was BRINO. We are still bound by EU law. The UK Government is in contempt of the electorate. We have more than 4800 EU regulation codified into UK law. We have not eliminated even 100 of them as on 2023May13. The referendum was in 2016. 

https://www.gbnews.com/politics/rishi-sunaks-northern-ireland-protocol-deal-is-a-packet-of-nonsense-says-ann-widdecombe  We liberated Europe from Tyranny in WW2 and are we now to be grateful to Europe for a few concessions which in extreme circumstances after jumping through a load of hoops enables us to escape one particular EU law when the great mass of it, in non extreme circumstances, binds us?. 

THERE WAS NO BREXIT. What we got was BRINO. And Farage has GVIEN UP. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/05/14/rishi-sunak-jacob-rees-mogg-tories-brexit-surrender/ UK Parliament are in absolute contempt of the electorate. Sunak's betrayal is part of real reason that Boris and Liz were undemocratically removed. The Brexit betrayal will be followed by a globalist betrayal. Boris and Liz were removed because they were not prepared to betray us to the extent that the globalist corrupted intel services required.

5 And, see there! beast [1x], other, [+0x] second [one], [2x], being-like/resembling/similar to a she-bear [1x+1x=2x. Mother Russia]. And to one side it was raised up [1x. It is raised up against the West but not against the East. Its hypersonic missiles raise it up above NATO in military capability] and there were 3 ribs in her mouth [3x.43x = 120x: 42 teeth + 1 tongue. NOT the South Ossetian rib of Georgia, the Abkhazian rib of Georgia and the Crimean rib of the Ukraine. Nope: The Donetsk, the Luhansk/Lugansk and the Crimean ribs. ALL of Ukraine, the same national body. A rib is what remains over after the flesh has been licked off and consumed. So the Russian bear will conquer the Donbas (written on 2022May27). Israel consists of 12 ribs which are 12 tribes. - But also 12 administrative regions of the country. These are 3 administrative regions of the Ukraine which have now been occupied by Russian forces and are therefore in the mouth of the Russian bear - dividing its teeth, its military as to what should be done next] [they were] between/separation of/separating teeth/tooth of her  [Bears have 42 teeth. Military power]; and rightly/like this they [3x: the ribs not the teeth who are divided over this. The teeth, the Russian military, are divided by the ribs. But why the deliberate ambiguity?] were saying to her [6x: The bear], 'Get up, eat much flesh [1x+1x=2x: Ribs and perhaps also the globalists have fulfilments].'

[!Ke] is not translated 'rightly' but is translated 'like this'.. Russia had and has no right to invade Ukraine having agreed to guarantee its security under the 1884 Budapest Memorandum in return for their giving up nuclear weapons. The Minsk agreement on 2014Septemebr5 was made after the illegal annexation of Crimea and after the Wagner group Russian invasion of the Donbas disguised as a local ethnic Russian insurrection. The purpose of the Russian aggression was to cause a civil war in Ukraine which prevents it joining NATO according to their rules.

rj;v. (or rather rj;f., as twenty-six MSS. and editions read, which are also supported by 11 others, which read rj;s.) Ch. Dan. 7:5, a side. (In Targg. rj;s., ar"j.si,  Syrian ܣܶܛܪܐ the same, Arab. ثَطْرُ side of any thing.)

1x+0x+2x+2x+1x+3x.43x+3x.6x.(1x+1x+1x) =.6x+129x+54x =189x from 2021Adar14 (when Putin unilaterally declared the Donbas not to be Ukraine) to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22). Putin called up 300,000 reserves on 2022September21.

‘We are now at war not just with Ukraine but with the collective West too’ https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/putin-calls-up-300-000-reservists 
‘The decree on partial mobilisation has been signed. Mobilisation activities will begin today, September 21.’ Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister) 

Here is what we were predicting on 2022Elul23: "1x+0x+2x+2x+1x+3x.42x+1x+3x.21x+3x.6x.(1x+1x) =.7x+126x+63x+36x = 232x days from 2021Adar14 (Monday 2022February21), when Putin unilaterally declared that Donetsk Lugansk were no longer provinces of the Ukraine, and signed an agreement between himself and himself to that effect, and promptly sent them some 'peacekeepers' in tanks, to 2022Heshvan6 (November3/4), the day after the installation of the Kingdom of God under Jesus as Caesar over Abraham, which causes the bear either to end the Ukraine war, or to get up and starting eating much flesh. WE WERE 43 DAYS OUT WITH OUR SENTENCE COUNT ON 2022Elul23. But the bear has now got up and therefore will eat much flesh. Whether that flesh is limited to Ukraine is the question." 

If fact the deliberate omission of whether or not the bear did get up and eat much flesh requires both fulfilments. Putin fails to conquer any more than the Donbas in these 189 days to 2022Elul23.  Then he mobilises and eats much flesh around Bakhmut as instructed.

So Daniel predicted that the Russian bear gets NO MORE THAN 3 RIBS in its mouth - during the 189 days to 2022Elul23 (September21/22), when Putin started mobilising the bear with the call up of 300,000 reserves. She will fail to conquer the other 23 provinces of Ukraine during the period of being instructed to get up and eat much flesh (first seen on 2022May31 for 231 days to 2022Heshvan5 - 43 days too long -  after Putin gave up on Kyiv and redirected his Nazi Blitzkrieg to the Donbas - the new Sudetenland).

Military operations upon Crimea ran from 2013Adar21-25 (2014February27-2014March3, the Russian annexation of Crimea, the 3rd rib which the bear conquered and engulfed and appropriated for its empire, its body. Putin formally accepted Crimea into the Russian Federation on 2014March21, 2013VeAdar13/14. 

Gnashing of teeth in the gospels, counts 32x for displaying 32 human teeth.

The Chinese are the he goat of Daniel8, which forms a coalition with the she goats of Daniel8 (countries which are not Christian by constitution, the BRICS nations), which coalition is the 4 headed 4 winged leopard like 3rd beast of Daniel7 in the end times military thread. It wins the first part of WW3, the whole of which runs for the 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 longer than the 73 months of WW2. It runs from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23 - see U151#13. It defeats NATO. But after this conquest, almost immediately it's military power is destroyed (its horn is broken - Daniel8) presumably by WMDs. But the balance of the goat coalition keep their horns (military power) intact. Russia is a she goat  and a part of the Leopard. China, Iran, India, Germany and other Hypersonic Hitler collaborators make up the balance of the 4 other horns and 3 other heads and are she goats. This is essentially a BRICS scenario. In total there are 5 leopard like goat nations (none of which are Christian constitutionally) in this alliance with the Russians and the Chinese. The 4 smaller horns of Daniel8 (she goats) take over the military position of the Chinese, after that horn is broken, and the BRICS nations take over the world financial system. 

These will presumably include Iran and India and Turkey, all of which have wild Leopards. Whereas Germany has Leopard tanks and Turkey uses German Leopard tanks. The big mouthed little horn is the EU which comes out from Germany. India has wild leopards. It is famous for having them. They are in the BRICS nations. They will side with the Russians and the Chinese it appears. They are a goat nation in the sense that they do not have a Christian constitution. 

Daniel7 is the march of warring nations that are used by Satan in the end times. 
Daniel7 is a list of the bad guys in military terms.
1. The UK/US lion-eagle military power in Iraq and Afghanistan under Bush43 and Blair until Biden. BAD GUYS. But rhe UK eventually surrenders its military capability and ceases being a military beast and becomes spiritual, a man. 
2. The Russian bear in Ukraine under Putin - BAD GUIYS
3. The BRICS Leopard lead by China in WW3 against NATO - the BRICS are the BAD GUYS. 
4. The Commercial Sea Beast of Revelation13, run by the 10 kings, 10 economic powers are the BAD GUYS

What we should do is disarm from all nuclear weapons now because they are the dumbest of all bombs yielding 99% collateral damage. But regrettably mankind needs to get his fingers burnt before he learns not to play with fire. So we shall use them unrighteously and then learn our lesson only after we have caused a nuclear winter, which is the unprecedented tribulation of Mark13 which follows the nuclear war of the Great Tribulation of Matthew24.

So that is the bad news. 

The good news is that 75% of mankind is saved in the final 10 months. Whereas the other 25% die and go to Hell, which is neither a place of torment nor a place of termination. It is a sin bin of rehabilitation for those not ready to contribute to the next political system which will be the very opposite of this political system. 


If you obey the 1st law and love God then you are saved into the ark along with 50% of mankind on or before 2024June24/25 (2024Tammuz16)
If you obey the 2nd law and love your brother (but fail to obey the first) then you miss the ark but are shielded from the lava flood by God and saved into his Kingdom along with 25% of mankind by 2025January20/21/25/26 (2024Shebat16/21)
If you obey neither the 1st law nor the 2nd and you love neither God nor your brother, then you go to Hell for a minimum sentence of 33½ years and a maximum sentence of 1,000 years. You are paroled when repentant.

36 Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?
37 He said to him: 'You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.'
38 This is the greatest and first commandment.
39 The second, like it, is this, 'You must love your neighbour as yourself.'
40 On these 2 commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets. (Matthew 22 NWT)

May God and Jesus both therefore bless your love and the love of those you love.

For more details please see U43

9 I kept on beholding [through bible research] until there were thrones placed [on 2024Nisan5 over Abrahamic Zoar and on 2024Iyyar5 over Isaaic Zoar, 12 thrones for the 12 1NC apostles] and the Removed/Ancient of Days [Jesus is removed of days, he is outside time - being a God. Methuselah is ancient of days, the longest lived pre flood human] sat down. His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool [of 1NC Kings in the case of Jesus]. His throne was flames of fire; its wheels were a burning fire.
There was a stream of fire flowing and going out from before him [the lava flood which is a smart flood entirely controlled by Jesus and Jehovah]. There were 1,000 thousands that kept ministering to him, and 10,000 10,000s that kept standing right before him. The Court took its seat, and there were books that were opened.

5911 I kept on beholding at-that-time [!yda] because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire.
12 And as for the remainder of [raX, construct noun] the beasts, they caused their rulerships to pass away [hiphil active causative. They (UK/US, Russia and the BRICS, the first 3 beasts of Daniel7) give their stolen rulerships away to the 4th beast from 2026Tebbeth8 (the end of the 10 diadems) to 2032Tebbeth11/12], and there was a lengthening in life [political life] given to them for a season/appointed time [nmz] and a time [!d[] [This is a Hebrew season from the end of the financial/commercial/banking beast, when the 10 kings who are 10 horns making the G20, stop giving the G20 kingdom to it 2750 = 55x50 days of Revelation17:16-17 after 2025Iyyar21/22, which is 2032Tebbeth11/12. Then we have Greek winter from 2032December21 at 07:51 (the winter solstice) - 2032Tebbeth14 to 2033March20 at 07:33 (the vernal equinox) - 2032VeAdar13. Then a time, a month, to 2033Nisan14, the absolute end of Adam, and also the end of the first 3 beasts] (Daniel 7)59.

13 The festival of booths you should celebrate for yourself 7 days when you make an ingathering from your threshing floor and your oil and winepress. (Deuteronomy 16 NWT)
13 gx; tKOSuh; hf,[]T; ^l. t[;b.vi ~ymiy" ^P.s.a'B. ^n>r>G"mi ^b,q.YImiW (Deuteronomy 16 WLC)
13 festival of the + booths will labour to/for + you (s) SEVEN of days in/at + to scrape of + you (s) from + level place a b of + you (s) and + from + wine press vat of + you (s) (Deuteronomy 16 WLCi)

Notwithstanding many translations to the contrary. One harvested during Booths. Booths was the festival of the final harvest, not the festival after the final harvest. So Hebrew summer ended on Tishri21 not on Tishri14 (Tishri15 was a Sabbath and Hebrew Summer was the period of harvest).

13 I kept on beholding in the visions of the night [new subaccount], and, see there! with the clouds of the heavens someone like a son of man happened to be coming; and to the Ancient of Days he gained access, and they brought him up close even before that One.
And to him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.
As for me, Daniel, my spirit was distressed within on account of it, and the very visions of my head began to frighten me.
I went up close to one of those who were standing, that I might request from him reliable information on all this. And he said to me, as he went on to make known to me the very interpretation of the matters,
These the beasts, the great [ones] because they are 4, there are 4 kings that will stand up from the earth.
But the holy ones of the Supreme One will receive the kingdom, and they will possess the kingdom to time-indefinite, even to time-indefinite upon times-indefinite.'
Then it was that I desired to make certain concerning the beast, the 4th which proved to be different from all the others, extraordinarily fearsome, the teeth of which were of iron and the claws of which were of copper, which was devouring [and] crushing, and which was treading down even what was left with its feet;
and concerning the 10 horns that were on its head, and the other [horn] that came up and before which 3 fell, even that horn 

21 I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
until the Removed/Ancient of Days came [Methuselah, days are a human measurement of lifespan. God is the ancient of eons or actually of 'before' time itself. So removed of days would indeed refer to Jesus or Jehovah] and justice itself was given to the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the definite appointed time [anmz] arrived and holy ones possessed the kingdom [].
This is what he said, [as for] the beast, the 4th, a 4th kingdom will come to be in-the-earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all of the earth and will trample it down and crush it.
And the 10 horns, from her, the kingdom, are 10 kings [that] rise up; and another one rises up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate [10 Kings of the UN clone. Also 10 months? the 11th horn is the EU which humiliates UK Germany and France on the UNSC].
And he will speak even words against the Most High [Jehovah], and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One [Jesus]. And he will intend to change appointed times [!ynmz] and law, and they [times and law or the holy ones?] will be given into his hand [5x] for a time [!d[] [], and times [!ynd[] [] and half a time [!d[] [from 2028Tammuz11 to 2032Tebbeth11, the end of the 10 Kings giving their G20 kingdom to the Financial/banking/commercial beast, the fulfilment of God's words of Revelation17:16-17]
And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they took away [the court sat to penalise the Dragon for overstaying Satan's ministry payback lease down here], in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally [politically and physically]
'And the kingdom and the rulership and the grandeur of [yd] the kingdoms under all the heavens were given to the people who are the holy ones of the Supreme One [from start of the flood onwards - more or less]. Their kingdom is an indefinitely lasting kingdom, and all the rulerships will serve and obey even them.'
Up to this point is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my own thoughts kept frightening me a great deal, so that my very complexion changed in me; but the matter itself I kept in my own heart.

3 Threads: Time [!d[] (5/6), Appointed Time [nmz] (3), Wings (3), Winds (1), Daniel (2), Man (0), Earth (3), Sea (2), Kings (3), Teeth (3), Iron (2), Beast (8), Kingdom (10)

Grammatical note: All, Each, Every, Some, Other are all 'Determiners' in English according to Collins Dictionary, which are types of Adjective according to Websters and Mounce. Adjectives do not make nouns into possessive adjectives (unless they are incomplete, where the noun characterizes the adjective, such as full of or worthy of), but 'the remainder of' and 'the completion of' do. In Hebrew, all of, is the proper construct -lk of llk meaning to complete.

In Hebrew: Do count inseparable preposition nouns, do count pronoun suffix nouns, they are still acting as nouns. Do not count genitive nouns (preceded by constructs)?

Event Symbolism: Pre-Christian Military Beasts

Word or Phrase

Event Symbolic Meaning

Daniel Daniel
4 winds/spirits of the heavens Melchizedek Gabriel Michael Satan
First beast like a Lion with wings of an eagle Babylonian World Power.
Wings Military expansion
Wings plucked out End to military expansion
Stand on two feet like a man The later Babylonian Kings had spiritual insight and ruled directly over the people of the Northern and the Southern Kingdoms of Israel. This later rulership is represented by two feet.
Lifted up from the earth And given authority over God's people Israel after they conquered Samaria and took Ephraim into exile.
Earth Governments of the World
Given heart of a man Nebuchadnezzar was humiliated by God for 7 times, to teach him that God is the ruler in the Kingdom of mankind. This improved his heart from that of beast to that of 'man'. In other words he was given a spiritual heart, by humiliation. He and then later rulers accepted the status of the Sons of Israel as God's people.
2nd beast, like a bear, one side raised up. Medo Persian World Power. Persians stronger under Cyrus.
3 ribs in its mouth between its teeth Man as a whole body has 12 ribs, so 3 ribs is 25% of mankind. The Medo Persians ruled over one quarter of 'Adam'. 
Eat much flesh The Medo Persians killed a lot of people, but Cyrus let the sons of Israel out of Prison in Babylon and they returned to Jerusalem and Israel with Zerubbabel..
3rd beast, like a leopard, 4 wings and 4 heads, rulership indeed Greeks, the 4 wings belonged to Alexander the great. He effected a massive military expansion in all 4 directions, North, South, East and West. The 4 heads belong to his 4 generals amongst whom the kingdom which he had conquered was split at his death. Ptolemy, Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus were the 4 Generals who carved up his Kingdom through a coalition after his death - http://8.1911encyclopedia.org/P/PT/PTOLEMIES.htm 
4th beast, fearsome and unusually strong The Roman Empire
Teeth Military enforcement capability
Iron Made physically strong from the heavens
Teeth of iron Strong military enforcement capability
Horn Roman Emperor
10 horns on its head The 10 Christian Roman Emperors from Constantine to Theodosius (excluding "Julian the Apostate" now there's an emperor who puts his cards on the table!), during which time the false Catholic/Nicene/Athanasian Church (little horn) gained political power: "Came up in among them". Constantine recognised the Christian Religion in 313 and stopped persecuting all Christians. Theodosius made Nicene Christianity/Catholicism the religion of the Empire (and started persecuting people who weren't Christians - any excuse!) in 380 AD.
Little horn which came up in  among them but rose after them, which removes 3 of the 10 and speaks grandiose things. The Roman Catholic Church, which became the Holy Roman Empire. Daniel 7:8 is the battle between the Arians (Unitarians) and the Athanasians/Nicenes/Catholics (Trinitarians). The 3 removed Arian emperors were Constantius II, Valens and Valentinian II.
Eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn The little horn has vision that was like spiritual vision. Animals can see nothing spiritual, man can see spiritually. But it was a false spirituality.
There was a mouth speaking Grandiose things False religious claptrap. Sounds great but achieves nothing. Obviously since the little horn has its own eyes and mouth, it also has its own head, different from the head of the Roman Empire upon which the 10 horns reside. The head of the little horn is Christendom, all false Christian religions. 
4th Beast killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire. End of the Physical Roman Empire (Western in 476 AD and Eastern in 1453 AD). But in 800 AD the Holy Roman Empire is formed, giving the body a new head, Christendom. But this body is destroyed in 2009Nisan (woe woe for 2 months).
The rest of the Beasts have their rulerships taken away and their life extended for an appointed time, and a given period. The Appointed time is the day of the Physical Roman Empire, and the given period is the day of the Holy Roman Empire from 800 to 2014? 
Because they are 4, there are 4 kings that will stand up from the earth. The Beasts are Kingdoms that form from the sea of mankind, the horns are Kings that stand out from the administration of a kingdom, the earth. These 4 kings are the first king of each of the 4 kingdoms. 
4th Beast is different from all the others Roman empire morphs into the Holy Roman Empire of Christendom, all false Christian religions.
What was left The remaining unconquered kingdoms of the known world (UK etc.)
Claws of copper Copper is physically strong from the earth. With its earthly strength it goes persecuting and crushing the remaining kingdoms of the known world (UK etc)
Someone like a son of man Jesus
Ancient of Days God
Daniel Daniel
Time 360 years
Time, times and half a time (change in times and law) ??

19 And I shall have to break the pride of your strength and make your heavens like iron and your earth like copper (Leviticus 26).

Roman History

313 Constantine recognises the Christian church and ends the persecution of Christians.
380 Theodosius makes Nicene Christianity the state religion.
395 Theodosius divides the Roman empire in two, creating the Western and Eastern Empires.
455 The Vandals sack Rome
476 Odoacer, a mercenary in the service of Roma, leader of the Germanic soldiers in the Roman army, deposes the western Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus, who abdicates, and thereby terminates the western Roman empire.
800  Charlemagne, king of the Franks, is crowned emperor by Pope Leo III and founds the Holy Roman Empire
811  The eastern Roman emperor recognized Charlemagne as emperor of Rome
1453 The Ottoman Turks under Mehmet II capture Constantinople (end of the Eastern Roman Empire)

The 10 Christian Roman Emperors during the political rise of Catholicism were:


306-37: Constantine I (Nicene Christian)
337-40: Constantine II (Christian who freed Athanasius - Nicene sympathies)
337-61: Constantius II (Arian Christian)
337-50: Constans (Athanasian/Nicene Christian
[361-63: Julian the apostate (not a Christian at all)]
363-64: Jovian (Nicene Christian)
364-75: Valentinian I (Nicene Christian)
364-78: Valens (Arian Christian)
375-83: Gratian (Nicene Christian)
375-92: Valentinian II (Arian Christian)
379-95: Theodosius (Nicene Christian)

Valentinian’s (II) favoritism towards Arianism was also used against him by both Magnus Maximus and Theodosius. Theodosius supposedly wrote the young Valentinian a letter saying he got what he deserved from Maximus because he had deserted the true faith.[[18]] - http://www.roman-emperors.org/impindex.htm 

3 of these Roman Emperors were Arians and were presumably removed by pressure from the Nicene/Catholic church. This is the story of the rise of the false church of the Nicene Creed, the false church of the trinity, at the expense of the true church of Arianism. The 3 faithful Roman Emperors were therefore:

337-61: Constantius II (Arian Christian)
364-78: Valens (Arian Christian)
375-92: Valentinian II (Arian Christian)

The Beasts of Daniel7 Watchtower thread

1 In the first year of Belshazzar the king of Babylon, Daniel himself beheld a dream and visions of his head upon his bed. At that time he wrote down the dream itself. The complete account of the matters he told.
2 Daniel was speaking up and saying: I happened to be beholding in my visions during the night, and, see there! the 4 winds of the heavens were stirring up the vast sea.
3 And 4 huge beasts were coming up out of the sea, each one being different from the others.
4 The first one was like a lion [the Lion of Judah. Russell's sanctification was the start of the Judah continuation call], and it had the wings of an eagle [bible research power]. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out [when the Watchtower stopped doing bible research at the start of the 40 year wilderness penalty for their faithless spying report], and it was lifted up from the earth [It was appointed/installed to feed on 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21 and to rule over the saints] and was made to stand up on 2 feet just like a man, and there was given to it the heart of a man [when appointed/installed over all Jesus' belongings on 1890Nisan22/Sivan11 over the HLCs and on 1905Iyyar22/Tammuz11 over the 1NCs, until his death on 1916Heshvan1/2].

4 The first one was like a lion [1x+1x], and it had the wings of an eagle [2x]. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out [-2x], and it was lifted up from the earth [1x] and was made to stand upon 2 feet just like a man [10x+1x], and there was given to it the heart of a man [1x]. [1x+1x+2x-2x+1x+10x+1x+1x=15x] These are 15 sacred years from 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21 to 1916Heshvan1/2, the expiration of Charles Russell.

The first beast is those JWs who joined during the presidency of Russell. So it continues after Russell's death. 
The 2nd beast is those JWs who joined during the presidency of Rutherford. So it continued after Rutherford's death
The 3rd beast is those JWs who joined during the presidencies of Knorr, Franz, Henschel, and Adams.
The 4th beast is just the Watchtower after it becomes false church on 2005Sivan14.

5 And, see there! another beast, a second one, it being like a bear. And on one side it was raised up [The Rutherfordites were one side the Russellites the other side], and there were 3 ribs in its mouth between its teeth [Issachar, Zebulun and Judah, the 3 1NC calls into the Watchtower]; and this is what they were saying to it, 'Get up, eat much flesh.' [Advertise, Advertise, Advertise, Cedar Point Ohio, 1922Elul13, for the sentence count of verse5 of 70x to 1992Elul11, when Letter to the Society arrive in Brooklyn?]
6 After this I kept on beholding, and, see there! another [beast], one like a leopard, but it had 4 wings of a flying creature on its back [1NC and 2NC saints]. And the beast had 4 heads [Knorr, Frankz Henschel, Adams although under a democratic Governing body administration from 1975Iyyar18/19 onwards - see U171], and there was given to it rulership indeed [over 3 million to 7 million people].
7 After this I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! a 4th beast, fearsome and terrible and unusually strong [the Watchtower administration after 2005Sivan14, when they fell as a true church]. And it had teeth of iron, big ones. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was treading down with its feet. And it was something different from all the [other] beasts that were prior to it, and it had 10 horns [10 governing body members after 2005Sivan14 before Cook - see verse 24 for which ones]. (Daniel 7 NWT)
8 I kept on considering the horns [General Watchtower Society directors/governing body members - not necessarily upon the 4th beast. But ambiguity adds so this applies to the 4th beast and to another beast], and, look! another horn, a small one, came up in among them [POL for the reappointed Laodicea - smaller than the Watchtower - but critical, being the bridge between the JWs and the LWs] and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it [The 3 Laodicean GB members are plucked up into Zoar after this 11th horn has humiliated them. They are before the 11th horn because he is the president of Laodicea. He is POL, Cook E Junior]. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn, and there was a mouth speaking grandiose things.
9 I kept on beholding until there were thrones placed and the Ancient of Days sat down. His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool. His throne was flames of fire; its wheels were a burning fire.
10 There was a stream of fire flowing and going out from before him. There were 1,000 thousands that kept ministering to him, and 10,000 times 10,000 that kept standing right before him [100x ratio which is MENE MENE before the court sits for TEKEL?]. The Court took its seat, and there were books that were opened.
11 I kept on beholding at that time because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire [burning those who remain in Watchtower administration in Gehenna as weeds].
12 But as for the rest of the beasts, their rulerships were taken away, and there was a lengthening in life given to them for a time and a season.
13 I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! with the clouds of the heavens someone like a son of man happened to be coming; and to the Ancient of Days he gained access, and they brought him up close even before that One.
14 And to him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.
15 As for me, Daniel, my spirit was distressed within on account of it, and the very visions of my head began to frighten me.
16 I went up close to one of those who were standing, that I might request from him reliable information on all this. And he said to me, as he went on to make known to me the very interpretation of the matters,
17 'As for these huge beasts, because they are 4 [The Watchtower administrations of Russell, Rutherford, Knorr-Franz-Henschel-POL and post 2005Sivan14], there are 4 kings that will stand up from the earth [as president in the cases of Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz. AND by angelic resurrection in the cases of the 3+1 Laodicean Kings from the GB - see U307, Genesis14, the 4 kings against the 5] .
18 But the holy ones of the Supreme One will receive the kingdom, and they will take possession of the kingdom for time indefinite, even for time indefinite upon times indefinite.'
19 Then it was that I desired to make certain concerning the 4th beast, which proved to be different from all the others, extraordinarily fearsome, the teeth of which were of iron and the claws of which were of copper, which was devouring [and] crushing, and which was treading down even what was left with its feet [the democratic GB after Knorr died 1977June8];
20 and concerning the 10 horns that were on its head, and the other [horn] that came up and before which 3 fell [to their knees, being baptised into Loadicea, before AOL], even that horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking grandiose things and the appearance of which was bigger than that of its fellows.
21 I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment itself was given in favour of the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the definite time arrived that the holy ones took possession of the kingdom itself.
23 This is what he said, 'As for the 4th beast, there is a 4th kingdom that will come to be on the earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all the earth and will trample it down and crush it.
24 And as for the 10 horns, out of that kingdom there are 10 kings that will rise up [The first 10 GB members appointed after the death of Knorr who were baptised/rose up outside the Kingdom of Franz i.e. before 1977Tammuz4, and who survived into the Kingdom of Henschel - Barber, Barr, Loesch Pierce, Herd, Splane, Lett, Morris, Jackson, Sanderson - Poetzinger died in 1988 and so did not make it out of the 4th Kingdom]; and still another one will rise up after them [Cook, baptised during the 4th kingdom of Franz in 1980], and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate [the 3 remaining Laodicean governing body members]

25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law [he will seek to corrupt Laodicean Law. Since he is POL, the law of Laodicea is indeed given into his hand], and they will be given in his hand until a time, and times and half a time [4½ months - precisely from 2019Tishri10, the reinstallation of Laodicea over the 1NCs, or 2019Tishri10-12, the 3 day implemented possession of POL by Satan, to 2019Shebat27, when they lost their constant feature. Laodicea fell as a true church on 2019Adar16, when the court sat and took away POL's rulership. God cannot have any dealings with people under a wilderness penalty. When the spies brought back the faithless report, God dumped his people in Kadesh Barnea for 38 years until the generation that refused to fight all died out - see U360. He dealt with the Levites who were not registered into the army. But those under the penalty were constructively dead and regarded as uncircumcised. So God could not give Laodicea into anybody's hand until after 2019Tammuz30, 40 whole calendar months of the Laodicean wilderness penalty after 2016Nisan1, the first month start after the end of the 40 days of spying from 2015Shebat21 to 2016Nisan1].
26 And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they took away/passed over, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally.
27 'And the kingdom and the rulership and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens were given to the people who are the holy ones of the Supreme One. Their kingdom is an indefinitely lasting kingdom, and all the rulerships will serve and obey even them.'
28 Up to this point is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my own thoughts kept frightening me a great deal, so that my very complexion changed in me; but the matter itself I kept in my own heart. (Daniel 7 NWT)

So if the above is correct, then Satan is possessing the President of the reappointed Laodicea who is Brother Cook, the last horn to be appointed to the Governing body!

The purpose of God permitting this is to drive the Laodiceans into Zoar. Laodicea is Sinai, and the islands in the straits of Tiran, the bridge between Egypt and Arabia. 

For more details on the governing body members of the Watchtower please see U42

616 and the Chronology of the Mark of the Beast

116The 7x of heating up the fiery furnace of WW3 over and above what was seen before is just saying that WW3 is 7 months longer than WW2 - see U171

19 And I saw the wild beast [1x] and the kings of the earth [2x: the kings who committed fornication of Revelation17-18] and the armies of them [2x: masculine, the armies of the masculine kings not of the neuter beast] having been led together [add these up] to make the war with the (one) sitting upon the horse [2x] and with the army of him [1x]. (Revelation 19 KIT)

19 kai idon to qhrion kai touj basileij thj ghj kata ta strateumata autwn sunhgmena poihsai ton polemon meta tou kaqhmenou epi tou ippou kai meta tou strateumatoj autou (Revelation 19 SinaiO)

Verse 19: 1x+2x+2x+2x+1x=8x from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14, the 8x precisely of Mark Registration Compulsion of Revelation 13:16. 

20 And was caught the wild beast [1x: on 2032Tishri22/23, the end of WW3, the catching/domestication of the beast] and with it the false prophet [1x: was also caught] the (one) having done the signs [2x] in-face-of/in sight of/before [enwpion] it [1x/2x: doing signs in the sight of or before the face of??], in/by these/which [o]j] [the prophet was caught, he made to err] he made to err the (ones) having taken/received [lambanw] the engraving of the wild beast [2x They err by agreeing to become a Cainian Chimera genetically, and to use the vaccine passport. By doing so they are complicit in discrimination and segregation on zero grounds - that is the real mistake, not taking the vaccine. If you use the passport you are a modern day Nazi collaborator and an apartheid facilitator] and the (ones) worshipping to the image of it [2x]; living, the two [2x: the beast and the prophet] were thrown into the lake of the fire of the [one] burning in sulphur [Greek idiom is to put the key word first. 4x: whilst they were living the 2 were thrown. OR The 2 were thrown [whilst they were] living/alive in to the lake].

Gehenna, the 2nd death follows Hades the 1st death. One goes first to Hades and then from Hades to Gehenna, where one wakes up in Hell. But the beast and prophet are thrown living into Gehenna. This is therefore a judgement on those administrating and pressurizing the mark. On beast burning day, all those in the beast and the false prophet are sentenced to Hell (Gehenna). You cannot put a beast in Gehenna, A beast is a political organisation. So like the burning bush of Moses, this burning beast continues to test people until Mark Registration ends on 2033Iyyar14.

The one having the trumpet = 1x+1x = 2x. A state
The one taking the trumpet = 1x. An ongoing action
The one having taken the trumpet = 1x . A completed action, a past action.  

Verse 20:From the catching of the Beast, the end of WW3: 1x+1x.2x.2x+2x.(2x+2x)+2x+2x = 17x  YES from 2032Tishri22/23, the end of WW3, to 2032Heshvan9/10, the burning of the financial beast and the false prophet (UK/US deep state) by God. All of their remaining members are condemned to Gehenna period. 

THE BEAST IS NOT BURNT PHYSICALLY, because the beast, although caught, continues living politically from its burning on 2032Heshvan9/10, to the end of the 8x of Mark Registration and testing on 2033Iyyar14. However the harlot riding the beast is burnt down in fire on 2032Tebbeth11/12, 55x50 = 2750 days of Revelation 17:16-17 after the start of the 10 horns on 2025Iyyar21/22.:

16 And the 10 horns which you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot, and having been desolated they will make her and naked, and the fleshes [polite plural like faces or right sides] of her they will eat, and her they will burn down in fire [11x.(1x+1x+1x+1x+1x)=55x];
17 the for God gave into the hearts of them [10x. The 10 horns but not the beast, because the give their kingdom to the beast] to do the opinion of him [1x], and to do one opinion [1x] [a witness to some kind of precision] and to give the [G20 beast] kingdom of them to the [scarlet banking] wild beast [1x], until will be finished/fulfilled the words of the God [2x: the words of God of verses 16-17] [10x.(1x+1x+1x+2x)=50x] 
18 And the woman whom you saw is the city the great the (one) having kingdom upon the kings of the earth. (Revelation 17 KIT)

Total count of verses16-17: 55x.50x=2750x, 7 years 7 months 20 days precisely from 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns begin to 2032Tebbeth11/12, the end of the 10 Kings giving their G20 kingdom to the Financial/banking/commercial beast, the fulfilment of God's words of Revelation17:16-17.

The 4½x of being given into the hand of the little horn for a time times and half a time of Daniel7, run from 2028Tammuz11 to 2032Tebbeth11, the end of the 10 Kings of Revelation17 giving their G20 kingdom to financial/banking/big tech beast the in fulfilment of God's words of Revelation17:16-17, 50x55=2750 days after 2025Iyyar21/22 (the start of the 10 horns of power of the G20 beast). the end of globalism, the end of the EU politically. This beast achieves kingship THROUGH MARK ENFORCEMENT. It is a financial beast. But Mark testing lasts for 8x of Revelation 13:16, during which period it gets more power to tax its victims than have the governments. So the central banking EU IMF financial/banking beast becomes Caesar to all those with the Mark. They choose financial fascism over democracy. They choose demoncracy over democracy. They choose plutocracy over democracy. They choose money over God. They choose financial 'security' over life security. They choose money over their own lives. But most importantly of all they choose to fund the concentration camp which excludes and murders their brothers by financial suffocation. They choose to be a concentration camp guard in order to avoid being an inmate. That is 100% immorality and inhumanity in any Jew's book (except those attacking Gaza and supporting Netanyahu) and in any Gentile's book

8 And I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And Hades was closely following him [Gehenna being further behind. The 2nd death follows the 1st death]. And authority was given them over the 4th part of the earth, to kill in a long sword [romfaia] [a WMD not the long sword of the bible which is the WMD] and in famine and in deadly plague and under the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 NWT)

Burning the beast and the false prophet is the judgement into Gehenna for everybody administrating and pressurizing for the mark. Those who force jabs are part of the false prophet. The rest must be those not involved in administrating of pressurizing the mark.

False worship is ascribing divinity to a person or group other than God OR is choosing to obey the moral code, a morality, of a person or group which goes against your knowledge of the morality of God
False worship is having something against God's face, which is giving God's things to Caesar. So obeying a govt is only false worship if you know their commands are against those of God. Anyone with a valid vaccine Passport already has the Mark upon the hand. Defiling your conscience is not false worship if the rule of your conscience which you break is not in opposition to God. For example a vegetarian eating a steak is not false worship

21 And the leftover (ones) [loipoj] [2x+2x: Left over from the nuclear war of the long sword of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse. So: The ones in addition to those killed already, the ones left over and above those already killed: The saved and the condemned] were killed off in the [dative] long sword [romfaia] [1x] of the (one) sitting upon the horse [in] the [dative] [one] having gone forth out of the mouth of him [which mouth is in the true church of Zoar: 33x - 32 human teeth + 1 tongue?, the double edged sword of the word of God], and all the birds were satisfied out of the [resurrected] fleshes of them [2x.2x=4x. The Kings and Lords have 50% of mankind to deal with, the raptured/ark resurrected FRCs]. (Revelation 19 KIT)

Verse21 (killing only): 4x.33x = 132x

8 And I saw, and look! horse greenish-yellow, and the (one) sitting upon top of it name to him The Death, and the Hades was following with him, and was given to them authority upon the fourth [part] of the earth, to kill in long sword [romfaia] and in famine and in death and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 KIT)

16 And he had in his right hand 7 stars, and out of his mouth a sharp, long two-edged sword was going out, and his countenance was as the sun when it shines in its power. (Revelation 1 NWT - adapted)
16 and [he] having in the right hand of him stars seven, and out of the mouth of him long sword two-mouthed sharp going out, and the countenance of him as the sun is shining in the power of it. (Revelation 1 KIT)

12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart. (Hebrews 4 NWT)

The left over ones not after the catching or after the burning of the beast of Verse 21, but after the end of the long sword of the nuclear war of the Unprecedented Tribulation on 2028Tebbeth2 are killed for: 4x.33x = 132x to 2029Iyyar14, the end of the killing off of adamic and cainian FRCs by Passover execution, the end of ark rapture of FRCs, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22. The JAC birds are satisfied with them as subjects. 4 billion of them, half of mankind.

Actually the long sword of the 4th horseman continues killing after his ride, through plague and radiation etc.. So the two long swords are very much coincident in their activity. The one being a cloak for the other. Better to be killed with the sword of Jesus, the long sword of life from his mouth, than with the long sword of death, the WMDs of the 4th horseman. I do wonder if the new Chinese long firing supercooled laser is another long sword to consider?

10x of compulsion to
get registered and
bow to the image of
Daniel3 begin. China
starts paying wages
in CBDCs (e-CNY) in
May 10 years
(60/6 cubits) before
they end.
becomes a WAR
beast 13x of
Daniel7:6 before
the 4th beast
takes over
through Mark
6x60 = 360 days
of Daniel3 image
begin. Mark 
Registration Day.
8 years of
of Revelation
End of 60 cubits of
image height. 10 horns begin, 10x precisely before
the 10 diadems.
rapture ends.
Peace & Security
The Daniel3
fiery furnace
of WW3
begins and
lasts 2402 days (80 months)
7x of Daniel3:19
more than that seen in WW2
CRC ark
rapture ends.
before 33¼ month
ride of 4th
The 28 day
Nuclear war
of the Unprecedented Tribulation
The Nuclear war of
the Unprecedented
Tribulation ends.
The 1044 day Great Tribulation ends.
The 4th horseman stops killing with
the long sword of nuclear WMDs
The end of
ark rapture
the 6th FRC crop
Passover of
Lava flood
ends. Non
Adam and
Cain end. The
33¼ month
Ride of the 4th
horseman ends
Sea Beast is
caught. It is
Put back on
a leash. It is
WW3 ends
financial and
banking Sea
Beast is burnt.
All its members
are consigned
to Gehenna
Harlot is
burnt by the
G20 who stop giving their kingdom
to the beast
10x of Daniel3
Image and 8x
of Mark
testing end.
End of Cain.
Late 1st death
First 26 months of the 33¼
month ride of the 4th horseman
132x leftover ones of Revelation19:21 17x of Rev'n

As regards the leftover ones from the long sword of the 4th horseman of Revelation 6:8, they are killed with the long sword of Revelation19:21, the one coming out of Jesus' mouth116

1812 And the 10 horns that you saw are 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom [this is 10x precisely of power but not yet receiving a kingdom from 2025Iyyar21/22 to 2025Adar21/22, when Mark Enforcement starts, giving them a kingdom initially of 10 diadems to 2026Tebbeth8], but they do receive authority as kings 1 hour with the wild beast [10 diadems of authority from 2025Adar21/22 to 2026Tebbeth8, one hour with the Beast 9 months and 16/17 days. Then 31 days of transfer of power and authority from the G20 members (10 horns who are 10 kings) to the G20 beast, run to 2026Shebat9, when all democratic power and authority is betrayed to the G20 for 7 heads with plural blasphemous names upon each head, making 21 months to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession]
13 These have 1 thought [10x+1x =11x], and they give their power [as horns] [10x] [military control] and authority [as kings] [10x] [globalist governments - Babel reversers] to the [G20] wild beast [11x+10x+10x = 31x]. (Revelation 17 NWT)
13 These 1 opinion are having [Globalism, NWO], and the power and authority of them to the wild beast they are giving. (Revelation 17 KIT)
14 These with the Lamb will war, and the Lamb will conquer them, because Lord of lords he is and King of kings, and the (ones) with him called (ones) [saints] and chosen (ones) [priests] and faithful (ones) [citizens]. (Revelation 17 KIT)

2000 days of demon
possession start
Benjamin's rapture ends
10 horns begin
10 horns end
10 diadems start
31 day transfer of power and
authority of Revelation 17:13
2026Tebbeth8 (10 diadems end)
21 months of Beast headship begin. Democratic
power and authority ends for G20 members
All Demons expelled. 2000
days of possession end
10 Dragon horns Dragon 7 Dragon diadems 7 Dragon heads 10 horns 10 diadems = 1 hour Sea Beast 7 heads + 14 blasphemous names (DACs) = 67 months (2000 days)
10x precisely9 months 16/17 days666: The number of days of the Dragon usurping democracy through the G20

12 And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. (Revelation 17 NWT)

The hour with the beast is 9 months 16/17 days, So the day of the beast must be 9 years 6 months + 12/24 days. It ends on 2032Tebbeth11/12, the end of the G20 giving its kingdom to the banking beast (55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 after 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns begin). So it must start 9 years and 192-204 days earlier from on 2023Sivan17/18-29/30. So it appears that the banking beast finished being set up a couple of months after the demons arrived on 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession. The banking beast was essentially their first construction18

Satan's 1254
day ministry
payback lease
ends over Cain
Donetsk: 3 ribs
of Ukraine are in
the mouth of the Russian Bear
Putin annexes Donbas fulfilling
2000 Days of
and 1000 day
chain of
Beast Mark
Digital IDs
are demonstrated
to G20
Mark of the Beast
6x60 = 360 days
of Daniel3 image
begin. Mark 
Registration Day.
10 horns begin
10x precisely
before the
10 diadems.
rapture ends. 
Peace & Security 
August Mark
decree of
made by
The 1000 day
chain of
ends 17 days
the start
of the fiery furnace of 
of WW3
The Daniel3
fiery furnace
of WW3
begins and lasts 7x of Daniel3:19
more than that  seen in WW2
enforced by law
and by the fiery
furnace of WW3
10 diadems
of beast start 
31 day transfer
of power and
authority of
& 666 days begin
10 diadems
of beast end
21 beast heads
and blasphemous names from dragon
end. 2000 day, 67
month demon
possession from
2023Nisan24 and 666
days end. 30 day
ascent to hell starts
80 months
of WW3 end.
God's grand
evening meal 
ends. Beast is caught/tamed
2750 days after
2025Iyyar21/22 of
The G20 Horns and Kings
stop giving their kingdom
to the Financial/banking beast. The political harlot
is burnt. 
Mark Registration ends
96x of Daniel3:2-3  60 cubit height of the Daniel3 image 9 months of
80 months (2402 days) of WW3, 7 months more than the 6 years 32 days of WW2 from 1939Elul15 (Britain and France declare war on Germany) to 1945Tishri17 (September28 - Japan surrenders Indochina to Lu Han - completing the Potsdam declaration)
55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17

4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to compose/create/make [poiew: hence poetry] 42 months was given it. (Revelation 13 LWT)

This is 42 months of making serpentine seed of Genesis 3:15. For God always provides a level playing field. If he can make non adamic Abrahamic seed then Satan can make non adamic Cainian seed. This authority to create seed is given by the Dragon and so must end by 2028Heshvan14, the expulsion of the demons to Gehenna. So it must begin on or before 2025Iyyar21/22, the start of the 10 horns, the power for 10 months of the beast. But before 2025Iyyar21/22 the beast has no power so any authority would be useless. Therefore the beast will be making satanic seed by vaccination from 2025Iyyar21/22 (2025May19-21) to 2028Heshvan14 (2028November5/6 - when God, the greater Guy Fawkes, blows up the demonic administration of this world!) 

God would not give Satan authority to change your genes to become serpentine unless you had actively chosen Satan as Caesar and rejected the Christ as Caesar by Registering for the Mark of the Beast.

The March of the Beasts of Daniel7 in the fulfilment for today.

Afghan war begins
UK/US becomes the
1st unrighteous war
beast of Daniel7:4
under Bush and Blair
25 years of Daniel7:4
Putin declares the Donbas
not to be Ukraine by signing
an agreement with himself.
Crimea, Lugansk, Donetsk
are 3 ribs in the bear's mouth
189 days to get up eat much
flesh of Daniel7:5 begin
Putin calls up 300,000
reserves. The Russian
she bear gets up to eat
much flesh in Ukraine.
190x of Daniel7:5 after
annexing the Donbas
The BRICS11 Leopard
becomes a WAR beast
during Trumps transition
3x of Daniel 7:6
before the 4th beast
takes over by Mark
The Daniel3
fiery furnace
of WW3
begins and lasts
7x of Daniel3:19
more than what
was  seen in WW2
Mark Registration now
enforced by law and by
the Daniel3 fiery furnace
of WW3. 10 diadems of
the beast start. 7 heads
of 4th terrible beast of
Daniel7:7 begin 
UK beast bows
out of WW3
stops being a
war beast
becomes a man
finds it humanity
25 years of
Daniel7:4 end
The little horn
of the EU replaces
EU states, France,
Germany and Italy
at the G20 after 313
days of Daniel7:8
80 monthsof WW3 end
God's grand evening
meal of Revelation19
ends. Beast is caught,
i.e. domesticated.
7 years of headship end
80 months of
CBDCs fail
190 days of Daniel 7:513 months of Daniel 7:6313 days of Daniel 7:8
25 years of Daniel 7:4

From a moral standpoint Daniel7 is saying that the UK lion (with eagle wings) , then the Russian bear, raised up against the West but cosying up to the East, then the BRICS11 Leopards, then the G20 globalsit financial beast are all unrighteous animalistic war beasts to God. The UK was wrong to get involved in Afghanistan and Iraq2. The Russians were wrong to invade Ukraine, the Chinese and BRICS11 will be wrong when they start a war (presumably with Taiwan) and of course the G20 will be wrong when they declare financial war on anyone who doesn't worship their new anitsocial antifamily antihuman credit score digital beastcoin, the image of gold of Daniel3. Notwithstanding the knighthood given to Lord Blair, or the multitude of FSB manipulated propaganda merchants for Putin.  

It was agreed on Thursday 2023August24 (2023Elul5) at the Johannesburg summit, that Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - will join the BRICS5 in January, making BRICS11. But Argentina and Saudi Arabia did not join then. So on 2024January1 is became the BRICS9. https://abcnews.go.com/International/brics-announce-major-expansion-6-countries-joining-2024/story?id=102525200170

149The 10 horns who are 10 kings are the G20: The little horn is the EU

12 And the 10 horns that you saw are 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with/by means of [meta] (Sophocles - Middle Liddell) the wild beast.
13 These one opinion are having, and the power and authority of them to the wild beast they are giving. (Revelation 17 NWT/KIT).

24 And as for the 10 horns, out of that kingdom there are 10 kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate. (Daniel 7 NWT)

10 horns who are 10 kings is 10 outfits which are both horns and kings. This counts as 20x and is the G20.

But there are actually 21 members of the G20, 19 nations and the EU and the African union  - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G20#Organization 

G20 Members Trade in billions USD GDP in millions USD Population Area km2 BRICS NATO
 Argentina 170.1  (joined 1999) 621,833 46,300,000 2,780,400 pending No
 Australia 721.4  (joined 1999) 1,687,713 26,141,369 7,692,024 No global
 Brazil 626.4  (joined 1999) 2,126,809 217,240,060 8,515,767 Yes No
 Canada 1,179.1  (joined 1999) 2,117,805 38,743,000 9,984,670 No Yes
 China 6,309.6  (joined 1999) 17,700,899 1,411,750,000 9,596,960 Yes No
 France 1,435.8  (joined 1999) 3,049,016 68,305,148 640,679 No Yes
 Germany 3,226.9  (joined 1999) 4,429,838 84,316,622 357,114 No Yes
 India 1,176.8  (joined 1999) 3,732,224 1,406,632,000 3,287,263 Yes No
 Indonesia 529.4  (joined 1999) 1,417,387 279,088,893 1,904,569 No No
 Italy 1,346.4  (joined 1999) 2,186,082 61,095,551 301,336 No Yes
 Japan 1,644.2  (joined 1999) 4,230,862 125,592,404 377,930 No global
 Mexico 1,204.5  (joined 1999) 1,811,468 131,541,424 1,964,375 No No
 South Korea 1,415.0  (joined 1999) 1,709,232 51,844,834 100,210 No global
 Russia 772.3  (joined 1999) 1,862,470 145,807,429 17,098,242 Yes PfP
 Saudi Arabia 598.8  (joined 1999) 1,069,437 36,168,000 2,149,690 pending No
 South Africa 259.1  (joined 1999) 380,906 61,060,000 1,221,037 Yes No
 Turkey 617.9  (joined 1999) 1,154,600 85,551,932 783,562 No Yes
 United Kingdom 1,353.3  (joined 1999) 3,332,059 68,492,933 242,495 No Yes
 United States 5,441.0  (joined 1999) 26,949,643 337,341,954 9,833,517 No Yes
 European Union 5,858.4  (joined 1999) 18,351,127 446,828,803 4,233,262 No No
 African Union 1,379.0  (joined 2023 ) 2,858,342 1,393,676,444 29,922,059 No No

G20 Presidency is annual from December1 to November30 rotating between the members. 

9 Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The 7 heads mean 7 mountains, where the woman sits on top.
10 And there are 7 kings: 5 have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while.
11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an 8th [king], but springs from the 7, and it goes off into destruction. (Revelation 17 NWT)

The beast was authorised by God until the end of Satan's ministry payback lease on 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10 over Adam/Cain. But is not so authorised today. It is nonetheless permitted to continue for 7 kings more and then national sovereignty ends and the G20 beast itself is the 8th king. Verse 10 (5 have fallen one is) was set at the end of the Presidency of India as regards when we first saw this. It was set on 2024March11 when we saw that the 7 kings began with Saudi Arabia. It is set at the start of Mark Enforcement on 2025Adar21/22 for the mass of mankind, who will see it then.

The one that is (when we saw the G20 as the beast of Revelation17) was India. But the one that is the fulfilment of verse10 must be the 6th which King after the end of Satan's ministry payback lease which is South Africa. There is one more to come after them, the United states from 2026December1 to 2027November30, the 7th King. But the 8th King which is the entire G20 (7 Kings of Rome then SPQR), the terrible 4th beast of Daniel4, takes over during the 7th reign on 2026Shebat9 (the end of the 31 day transfer of power and authority from 2026Tebbeth8). So the 8 kings after the end of Satan's divine authority are.

Saudi Arabia (2020December1)
Italy (2021December1)
Indonesia (2022December1)
India (2023December1)
Brazil (2024December1)
South Africa (2025December1)
United States (2026December1)
G20 (2027January22/23 - 2026Shebat9)

We have always had the interpretation that the little horn was the EU, because it has the capability of taking out European Sovereign nations.

8 I kept on considering the horns [indeed we all should if we are to be Daniel], and, look! another horn, a small one, came up in among them, and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn, and there was a mouth speaking grandiose things. (Daniel 7 NWT)

Well there are 3 EU nations in the G20, the France and Germany and Italy. That is it. These are the 3 horns that will be plucked up from before the EU, by the EU on 2026Shebat4/5 (2027January17-19, 313 days of the sentence count of Daniel7:8 after 2025Adar21/22, the start of the 10 horns of power for the G20). Then 4/5 days later the 8th King of the G20 takes over. So we see that the EU is in the thick of this digital totalitarian slavery. The UK just manages to escape!

The EU is the enemy of God's people, of National Sovereignty, of Democracy, of free speech of Nigel Farage, and of the entire world actually. It is forcing these Digital IDs, which it created as the ultimate power grab..

21 I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment itself was given in favour of the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the definite time arrived that the holy ones took possession of the kingdom itself.
23 This is what he said, 'As for the 4th beast, there is a 4th kingdom that will come to be on the earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all the earth and will trample it down and crush it.
24 And as for the 10 horns, out of that kingdom there are 10 kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate.
25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time [4½ years from 2028Tammuz11 to 2032Tebbeth11, the end of the 10 Kings of Revelation17 giving their G20 kingdom to financial/banking/big tech beast the in fulfilment of God's words of Revelation17:16-17, 50x55=2750 days after 2025Iyyar21/22 (the start of the 10 horns of power of the G20 beast) - presumably because the court which sits decrees it somehow].
26 And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] until the end. (Daniel 7 NWT adapted)

So there it is. The 10 horns who are 10 kings are the G20 and the little horn, one of the 21 members (since 2023), a block member like the AU, is the EU, which ends up running the G20, through the Digital IDs.

The G20 have one summit per year. The 2023 One Future Summit occurred on September9/10 in India, when the AU joined up149.

After the end of Satan's 6,000 year lease as Caesar over Adam from 3989Nisan16 to 2012Nisan14, Jesus needed a lease in order to make his true churches non adamic since the 6,000 year working week for Adam had ended. He got a 50 month lease as Caesar to Adam from 2012Nisan16 to 2016Sivan14, and as Caesar to Cain from 2012Iyyar16 to 2016Tammuz14, in return for getting 4 more years for Satan from God from 2008Nisan14 to 2012Nisan14. He was installed as Caesar to Adam on 2012Sivan5 and to Cain on 2012Tammuz5. This put him in a position to Passover convert Adam into Abraham from 2012Sivan14-16 and Cain into Abraham from 2012Tammuz14-16. He also got a 50 month lease over Abraham from 2012Sivan16 to 2016Ab14. This put him in a position to Passover convert Abraham to Isaac from 2016Ab14-16, in the Jubilee release month of that lease. Then Satan got his 1254 day ministry payback lease from 2016Sivan20 to 2019Chislev14 over Adam and from 2016Tammuz16 to 2019Tebbeth10 over Cain.  Whereas Abraham and Isaac were left Caesarless during that lease and further until the end of the Quad Gapped Gentile Times on 2020Tishri15.

So 2019Tebbeth10 (2020January10/11) was the end of divinely authorised Satanic authority over mankind. But Jesus could not become Caesar to the sons of the ICC or the JAC until the Quad Gapped Gentile Times had ended on 2020Tishri15. He was therefore appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam on 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 and to Cain on 2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 and to Abraham on 2020Chislev16/Shebat5 and to Isaac on 2020Tebbeth16/Adar5.

19Jesus' 50 month non adamic restoration lease and Satan's 42 month ministry payback lease over Adam and Cain

6000 year
Lease ends
1NC first fruits
Jesus appointed
Caesar to Adam/Cain
1NC Pentecost
Jesus installed as
Caesar to Adam/Cain
Jesus' 50 month
lease ends over
Satan's ministry
payback lease
starts over Adam/Cain
Satan installed
as Caesar
over Adam/Cain
LWs die to Abraham
are resurrected to 
Isaac by Caesar Jesus
1254 day Ministry Payback
lease ends over Adam/Cain
3rd/4th Watchtower Passover
Quad gapped Gentile
Times ends/Jesus
appointed Caesar to Adam
Jesus is
appointed as
Caesar over Cain
Jesus' 50 month non adamic restoration lease Satan's 42 month ministry payback lease

Jesus paid back Satan's 2000 day heavenly eviction the minute Satan's lease expired. He repaid it from 2012Nisan16 to 2017Heshvan6. But he did not payback the loss of Caesarship during his ministry, immediately. He first took 50 months as Caesar to Adam and Cain in order to resurrect his people Abrahamically and then Isaaically (as Caesar to Abraham). He had to do that in order for true churches to continue to exist. Because we could only work as Adam for 6,000 years from 3989Sivan5 BC, no more. Then at the Isaaic Passover on 2016Ab14, on the last day of his being Caesar to ex adamic Abraham  he executed LW Abraham and converted us to become LW Isaac on 2016Ab16. Jesus has to be Caesar to Adam or to Cain or to Abraham in order to resurrect him (or he can gene zap us on the 14th and we automatically receive a standing resurrection on the 16th?). Caesars to Adam are appointed/installed at 1NC type (weekly interposing Sabbath) first fruits/Pentecost. Caesars to Cain, Abraham and Isaaic are appointed/installed at Zoar (festival interposing Sabbath) first fruits/Pentecost19.

The 10 horns have power, for that is what a horn stands for in biblical symbolism. They receive authority as Kings (giving 10 months of authority, which are the 10 diadems, which depict authority). 10 kings are 10 horns is an immediate repetition of the number of horns/kings and so stands for 10 times (months) precisely by the immediate number repetition principle of the code. Authority as 10 kings for ONE hour is a comparison also yielding 10x precisely. So the beast has 10 months precisely of power then of authority, then of kingship. These 10 months must be accurate to the day being 10x precisely (by repetition of 10 AND by comparison of 10 with 1).

The 10 Kings cede their authority over their own people when they permit them to be registered for the Mark. Because that permission is handing authority over people to the central banking G20 beast. Caesar is he who taxes the people. Governments can take a fraction of your income in tax. The central banking G20 beast can take it all and deny you the power to spend it on anything at all if your social credit score is too low (or if it is a Tuesday in month beginning with an A). So the beast is 100% Caesar. So the minute your register for the Mark your Caesar is the central banking G20 beast. Taking the Mark of the Beast makes demon possessed central banker owners into your government. You become a worshipper of money, the currency of the demons - literally by that time.

Those who refuse the mark get Jesus as Caesar. That is how you get Jesus as Caesar. All those who take the mark reject Jesus as their Caesar. It is a straight choice between Jesus or demon possessed central bank owners.

5 that in/at the time which/when/that you hear the sound [singular] of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument, the bagpipe and all sorts of instrumental music [6x+6x=12x] [every possible form of mass media communication - or will they write a UN anthem?], you fall down and worship the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar, the king has set up [2x]  [get the mark of the beast - Digital IDs - so that you can buy and sell] (Daniel3).

1 Now in those days a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered;
2 this first registration took place when Quirinius (of the supreme master from kurioj) was governor of Syria [Assad is a Christian supporter]; (Luke 2).

60 cubits image height is the mark testing of saints (Benjamite 2NCs) from 2024VeAdar21/22 to 2025Iyyar21/22, 10x imputed length (60/6), the hidden dimension, runs from 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession, the people really behind the Mark, to 2033Iyyar22, the resurrection of Cain, when all the hiding of Kingdom citizens ends. 
10 horns are 10 months of power
10 diadems are 10 months of authority
10 kings are ??
10 horns who are 10 kings are the G20.
7 heads are 7 years of headship of the terrible 4th beast, the banking/commercial/financial beast of Daniel7 from 2025Tebbeth11/12 to 2032Tebbeth11/12 (through CBDCs)

2000 days of demon possession of Mark5 from 2023Nisan24 to 2024Heshvan14. Demons are treated like every other human?
The demons should reap the lava flood caused by the sexual immorality they legislate for. But they die before then. I guess it is a judgement on Adam. Their previous hosts will get a 2nd chance in the mercy of God. So they will be returned into their bodies on 2028Heshvan16.
2023Elul22: NOT The Greater Registration Decree of Caesar Augustus was made by Ursula Von Der Leyen at Session III of the G20 summit in India on September10 Gregorian (2023August28 Julian). 
"Digital Public Infrastructures are an accelerator of growth. They MUST BE trusted, interoperable & open to all" - She tweeted on 2023September10. 
2024Chislev16/17: Mark admin demonstration day, when the mark and image of the beast (Digital IDs and CBDCs) are demonstrated to those who will administrate its power on 2024October28/29: 96x of the sentence count of Daniel3:2-3 before Mark Registration day on 2024VeAdar21/22. The annual G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro occurs on 2024Chislev12-13 (2024November18-19)
2024VeAdar21/22: Mark Registration day.
2025Adar15/16: Mark Enforcement Warning day: 6 days of the width of the image of Daniel3 before Mark Enforcement Day. A cubit is a day in this image. 
2025Adar21/22: Mark Enforcement Day: The Mark is enforced by law and by WW3 for 80 months to 2032Heshvan21/22
2029Iyyar17 to 2029Ab7 The 40+40 day lava flood, which kills non salvation covenant Adam and Cain.
2029Ab7: The 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman from 2026Tishri29/30 (the end of 4EC ark rapture) ends. 

The ride of 4th horseman
begins just after the end
of the 4EC ark rapture
Nuclear war begins
The Unprecedented Tribulation
of Mark13 begins
Nuclear war ends. Unprecedented Tribulation ends
132 days of the leftover ones of Revelation19:21
before 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover,
the end of FRC salvation
The 17th day of the 2nd month of the
Nisan1 sacred year of Genesis 7:11
The 40+40 day lava flood begins
The 40+40 day lava flood ends. 
There are no more unsaved sons
of Adam or Cain (the ¼ of the earth) to kill.
So the 4th horseman stops riding
28 days of Mark13:17-20 40+40 days of lava flood 33¼x of ride of Revelation6:8

2 And I saw what seemed to be a glassy sea mingled with fire, and those who come off victorious from the wild beast and from its image and from the number of its name standing by the glassy sea, having harps of God. (Revelation 15 NWT)

The number of the name of the beast is its period of authority from the end of the 10 diadems of individual authority on 2026Tebbeth8, which is the start of the 31 day transfer of said authority to the beast, to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession, 666 days of Revelation13.
The glassy sea is a beautiful thing. A peaceful sea. Those who are without faith and are unrighteous (having no interest in God's morality), but full of love for their brother, the sons of the LRC, the sheep of Matthew25, the loving but blasphemous robber, crucified with Jesus.
The rest of the beasts have to retain authority to test people up to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain and LRC sealing, the end of the 195 days of God's merciful responses to Abraham's negotiation of Genesis18 from 2032Tishri29/30 to 2033Iyyar14. Because there is no salvation in the absence of Satanic testing. So the Dunghill decree period of Daniel3, is the 195 days of LRC sealing of Genesis18 which is the period from 2032Tishri29/30 to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain, the late 1st death Passover. For if you are not sealed then your house is turned into a dunghill of Daniel37.

26Putin is tethered for 1000 days which limits his reach in Ukraine. But it did not limit his warfare within the radius of the tether.

The 1000 day chain (tether) of Revelation20 ran from the start of the 2000 days of demon possession of Mark5 on 2023Nisan24. Putin invaded Ukraine on 2021Adar14 (by annexing the Donbas). This occurred before demon possession. So all credit to the Ukrainians for fending him off. Remember what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 9:11:

11 I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. (Ecclesiastes 9 NWT).

The Dragon rides the G20 and operates through the intelligence agencies of all the world who are mercenaries to the Central Bankers. Putin is an intelligence agent. The Obama46 (Biden) administration green lighted the invasion by demonstrating globalist control of the US military to Putin through the deliberately botched Afghan withdrawal. A withdrawal which violated every tenet of US military conduct yet provoked not one reprimand or demotion for any member of the US military running that debacle (other than for a whistleblower on the designer shambles). It was therefore deliberate. The operation was a success in globalist terms. The leadership of the US military has been taken over by foreign agents placed there by globalist traitors in the US Intel community which ran and which runs the Obama presidency from 2008-2023. Many of the organs of state were listening to Obama rather than Trump45 throughout Trump's first presidency. They hamstrung Trump with a bogus investigation, so that any move he made to remove Obama holdovers (You're fired!) could be mislabelled as an obstruction of justice. Then they carried on as if Hillary had won. They now call any attempt to investigate their trampling upon US democracy, a threat to US democracy. A democracy which they themselves have already destroyed and replaced with Intel agency totalitarianism through Obama. But the problem they have is that Jesus is now Caesar to them, not the Dragon. So he will expose all of their treachery during the apocalypse.

2 And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for 1,000 years [1000 days from 2023Nisan24 to 2025Shebat3/4, just before the start of WW3 on 2025Shebat20/21, which the chain prevents, taking a day for a year following Ezekiel4 and Numbers14 - see U151#20].
3 And he hurled him into the abyss and shut [it] and sealed [it] over him, that he might not mislead the nations [into WW3 by Russia invading Ukraine or by Israel invading Gaza or by the BRICS becoming a war beast] anymore until the 1,000 years were ended. After these things he must be let loose for a little while [a further 1000 days making the 2000 pigs of Mark5]. (Revelation 20 NWT)

19 Then it was that Nebuchadnezzar himself got filled with fury, and the very expression of his face was changed toward Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times more than it was customary to heat it up [WW3 is precisely 7 months longer than WW2]. (Daniel 3 NWT)

8 the wild beast which you saw it was [authorised by God through the ministry payback lease] and not it is [anymore from 2019Tebbeth10, the end of the ministry payback lease], and it is about to be stepping up out of the abyss [after 1,000 days from 2023Nisan24 to 2025Shebat4], and into destruction [apwleia] he/it is going under. And will wonder the (ones) inhabiting upon the earth, of which (ones) not has been written the name upon the little book of the life from throwing down of world, of (ones) looking at the wild beast because it was and not it is and it will be alongside [here with no authority from God].
9 Here the mind the (one) having wisdom. The seven heads seven mountains are, where the woman [the dragon, Satan's wife, his descended demonic administration] is sitting upon them.
10 And kings [masculine] 7 are [7 presidents of the G20 after Satan's divine authority expires over Adam on 2019Chislev14 and over Cain on 2019Tebbeth10 - being ridden by the woman - the dragon: Saudi Arabia (2020December1) Italy (2021December1) Indonesia (2022December1) India (2023December1) Brazil (2024December1), South Africa (2025December1) United States (2026December1)]; the 5 fell, the one is [India when the G20 beast was first seen on 2023November26 and the woman being the Dragon on 2023November28. the the fulfilment for the man n the street is during the presidency of South Africa] , the other (one) not as yet came, and whenever he should come little [time] him it is binding to remain,
11 And the wild beast that was [authorised by God through the ministry payback lease] but is not, it is also itself an 8th [king] [The G20 takes over during the reign of the 7th king, the United States. She is expelled from mankind on 2028Heshvan14, during the 8th presidency], but springs from the 7 [The G20. This is the equivalent of 7 Kings of Rome then SPQR], and it goes off into destruction.
12 And the 10 horns that you saw are 10 kings [10 horns who are kings is 20x, the G20], who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
13 These one opinion are having, and the power and authority of them to the wild beast they are giving [Therefore 'these' are the 10 horns excluding the beast]
14 These [10 horn] will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings [2x+2x=4x: 2 identities for 2 lambs], the Lamb will conquer them [10 horns]. and the (ones) with him: Called [saints] and chosen [priests] and faithful [FRCs].

15 And he is saying to me The waters which you saw, where the harlot is sitting [1x], peoples and crowds they are and nations and tongues [2x+2x+2x+2x]. (Revelation 17 KIT)

15 And he says to me: The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues [8x+1x = 9x of harlotry from 2020, the start of anti democratic globalist Covid19 pandemic harlotry by national governments to their electorates and to national democracy itself, to 2029Iyyar14, the rapture of the last of the FRC waters. All FRCs have faith and therefore have a priesthood to the faithless. They are metonymical if 4EC baptised and metaphorical if not].
16 And the 10 horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.
17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished [55x50=2750x from 2025Iyyar21/22 to 2032Tebbeth11/12: About the judgement of the great harlot of false Christianity of verse1 and the harlot of false democracy of verse15 plus other fulfilments because the phrase is the ultimate in ambiguity].
18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. (Revelation 17 NWT). See U151#17.

Jesus' wife, the 3rd Holy Spirit, is a chaste virgin. Satan's wife, the dragon, is the mother of all harlots. 
7 mountains are the 7 hidden administrations (Gog and Magog) of the G20 after Satan loses his last lease (when the woman, the descended Dragon, sits on top) under the 7 kings below.
G20 Presidency is annual from December1 to November30 rotating between the members.

We saw the G20 beast on 2023November26 and wrote the first draft of the above on 2023November28 (during the 6th King who is, India).
The G20 is a means of circumventing national democracy, or playing the harlot with the electorate to whom the government should be wedded..

Verse 13: 10x+1x+10x.(1x+1x) = 31x. The period of transfer of power and authority from the 10 kings to the beast, from the end of the hour of receiving authority with the beast (that hour being the 10 diadems from 2025Adar21/22, to 2026Tebbeth8. Then 31 days to 2026Shebat9, when the terrible 4th beast of Daniel7 takes over.

So 2026Tebbeth8 (2026December22/23) to 2028Heshvan14 (2028November5/6) is the 666 days of Revelation13, when representative democracy is abandoned by treasonous governments in favour of central bank plutocracy. It is the completion of the total betrayal of their electorates by the G20 democratic governments (who met at the One Future G20 Summit in India on 2023September9-10) who sell out to the G20 banking beast. In the words of Andrew Bridgen: They are the best politicians money can buy. In the words of Mark Twain: We have the best government money can buy.
Verse 14: 10x+10x.(2x+2x)+(6x+4x).10x = 150x. 'These' means the 10 kings as in verse13. From 2028Chislev14 to 2029Iyyar14, the ark rapture of the first 6 crops of Revelation22.

1 And came one out of the seven angels the (ones) having the seven bowls, and spoke with me saying Hither, I shall show to you the judgment of the harlot the great the (one) sitting upon waters many,
2 with whom committed fornication the kings of the earth, and they were made drunk the (ones) inhabiting the earth out of the wine of the fornication of her.
3 And he bore off me into desolate [place] in spirit. And I saw woman sitting upon wild beast scarlet, being full of names of blasphemy, having heads 7 and horns 10;
4 and the woman was having been thrown about purple and scarlet, and having been gilded to gold and to stone precious and to pearls, having cup golden in the hand of her being full of disgusting things and the unclean (things) of the fornication of her,
5 and upon the forehead of her name having been written, mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.
6 And I saw the woman being drunk out of the blood of the holy (ones) and out of the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And I wondered having seen her wonderment great;
7 and said to me the angel Through what wondered you? I shall say to you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast the (one) carrying her, of the (one) having the 7 heads and the 10 horns [that's 2 wild beasts in the greater meaning. The G20 beast and the banking CBDC beast];
8 the wild beast which you saw it was and not it is, and it is about to be stepping up out of the abyss, and into destruction it is going under; and will wonder the (ones) inhabiting upon the earth, of which (ones) not has been written the name upon the little book of the life from throwing down of world, of (ones) looking at the wild beast because it was and not it is and it will be alongside.
9 Here the mind the (one) having wisdom. The 7 heads 7 mountains are, where the woman is sitting upon them.
10 And kings 7 are; the 5 fell, the one is, the other (one) not as yet came, and whenever he should come little [time] him it is binding to remain,
11 and the wild beast which was and not it is. And he 8th (one) is and out of the 7 he is, and into destruction he is going under.
12 And the 10 horns which you saw 10 kings they are, who [G20] kingdom not as yet received, but authority as kings one hour they are receiving with the wild beast.
13 These one opinion are having, and the power and authority of them to the wild beast they are giving.
14 These with the Lamb will war, and the Lamb will conquer them, because Lord of lords he is and King of kings, and the (ones) with him called (ones) and chosen (ones) and faithful (ones).
15 And he is saying to me The waters which you saw, where the harlot is sitting, peoples and crowds they are and nations and tongues.

16 And the 10 horns which you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot, and having been desolated they will make her and naked, and the fleshes [polite plural like faces or right sides] of her they will eat, and her they will burn down in fire [11x.(1x+1x+1x+1x+1x)=55x];
17 the for God gave into the hearts of them [10x. The 10 horns but not the beast, because the give their kingdom to the beast] to do the opinion of him [1x], and to do one opinion [1x] [a witness to some kind of precision] and to give the [G20 beast] kingdom of them to the [scarlet banking] wild beast [1x], until will be finished/fulfilled the words of the God [2x: the words of God of verses 16-17] [10x.(1x+1x+1x+2x)=50x] 
18 And the woman whom you saw is the city the great the (one) having kingdom upon the kings of the earth. (Revelation 17 KIT)

Total count of verses16-17: 55x.50x=2750x, 7 years 7 months 20 days precisely from 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns begin to 2032Tebbeth11/12, the end of the 10 Kings giving their G20 kingdom to the Financial/banking/commercial beast, the fulfilment of God's words of Revelation17:16-17.

Incidentally Scrivener has: kai. ta. de,ka ke,rata( a] ei=dej evpi. to. qhri,on : And the 10 horns which you saw 'upon the beast', rather than 'and the beast'. That multiples the count by 2 which makes it impossibly large. So Scrivener is not canonical as most translations (but not the King James) accept.

Mark Enforcement runs for  80 months (2400 days of Revelation13:16-17) from 2025Adar21/22 to 2032Heshvan21/22

So the burning and devastation of the harlot of world governments by the G20 sell out states and the hidden G20 beast is completed on 2032Tebbeth11/12, when the G20 members cease giving their G20 kingdom to the financial/commercial/banking beast. 

10 horns begin
The G20 gets power
Start of the 195 days of
the Dunghill decree day
the last 195 days
of LRC sealing
80 months, 2400 days
of Revelation13:16-17
of Mark of the beast
enforcement by law end
The end of the G20 members giving their G20
kingdom the financial/banking beast. The burning
and desolating of the world government harlot
Revelation17:16-17 fulfilled.
Late 1st death Passover
The absolute end of Cain
195 days of LRC sealing
195 days of God's merciful responses to Abraham's negotiation of Genesis18
55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 of the G20 having power and authority and giving their G20 kingdom to the banking beast

So God put the destruction of the great harlot to Jesus of false Christianity and of the harlot to the electorate of falsely democratic government into the hearts of the 10 horns and the Sea Beast of Revelation13 at the start of Isaaic Zoar. It is as if God goes further than his own words. His salvation obligations end on 2031Nisan5, the end of Zoar. But he is not in this to meet obligations. He is in it for love. He continues with his antitypical 3½ year love ministry and with the last chance saloon from 2031Nisan5 until 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain. Those burnt are denied entrance into Zoar.. But they are not denied a drink of the cup of OMC/LRC salvation in the last chance saloon. So GET OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE. But for all those with the insight and presence of mind to leave false religion, the love of God is there for you. For it is he who built the last chance saloon26.

3916 And it is making/composing/creating [poiew] all (ones) [with a digital ID]: The small (ones) and the great (ones), and the rich (ones) and the poor (ones), and the free (ones) and the slaves, in order that they should give to them engraving upon the hand of them the right or upon the forehead of them, (Revelation 13 KIT)
16 kai poiei pantaj touj mikrouj kai megalouj kai touj ptwcouj kai touj plousiouj kai touj eleuqerouj kai touj doulouj i?na dwsin autw caragma epi thj ceiroj autwn thj dexiaj h epi to metwpon autwn (Revelation 13 Sinai)

The small (ones) and the great (ones) = all (ones)
The rich (ones) and the poor (ones) = all (ones)
The free (ones) and the slaves = all (ones)

So it is making/composing/creating (digitally) all (ones): All (ones) and all (ones) and all (ones) = 4x precisely of all ones = 8x precisely as a sentence count. These must run from 2025Iyyar14, to 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC salvation, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the last rapture of FRCs. AND from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14, the entire period of compelled Mark Registration, which is coincident with the 8 Happinesses of Matthew5. So the first 53 days of Mark Registration from 2024VeAdar21/22 must be free of compulsion.

The compulsion on FRCs lasts for 4x precisely. The compulsion on all mankind lasts for 8x precisely. Whereas Mark registration lasts for the 12x of the sentence count of the further specification of all (ones) precisely from the List Specification Principle. This being the time it takes from the start of Mark registration, to the implementation of  full Mark Enforcement. It is the same period as the 6x60 = 360 square cubit, 2D view of the face of the image of Daniel3, which is 1 year of Mark Registration without any depth of enforcement from 2024VeAdar21/22 to 2025Adar21/22. Whereas Mark enforcement lasts for the 2400 days (see below) of Revelation13:16-17 from 2025Adar21/22-2032Heshvan21/22,

11 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. (Revelation 13 NWT)
And it [other beast with 2 horns like a lamb: The UK and US deep state] is making [poiei] all [ones] [namely] the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the slaves [2x further specified as 12x counts as 2x.12x=24x here] [receptive] in order that [ina] they [the sea beast and other beasts] [2x] should give to them [2x: All ones] a mark/engraving upon [+genitive] their right hand or upon [+dative] their forehead [1x+5x or 1x+1x] ,
17 and in order that not anyone/someone [of them] [1x] might be able to buy or sell [(1x + 1x)/2 = 1x] if not the [one] [1x] having the mark/engraving [in the form of] the name of the wild beast or the number of its name [1x,(1x+1x)/2 = 1x].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count/calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [see the count for Revelation 13:1-9 - see U271-11#19] (Revelation 13).

Verse 16-17: 5x (the count of 'it': The other beast with 2 horns kike a lamb).2x.12x.2x.2x (all ones).((6x+2x)/2x)+2x.12x.2x.((1x+1x)/2+(1x+1x)/2) = 5x.(2x.12x.2x.2x.4x+2x.12x.4x)=5x.(384x+96x) = 5x.480x = 2400x. 6 years 8 months from 2025Adar21/22, the start of Mark enforcement by the fiery furnace of WW3 and by law, to 2032Heshvan21/22. Then Mark registration continues until 2033Iyyar14, 97¾ months after 2024VeAdar21/22, an hour of the tet of Revelation3 of the 97¾ year day of testing of God's people from early 1935, when the Nazis offered the witnesses in Germany a chance to renounce their faith and pledge allegiance to the fatherland in order to avoid incarceration.. On 2025Adar21/22, the law is changed to criminalise Mark refusers.

The latest that these 12+80=92 months of Mark Registration then enforcement could run to would be 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain. So they must start by 2025Elul. But we are given their start date by John 10:22-24

22 But the festival of renewal/innovation/dedication [egkainia] from en and kainoj, meaning in-new] took place in Jerusalems [Ierosolumoij] [Plural: In the ark and on earth] [Chislev25-Tebbeth2. Literally this was the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus] [] and it was winter/stormy [2024Chislev25-Tebbeth2 Modern Hebrew Calendar Hanukkah, which is 2024December26/27 to 2025January2/3 Gregorian and 2024Tebbeth21-28 BLC]
23 and the Jesus was walking [through 1NCs being in contact with raptured 2NCs in the ark after 2024Tebbeth16-20 for Gentile call 2NCs] in the temple in the colonnade of the Solomon [Walking, without stumbling means sins are regarded as forgiven, which pictures sainthood. This is 1NCs walking amongst 2NCs in the temple of the ark, who are waiting in the colonnade to enter into the temple of Solomon, which has a colonnade but the rock mass is yet to be laid! The rock mass is laid on 2024VeAdar2. A colonnade is where people gather before entering into the temple]
24 The Jews therefore [oun] encircled him [2x. One encirclement by the plural Jews, making a 2 month circle around Jesus to 2024Shebat25-2024Adar2 (Modern Hebrew), which is 2024Adar21-28 (BLC) which is also 2024VeAdar21-28 BLC. 2024VeAdar20 is the end of the non reserve 2NC ark rapture. Because the Jews ate the fish counts as 2x] and [they] said to him: Until when, the soul of us are you lifting/taking up/removing? [2x.(1x+!x) = 4x] [This is a self answering question until 4 months after Hanukkah for the rapture of the Benjamite 2NCs (completed on 2025Iyyar21/22)] If you are the Christ, say to us outspokenly (John 10 KIT)

This nails the end of the Gentile call 2NC rapture to Modern Hebrew Hanukkah, the end of the non reserve 2NC rapture to 2024VeAdar20/21 and the end of the 2NC reserve rapture to 2025Iyyar21. And that puts the start of the image of Daniel3, 60 cubits of height earlier on 2024VeAdar21. Because the height of the image in cubits is the period of Mark of the beast testing of the saints in days, a day for a cubit.

Also the Angel of Philadelphia has to be kept from the hour of the test and he is raptured on 2024VeAdar20, the first day of that 'hour'. So this gives us.

2024VeAdar21 (2025March26/27): The start of Mark Registration. The day when vaccine status Digital IDs are introduced.
2025Iyyar14 (2025May12/13): The start of Mark Compulsion.
2025August (Gregorian or Julian): The greater Registration decree of Caesar Augustus of Luke2. You MUST register for a digital ID or you are a domestic terrorist, a deplorable, an antivaxxer and various other inapposite slanders.
2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14): WW3 begins
2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17): The Ides of March (beware): The start of Mark Enforcement by law and by WW3.
2032Tishri22/23: (2032September29-October1): WW3 ends
2032Heshvan21/22 (2032October28-30): The end of the 2400 days of Revelation13:16-17 of Mark Enforcement.
2033Iyyar14: The end of Mark Registration (because there is no one left to register).

For this timeline it is very obvious that the purpose of WW3 is to enforce the Mark of the Beast. It is the fiery furnace into which digital ID refusers are thrown by conscription

The Plain of Dura (circle)

1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. (Daniel 3 NWT)

The face of the image is the period when it can be seen (when you can get registered) but it is not compelled. Its real purpose is hidden behind the 6x60 = 360 one circle, one Dura (meaning circle in Chaldee) facade.

The hour of the test

10 Because you kept the word of the endurance of me [for 751 main predictions, subpredictions, subsubpredictions and prediction extensions for the 1st/2nd/3rd fire signs!], I will also keep you out of the hour of the test [This is the final love test of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25. Attention all men - if you cannot find faith then find Love for your brothers! Refuse to register for the Mark of the Beast], which is to come upon the whole inhabited [earth] [all those on the planet], to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth [literal - noun counts 1x]  (Revelation 3 NWT).

7 Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. (Matthew 7 NWT) - That is Jesus' word about endurance.

So AOP (the Angel of Philadelphia, Elijah4) and the 2NCs are kept completely out of the hour of the test of the counsel to Philadelphia, by being raptured before the first day of Mark Registration (2024VeAdar21/22). 

10 Because you observed the word of the endurance of me, and I you I shall observe out of the hour of the temptation the (one) being about to be coming upon the being inhabited [earth] whole, to tempt the (ones) inhabiting upon the earth. (Revelation 3 KIT)

Verse10: The hour of temptation: 1x+1x.2x.2x.2x = 9x. The count of verse10 is triggered by the word 'hour'. From 2024VeAdar21/22, Mark Registration Day, to 2033Iyyar14, the end of Mark Registration, the absolute end of Cain.

The 10x of compulsion to get
registered and bow to the image
of Daniel3 begin. China starts
paying wages in CBDCs
(e-CNY) in May 10 years
(60/6 cubits) before they end 
2023Iyyar14 (May4/5)
Annual G20
summit is held
in Rio de Janeiro
Digital IDs have
their Daniel3:1-3
8 years of
of Revelation
Decree of Caesar
Augustus in August
The Daniel3
fiery furnace of
WW3 begins
80 months of
by law and by
the fiery furnace
of WW3 begin
WW3 ends after
80 months. 7x of
Daniel3 more than
the 73 month WW2
End of 2400 days,
80 months of Mark
Enforcement of
Revelation 13:16-17
Mark Registration ends after the
97¾ month hour in the 97¾ year
day of testing God's people from
1935 Nazi Germany and 8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 from 2025Iyyar14
2 years - 2 months 1 year 7 years + 2 months 2+1+7 = 10 years

The 10 horns who are 10 Kings of Revelation17 (the G20 members) are the 10 toes of Daniel2, which are partly of iron and partly of potter's clay (making 20x of the G20) run after the end of the 2 feet, the UK/US world power. 

41 And as to that you saw, the feet and the toes [were] partly of potters' clay and partly of iron, [the] kingdom shall be divided. But there shall be in it the strength of iron, because you saw the iron mixed with clay of the potter.
42 And [as] the toes of the feet [were] partly of iron and partly of clay, [so] the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. (Daniel 2 GLT)

The 2750 = 55x50 days of Revelation17:16-17 of the 10 horns giving their G20 Kingdom to the financial/commercial/banking from 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns gain power, to 2032Tenneth11/12, when the words of God are fulfilled, when the harlot to the electorate of false democratic government is burnt..

16 And the 10 horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.
17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his judgement,, even to carry out [their] one judgement by giving their kingdom [singular] to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been fulfilled. (Revelation 17 NWT-LWT)

16 And the ten horns which you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot, and having been desolated they will make her and naked, and the fleshes of her they will eat, and her they will burn down in fire;
17 the for God gave into the hearts of them to do the judgement of him, and to do one judgement and to give the kingdom [singular] of them to the wild beast, until will be fulfilled the words of the God. (Revelation 17 KIT-LWT)

Then at some point during the period of WW3, from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23, the UK/US head is cut off the beast and the wings of the US Eagle are removed from the UK Lion. 

Temporally, the 10 Horns = the 10 Kings = the 10 Toes = 10 years from 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of the world.
Temporally the 10 Horns and the 10 Kings and the 10 Diadems are also 10 months of power, kingship and authority. 
Administratively, the 10 horns who are 10 kings = The 10 toes partly of iron and partly of potter's clay = The G20.

Actually Trump (or some other male person) will be inaugurated as the 47th president on 2025January20 (2024Shebat15). He also becomes the second horseman of the apocalypse, after black supremacist, African dictator, genital mutilator, anti Japhethite and anti American traitor and globalist agent Obama46 (Biden) has done his job of destroying the US military, corrupting and politicising absolutely every branch of the public sector, and assassinating US culture by every means at his disposal. We see this because the fiery horse of Revelation 6:4 is a yet to leave the stables (pass its first law) congress and the rider (the president) is yet to be given the great sword (become the commander of the US military). On 2023Tishri15 (US) 2023Tishri16 (UK) (16:48 EDT 2023October3), for the first time in History, a sitting speaker was ousted by congress. That could possibly have lead to Trump becoming speaker and then president. The speaker is the Revelation14 bridle of the 2nd horse of the apocalypse, which is the US Congress.

The Mark of the beast takes the form of accepting a Digital ID, on 2024Adar21/22 = 2024VeAdar21/22 (2025February24-26 or 2025March26-28) Mark Registration day, the start of the year of the face of the Mark (6x60 cubits of the image of Daniel3) without the depth of Mark enforcement. Then on 2025Iyyar21/22, the 10 horns of power for the G20 begin. Mark enforcement (the start of the 10 diadems of authority of the financial beast) begins on 2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17, the Ides of March of which we must BEWARE). The G20 forces mankind to convert all his money into CBDCs, the image of the beast, which they control. When they control all of your money, you are their slave. They have stolen your financial freedom. The EU under Ursula Von Der Leyen and the IMF under Christine Lagarde are pushing this worldwide theft of all personal money. March 2026 is when the remainers will realise how wrong they were to support giving away our sovereignty to people over whom we have no democratic control. 

Here's hoping that Jesus overturns the tables of the vote counters of Dominion and the Democrats in the false temple of US Democracy and the puppet masters of the UK deep state and blob in removing Boris and Liz and without a single vote being cast, crowning Rishi whom the Tory members had explicitly rejected in favour of Liz.

34 You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of moulded clay and crushed them.
41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of moulded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay.
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of moulded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. (Daniel 2 NWT)

The Mark of the Beast comes is as a result of the 2nd fire signs on 2024Shebat2 - 2024Adar21/VeAdar21. It is the end of the 7th world power economically. Because the globalist Mark of the Beast conquers the pound and the dollar. This may be coincident with the long overdue recognition that the people of the US voted not for Biden but for Trump in 2020. Because they do not like politicians. And Biden is the archetypical politician. Biden could NEVER outperform Obama. And the argument that he only managed to outperform Obama due to the unpopularity of Trump is plainly false because Trump is incredibly popular as his opinion polls have consistently shown (rigged though they are against him). Whereas Biden is monstrously unpopular in polls (rigged though they are in his favour).

The 2 fire signs hit the feet BEFORE the period of the G20 Beast having power etc., from 2025Iyyar21/22 to 2032Tebbeth11/12, the end of the 10 kings giving their G20 kingdom to the financial/commercial/banking beast. And the UK/US world power, the two feet, the 7th world power, ends when the toes begin. Mick Robinson said that the city and wall street will fall at the same time that the wall of the city of Jericho falls. Pretty accurate39.

931 Nebuchadnezzar [may Nebo protect the crown], the king [FDS3/ES2] [The G20] made an image of gold [fake 1NC saints on the WTBTS governing body who are to be worshipped in idolatry] [New gold based CBDCs], the height of which was 60 cubits, the breadth of which was 6 cubits [This is a witness to 10x precisely, which must be the depth/length of the image since we are only given the width and the height. IS THIS another testing of God 10x? The length must run from 2023Iyyar14 (the start of Chinese government paying people in e-CNY) to 2033Iyyar14, the end of Mark testing, the absolute end of the world. Nebuchadnezzar initially sets up the image on 2024Chislev17/18, 96x of the sentence count of Daniel 3:2-3 before Mark Registration Day - see the sentence count below.

This is a classic omission symbolism - where is the depth? Why is this image 2D? Symbolically it must represent a total facade. A facade is a mask. It is a transparent deception, a facade with no depth. An obvious theft by governments of all money - 100% Taxation]  He set it up in the plain of Dura in the jurisdictional district of Babylon.

2 And Nebuchadnezzar, the king sent to assemble/gather the satraps [Governing Body members], the prefects [Zone Overseers] and the governors [District Overseers], the counsellors [Writing committee and teaching committee members], the treasurers [Watchtower Accountants], the judges [Circuit Overseers], the police magistrates [absolute] [ministerial servants] and all the administrators [Construct] [Elders] of the jurisdictional districts to come to the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar, the king had set up.

3 At that time the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts assembled/gathered for the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar, the king had set up, and they were standing to [l] the front [lbeq.] [i.e. temporally before] of the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. (Daniel 3).

Mark Administrative Inauguration to Mark Inauguration is 96 days of the sentence count of Daniel 3:2-3

1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura [circle/dwelling] in the jurisdictional district/province of Babylon.
2 And Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to assemble the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates [determined/absolute] and all the administrators [construct] of the jurisdictional district/province [singular] to come to the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
3 In/At that time [!yId;aB] the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts were assembling themselves for the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up, and they were standing in front of the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. (Daniel 3 NWT). 

Verse2: Command to gather counts as 7x.3x+3x.1x=24x (a month a time for verse3)
Verse3: Execution of the command to gather counts as: 7x.3x+3x.1x+24x.(1x+1x) =72x
Total: 24x+72x = 96x. These stand in front of i.e. temporally before of the image for 96 days before Mark Registration Day. Mark Registration cannot start before all the 2NCs are raptured so as to be kept from the hour of the test. We do not go up until 2024VeAdar15-20. Then Registration starts on 2024VeAdar21/22. So the administrative inauguration occurs on 2024Chislev17/18, 5 days after the annual G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro. For more see U171.

2023Elul22 (2023September9/10 - the dates of the ONE FUTURE G20 annual summit in India)
2024Chislev12-13 (2024November18-19) is the G20 annual summit in Rio de Janierio

Caesar Augustus (not Septemberus or Octoberus) decreed the entire Roman world should get registered in Luke2 and Mike's dream had the pages of August being flipped through in speedy succession. This applies to August 2025 (Gregorian or Julian)

4 And the herald was crying out in strength: to ye they are saying [But this is a periphrasis for the passive -  it is being said - Gesenius - like a polite plural], Oh peoples, nations and tongues [Everyone in the Watchtower] [Everyone in the world] [3x+3x+3x=9x],
5 that in/at the time which/when/that yeu hear the sound [singular] of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument, the bagpipe [Every Watchtower meeting begins with Kingdom melodies] and all types of instrumental music [6x+3x=9x or 6x+6x = 12x, because we know there are 6 types of instrument. So there must be at least 6 types of instrument music. This cannot be 6x+1x = 7x, for that makes a mockery of the 6x] [every possible form of mass media communication - or will they write a G20 anthem?], yeu fall down and worship the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar, the king has set up [2x] [worship the fake gold, the fake 1NC saints in the Watchtower, the images of gold] [get the mark of the beast so that you can buy or sell].
6 And who that does not fall down and worship [2x] will in that moment be thrown into the midst of the furnace of the fire the burning [2x] [Disfellowshipped] [Denied access to nuclear bunkers? Drafted into WW3? The half way point of WW3 is referred to].
As/like to front of/over against this [following this, as a result of this], in/at appointed time of him as/like which [1x] all of the peoples [3x] were hearing the sound of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument and all sorts of instrumental music [5x+3x=8x OR 5x+1x = 6x] [where is the bagpipe? DO THE SCOTS IGNORE THIS SATANIC MARK OF THE BEAST!!]. This is a media assault in the secular UN thread], falling [were] all of peoples, nations and tongues [3x+3x+3x=9x. Except that all of the peoples falling down is all of the tribes falling down which is all of the tongues falling down. So really this is 3x?] worshiping [they were] to the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar, the king had set up [1x] (Daniel 3).

Verse 4-6: The count of the idolatry decree is 9x.(9x.12x+9x.2x+2x+2x) = 9x.130x = 1170x. So 1170x days of Mark enforcement take us to the midst of the fiery furnace of WW3, which lasts for 80 months of verse19, which is 7 months more than the 6 years and 32 days of WW2 (2192 days) which is 2402 days from the declaration of war on Germany by the British and French empires, to the fulfilment of the Potsdam declaration (the surrender of the last part of Indochina of Lu Han).

He will be thrown into the fire counts 1x
He will be thrown into the midst of the fire counts 2x. Because the result is ½ fire + him + ½ fire = 2x.
The Scottish bagpipe is omitted from verse7 - to indicate non compliance by one main stream media outfit - Let us see which one it is (run by a Scotsman?) - God bless them!

1939September1 (1945Elul13): 04:45 Poland invaded.
1939September3 (1945Elul15): 11:15 Britain declares war on Germany and is joined by India (under British rule) Australia etc. WW2 begins.
1939September3 (1945Elul15): 17:00 France declares war on Germany.
1945May8 (1945Iyyar24): VE day
1945August15 (1945Elul3): VJ day
1945September2 (1945Elul21): VP Victory in the Pacific
1945September2 (1945Elul21): Ho Chi Minh proclaims Vietnamese Independence.
1945September9 (1945Elul28): Japanese troops in China, above the 16th parallel, surrender to Chiang kai Shek at the 9th hour (9-9-9). The official capitulation of all the Japanese in the China Theatre took place on the morning of 9 September at the Central Military Academy in Nanking. The surrender by Yasuji Okamura, Commander of Japanese Expeditionary forces in China, included Japanese forces in China, Formosa, and northern Indo-China but not in Manchuria. - General McArthur's Reports.
1945September12 (1945Tishri1): Japan officially surrendered to the British in Singapore:  73 months in total.
1945September13 (1945Tishri2): Japan surrendered Burma to the British
1945September13 (1945Tishri2): Japan surrendered Indochina below the 16th parallel (given to Mountbatten by the Potsdam declaration on 1945July17) to the British (Major General Gracey) in Saigon on 1945September13, the day that Gracey arrived there - https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/War_in_Vietnam_(1945%E2%80%931946)  
1945September16 (1945Tishri5): Japan surrendered Hong Kong to the British (officially).
1945September20 (1945Tishri9): The Allied Control Council passed its Control Council Law No. 1 - Repealing of Nazi Laws in Germany.
1945September26 (1945Tishri15): The 62nd Chinese army under Lu Han came and occupied Nam Định and Haiphong. Lạng Son and Cao Bang, cities in North Vietnam, to disarm and get Japanese troops to surrender
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): Japan's 38th army surrenders the balance of French Indochina above the 16th parallel (Cambodia, Laos, French Vietnam) to the Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese accepting on behalf of the French.
On September 28, Lu Han presided over a ceremony at the Hanoi headquarters (formerly the French Governor's Office in Tonkin or North Vietnam) to accept the surrender of the Japanese 38th Army Commander Yuitsu Tsuchihashi on behalf of the Allied Powers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lu_Han_(general). 

The Japanese surrender of Indochina above the 16th parallel to Lu Han at Hanoi.

1945September28 (1945Tishri17): The Chinese army was surrendered in Vietnam with a total of more than 30,000 Japanese troops (21st Division, 22nd Division and 34th Independent Brigade), including 11,800 in Hanoi, 13,000 in Haiphong, and 8,000 in Hue. There are about 80,000 family members of the Japanese army and Japanese businessmen. The received weapons are rifles, light and heavy machine guns, pistols, flamethrowers, etc., with a total of more than 40,000 pieces; more than 800 mountain guns, infantry guns, cannons, and fortress guns; more than 600 horses; 10 aircraft. 189 people, including the Japanese governor of Vietnam Tuqiao Yongyi, were listed as war criminals and escorted to the Guangzhou camp of the Nationalist government for trial. From inf.news.
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): Lu Han, Commander-in-Chief of Chinese 1st Front Army, was authorized to accept the surrender of Japanese 38th Army, Japanese 21st Division, Japanese 22nd Division and Japanese 34th Infantry Brigade group in Hanoi, Vietnam. On September 28, Lu Han received the surrender of Yuitsu Tsuchihashi, representative from the Empire of Japan. http://en.people.cn/n/2014/0916/c98649-8783279.html
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): David Marr is  Professor Emeritus of Asian History, Australian National University. He writes a good account of the Potsdam agreement and the September28 surrender.
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): Chinese General Lu Han accepted the surrender of Japanese 38th Army at Hanoi, French Indochina. The French delegation boycotted the ceremony due to the Chinese-Vietnamese joint attempt to place the French delegation far from the main ceremonies during the planning process. https://ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=13. The Potsdam declaration is now fully implemented, WW2 ends.

1945September29 (1945Tishri18) Miyako and Ishigaki, the last islands of Japan to surrender to the US.

So we take WW2 as running from 1939September3 (1939Elul15) to 1945September28 (1945Tishri17: the fulfilment of the 1945July27 Potsdam declaration).

So 1170x days of Mark enforcement take us to the midst of the fiery furnace of WW3, which lasts for 80 months of verse19, which is 7 months more than the 6 years and 32 days of WW2 (2192 days) which is 2402 days from the declaration of war on Germany by the British and French empires, to the fulfilment of the Potsdam declaration (the surrender of the last part of Indochina of Lu Han).

19 At/in that time Nebuchadnezzar was filled [with] rage, and the image of his faces [plural not dual in Chaldee - Gesenius] was changed/disfigured upon Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times upon/above that which was beheld to be heated of him [in other world wars].

Verse 19: (1x+1x+3x).2x.(7x+1x) = 5x.2x.8x = 80x. 
Also the Grand flesh eating evening meal of God of Revelation19 is 80 months long - which is the spectacle of WW3.

Paul gives Peter a mars bar (action) is 1x. Because during the action Peter does not yet have the mars bar
Peter receives a mars bar (an action) is 1x Because during the action Peter does not yet have the mars bar
Peter has a mars bar (a state) = 1x+1x = 2x
Peter and Paul will be thrown into the midst of the fire = Peter and Paul will be thrown between the 2 halves of the fire = 2x Because during the throwing they are not yet in the midst of the fire
Peter and Paul were in the midst of the fire (a state) = ½x+2x+½x =3x
Paul places Peter upon the stage = 1x. Because during the action Peter is not yet upon the stage
Peter is upon the stage = 2x

2402 = 1201 + 1201: So WW3 begins 1201-1170 = 31 days before 2025Adar21/22 which is 2025Shebat20/21. So it ends on 2032Tishri22/23. 80 months and 2 days later. The 1000 day chain of Revelation20 on the Dragon runs from 2023Nisan24, his descent until 2025Shebat3/4, 19 days before the biblical start of WW3.

80 months of WW3 is the 80 months of the grand evening meal of God of Revelation19 - see U151#19.

One is thrown into it the fiery furnace, by being cut off from war time rations and from the economy for not having the mark, a vaccine Passport, during a World War. Also perhaps by being drafted into the War. So that one cannot get any rations and one cannot get into any wartime shelters and one may even be forced into the military..

The 60 cubits height of the image are 60 days of Mark testing of saints from Mark Registration day on 2024VeAdar21/22 to 2025Iyyar21/22, the end of the rapture of the Benjamin 2NC reserves. 2023Iyyar25 is the end of the 30x of the Benjamin call from 2020Heshvan25, the 4th HLC marriage veil lifting and martial supper day, the wedding of Cana, when the water of the 4EC is turned into the wine of the 2NC. Because the height of the image represents the heavens, the angelic secular administration of the Kingdom of God and Benjamin is the last group of saints to be raptured into the ark - taken out of the test by Jesus. Benjamin is raptured into Zoar before the priests.             

The 10x of compulsion
to get registered and
bow to the image of
Daniel3 begin. China
starts paying wages in
CBDCs (e-CNY) in May
10 years (60/6 cubits)
before they end. 
2023Iyyar14 (May4/5)
Daniel3 Image of
Social Credit Score
linked Digital IDs and
CBDCs inaugurated
5 days after G20
summit in Rio
8x of Mark testing
of Revelation13:16
Mark Inauguration
Mark Registration
8 years of
of Revelation
ark rapture
ends. 60
days of testing
of saints end
WW3 begins
Mark Enforcement Day
by law and the by the
WW3 ration book. Now
illegal to buy or sell without
the Mark of the Beast as a
Digital ID. 80 months of
Mark enforcement begin
2026March15-17 (Ides of)
40 +40 day
Lava flood 
Non covenant
Adam and Cain
to be executed
Midst of the
fiery furnace
of WW3
40 +40 day
Lava flood ends
Non covenant
Adam and Cain
WW3 ends
by war ends 
2400 days of
13:16-17 of Mark
by law end
Mark Registration ends
after the 97¾ month hour
in the 97¾ year day of
testing God's people from
1935 Nazi Germany and 8
years of Mark Compulsion
of Revelation 13:16
from 2025Iyyar14
96 days of Daniel3:2-36x60 = 360 days of face of Daniel3 image no depth1201-1170 days1170 days of Daniel 3:4-61201 days of last ½ of WW3
First 2x of 10x of control freak social credit scoring8x of Mark Registration Compulsion from all [ones]: all [ones] and all [ones] and all [ones] of Revelation 13:162x+8x = 10x

2014Sivan16: 2014June14: Chinese Government releases its planning outline for the construction of a Social credit score system. The planning period running from 2014-2020.
2021January: The NDRC release a national guiding document for credit information reporting. This is designed to encourage the standardization of credit information reporting between provinces.
2021July: Two draft documents were released in relation to the social credit system: The National Social Credit Information Basic Catalogue and the National Basic List of Punishment Measures for Untrustworthiness. 
2021December16: 2021Tebbeth7: National List of Basic Penalty Measures for Untrustworthiness (2021 Edition) was released - https://research.hktdc.com/en/article/OTYwODgyODI3.
2022August: More than 5.6 million shops accept e-CNY as a payment option, and more than 360 million transactions with a total value of 100 billion yuan (.2 billion) have already been made in China.
2022December16, 2022, the testing of Digital Yuan (e-CNY) has been further expanded into five additional regions: Jinan, Fangchenggang, Nanning, Kunming, and Xishuangbanna
2022December28: The 2022 editions of the National Social Credit Score Information Basic Catalogue and the National Basic List of Punishment Measures for Untrustworthiness were jointly released by the National Development and Reform Commission, the People’s Bank of China, and other departments.
2023May, Changshu in the province of Jiangsu started to rollout salary payments in e-CNY for government employees as well as staff at stated-owned companies and public institutions.

8 And will worship him all the (ones) dwelling upon the earth, of whom not has been written the name of him in the little book of the life [the ARC] of the Lamb the (one) having been slaughtered from throwing down of world [the ARC founded the world] (Revelation 13 KIT).93

9216 And  it is making/composing/creating [poiew] all (ones) [with a digital ID]: The small (ones) and the great (ones), and the rich (ones) and the poor (ones), and the free (ones) and the slaves, in order that they should give to them engraving upon the hand of them the right or upon the forehead of them, (Revelation 13 KIT)
16 kai poiei pantaj touj mikrouj kai megalouj kai touj ptwcouj kai touj plousiouj kai touj eleuqerouj kai touj doulouj i?na dwsin autw caragma epi thj ceiroj autwn thj dexiaj h epi to metwpon autwn (Revelation 13 Sinai)

The small (ones) and the great (ones) = all (ones)
The rich (ones) and the poor (ones) = all (ones)
The free (ones) and the slaves = all (ones)

So it is making/composing/creating (digitally) all (ones): All (ones) and all (ones) and all (ones) = 4x of all ones = 4x precisely. These must run from 2025Iyyar14, to 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC salvation, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the last rapture of FRCs. So the first 53 days of Mark Registration from 2024VeAdar21/22 must be free of compulsion.

The compulsion on FRCs lasts for 4x precisely. Whereas Mark registration lasts for the 12x of the sentence count of the further specification of all (ones) precisely from the List Specification Principle, this being the time it takes from the start of Mark registration, to the implementation of  full Mark Enforcement. It is the same period as the 6x60 = 360 square cubit, 2D view of the face of the image of Daniel3, which is 1 year of Mark Registration without any depth of enforcement from 2024VeAdar21/22 to 2025Adar21/22. Whereas Mark enforcement lasts for the 2400 days (see below) of Revelation13:16-17 from 2025Adar21/22-2032Heshvan21/22,

The Plain of Dura (circle)

1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. (Daniel 3 NWT)

The face of the image is the period when it can be seen (when you can get registered) but it is not compelled. Its real purpose is hidden behind the 6x60 = 360 one circle, one Dura (meaning circle in Chaldee) facade.

The hour of the test

10 Because you kept the word of the endurance of me [for 751 main predictions, subpredictions, subsubpredictions and prediction extensions for the 1st/2nd/3rd fire signs!], I will also keep you out of the hour of the test [This is the final love test of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25. Attention all men - if you cannot find faith then find Love for your brothers! Refuse to register for the Mark of the Beast], which is to come upon the whole inhabited [earth] [all those on the planet], to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth [literal - noun counts 1x]  (Revelation 3 NWT).

7 Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. (Matthew 7 NWT) - That is Jesus' word about endurance.

So AOP (the Angel of Philadelphia, Elijah4) and the 2NCs are kept completely out of the hour of the test of the counsel to Philadelphia, by being raptured before the first day of Mark Registration (2024VeAdar21/22). 

10 Because you observed the word of the endurance of me, and I you I shall observe out of the hour of the temptation the (one) being about to be coming upon the being inhabited [earth] whole, to tempt the (ones) inhabiting upon the earth. (Revelation 3 KIT)

Verse10: The hour of temptation: 1x+ 1x.2x.2x.2x = 9x. The count of verse10 is triggered by the word 'hour'. From 2024VeAdar21/22, Mark Registration Day, to 2033Iyyar14, the end of Mark Registration, the absolute end of Cain.

The 10x of compulsion to get
registered and bow to the image
of Daniel3 begin. China starts
paying wages in CBDCs
(e-CNY) in May 10 years
(60/6 cubits) before they end 
2023Iyyar14 (May4/5)
Annual G20
summit is held
in Rio de Janeiro
Digital IDs have
their Daniel3:1-3
8 years of
of Revelation
Decree of Caesar
Augustus in August
The Daniel3
fiery furnace of
WW3 begins
80 months of
by law and by
the fiery furnace
of WW3 begin
WW3 ends after
80 months. 7x of
Daniel3 more than
the 73 month WW2
End of 2400 days,
80 months of Mark
Enforcement of
Revelation 13:16-17
Mark Registration ends after the
97¾ month hour in the 97¾ year
day of testing God's people from
1935 Nazi Germany and 8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 from 2025Iyyar14
2 years - 2 months 1 year 7 years + 2 months 2+1+7 = 10 years

The 10 horns who are 10 Kings of Revelation17 (the G20 members) are the 10 toes of Daniel2, which are partly of iron and partly of potter's clay (making 20x of the G20) run after the end of the 2 feet, the UK/US world power. 

41 And as to that you saw, the feet and the toes [were] partly of potters' clay and partly of iron, [the] kingdom shall be divided. But there shall be in it the strength of iron, because you saw the iron mixed with clay of the potter.
42 And [as] the toes of the feet [were] partly of iron and partly of clay, [so] the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. (Daniel 2 GLT)

Temporally, the 10 Horns = the 10 Kings = the 10 Toes = 10 years from 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of the world.
Temporally the 10 Horns and the 10 Kings and the 10 Diadems are also 10 months of power, kingship and authority. 
Administratively, the 10 horns who are 10 kings = The 10 toes partly of iron and partly of potter's clay = The G20.

4 Today you are going out in the month of Abib [ear/headed] [1513Nisan for Barley in Egypt and Israel and 2012Elul16 for Abrahamic Zoar and 2016Tishri16 for Isaaic Zoar and 2024Tebbeth16-20 for the rapture of the Gentile call Abrahamic 2NCs out of this world and into the Kingdom of God in the ark, when Abraham physically gets Jesus as their Caesar and 2024VeAdar15-20 when Isaaic 2NCs are raptured to get Jesus physically as their Caesar. Also in 2024Adar/VeAdar humans in the world begin to hear with their ear, the message of the Laodiceans/LWs].
5 And it must occur that when Jehovah will have brought thee into the land of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Hivite and the Jebusite [TCC1, TCC2, TCC3, TCC4, non adamic Abraham], which he swore to thy forefathers to give thee, a land flowing with milk and honey, then thou must render this service in this month [1x.5x.3x.(1x+1x)+1x=31x ??]
7 days you are to eat unfermented cakes, and on the 7th day is a festival to Jehovah [The relevant Passover for each true church, when it became a promised land to the sons of Israel, when it was appointed to feed the saints]
7 Unfermented cakes are to be eaten for the 7 days; and nothing leavened is to be seen with you, and no sourdough is to be seen with you within all your boundaries.
8 And you must tell your son on that day, saying, 'It is because of that which Jehovah has done to me when I came out of Egypt.'
9 And it must serve for you as a sign upon your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, in order that Jehovah's law may prove to be in your mouth; because by a strong hand Jehovah brought you out of Egypt.
10 And you must keep this statute at its appointed time from year to year. (Exodus 13 NWT)15 And it came about that Pharaoh showed obstinacy toward sending us away, and Jehovah proceeded to kill every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of man to the firstborn of beast. That is why I am sacrificing to Jehovah all the males that open the womb, and every firstborn of my sons I redeem.'
16 And it must serve as a sign upon your hand and as a frontlet band between your eyes, because by strength of hand Jehovah brought us out of Egypt. (Exodus 13 NWT)

17 and Jehovah's anger does blaze against you, and he does shut up the heavens so that no rain will occur and the ground will not give its produce and you have to perish speedily from off the good land that Jehovah is giving you.
18 And you must apply these words of mine to your heart and your soul and bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they must serve as a frontlet band between your eyes.
19 you must also teach them to your sons, so as to speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.
20 And you must write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates, (Deuteronomy 11 NWT)

4 Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God [is] one Jehovah.
5 And you shall love Jehovah your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.
6 And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be on your heart.
7 And you shall teach them to your sons, and shall speak of them as you sit in your house, and as you walk in the way, and as you are lying down, and as you are rising up.
8 And [you] shall bind them for a sign on your hand; and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.
9 And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6 GLT)

The sign upon right hand is celebrating Passover and Cakes, the mark between the eyes is remembering what God did for us and showing everlasting gratitude to him for it by celebrating LW Exodus Passover-Cakes - i.e. understanding the significance of the festival  For by a strong hand we shall be brought out, therefore we have a mark on the right hand, which mark is the Kingdom Passport out of the world into the ark. Whereas the Mark between the eyes is remembering to celebrate the Passover and Cakes due to gratitude to God, which is love for God, which is obeying his law, which is your divine credit score.

Position Mark of the beast of Revelation13 Mark of Jehovah of Exodus13, Dueteronomy6 and Deuteronomy11
On the right hand Vaccine Passport controlling your actions Kingdom Passport into the ark
Between the eyes Social Credit Score controlling your thoughts Divine Credit Score controlling your thoughts

Karaite Judaism understands the signs between the eyes and upon the hand to be metaphorical but some orthodox Jews take them as physical and wear Tefillin (philactories) containing torah verses strapped to their heads during morning prayers and wrist bands. But then they go and get vaccinated and so wear also the mark of the beast !!!!

11 And I saw other wild beast stepping up out of the earth, and it was having horns two like to lamb [lambs do not have horns. Horns start growing at ages 2-3. So like a lamb counts as 1x] and it was speaking as dragon.

11 And I saw other wild beast stepping up out of the earth, and it was having horns two like to lamb, and it was speaking as dragon. (Revelation 13 KIT)
11 Kai. ei=don a;llo qhri,on avnabai/non evk th/j gh/j kai. ei=cen ke,rata du,o o[moia avrni,w| kai. evla,lei w`j dra,kwn (Revelation 13 WHO)

Verse 11: 2x+2x+1x =5x. Having 2 horns is a state. Speaking as a Dragon is an action.  

12 And the authority of the first wild beast all it is doing in sight of it. And it is making the earth and the (ones) in it dwelling in order that they will worship the wild beast the first, of which was cured the blow of the death of it.
13 And it is doing signs great, in order that also fire it may make out of the heaven to be stepping down into the earth in sight of the men.
14 And it is making to err the (ones) dwelling upon the earth through the signs which it was given to it to do in sight of the wild beast, saying to the (ones) dwelling upon the earth to make image TO the wild beast [not an image OF. This is a new currency, the beast-mark or beastcoin] who is having the blow of the sword and it lived..
15 And it was given to her to give spirit to the image of the wild beast, in order that also should speak the image of the wild beast and it might make in order that as many as if ever not might give worship to the image of the wild beast they should be killed. (Revelation 13 KIT)

16 And it [the two horned beast UK and US] is making [poiei] all [ones] [namely] the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the slaves [2x further specified as 12x counts as 2x.12x=24x here] [receptive] in order that [ina] they [the sea beast and other beasts] [2x] should give to them [2x: All ones] a mark/engraving upon [+genitive] their right hand or upon [+dative] their forehead [1x+5x or 1x+1x] ,
17 and in order that not anyone/someone [of them] [1x] might be able to buy or sell [(1x + 1x)/2 = 1x] if not the [one] [1x] having the mark/engraving [in the form of] the name of the wild beast or the number of its name [1x,(1x+1x)/2 = 1x].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count/calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [see the count for Revelation 13:1-9 - see U271-11#19] (Revelation 13).

Verse 16-17:12x.2x.2x.((6x+2x)/2x)+12x.1x.((1x+1x)/2+(1x+1x)/2) = 48x.4x+12x.2x=216x. NOPE

Verse 16-17: 5x (the count of 'it', the 2 horned lamb-like other beast speaking as dragon).(2x.12x.2x.2x (all ones).((6x+2x)/2x)+2x.12x.1x.((1x+1x)/2+(1x+1x)/2) = 5x.(2x.12x.2x.2x.4x+2x.12x.2x)=5x.(384x+48x) = 5x.432x = 2160. 6 years  NOPE
Verse 16-17: 5x (the count of 'it', the 2 horned lamb-like other beast speaking as dragon).(2x.12x.2x.2x (all ones).((6x+2x)/2x)+2x.12x.2x.((1x+1x)/2+(1x+1x)/2) = 5x.(2x.12x.2x.2x.4x+2x.12x.4x)=5x.(384x+96x) = 5x.480x = 2400x. 6 years 8 months from 2025Adar21/22, the start of Mark enforcement by the fiery furnace of WW3 and by law, to 2032Heshvan21/22. Then Mark registration and Mark Compulsion continues until 2033Iyyar14 8 years of all (ones):: All (ones) and all (ones) and all (ones) of verse16 in total after 2025Iyyar14, the start of Mark Compulsion. On 2025Adar21/22, Mark Enforcement day, the law is changed to criminalise Mark refusers.

One can be compelled to take the Mark by registering for a digital ID in the UK, the legislation for which came into force on 2022April6 (2022Nisan5). It does not become the Mark of the Beast until the Registration is international (in the lands of the 10 Horns who are 10 Kings of Revelation17 or the 10 toes part iron and part potter's clay who both count as 20x and symbolise the G20) and it incorporates a vaccination certificate. It will make that incorporation by 2024VeAdar21/22, if this chronology is correct. When the international Vaccine Passport Digital ID is introduced then every country can blame every other country for its introduction. The purpose of International organisations is to usurp national democracy and national sovereignty.

Joe Biden's Vaccine Mandate Executive Order for all federal agency employees and private sector organisations with more than 100 employees was made on 2021September9 during the day (2021Elul29).

Sec. 2. Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees. Each agency shall implement, to the extent consistent with applicable law, a program to require COVID-19 vaccination for all of its Federal employees, with exceptions only as required by law. The Task Force shall issue guidance within 7 days of the date of this order on agency implementation of this requirement for all agencies covered by this order. - https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/09/09/executive-order-on-requiring-coronavirus-disease-2019-vaccination-for-federal-employees/ 

Also 2021Tishri6 (2021September16) was the last date for the 1st jab for care home workers according to the UK govt regulations - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/vaccination-of-people-working-or-deployed-in-care-homes-operational-guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccination-of-people-working-or-deployed-in-care-homes-operational-guidance 

But neither Joe Biden's dastardly decree nor UK CARE's careless care home mandate were sufficiently universal to fulfil the compulsion of Revelation13

However, the Identity Document Validation Technology IDVT digital identity is universal within the UK at least.... 

The Home Office and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) are working with DCMS (Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport) as it develops proposals for new legislation to establish a UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework. This framework will set out the rules and standards for organisations to follow in order to carry out secure, trustworthy, and consistent digital identity checks.

The relevant changes to legislation will take effect from 6 April 2022. Making these changes to the Schemes will:

1. Allow those in scope to verify their identity remotely, prove their eligibility to work or rent and apply for DBS checks. Using IDVT allows people to upload images of their personal documents, instead of presenting physical documents to a prospective employer – reducing time and mitigating risk.

2. Allow private sector IDVT (Identity Document Validation Technology) service providers to become independently certified by UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited assessors to ensure the technology meets the Government Standards and the applicant’s data is protected.

There are only two places to get the Mark, upon the hand and upon the head. Nowhere else. Being vaccinated does Mark your DNA/RNA. But is not itself having the mark. Registering is how you get the Mark. But you cannot register without being fully vaccinated. So being fully vaccinated is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for having the Mark. A fully vaccinated person does not have the mark unless he is also registered. 

False worship is having something against God's face, which is giving God's things to Caesar. So obeying a government is only false worship if you know their commands are against those of God. Anyone with a valid vaccine Passport already has the Mark upon the hand. Defiling your conscience is false worship even if the rule of your conscience which you break is not in opposition to God. For example a vegetarian eating a steak is false worship, because true worship is obeying your God given conscience. Even though God instructed mankind to eat meat (but not worms or snakes) 

2 And a fear of you and a terror of you will continue upon every living creature of the earth and upon every flying creature of the heavens, upon everything that goes moving on the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea. Into your hand they are now given.
3 Every MOVER/CREEPER [fm,r<] that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. (Genesis 9 NWT).

'Remes' must mean mover not creeper, since God gave us fish to eat (as did Jesus). So there is literally nothing LIVING which is unclean for humans to eat. He did not give us fake meat manufactured by Bill Gates however.

18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616/666. (Revelation 13 NWT)
18 wde h sofia estin o ecwn ouj yhfisatw ton ariqmo tou qhriou ariqmoj gar anqrwpou estin exakosiai exhko?a ex 666 (Revelation 13 SinaiO)
18 wde h sof@ia estin# o ecwn noun yhfisatw ton @ari#qmon tou qhriou ariqmoj gar anqrwpou estin kai o ariqmoj autou exakosioi exhkonta ex 666 (Revelation 13 AlexO)
18 wde h sofia estin o ecwn noun fisatw ton ariqmon tou qhriou ariqmoj gar anqrwpou estin kai o ariqmoj autou esti exakosiai deka ex 616 (Revelation 13 RescrO)

Alexandrinus and Sinaiticus have 666. Ephraemi Rescriptus and the Oxyrhynchus fragment have 616.

1 Now in those days a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered;
2 this first registration took place when Quirinius (of the supreme master from kurioj) was governor of Syria [Assad is a Christian supporter];
3 and all people went travelling to be registered, each one to his own city [Ark city OR Mark city at the same time].
4 Of course, Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to David's city, which is called Bethlehem, because of his being a member of the house and family of David,
5 to get registered with Mary, who had been given him in marriage as promised, at present heavy with child.
6 While they were there [space for time], the days came to the full for her to give birth [non adamically by Isaaic 4EC water baptism from 2024Chislev10 to 2026Tishri5, the end of the 574 day of Bethzatha from 2024VeAdar2, the baptism of Caleb as the temple floor]. 
Mark Decree Day must occur in August (Julian - on or before 2024September13)
(Luke 2 NWT).

Caesar Augustus (not Septemberus or Octoberus) decreed the entire Roman world should get registered in Luke2 and Mike's dream had the pages of August being flipped through in speedy succession.

2023Elul22: September10: EU Chief, Ursula Von Der Leyen declares at Session III of the 'One Future' G20 summit that: “Many of you are familiar with the COVID-19 digital certificate. The EU developed it for itself. The model was so functional and so trusted that 51 countries on 4 continents adopted it for free,” Ursula Von Der Leyen

"Digital Public Infrastructures are an accelerator of growth. They MUST BE trusted, interoperable & open to all" - She tweeted on 2023September10

The EU has matured into a 'geopolitical union' Ursula Von Der Leyen during her state of the Union address on 2023September13

Translation: Digital IDs MUST BE trusted and forced upon all of us because they are an accelerator towards total control of every aspect of your life by unelected globalist politicians like me. The EU is a European globalist Caesar right now. It has designs on being a geopolitical (Worldwide globalist) Caesar. See https://www.youtube.com/shorts/132r2L5jlOE. See https://www.infowars.com/posts/future-is-digital-eu-chief-calls-for-global-digital-ids-and-un-control-of-ai/. See summit.news 

Ursula Von Der Leyen means 'She bear from the rocks'. Leyen is the plural of Ley, an old German word for rock. So Ursula (whose name suggests she is allied to the Russian she bear of Daniel7:5 which is presently attacking Ukraine) may well be cut out from the rock, the administration of the world, not by hands, as described in Daniel2 - demon possessed. Ursula makes a decree which is NOT the greater decree of Caesar Augustus of Luke2 on August28 (Julian) which was September10 (Gregorian) to GET REGISTERED DIGITALLY. The EU commission agreed to implement Digital IDs throughout the block on 2023November8. 

2023Adar14: 2024February29: The EU voted to implement by law a Digital Wallet (335 to 190). And that is how the Mark of the Beast began.

So whilst Jesus registers the saints, the priests and the FRC citizens into the Ark, Satan2 registers the sinners into the Mark. Whose registration will you take?

2024Adar9/10/VeAdar9/10: 2025February12-14/March14-16: Mark Registration Publicity Day. 12x of the sentence count of the musical instruments of Daniel3 before Mark Registration Day on 2024VeAdar21/22.
2024VeAdar21/22: 2025March26-28: Mark Inauguration and Registration Day: It is now possible to take the Mark of the beast. The start of the 60 cubits of height of the Image of Daniel3 to 2025Iyyar21, the end of the testing of Benjamin (his rapture), the period of Mark testing of saints.
2025Iyyar18-21: 2025May16-20: The leaping rapture of the Benjamin 2NC reserves of Acts3 (during Booths), which ends his Mark testing. The end of the 60 cubits of height of the image of Nebuchadnezzar from 2024VeAdar21/22. 
2025Iyyar21/22: 2025May19-21: PEACE AND SECURITY are declared (2 declarations, the bible is maximally distributive), 9 months of gestation of the sentence count of 1Thessalonians 5:3, before WW3 begins on 2025Shebat20/21/3. The sudden destruction that comes to them is WW3. In fact it is standing upon those declaring it (the 10 horns who are 10 kings, the 10 toes which are part iron and part potter's clay - the G20) - who are therefore responsible for WW3 in order to force Digital IDs, in order to steal everyone's money in order to bail out the banks and enslave all mankind.
2025August1-September13: The greater Registration Decree of Caesar Augustus (as opposed to Caesar Septemberus or Octoberus). 
2025Adar21/22: 2026March5-7:  Mark Enforcement day. It is now near impossible to buy or sell without the Mark. 80 months of mark enforcement begin and run to 2032Heshvan21/22 (2400 days of Revelation 13:16-17).
2025Adar21/22: 2026March5-7: Mark Criminalisation day. It is now illegal to buy or sell without the Mark. 
2032Heshvan21/22: 2032October28-30: 80 months of Mark Enforcement by law end
2033Iyyar14: 2033May13/14: 97¾ months of Mark Registration end 

7 heads of the 4th beast of Daniel7 which is the 1st beast, the sea beast, of Revelation13 are 7 years of headship from 2025Adar21/22, Mark Enforcement day, to 2032Heshvan21/22, the end of the 80 months of Mark enforcement., the end of the rulership of the banking/financial/commercial beast. This beast gets a death stroke to 1 of its 7 heads, the US/UK But the beast gets healed for the scripture says...

3 And one out of the heads of it as having been slaughtered into death, and the blow of the death of it was cured. And was made to wonder whole the earth behind the wild beast,
14 And it is making to err the (ones) dwelling upon the earth through the signs which it was given to it to do in sight of the wild beast, saying to the (ones) dwelling upon the earth to make image to the wild beast who is having the blow of the sword and it lived. (Revelation 13 KIT)

One of its heads gets a death blow which is cured. The beast gets a sword stroke and it is cured. These are not the same event.

'One of its heads', is 1 out of 7 and so stands for a period of 7x precisely, which must run from 2025Tebbeth11/12, to 2032Tebbeth11/12, when the 10 Kings cease giving their G20 Kingdom to the sea beast o Revelation13, the central banking/big tech beast. The image of the beast (its new world currency, CBDCs, the smart currency which speaks and tells you nope you cannot buy a cheeseburger - go eat some bugs) is to the beast which had the sword stroke and revived. So the sword stroke precedes the image but the death blow is not said to precede it. The image is the Beastmark, the CBDCs. 

The sword stroke and it lived might be the US leaving the globalist beast under TRUMP and taking its eagle wings with it.
The death stroke to one of its heads which is cured might be the UK being demilitarized, being made to stand up on two feet like a man as in Daniel7:4, having received a death stroke during WW3, which gets healed.

15512 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight [the UK/US deep state controls the Big Tech sea beast]. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed.
13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind [the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18, false flags in the UK and US].
14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast [The new global digital currency - beastcoin - wokecoin, fearcoin, theftcoin, CBDCs] that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. (Revelation 13 NWT)

34 You kept on looking [1x] until a stone was cut out which/that not [was cut out] in hands [Dual: 10x], and it struck to the image [1x] upon feet of it which/that the iron and the clay [10x.2x=20x if each foot has both materials. But one foot could be iron and the other clay] and crushed them [1x.10x.2x].
35 At/In that time the iron, the moulded clay, the copper, the silver and the gold were crushed as one [5x.(1x+1x)=10x], and [they] became like the chaff from the threshing floors of summer [5x.(1x+3x) = 20x], and the wind carried them away [5x] and all of trace not found to/for them [5x]. And the stone that struck the image [1x], became a large WALL and filled the whole earth [1x+1x as a stone and as a large wall]. (Daniel 2 NWT/KIT/LWT)

rWj m.—(1) a wall around about, a fence, an enclosure. Ezekiel 46:23. (طَوْرُ a boundary, طَوَاُر a fence). A garden is an enclosed area. This is the new garden of Eden, filling the earth. The wall is the secular and sacred law of the Kingdom of God. It could also be Mark of the beast exclusion filling the whole earth, the wall of the digital concentration camp.

Verse34: 1x+1x+10x+1x+10x.2x+20x = 53x
Verse 35: 10x+20x+5x+5x+1x+1x+1x = 43x
Total = 53x+43x = 96x or 8 years of compelled Mark Registration which looks like a wall excluding the unregistered from the financial world but is in fact a wall excluding the registered from the Kingdom of God.

IT IS A DUAL PURPOSE WALL. Those who have iron hearts take the Digital ID and don't care about those who are excluded. If any man is excluded all should stand with him. We should all stand with the minority who suffers discrimination. Those with mouldable moist clay hearts refuse the Digital ID.

8 years from 2025Iyyar14, the start of Mark compulsion (4 years of Revelation13:16 before 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC salvation) to 2033Iyyar14. These are also the 8 Happinesses of the sermon on the mount of the ark administration. That is when the wall of the law of the Kingdom of God fills the whole earth, which earth is resident in the ark under the sacred and secular law of the Christ. THAT IS THE LAW THE LWs HAVE BEEN WORKING ON SINCE January 1992.

Also there is a demonic fulfilment where a demonic stone (cut out from the administration of mankind and demon possessed - is this Cain?). Further stones are cut out by the vaccine. They needed the vaccine to cut out these stones. It hits the two feet and becomes a wall that fills the whole earth, a worldwide digital prison created by social credit score linked CBDCs (the image of the Beast) and vaccine passports. This wall is the means of total financial exclusion for the non complaint. Accepting the Mark puts you under the central bank beast as Caesar. Rejecting it puts you under Jesus Christ as Caesar.

The dream of Daniel2 applies to the Kingdom of God. The interpretation applies to the Kingdom of the demons. 
The 2NCs are cut out from the mountains of non adamic Sodom and 2NC Zoar by rapture. The members of the sea beast of Revelation13 are cut out of the mountain of mega money by demon possession.

41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of moulded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay.
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of moulded clay [10x.2x = 20x, the G20], the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile.
43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they [the descended demons] will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with moulded clay.
44 And in the days of those kings [Those kings, the 10 toes, the 10 Kings of Revelation17 who are 10 horns, the G20 members] the God of heaven will raise up [~Wq] a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin [in the ark, gradually rapturing or resurrecting all Kingdom citizens into that Kingdom. God's kingdom is caused to arise by rapture actually to 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC ark rapture, during the days of the 10 Kings/Toes]. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite
45 forasmuch as you beheld that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the moulded clay, the silver and the gold. The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy. (Daniel 2 NWT).

44 And in the days of those kings [10x] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite

44 and in/at days of them who kings they, will cause to arise [into the ark] God of inhabitants of heaven, Kingdom, which to/for hidden times not will be hurt [3x] and Kingdom to/for a people another not will leave (self) [2x] [it] will cause to be crushed and  will cause to snatch away all of these Kingdoms [5x: iron copper moulded clay silver gold] and herself will arise to/for the hidden times [3x] ! (Daniel 2 WLCi)

45 Because you saw vision that from the mountain she was cut out rock that not in/by hands [Dual: 10x] and she broke/smashed/crushed the iron, the copper, the moulded clay, the silver and the gold [5x] God great he showed to the king what that he will take place after this [1x+1x=2x] and true the dream and being trustworthy the interpretation of him [2x] (Daniel2 NIVHEOT)

The king gave his kingdom to his son = 1x
The king gave his kingdom to someone new = 1x
The king gave his kingdom to someone else = 1x
The king gave his kingdom to his other son = 2x

An object is always other to a subject unless the verb is reflexive. 

Verse 44: 3x.10x.3x.(1x.3x+2x+2x.5x+3x) =90x.18x = 1620x. 
Verse 45: (10x+1x.5x).2x = 30x 
Total: 1620x+30x = 1650x, 55 months. From 2024Tishri15, the start of the ark resurrection of the ELCs to 2029Iyyar16, the end of ark rapture and non adamic transformation of the FRCs of the 6th crop of Revelation22. 

So there are 55 months of raising up the Kingdom of God into the ark by resurrection and rapture. That is the import of Daniel2:44-45. 

These 10 kings who are 10 horns, the G20 members are supposedly democratic governments of 20 nations/blocks. They MUST (but not all their individual members) survive the lava flood which kills non OMC Adam and non OMC Cain, by having some OMCs in them155.

But in the end the love of the living Abraham triumphs over the control of the dead Adam, thanks to the love and power and authority of Jesus Christ and Jehovah.92




The March of world powers since Satan was evicted from heaven and made to stand upon two feet like a man, actually possessing a man

1 In the first year of Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, Daniel himself beheld a dream and visions of his head upon his bed. At-that-time [!yId;aBe] he wrote down the dream itself. The complete account of the matters he told.
2 Daniel was speaking up and saying: I happened to be beholding in my visions during the night, and, see there! the 4 winds of the heavens were stirring up the vast sea.
3 And 4 huge beasts were coming up out of the sea, each one being different from the others [the sea of mankind. These could be political powers or religious powers]

4 The first one was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle [this is the heavenly dragon]. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out, and it was lifted up from the earth and was made to stand on 2 feet just like a man, and there was given to it the heart of a man [This is the dragon being thrown down to the earth to possess humans. So the angels of Satan's administration now are human with fleshly desires].
5 And, see there! another beast, a second [one], [this is evidently a double designation from the sense] it being like a bear. And on one side it was raised up, and there were 3 ribs in its mouth [under its political influence, it speaks for them. This is 25% of a body which has 12 ribs. So it could 'conquer/annex/anschluss' 25% of the EU i.e. around 7 countries - 3 ribs in its mouth could mean that it speaks for one quarter of mankind if associated with China (there are 12 ribs in a body. Russian population - approx 150 million, Chinese population - approx 1.4 Billion. One quarter of the world's population would be approx 1.75 Billion. Being raised up on one side could mean that on one side geographically it is against the countries on that side i.e: to the west and on the other side it is making alliances i.e: the east - China?] between its teeth [military power]; and this is what they [the teeth] were saying to it, 'Get up, eat much flesh.' [the teeth of the Russian, bear it's military, is saying eat much flesh, i.e. declare war on many peoples. but whether the bear actually does this is unclear. It might succeed in politically annexing 7 EU countries without eating too much flesh - as was the case in Crimea in 2014March for example]

6 After this I kept on beholding, and, see there! another [beast], one like a leopard, but it had 4 wings of a flying creature on its back [this beast is angelic, it is Zoar, the wings are of the 1NC and the 2NC saints]. And to-the-beast 4 heads [Gordon, then the 1NC reserves, then the descended 1NC Kings, then Melchizedek - the ancient of days. Jesus is the heavenly head, but this is an earthly beast], and rulership was given to her [Zoar conquers the Christian world at a speed comparable to Alexander the Great who was the original fulfilment of this beast. Or possibly this is the BRIC nations after a financial collapse caused by the 2nd/3rd fire signs?] 

7 After this I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! a 4th beast, [one] being terrifying and terrible and unusually strong [might have been a triple description but there is no 'and' before 'being terrifying' which is a Chaldee peal passive participle BDAHCL]. And it had teeth of iron, big ones. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was treading down with its feet. And it was something different from all of the [-lk] beasts that were prior to it, and it had 10 horns [10 months].
8 I kept on considering the horns, and, look! another horn, a small [one], came up in among them, and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn, and there was a mouth speaking grandiose things.

9 I kept on beholding until there were thrones placed [on 2020Ab5, the installation of the kingdom?] and the Removed/Ancient of Days sat down [Jesus/Methuselah begins judgement?]. His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool [1NC/2NC Kings]. His throne was flames of fire; its wheels were a burning fire.
There was a stream of fire flowing and going out from before him. There were 1,000 thousands that kept ministering to him [saints], and 10,000 10,000s that kept standing right before him [priests]. The Court took its seat, and there were books that were opened [books of salvation covenant names].
I kept on beholding at-that-time [!yda] because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire.
12 And as for the remainder of [raX, construct noun] the beasts, they caused their rulerships to pass away [hiphil active causative. They give their rulerships away to the 4th beast during 66+30 days from 2022Chislev30 to 2022Adar6 to 2023Nisan6. And those in heaven took away their rulership on 2022Heshvan14. Then the kingdom of the 10 diadems runs from 2022Adar6 to 2023Tebbeth6, when the beast goes off into destruction, when the 10 kings of Revelation17 stop giving their power and authority to the beast, after the beast is caught/domesticated on 2023Heshvan6. Whereas the Kingdom of the 10 toes runs from 2023Nisan6 to 2023Shebat6, the 10x period or Mark testing with the image of the beast, CBDCs, the image of Dnaiel3 (60/6 Cubits). Whereas the end of Babylon is the late Babylonian LRC Passover on 2023Chislev14?], and there was a lengthening in life [after 2022Heshvan14] given to them for a season/appointed time [nmz] and a time [!d[] [This could be for a year and 3 months to 2023Shebat14, the absolute end of Adam. One does not need a true church if there is no satanic Caesar. But the tree of life of Revelaton22 and the last chance saloon cannot crop unless a Satanic Caesar is still around]. (Daniel 7)

13 I kept on beholding in the visions of the night [new subaccount], and, see there! with the clouds of the heavens someone like a son of man happened to be coming; and to the Ancient of Days he gained access, and they brought him up close even before that One.
And to him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.
As for me, Daniel, my spirit was distressed within on account of it, and the very visions of my head began to frighten me.
I went up close to one of those who were standing, that I might request from him reliable information on all this. And he said to me, as he went on to make known to me the very interpretation of the matters,
These the beasts, the great [ones] because they are 4, there are 4 kings that will stand up from the earth.
But the holy ones of the Supreme One will receive the kingdom, and they will possess the kingdom to time-indefinite, even to time-indefinite upon times-indefinite.'
Then it was that I desired to make certain concerning the beast, the 4th which proved to be different from all the others, extraordinarily fearsome, the teeth of which were of iron and the claws of which were of copper, which was devouring [and] crushing, and which was treading down even what was left with its feet;
and concerning the 10 horns that were on its head, and the other [horn] that came up and before which 3 fell, even that horn 

21 I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
until the Ancient of Days came [Methuselah, days are a human measurement of lifespan. God is the ancient of eons or actually of 'before' time itself] and judgment itself was given in favour of the holy ones of the Supreme One [Jesus], and the appointed time [anmz] arrived and holy ones possessed the kingdom [2020Ab21, as sacred king over 2NC Zoar or 2020Ab10 as Caesar to Zoar or 2020Chislev5, the installation of the Kingdom].
This is what he said, [as for] the beast, the 4th, a 4th kingdom will come to be in-the-earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all of the earth and will trample it down and crush it.
And the 10 horns, from her, the kingdom, are 10 kings [that] rise up; and another one rises up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate [10 kings of the UN clone. Also 10 months? the 11th horn is the EU which humiliates UK Germany and France in the terrible beast].
And he will speak even words against the Most High [Jehovah], and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One [1NC and 2NC saints of Jesus Christ, who is the supreme one in the kingdom]. And he will intend to change appointed times [!ynmz] and law, and they [times and law or the holy ones?] will be given into his hand [5x] for a time [!d[] [], and times [!ynd[] [] and half a time [!d[] [] []
And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership [] they took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally.
'And the kingdom and the rulership and the grandeur of [yd] the kingdoms under all the heavens were given to the people who are the holy ones of the Supreme One []. Their kingdom is an indefinitely lasting kingdom, and all the rulerships will serve and obey even them.'
Up to this point is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my own thoughts kept frightening me a great deal, so that my very complexion changed in me; but the matter itself I kept in my own heart.

The Most High is Jehovah
The Supreme one is Jesus
The Ancient of days is Melchizedek.

Modern Military Beasts

4 The first one was like a lion, [1x] and it had the wings of an eagle [2x]. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out [2x], and it was lifted up from the earth [1x] and was made to stand on 2 feet just like a man, [10x] and there was given to it the heart of a man [1x] [UK world power from 1915Nisan, the first regnal year of the Watchtower/Belshazzar to WW2, when much of Britain's military power was destroyed. We had the heart of a man because we sacrificed ourselves to save the world and we gave the whole commonwealth independence if they wanted it. Perhaps the wings of the eagle were plucked out because the US stopped supporting us with air power after WW2? The Lion is the UK, the eagle is the US.]

5 And, see there! another beast, a second [one], [this is evidently a double designation from the sense] it being like a bear. [1x+1x] And on one side it was raised up [1x - raised up to attack - against the West], and there were 3 ribs in its mouth [3x] between its teeth [military power] [21 upper and 21 lower teeth, 21 biting pairs, between 21 pairs, 21x. One cannot be between one tooth. One has to be between a pair of teeth]; and this is what they [who - axis powers?] were saying to it, 'Get up, eat much flesh. [total period of 27 months of the Russian Bear eating up eastern Europe at the end of WW2]

6 After this I kept on beholding, and, see there! another [beast], one like a leopard, but it had 4 wings of a flying creature on its back [US and UK air power?]. And to-the-beast 4 heads [China, Russia, France, and US-UK, the 4 heads of the UN Security Council], and rulership was given to her [The UN now has almost every nation in its general assembly].

7 After this I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! a 4th beast, [one] being terrifying and terrible and unusually strong [the UN clone, the image of the UN Beast, a new UN beast resulting from the stagnation produced by the UNSC vetoes]. And it had teeth of iron, big ones [3x, Hebrew plural, number is not specified]. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was treading down with its feet [4 Feet, since all beasts have 4 of them]. And it was something different from all of the [-lk] beasts that were prior to it, and it had 10 horns [the 10 kings of Revelation 17. These appear after the UNSC is upstaged by the UN clone/image. This is not UN reform which is politically impossible. It is a new outfit, born following the 3rd fire sign. Counts 10x].
8 I kept on considering the horns, and, look! another horn, a small [one] [1x] came up in among them [the EU], and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it [UK, France and Germany]. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn [[How man sees is not how God sees 1Samuel16:7. It has the desires of man] [3x are removed and replaced by a horn with 2 eyes, i.e. 3x. Net result zero.], and there was a mouth speaking grandiose [ things] [2x] [This beast is not identified with an animal. Possibly because it is not entirely from this planet being made up of a large number of demon possessesed people] (Daniel 7).

7 But Jehovah said to Samuel: Do not look at his appearance and at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For not the way man sees [is the way God sees], because mere man sees what appears to the eyes. But as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is (1Samuel16).

Just as the two feet supply blood to the 10 toes, so the UK/US two horned beast of Revelation13 breathes life into the image of the beast which is the 10 horned 4th beast of Daniel7. The first 3 beasts of Daniel7 are the first beast of Revelation 13 which ascends out of the sea. 

The 7th head gets healed but loses its headship and becomes a priest, giving life to the 10 toes. It is a priest to and a prophet of the 10 toes, our attempted murderer. It is not part of the 10 toes. The feet end and the toes start just as the head ended and the breasts started in Daniel2. The 8th king is SPQR, the 8th king of Rome, democracy, the takeover by Jezebel, the dethroning of Satan and his 7th world power by his own administration, the dragon. 

Look! Hosea is crying out and saying with the leopard and the bear swapped around...

7 And I shall become to them like a young lion. Like a leopard by [the] way I shall keep looking.
8 I shall encounter them like a bear that has lost its cubs, and I shall rip apart the enclosure of their heart. And I shall devour them there like a lion; a wild beast of the field itself will tear them to pieces.
9 It will certainly bring you to ruin, O Israel, because it was against me, against your helper.
10 Where, then, is your king, that he may save you in all your cities, and your judges, [concerning] whom you said: Do give me a king and princes?
11 I proceeded to give you a king in my anger, and I shall take [him] away in my fury (Hosea 13).

Now God took his Kingship away from the Samaritans in 723, when the Assyrians took Samaria under Shalmanezer. The Assyrians depicted themselves as a Lion with the two wings of an eagle. You can see statues of such beasts in the British Museum in London. These statues have been recovered from Assyrian Palaces. God took his Kingship away finally from Judah at the appointment of Jehoiakim, which was on 608Chislev10 - see [97]. The first agricultural year without God as King therefore started in 607Tishri. At this time we know from the coded symbolism of Daniel 4 that the heart of the tree representing God's rulership was changed from the heart of a man to the heart of a beast. Whereas we read of the Lion/Eagle of Daniel 7, that its wings were plucked out and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand upon 2 feet like a man and it was given the heart of a man. 

The Babylonians were, like the Egyptians, God's prison warden for his people. This is an elevation in spiritual position from a mere animalistic Beast of the earth. And Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God so that he developed a spiritual heart, a man's heart, rather than having the heart of an animal, which knows nothing spiritual. 

27 And it came about in the 37th year of the exile of Jehoiachin the king of Judah, in the 12th month, on the 27th day of the month, that Evil-merodach the king of Babylon, in the year of his becoming king, raised up the head of Jehoiachin the king of Judah out of the house of detention;
and he began to speak good things with him, and then put his throne higher than the thrones of the kings that were with him in Babylon.
And he took off his prison garments; and he ate bread constantly before him all the days of his life.
As for his allowance, an allowance was constantly given him from the king, daily as due, all the days of his life (Jeremiah 52).

Babylonian King  Berossus  Ptolemy  BCE
Nabopolassar  21 years 21 years 625-605
Nebuchadnezzar 43 years 43 years 604-562
Evilmerodach 2 years 2 years 561-560
Neriglissar  4 years 4 years 559-556
Labashi-Marduk 9 months n/a 556
Nabonidus  17 years 17 years 555-539

Word Symbolisms

The Event symbolism is about Kings over the Jews, God's first people from Abraham's sons. The Account symbolisms are about Kings over the Christians, God's second people from Abraham's sons by covenant. There are two word threads, one thread is sacred, the other is secular.

Word1 secular and Word2 is spiritual because FDS4 can have 10 horns but not have 10 kings, we are not a multi-headed democracy. Also Word2 forces the 3rd beast (called another beast) actually to be the 3rd beast, since the 2nd and 4th beasts are called such. But Word1 allows for the 2nd and 3rd beasts to be transposed, so by the ambiguity principle they are transposed.

I kept on beholding means: Gordon kept doing research. 

3 4 huge beasts were coming up out of the sea, each one being different from the others (Daniel 7)

17 As for these huge beasts, because there are 4, there are 4 kings that will stand up from the earth (Daniel 7).

So the Beasts, the Kingdoms, come from the sea, but the Kings of these kingdoms, come from the earth.

Word1 - Modern Military Thread

1 In the first year of Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, Daniel himself beheld a dream and visions of his head upon his bed. At-that-time [!yda] he wrote down the dream itself. The complete account of the matters he told.
2 Daniel was speaking up and saying: I happened to be beholding in my visions during the night, and, see there! the 4 winds/spirits of the heavens [Melchizedek, Michael, Gabriel and Satan] were stirring up the vast sea [of mankind].
3 And 4 huge beasts were coming up out of the sea, each one being different from the others [so they are not all incarnations of the UN]
4 The first one was like a lion [UK power], and it had the wings of an eagle [US power]. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out [air power transferred to the UN], and [temporal disconnect in this thread. 'And' can mean after, before or during] it was lifted up from the earth [becoming spiritual, having a role over God's people] and was made to stand on 2 feet just like a man [2 true churches the JWs in the US and the LWs in the UK], and there was given to it the heart of a man [could see spiritually].
5 And, see there! another beast, a second [one], [this is evidently a double designation from the sense] it being like a bear. And on one side it was raised up [Bears on all 4 legs raise up a front arm/leg before they clobber you - this is Russia raised up to attack Eastern Europe and the 'stans' of the middle and far east, after having been provoked by the Nazis], and there were 3 ribs in its mouth [political control] between its teeth [military power] [3 ribs being 3/12ths or 3/24ths genetically of mankind - Adam's ribs]; and this is what they [the teeth, its military people] were saying to it, 'Get up, eat much flesh.' [Conquer Eastern Europe and the northern middle east]
6 After this I kept on beholding, and, see there! another [beast], one like a leopard [predatory, fast conquest of the world] , but it had 4 wings of a flying creature on its back [it supports the 4 wings of the UK/US power. They ride its back]. And to-the-beast 4 heads [5 Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, UK-US is one head], and rulership was given to her [UN ruled over every nation including the Vatican up to and after 2008Nisan14].

7 After this I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! a 4th beast, [one] being terrifying and terrible and unusually strong [might have been a triple description but no 'and' before 'being terrifying' which is a Chaldee peal passive participle BDAHCL] [the UN clone]. And it had teeth of iron, big ones [large strong military machine]. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was treading down with its feet [Bears have 20 toes, 5 on each foot. Lions have 18, 4 on the front paws and 5 on the back paws. Leopards have 16, 4 on each. But this beast is not defined as to its toes. Perhaps we just count the 4 feet?]. And it was something different from all of the [-lk] beasts that were prior to it, and it had 10 horns [the 10 kings of Revelation 17. These appear after the UNSC is upstaged by the image of the UN. Which is NOT a reformed UN but a new body, a son of the UN, with the US/UK power putting in its spirit of life, its software, its philosophy, into this son, this image, following the 3rd fire sign.].
8 I kept on considering the horns, and, look! another horn, a small [one], came up in among them [the EU], and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it [UK, France and Germany]. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn [How man sees is not how God sees 1Samuel 16:7. It has the desires of man], and there was a mouth speaking grandiose things [the EU political monopoly will corrupt the UN worldwide political monopoly].

9 I kept on beholding until there were thrones placed and the Ancient of Days sat down. His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool. His throne was flames of fire; its wheels were a burning fire.
There was a stream of fire flowing and going out from before him. There were 1,000 thousands that kept ministering to him, and 10,000 10,000s that kept standing right before him. The Court took its seat, and there were books that were opened.

11 I kept on beholding at-that-time [!yda] because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire.
12 And as for the remainder of [raX, construct noun] the beasts, they caused their rulerships to pass away [hiphil active causative. They give their rulerships away to the 4th beast during 66+30 days from 2022Chislev30 to 2022Adar6 to 2023Nisan6. And those in heaven took away their rulership on 2022Heshvan14. Then the kingdom of the 10 diadems runs from 2022Adar6 to 2023Tebbeth6, when the beast goes off into destruction, when the 10 kings of Revelation17 stop giving their power and authority to the beast, after the beast is caught/domesticated on 2023Heshvan6. Whereas the Kingdom of the 10 toes runs from 2023Nisan6 to 2023Shebat6, the 10x period or Mark testing with the image of the beast, CBDCs, the image of Dnaiel3 (60/6 Cubits). Whereas the end of Babylon is the late Babylonian LRC Passover on 2023Chislev14?], and there was a lengthening in life [after 2022Heshvan14] given to them for a season/appointed time [nmz] and a time [!d[] [This could be for a year and 3 months to 2023Shebat14, the absolute end of Adam. One does not need a true church if there is no satanic Caesar. But the tree of life of Revelaton22 and the last chance saloon cannot crop unless a Satanic Caesar is still around]. (Daniel 7)

4 kings that will stand up from the earth  4 last secretary generals of the UN in the last 7 years (Kofi Annan being the first of these 4), when the UN has world headship. He is the 7th in total. The 10 horns of Revelation 13 have 10 diadems, which are the 10 secretary generals - see [158].
3 horns plucked up Little horn humiliates 3 of the 4th beast power kings. This is the EU finally humiliating presumably  the US/UK power (although we have done a pretty good job of this ourselves!) The EU will achieve this through the new EU constitution of Giscard D'estang - which is 'just a tidying up exercise' like the Common Market was 'just a trading deal', yes, a trading deal with a constitution! Just as the Treaty of Versailles gave us the second world war so the constitution of the EU will give us Armageddon no problem. The EU, which the 20th century has proved cannot guarantee even its own national security, will at the end, through the EU, control the UN clone which is the ultimate guarantor of all international security. Call it conceit, call it hypocrisy, call it arrogance, call it what you will, but there will be no international security once this occurs. 
Holy ones get kingdom  of Zoar as sacred king over non adamic Sodom on 2019Adar9, and over the 2NC part of Zoar as sacred King on 2020Tammuz2/Ab21 (4th after adamic and non adamic FDS4 and non adamic Laodicea but delayed until after 2020Sivan21, the 2nd HLC marriage), and as Caesar to Zoar on 2020Tishri6 (the late 2nd or the 3rd Zoar Pentecost), and of the world on 2020Chislev5.

12 And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast (Revelation 17).


Word or Phrase

Word2 Symbolic Meaning

Daniel (4x) Gordon
4 winds/spirits (1x) of the heavens Melchizedek, Michael, Gabriel, Satan.
Man (4x) Fleshly man, physical man, animalistic man.
Sea (2x) Spiritual men
First beast FDS1
Like a lion Like the Lion of Judah, Jesus, they were Christians, Lionians.
Wings of an eagle Spiritual expansion
Wings plucked out The spiritual expansion ended when it was disfellowshipped and It fell from heavenly favour at the appointment of FDS2 in 67Tishri.
Lifted up from the earth FDS1 removed from being a part of God's true spiritual administration
Earth (4x) Past and present true religious administrations in existence.
Stand on two feet like a man  FDS1 is cut in two as a punishment, at its end (feet). It loses its heavenly/angelic connection, and becomes a mere administration of animalistic men.
Given heart of a man Loses its heavenly heart, becomes animalistic in outlook.
Second beast FDS2
Bear  Fights for its cubs
One side raised up

Paul was dual citizen, (he was in 2 FDSs) he mediated Bilhah, the ELC and then Apollos, the HLC mediator, followed him in FDS2. So FDS2 contained heaven bound saints and earth bound saints. The 3 other FDS 'beasts' either all heaven or all earth.

Three ribs in its mouth, between its teeth John, and Peter, one other 1NC apostle, pillars of FDS1 who also speak for FDS2.

12 Ribs = 12 stones = 12 sons = 12 apostles = 12 baptisms = 12 building blocks of body

Get up each much flesh Get message to lots of people, baptising them
Third beast  FDS3
Like a leopard Predatory, a hunter for Christians
4 wings of a flying creature on its back Proselytes to the 4 corners of the earth
4 heads  Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, Henschel (FDS3 was appointed over all belongings on 1916Nisan20, before Charles Russell died).
Rulership indeed Gentile Times ended
4th Beast FDS4, very powerful awesome fearsome, but not terrible to those with faith.
10 horns on its head 10 Governing body members of FDS4 at the time that 3 are humiliated by the little horn.
Kings (3x) Governing body members
Teeth (3x) Biblical research program, chewing on scriptures
Iron (2x) Spiritual strength from the heavens
Teeth of Iron Very strong heavenly guided biblical research program. We take large bites of the scriptures.
little horn Corrupting person or sect in FDS4.
Eyes like the eyes of a man Seeing physically
Mouth speaking grandiose things A political voice within FDS4.

The 4 beasts are FDS1,2,3,4. 

Brother Gangas (the 11th governing body member) died at 8:50 am on July 28th 1994, i.e. 1994Ab17. He died clean in the flesh.

The Holy spirit is making comparisons, elucidating patterns of power in the World and in the true church. It always works the same way. First you have the visionary, Michael Collins in the case of the IRA. Then you have the opportunist, the little horn, De Valera, in the case of the IRA (if the movie with Liam Neeson and Julia Roberts is to be believed). The opportunist betrays his own people for the sake of personal power.

Well the Franks under Charlemagne started the Holy Roman Empire, the little horn of the event symbolism, and the French started the EU which is the little horn of the physical word symbolism of the vision of the night. So in both cases the French succeed in controlling Europe through lies and the pen, rather than through the more Anglo Saxon method of the sword and an enforced commonwealth. 

One does have to admire the intelligence of the French politicians (whilst understanding and detesting their dishonesty and conceit). The British declare war and then, having killed a whole bunch of people, they create a commonwealth which increases our commercial success. The French go straight to the commonwealth part (which they even went as far as calling the common market) completely leapfrogging (no pun intended) the rather messy war stage. 

So the French control of Europe was firstly through a false theocratic bureaucracy, the Holy Roman Empire and then secondly through a false democratic bureaucracy, the EU. Truly the pen is mightier than the sword. It is absolutely incredible to the writer that the bible uses the same set of words to describe both French power games. But there again...

Le plus ca change, le plus c'est la meme chose!!

Then we have this incredible comparison between the procession of Word powers, from Babylon to Rome and the procession of world powers in the 20th century from the Anglo American through Russia to the 4 headed UN and finally the 10 king UN, and the 4 true religions from FDS1 to FDS4. Talk about making the connection and seeing the pattern! The Holy Spirit is exuberant in its perspicacity.


The League of Nations only had 2 secretary generals from 1920 to 1940 Eric Drummond and then Joseph Avenol, Lister was made secretary general from 1940-1946 as the last act of the LN.

First saw the LN and the UN, kept on beholding and saw the image, kept on beholding and saw the 10 king UN.

Earth appears 4 times, so two meanings. The event symbolism and physical word symbolism is: Governments of the earth, and the spiritual word symbolism is: All religious administrations.

Time appears 3 times [!d[], so it has 3 meanings: 360 days, 360 years and one month.


Previous incorrect triple description interpretation

The two further fulfilments in the religious thread

The first religious fulfilment has the 4 beasts as FDS1,2,3,4. 

But there are 2 further 4th beasts, which either appear 4th (with respect to the first 3 beasts) or are seen by Gordon 4th (with respect to the first 3 beasts). Well the order of discovery was FDS1, FDS3, FDS4, FDS2, WSS2, WSS1. The positions first, second and fourth are not absolute, they are with respect to the other three beasts.

We know that order must be preserved either of appearance or of discovery so this leaves us with :

FDS1, FDS2, FDS3, FDS4 (appears 4th out of these 4)
FDS1, FDS2, FDS3, WSS2 (seen 4th out of the 4. FDS2 was not seen second, and FDS3 was not seen third but both are just another beast in this strand)
FDS1, FDS2, FDS3, WSS1 (seen 4th out of these 4)

Here is the symbolism for the WSS2 as the 4th beast:

Fourth beast WSS2/GNS2, Apostate FDS3, after 1995Tishri15, the wicked and sluggish slave
Teeth of iron Inflexible heavenly class guided, 1NC remnant controlled food.
Trampling what was left with feet Oppresses the remnant ten times, 1994Elul - 2004Elul when many escape to FDS4.
What was left Remnant of the 1NC and 2NC saints
10 kings

10 governing body brothers on 1995Tishri15. The start of  WSS2/GNS2

Brother Gangas (the 11th governing body member) died at 8:50 am on July 28th 1994, i.e. 1994Ab17. He died clean in the flesh.

Small horn Head of Nethinim in the Watchtower, the head of the SS, the sluggish slave, he humiliates 3 of the original 10 governing body members.
Eyes like the eyes of a man in the horn He sees physically.
Time, times and half a time (change times and law) ??
4 Kings Jesus, Paul, Russell, Henschel

Two further fulfilments in the physical thread

The order of the secular powers over Christians is Romans, Babylon, UK/US, League of Nations, UN5, UN10, UNGA (the General Assembly controlled UN).

In this thread the two further fulfilments for two further 4th beasts must have the second beast as appearing second with respect to the other 3 beasts. So we have:

League of Nations, UN5, UN10, UNGA
Romans, Babylon, Anglo American, UN5
Anglo American, League of Nations, UN5, UN10

Even the UN5, has the 10 kings of the 4th beast unofficially, these being the 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom. For Revelation 17 reads:

12 And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast (Revelation 17).

They do receive a kingdom in 2005Nisan (we now know - 26th advert) - see [158].

The Romans had an eagle of this battle standards, the UN has 4 heads, because it has 4 secretary generals during its 7 years of headship. The reader can fill the tables in for the 4 beasts himself. The writer is tired.


Beast Counts

4 The first one was like a lion, [10x] and it had the wings of an eagle [2x]. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out [2x], and it was lifted up from the earth [1x] and was made to stand on 2 feet just like a man, [10x] and there was given to it the heart of a man [1x] [26x? UK world power from 1915Nisan, the first regnal year of Jesus, to 1941Nisan, when much of Britain's military power was destroyed. We had the heart of a man because we sacrificed ourselves to save the world. Perhaps the wings of the eagle were plucked out because it took the Americans 2 years before they joined us in the fight due to Pearl Harbour!].

5 And, see there! another beast, a second [one], [this is evidently a double designation from the sense] it being like a bear. [10x] And on one side it was raised up, and there were 3 ribs in its mouth [Counts 3x] between its teeth [military power] [21 upper and 21 lower teeth, 21 biting pairs, between 21 pairs, 21x. One cannot be between one tooth. One has to be between a pair of teeth]; and this is what they [who - axis powers?] were saying to it, 'Get up, eat much flesh. [total period of 34 months of the Russian Bear eating up eastern europe at the end of WW2]

6 After this I kept on beholding, and, see there! another [beast], one like a leopard, [10x] but it had 4 wings of a flying creature on its back [4x]. And to-the-beast 4 heads [4x.7x=28x], and rulership was given to her [42x] [42 months of authority of the beast in the Kingdom of God according to Revelation 12].

7 After this I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! a 4th beast, [one] being terrifying and terrible and unusually strong [] [the UN clone]. And it had teeth of iron, big ones [3x, Hebrew plural, number is not specified]. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was treading down with its feet [4 Feet, since all beasts have 4 of them]. And it was something different from all of the [-lk] beasts that were prior to it, and it had 10 horns [the 10 kings of Revelation 17. These appear after the UNSC is upstaged by UN reform following the 3rd fire sign. Counts 10x].
8 I kept on considering the horns, and, look! another horn, a small [one], came up in among them [the EU], and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it [UK, France and Germany]. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn [it could see spiritually. 3x are removed and replaced by a horn with 2 eyes, i.e. 3x. Net result zero.], and there was a mouth speaking grandiose [things] [2x]