17712 The woe, the one [Mia] [woe] is past [1x]. Look! is coming yet/further [eti] 2 woes after/next to/with [meta] these [things - neuter] [2x - the thing count of verses 13-15. WE MUST add this to the sentence count of verses 13-15 because, these things is a further description of those verses].
12 The one woe is past. Look! is coming yet/further/more 2 woes after these [things]. (Revelation 9 )
Killing 1/3 of the men is not a woe. It is a baptism. The 3 plagues of fire sulphur and smoke is the woe.
13 And the 6th angel trumpeted [6x: 2024Tishri1], and I heard voice one out of the horns of the altar, the golden,
the (one) [enwpion] in the face of/in view of God [1x for one voice,
defined as 1x. There were 4 horns out of the altar of Moses of Exodus 38:2 and of Ezekiel 43:15. Liddell has 'face to face' under enwpioj. But
literally it means in view of or in face of. Horns which have voices. This is one voice out of the 4 horns of the golden altar before/in view of of God: 4x.2x = 8x]
14 say to the 6th angel [6x],
the [one] having the trumpet [+1x]:
Untie the 4 angels,
the [ones] bound upon/over/towards/with respect to [epi
+ dative] the river, the great Euphrates [4x,(1x+1x)=8x: The Euphrates being the ]
15 And the 4 angels were untied [4x], the [4 angels] having been prepared into the hour and day and month and year [4 Times:
4 years 4 months 4 days and 4 hours], in order that they might kill a 3rd of the men [were untied] [2x/3. All 4 of them as a group kill 1/3 of the men of the 12 tribes of the,
including Israel and Israel, since the 3rd is baptised into ] (Revelation9)
It is all preparation until the task is completed. So the period represented by the sentence count ends at the end of the for saints. One cannot kill by baptism or by blessing mediation unless one is in a true church. So the preparation could not begin until was appointed over . You cannot prepare somebody to kill spiritually, if they are not in a true church.
Thing count: 6th angel (6x), Voice, 4 horns, altar, God, 6th angel, Trumpet, 4 angels, river, Euphrates. 4 angels, 4 prepared ones, hours, day, month, year, men = 39x.
Liddell: L14883 evnw,pioj enwpioj evn&w,pioj, on, (w;y) face to face, Theocrates..
II. neuter: evnw,pion,
Preposition with genitive, like the Latin coram of the vulgate N.T. meaning openly, publicly as an adverb, or before, in the presence of, as a preposition. Literal co - oris, with the mouth.
Literally in face of or in view of.
So 4y+4m+4d+4h from the start of the preparation on 2012Sivan16 to 2016Tishri20 when we got the correct understanding of the Solemn Assembly held on Tishri22 and completed the Christianising of all the Mosaic festivals?
Verse 12 from look! 2x.(1x+1x)+2x=6x
Verse 13-14: 6x+5x.(6x+1x).8x = 6x+8x.56x = 6x+280x = 286x
Verse 15: 4x.(1y+1m+1d+1h).(4x.2x/3) = 32x.(391.041666/083333 days)/3 = 4171.1111/4171.5555 days of preparation
Total: 6x+286x+4171.1111/4171.5555 = 4463.1111/4463.5555 days of untying command from 2012Ab16, when Abrahamic is appointed over , to 2024Tebbeth9/10, the release for the 4 cornerstone apostles not merely to baptise priests
into the Isaaic but also to mediate the blessing of to s, and later the blessing of to the s. This is the Greater conversion of Cornelius, where the church expands not from Jew to Gentile but from Christian to
Abrahamic faith and then further to 2nd law love.
When we died to Adam on 2012Sivan14 and completed our genetic resurrection on 2012Sivan16, we did actually go into , because that is adamic death. Therefore we lost our true church status from 2012Tammuz14 to 2012Ab16. We did not lose our baptism however. But when we died to on 20162Ab14 and completed our genetic resurrection on 2016Ab16, we died a free death, the death of the Christ. So we did not lose our true church status, because our constant feature was not interrupted by . But we did lose our church appointments, because we were new people.
13 And I heard a voice out of heaven say: Write: Happy are the dead [ones] [ones who physically die and are regarded as dead by those left on the planet], the [ones of them] dying in [the] Lord [in , who are judicially alive, who die the free death of the Christ] [not a double designation, it would lose its sense] from now onward. Yes, says the spirit, let them rest from their labours, for the things they did follow with them [they continue working in the ark] (Revelation14).
The death of the Christ does not end your journey. It transfers it.
All s died to Adam/Cain and became from 2012Sivan14-16/Tammuz14-16. On 2012Sivan16 the became . It became lethal to Adam and restorative into . But one cannot be prepared to kill by baptism or by blessing until the church is appointed over (becomes a true church). So from 2012Ab16 onwards we were prepared to kill everyone we baptised. At that time the s had 6 apostles. But Bill and Steve resigned in 2017. On 2007Tishri15, Alan, who was to become the 4th apostle was baptised
Alan, the 4th apostle, missed a festival by a few minutes because he arrived after sunset which Gordon remembers was at 16:24 GMT (but he does not remember which festival he made Alan an apostle at other than it was a late festival and Gordon was somewhat tipsy and it was after the meal around midnight). However the sunset time nails the missed festival to 2015Heshvan21, the Pentecost. Gordon remembers that Alan said no problem I will come back in one month's time. That dedication and other things persuaded him to make Alan into an apostle after the meal and around midnight on 2015Chislev21, the late Pentecost. He was initially the 6th LW apostle, but became the 4th apostle when Bill and Steve resigned. So are Bill and Steve Isaaic? Yes.
In Revelation 9:13-15 we take 1/3 of the men as 1/3 of the 12 tribes of Israel (not just the saints) and of Kingdom citizens, 4 tribes out of 12 tribes of them. So they make up 1/3 of the baptisms and the blessings. These 4 apostles (through their tribes) baptise the 4 corresponding tribes in the 3rd into as well.
Abrahamic was appointed over 2012Ab16 X_______________________________ |
4 Cornerstone apostles are untied to kill people by conferring the blessings of the and the without putting them under church law by baptism into the The preparations to kill by baptism and blessing 4/12 tribes of humans are completed 2024Tebbeth9/10 X177______________________________________________________________ |
4463.1111/4463.5555 days of preparation of Revelation13:15 |
The 6th angel of Revelation2/3, the Angel of Philadelphia, 4, saw that s could impart the blessing of the and the to the inner and outer courtyard of the church on 2024Tebbeth8/9. He instructed the 4 cornerstone apostles on 2024Tebbeth8/9, by email, that they would become free to give the blessing of the from 2024Tebbeth10 and the blessing of the from 2024VeAdar21/22 (Mark Registration day) - see U459.
So on 2024Tebbeth10, the s change from a church which exclusively collected and restored non adamically Kingdom priests, to a church which collects and non adamically restores all Kingdom citizens.
With the Isaaic baptism (and possibly all water baptisms) there is a 7 day priestly installation before it becomes transitive.177
1615 And the 4 angels were untied, the [4 angels] having been prepared into the hour and day and month and year [4 Times: 4 years 4 months 4 days and 4 hours], in order that they might kill a 3rd of the men [were untied] (Revelation9)
The 4 angels are the 4 cornerstone apostles of the temple and the 4 cornerstone apostles of the temple who are their angelic sons, cornerstone for cornerstone, and are therefore regarded by God as their fathers (being in their fathers' houses, just as Israel is the sons of Israel). One 3rd of the men killed are 4/12ths of the tribes of the , of angelic Israel and the. The reserves and reserves are not in the 12 tribes. They are in the reserve tribe.
Given 147,327Chislev14 BC for the Big bang from taking a day for a millennium in Daniel12:11 Given 26,060.606060 years for the length of the light universe creative days The light universe lasts for 49˝ creative days from 147327Chislev14 to 1,142,676Chislev14 AD 2024January25/26 2023Shebat10 X_________________________________________ | Given 1335 days of God's expectation/waiting for time to pass of Daniel12:12 as 1335 millennia which is of all the time there is: from 192,327Chislev14 BC until 1,142,676Chislev14 AD the end of the light universe when all mankind has achieved divinity 2025January26/27 2023Shebat11 X______________________________________________ |
Tweeted the table below at 7:44 pm GMT Revealing the start of the Dark Universe the Dark Big Bang, to be 188,577Chislev14 BC And its end to be 182,674Chislev14 AD 49˝ creative nights later. Each creative night (morning + evening) in the dark universe is 7500 years long 2025January26/27 2023Shebat13 X________________________________________________ |
The Isaaic World Exodus Passover 1st row baptism sacrifice day, The death to of ark based 1st row s. The start of the killing to Adam and to Cain and to of the 12 tribes of all the ark based s 2025March19/20 2024VeAdar14 X16_____________________________ |
1 year + 1 month + 1 day + 1 hour |
So our galactic understandings were the start of the preparation of the 4 Cornerstone apostles for baptising Solomon's temple16.
But there are other meanings to these verses of Revelation9. In one, the 4 angels are the first 4 apostles of , Peter, Andrew, James and John - we think - who were perhaps released to baptise transitively as apostles of , 4 months after being baptised by John.
Now the 2nd part of the first presence began in 89Tishri14 AD, after a 10 year gap of Daniel12 and John21 from 79Tishri14 AD.
7 Oh sword, awake against my shepherd, even against the able-bodied man who is my associate, is the utterance of of armies. Strike the shepherd, and let those of the flock be scattered; and I shall certainly turn my hand [5x] back upon those who are insignificant (Zechariah 13 ).
Zechariah13 refers to 5 such scatterings and recollections. These may be into , , , and Laodicea?
This is a Palm Monday scenario (of 33Nisan10), when the sacred saving King should ride into Jerusalem as the high priest of seated upon the garments, the priesthood, over the colt of the ass, upon which no one had sat before (Mark11 Luke19). The colt is the re-appointed Laodicea, the autonomous congregation. The ass is found with her colt. The ass is bound and must be loosed. The colt is never said to be bound. This is because Laodicea has already broken free, whereas the saints in the Watchtower are trapped by the lies of . We do not sit upon that colt. It rules itself. We give them law. We do not preside over the application of that law - neither did the Watchtower police law - they must have managed themselves. The colt of the ass, the offspring of the ass, is the autonomous church, Hebron of .
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of ! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King comes to you! He is righteous and being victorious, humble, and riding on an ass, even on a colt, the son of an ass. (Zechariah 9 )
9 Rejoice exceedingly, O daughter of , Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem, Lo, thy King doth come to thee, Righteous -- and saved is He, Afflicted -- and riding on an ass, And on a colt -- a son of she-asses. (Zechariah 9 YLT)
2 saying to them, 'Go on to the village over-against you, and immediately ye shall find an ass bound/tied, and a colt with her -- having loosed/untied, bring ye to me;
3 and if any one may say anything to you, ye shall say, that the lord hath need of them, and immediately he will send them.'
4 And all this came to pass, that it might be fulfilled that was spoken through the prophet, saying,
5 'Tell ye the daughter of , Lo, thy king doth come to thee, meek, and mounted on an ass, and a colt, a foal of a beast of burden.'
6 And the disciples having gone and having done as commanded them,
7 brought the ass and the colt, and did put on them their garments, and set {him} upon them; (Matthew 21 YLT)
1367 And to the angel
of the
congregation in
Philadelphia []
Brotherly Love] [Gordon] write: These are the [things] he says the holy [one], the true [one], the [one] having the key of David,
the [one] opening so that no one will shut, and shutting so that no one opens [These are the calls into the spirit covenants, for the administration of the Kingdom - the meaning of the parable of the vineyard workers - see U192],
8 'I know your deeds.
Look! I have set before you an opened door [into the , is 4], which no one can shut [4 does not lose his baptism - no does. But the restricted it to being
Abrahamic for 7 years from 2017Tishri15 to 2024Tishri15 when it becomes . But the temple is not established until the rock mass is installed on 2024VeAdar2-9 and until all the are raptured by 2024VeAdar20. 2024Adar21,
the end of the , is the day we must set
our hearts upon, the 24th festival day of the 9th Nisan1 year of Isaaic inclusively of Haggai2. The 4 apostles are bound upon the Euphrates of Revelation9 until 2024Tebbeth10 - see U151#9. Door takes one meaning in this account here and verse 20 - entrance into a true church],
that you have a little power [some knowledge of the bible code], and you kept my
[Kept doing bible research and living by the results of it, being lead by it] and did not prove false to my name [my name. Whereas did deny the ]
9 Look! I must give those from the
synagogue of [Laodicea, possessed its president ] who say they are Judaean [ones] [sons of the ], and yet they are not but are lying [Claim to be saints but are not or Laodicean s who all lose their angels except Caleb],
look! I will make them in order that they will come and they will do obeisance before/in the face of your feet [10x]
and they will understand that I have loved you [rather than them, in the time period before they join up. Whereas they hate 4 as they hate anyone who they perceive to be a threat to their satanic status] [Look! God does not make them come through fire signs arranged by and predicted by .
He makes them come by appearing to them. They will come and do obeisance before feet and know has loved (the Angel of Philadelphia). So they do arrive due to the works of , not due to the fire signs. The ex Laodiceans are those whom makes come. They end up becoming Gordon's feet].
9 Look! I must give [due to controlled theft of the s] out of/from the synagogue of the [Laodicea run by possessing ], [out/from] of the (ones) saying themselves Jews to be [2x/4x: individually/collectively - saying I am a Jew or we are Jews? They will be saying: We are Jews], and not they are but they are lying [2x/4x+2x/4x = 4x/8x] - look! I will make them [the 12x of the previous part of the verse] in order that they will come [12x] and they will do obeisance [12x] in-the face-of/in sight of/before [enwpion] the feet of you [12x.10x: feet do not have eyes in the literal meaning so it means before not in sight of], and they should know [subjunctive aorist not future] that I loved you [12x]. (Revelation 3 )
Verse9 from 1st look!: 1x,(4x+4x+4x) = 12x. The 12 tribes by stolen water baptism of Laodicea - which became defunct when they lost that baptism.
Verse9 from 2nd look!: 12x.12x.(1x+1x+10x)+12x = 1740x 5 years less 2 months from 2019Tammuz10, the start of entry into Reverted Laodicea, the start of the 4th part of the 2nd presence, when joins reverted Laodicea, to
2025Iyyar10, the end of Reverted Laodicean Laodicean s entering into . Every Laodicean who enters after the Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release on 2025Iyyar10, the 10th day of the 8th month of the 7th Tishri1 Isaaic
sacred year of the contest, is not a saint, not a Jew. Also they are not Jews in the tribes by baptism that they created, because they have lost the twice.
18 This very man, therefore, purchased a field with the wages for unrighteousness, and pitching head foremost he noisily burst in his midst and all his intestines were poured out.
19 It also became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that that field was called in their language Akeldama, that is,
Field of Blood. (Acts 1 )136
113Judas bursts in his midst
Reappointed Laodicea is run by 1 possessing . was possessing the President of reappointed Laodicea. He entered him on 2019Tishri10, after the morsel/little fragment, the 3rd wife, the smallest group to marry , was dipped/baptised into the by the descended Charles Russell (on the same day that was baptised - 29Tishri10). He presides over the Watchtower Passovers honourably as the King of the locusts, the angel of the abyss of Revelation8. THIS WAS HIS REPENTANCE! - See U853 and see U151
was possessing the President of reappointed Laodicea. He entered him on 2019Tishri10, after the morsel/little fragment, the 3rd wife, the smallest group to marry , was dipped/baptised into the by the descended Charles Russell (on the same day that was baptised - 29Tishri10). He presides over the Watchtower Passovers honourably as the King of the locusts, the angel of the abyss of Revelation8. This was the start, but not the end of his repentance! - See U853 and see U151
27 And after the morsel, then entered into that one. Then said to him, What you do, do quickly. (John 13 )
Judas, one of the 12, bursts in his midst. One of the 12 presidential administrations of churches. 6 in , 6 in and Reverted Laodicea (back in the Watchtower).
9˝ month near bank of Daniel12 of Reverted Laodicea begins 2019Ab27 X___________________________ |
Judas bursts, all his intestines are poured out His food digestion is made public 2021Elul24 X_____________________________________ |
The fall of Reverted Laodicea 2023Tishri21 X113______________________ |
2 years 27 days | 2 years 27 days |
We know that the first true reserves left the Watchtower for Laodicea on 2019Elul30 (Laodicea is autonomous but still under Watchtower jurisdiction at that time). Because this is 2,000 pigs of Mark5 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, when the reserves became swine, unclean in the flesh. And the end of the 5245 solar day missed Sabbath payback from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower113.
27 And after the morsel then entered into the latter. , therefore, said to him: What you are doing get done more quickly.
28 However, none of those reclining at the table knew for what purpose he said this to him.
29 Some, in fact, were imagining, since Judas was holding the money box, that was telling him: Buy what things we need for the festival, or that he should give something to the poor.
30 Therefore, after he received the morsel, he went out immediately. And it was night. (John 13 )
1796 Render/Give-back to her even as she herself rendered/Gave-back, and do to her twice the double according to the works of her; in the cup in which she mixed, mix double for her
7 To the extent that she glorified herself and lived in luxury, to that extent give her torment and mourning. Because in her heart she keeps saying, 'I sit a queen, and I am no widow, and I shall never see mourning (Revelation 18).'
6 avpo,dote auvth/| w`j kai. auvth. avpe,dwken kai. diplw,sate ta.
dipla/ kata. ta. e;rga auvth/j evn tw/| pothri,w| w-| evke,rasen kera,sate auvth/|diplou/n (WHO)
6 Give yeu back to her as also she gave back, and double yeu the double (things) according to the works of her; in the cup to which she mingled mingle yeu to her double (thing); ()
7 o[sa evdo,xasen auvth.n kai. evstrhni,asen tosou/ton do,te auvth/| basanismo.n kai. pe,nqoj o[ti evn th/|
kardi,a| auvth/j le,gei o[ti ka,qhmai basi,lissa kai. ch,ra ouvk eivmi, kai.
pe,nqoj ouv mh. i;dw (Revelation 18 WHO)
7 as much/many (things - plural)/in as many ways as she glorified herself and lived unreined in luxury, so much give yeu to her torment and mourning. Because in the heart of her she is saying that I am sitting queen, and widow not I am, and mourning not not I should see; (Revelation 18 )
Verse6: 2x+1x+2x.2x.2x.2x+2x.2x=23x.
Verse7: 2x.2x.2x.2x.(1x+1x+1x) = 16x.3x = 48x.
Total: 23x+48x = 71x which are years of mixing s and non s partaking of the cup at the memorial. These must run from 1934Nisan14 to 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower. The Watchtower identified the great crowd publicly at the
Washington DC convention from 1935Iyyar28-1935Sivan2, when they realised that they had more than 144,000 s. But they failed to implement the checks of 1Corinthians11, to prevent non s from partaking. In fact they should not even touch
the cup, because commanded the partakers to pass the cup from one to another among themselves.
17 And, accepting a cup, he gave thanks and said: Take this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves [the cup was never passed to in Judas] (Luke 22 ).
27 Consequently whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord.
28 First let a man approve himself after scrutiny, and thus let him eat of the loaf and drink of the cup.
29 For he that eats and drinks eats and drinks judgment against himself if he does not discern the body.
30 That is why many among you are weak and sickly, and quite a few are sleeping [in death].
31 But if we would discern what we ourselves are, we would not be judged. (1 Corinthians 11 )
The actual Watchtower memorial (Lord's evening meal) partaking figures were:
1914 | ? | 1941 | 23,989 | 1968 | 10,619 |
1915 | 15,430 | 1942 | 24,035 | 1969 | 10,368 |
1916 | ? | 1943 | 23,577 | 1970 | 10,526 |
1917 | 21,274 | 1944 | 29,385 | 1971 | 10,384 |
1918 | ? | 1945 | 22,324 | 1972 | 10,350 |
1919 | 17,961 | 1946 | 27,587 | 1973 | 10,523 |
1920 | ? | 1947 | 26,449 | 1974 | 10,723 |
1921 | ? | 1948 | 25,395 | 1975 | 10,550 |
1922 | 32,661 | 1949 | 24,312 | 1976 | 10,187 |
1923 | 42,000 | 1950 | 22,723 | 1977 | 10,080 |
1924 | 62,696 | 1951 | 21,619 | 1978 | 9,762 |
1925 | 90,434 | 1952 | 20,221 | 1979 | |
1926 | 89,278 | 1953 | 19,108 | 1980 | |
1927 | ? | 1954 | 17,884 | 1981 | |
1928 | 17,380 | 1955 | 16,815 | 1982 | |
1929 | 1956 | 16,302 | 1983 | ||
1930 | 1957 | 15,628 | 1984 | ||
1931 | 1958 | 15,037 | 1985 | ||
1932 | 1959 | 14,511 | 1986 | ||
1933 | 1960 | 13,911 | 1987 | 8,808 | |
1934 | 1961 | 13,284 | 1988 | 8,685 | |
1935 | 1962 | 12,714 | 1989 | 8,734 | |
1936 | 1963 | 12,292 | 1990 | 8,869 | |
1937 | 1964 | 11,953 | 1991 | 8,850 | |
1938 | 36,732 | 1965 | 11,550 | 1992 | 8,683 |
1939 | 29,385 | 1966 | 11,179 | 1993 | 8,693 |
1940 | 27,620 | 1967 | 10,981 | 1994 | 8,617 |
1995 | 8,650 | ||||
1996 | 8,750 |
The figures at the 1924/1925/1926 memorials was too high. there was mixing of the cup back then. But the Watchtower did not publicly recognise the Great Crowd (non s) until Washington DC convention in 1935, when Judge Rutherford said: Behold the Great Crowd! - see U162. But they may have privately recognised them before the 1934Nisan14 Passover. That presumably is why they are held responsible from that festival forwards. For more see U164.
Revelation 18 prescribes a 71x payback for the Watchtower. This may be the last 71 months of from 2025Iyyar10 to 2031Nisan5. Because the last Laodicean (Watchtower) saints enters on 2025Iyyar10. After that God will begin to give them torment and morning. But not whilst the saints are still in the fallen church. Pharaoh was initially glad to see the back of Israel. But then he said:
5 Later it was reported to the king of Egypt that the people had run away. Immediately the heart of Pharaoh as well as his servants was changed regarding the people, so that they said: What is this that we have done, in that we have sent Israel away from slaving for us? (Exodus 14 ).
Pharaoh had torment during the 10 plagues before they all left. But morning as they all left.179
1801 And gradually he brought me back to the entrance of the House [The theft of the water baptism of Laodicea on 2005Adar1, the 2nd Laodicean baptism, after the baptism of Roger Knight on 2002Elul16], and, look! there were waters going forth from under the threshold [before the foundation of is laid,
before the 2nd presence begins]
of the House eastward, for the front of the House was east. And the water was going down from under, from the right-hand side of the House, south of the altar [This is the Laodicean leak of waters from the temple].
2 And he gradually brought me forth by the way of the north gate [The North outer gate of the ] and took me around by the way outside to the outer gate that is facing toward the east [The East outer gate of the ], and, look! waters were trickling/dripping/running/dropping down from the right-hand side [ side rather than the side. This is water baptised people leaking out of the temple into Laodicea. So it begins on
2005Adar1, with the baptism of the 2nd Laodicean, the start of that church. NOT 2000Elul16 (Tony) and 2000Tishri16 (Jamie)
then Lee Spinelli (on 2001Nisan14 or on 2001Iyyar14 - it was the late one - he was invited to come to the regular one with the girlfriend but came instead to meetings first and then we celebrated late like with Jamie and he was baptised at Free Trade Wharf for the festival as Jamie was)].
3 [It was] In the going of the man eastward [1x - water baptism direction]
and a measuring line in his hand [5x],
and he proceeded to measure 1,000 in/by the cubit [6x.1000x=6000x]
and he was making me pass-over in the waters [from bank to bank, fording the stream], waters of ankles [waters of ankle level - Laodicean waters than were passed over
and ended on 2013Adar10, at the end of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence].
4 And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 and was making me pass-over in the waters, waters [to] knees [Reverted Laodicean waters, which were passed over and ended on 2022TTammuz15] .
And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 and was making me pass-over waters of hips/loins [waters of hip level: The Reappointed Laodicean waters which were not . So Ezekiel/4 was not in
those waters he passed over them to the far bank when they ended on 2019Shebat10].
5 And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 []. [and then behold] a torrent that/which I was not able to pass-over [This is a torrent of people coming in to
who cannot be passed over because they rise into the ark and do NOT lose their Isaaic water baptism] for the waters had risen [into the ark, when the Isaaic baptism does not expire], waters of swimming [This is because 's body is fully submerged, fully baptised as saints, the end of the Harvest. So that his saintly body is swimming in waters by then (which waters themselves are his priestly body)], [and then behold again] a torrent that/which could not be passed-over [because
they do not end, The Isaaic baptism does not fail and expire]
He started measuring from when the waters were running down out of the temple, through the East outer gate of the , to the right side (the side) i.e. from the 2nd Laodicean baptism, when the Laodicean leak began.
3 And he proceeded to bring me there, and, look! there was a man [1x]. His appearance was like the appearance of copper [1x+1x], and there was a flax cord in his hand [5x], and a measuring reed [5x], and he was standing in the gate (Ezekiel 40 )
Total count for this man: 1x+2x+5x+5x=13x
6 And I began to hear someone speaking to me out of the House, and [the] man had come to be standing beside me. (Ezekiel 43 )
Perhaps that resets the count of the man to 1x?
But verse 3 defines the count of the man as 6x since he has a measuring line in his hand..
1 And gradually he brought me back to the entrance of the House [1x+1x =2x, returning there a 2nd time]
[from where we start the count, 2005Adar1], and, look!
waters going out from under the threshold [3x+1x = 4x having gone out, they are no longer under the threshold]
of the House eastward, for/because the front of the House was east [1x]. And waters [were] going down from underneath [3x], from the right-hand side of the House [3x], from south to the altar [3x].
2 And he gradually brought me forth by the way of the north gate [1x: the saintly gate] and took me around by the way outside [1x.2x=2x: for way outside as opposed to inside the temple]
to the outer gate that is facing toward the east [1x: The gate], and, look! waters were trickling/dripping/running/dropping down from the shoulder the right [3x:
The side from 2006Sivan14, the start of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence].
3 [It was] In to go out the man eastward [reset of the man to 1x: water baptism direction]
and a measuring line in his hand [5x],
and he proceeded to measure 1,000 in/by the cubit [6x.1000x=6000x]
and he was making me pass-over/cross-over in the waters [6x.2x.3x.2x=72x. Passing over the river in the waters of ankles]
[pass over the river in the waters, fording the stream - not going over above it], waters [were] of ankles [3x.2x = 6x: The Reappointed Laodicean Passovers].
4 And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 [6x because we have already counted the 6,000] and was making me pass-over/cross-over in the waters [6x.2x.3x.2x=72x,
in the stream not above it], waters [were at/to] knees [3x.2x=6x:
Not a construct,
waters at the level of the knees? the reverted Laodicean Passovers].
And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 [6x]
and was making me pass-over/cross-over waters of hips/loins [6x.(1x+6x)=42x.
Not in the waters but cross over the waters. These are waters of/at hip level not possessed by hips. The waters of . This is the ark based Isaaic baptism of the s].
5 And he continued measuring [the] 1,000.[6x] [until] a torrent that/which I was not able to pass-over/cross-over [1x+1x = 2x: end of measuring], waters [were] of swimming [3x],
[it was] a torrent that/which could not be passed-over [1x+1x=2x] [unsanctified priests, the deluge of priests into of Genesis 8]
6 And he said to me: Have you seen [this], Oh son of man? [6x - without measuring - not an action - but counted]
And he had me walk [6x: representing a saint, with a spirit baptism, sins forgiven until time indefinite] and had me return [to] the bank of the torrent [which
could not be passed over: 6x]
The continuations of measuring are for the different continuations of the Laodicean church containing s: Original Laodicea, Abrahamic Laodicea, Reverted Laodicea and Hebron of . We measure from the first baptism into the new church until the fall of the church or the transfer to the 3rd .
Laodicea is installed to feed the s 2003Shebat21 X_________________ |
Abrahamic Laodicea falls as a true church baptism fails 2017Elul10 X__________________ |
Reappointed Laodicea Becomes a true church At the very start of 2019Ab1 X_______________________ |
Waters of the baptism of s ends for Reverted Laodicea 2022Elul11 X180________________________ |
4879 | 1121 days | 4879+1121 = 6000 |
Verse2 From look! 3x defining the start of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence
Verse3 From the start of the measuring: 6x+6x.1000x+72x+6x = 6084x
Verse4: 6x+72x+6x+6x+42x = 132x
Verse5: 6x+2x+3x+2x = 13x
Verse6: 6x+6x+6x = 18x
Total = 6084x+132x+13x+18x = 6247x. From 2006Sivan14, the restart of the 2nd presence, to 2023Tishri21, the fall of Laodicea.180
The 127 Jurisdictional Districts of Ahasuerus
1641 Now it came about in the days of Ahasuerus, that is, the Ahasuerus who was ruling as king from India [hot food of the 1Kings18 contest?] to Ethiopia [rapture chariot of the Ethiopian Eunuch], 127 jurisdictional districts, (Esther 1 )
9 Accordingly the secretaries of the king were called at that time in the 3rd month, that is, the month of Sivan, on the 23rd [day] of it; and writing went on according to all that Mordecai commanded to the Jews and to the satraps and the governors and the princes of the jurisdictional districts that were from India to Ethiopia, 127 jurisdictional districts, [to] each jurisdictional district in its own style of writing and [to] each people in its own tongue, and to the Jews in their own style of writing and in their own tongue. (Esther 8 )
30 Then he sent written documents to all the Jews in the 127 jurisdictional districts, the realm of Ahasuerus, [in] words of peace and truth, (Esther 9 )
Now it takes 50 days, a Pentecost, for church law to become installed from its appointment at first fruits. So it takes 50 days for a church to gain a jurisdictional district (law over its congregation). So 127 jurisdictional districts are 127 Pentecosts, which is 127x50 or 6350 days, the length of the Pentecost contest of 1Kings18. Because the Watchtower have had 127 Jurisdiction districts worldwide during the contest and Ahasuerus is the Watchtower Governing Body whereas is the King in Esther - see U610. DUH!. Why did we not see that in 2006? So they lose jurisdiction over the s on 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea, 127 Pentecosts, 6350 days, after the congregation began by theft of the on 2005Adar1.
The 127 jurisdictional districts of Ahasuerus represent the period during which the Watchtower held on to God's people as a false church by politics and denied them the knowledge and the true worship and the salvation and the bodies that the was revealing to and giving to the true churches of the s and Laodicea.
Laodicean congregation began 2nd Laodicean is baptised Laodicea steals the baptism 2006February4/5 2005Adar1 (India - hot contest food) X________________________________ |
The fall of Reverted Laodicea The Watchtower had 127 branch and country offices during the contest - see U610 2023October8/9 2023Tishri21 (Ethiopia) X164_______________________________________________________ |
127x50 = 6350 days | 6350 days = 127 jurisdictional districts, a Pentecost for a district |
7 When I returned, why, look! on the bank of the torrent there were very many trees, on this side and on that side [compare with Revelation22] .
8 And he went on to say to me: This water is going forth to the eastern region and must go down through the Arabah/desert/wilderness. And it must come to the sea. It being brought forth into the sea itself. And the waters have been healed [s have been healed/sanctified].
9 And it must occur that every living soul that swarms, unto every [place] which the torrents enter, will get life. And it must occur that there will be very many fish [sons of the and living in the water but not on the land. The living waters are the saints in the church], because there is where this water will certainly come, and the [seawater] will be healed, and every [thing/one/soul] has life where the torrent comes.
10 And it must occur that fishers will actually stand alongside it from En-gedi [fountain of the kid of the goats, a town on the dead sea] [The fountain of the ] even up to
En-eglaim [fountain of the two calves, a town on the dead sea] [The fountain of the ]. There will come to be a drying yard for dragnets. In their kinds their fish will prove to be, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many.
11 There are its swampy places and its marshy places, and they will not be healed. To salt they will certainly be given [a fleshly salvation/preservation but not an angelic one. The judicially dead sea!].
12 And alongside the torrent there will come up, along its bank on this side and on that side, all sorts of trees for food. Their leafage will not wither, nor will their fruitage be consumed. In their months they will bear new fruit, because the water for them -- it is coming forth from the very sanctuary. And their fruitage must prove to be for food and their leafage for healing.
(Ezekiel 47).
50 The master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect [but does know] and in an hour that he does not know [having no chronology - but does expect] (Matthew 24 )
1881 And the tabernacle you are to make of 10 tent cloths, of fine twisted linen and blue thread and wool dyed reddish purple and coccus scarlet material. With cherubs, the work of an embroiderer, you will make
them [these with cherubs cover the periods, the valid water baptism into Moses or into an of the law and Christianity].
2 the length of the one curtain {is} 28 by the cubit, and the breadth of the one curtain
4 by the cubit, one measure {is} to all the
curtains [this does not define 10x]; (Exodus 26
3 5 tent cloths are to form a series with the one joined to the other, and 5 tent cloths a series with the one joined to the other.
4 And you must make loops of blue thread upon the edge of the one tent cloth at the end of the series; and you are to do the same upon the edge of the outermost tent cloth at the other place of junction.
5 You will make 50 loops on the one tent cloth, and 50 loops you will make on the extremity of the tent cloth that is at the other place of junction, the loops being opposite one to the other.
6 And you must make 50 hooks of gold and join the tent cloths one to the other by means of the hooks, and it must become one tabernacle.
7 And you must make cloths/curtains of she-goats [hair] [These from goats cover the true church periods of the law and of Christianity]
for the tent upon the tabernacle. You will make 11 tent cloths.
8 The length of the one curtain {is} 30 by the cubit, and the breadth of the one curtain
4 by the cubit; one measure {is} to the 11
curtains [defining 11x precisely]; (Exodus 26 YLT)
9 And you must join 5 tent cloths by themselves and 6 tent cloths by themselves, and you must fold together/double/repeat [lp;K'] the 6th tent cloth at the forefront of the tent [].
10 And you must make 50 loops upon the edge of the one tent cloth, the outermost one in the series, and 50 loops upon the edge of the tent cloth at the other place of junction.
11 And you must make 50 hooks of copper and put the hooks in the loops and join the tent together, and it must become one. (Exodus 26 )
The adamic body is the temporary temple for your sprit. The body is the permanent human temple for your spirit.
10 tent cloths of 28x4 cubits is 10x.(28x.4x)=10x.112x=1120x. Split 5 and 5 giving 560 cubits and 560 cubits. The Christian fulfilment runs from...
33Nisan14 - 435Iyyar21 = 402 years 1 month 7 days of and over Adam after Moses
1875Iyyar21-2033Nisan14 (2026Heshvan5 was the end of the for humans, but the 3rd runs the church from then until 2033Nisan14 over Adam and they do not lose their baptism) = 157 years 11 months less 7 days of and and Laodicea and over Adam
Total: 560 water baptism () years of the 5 Christian tent cloth series of the tabernacle or 5 Christian churches, (Roman Catholic), (Gnostic), (), () and Laodicea ( within )..
Then we have the 5 other 28x4 = 112 square cubit tent cloths and 50+50+50 rings and hooks = 560x+150x = 710x. Judah had 40 error years of Ezekiel4 from 699 to 659 BC during the 55 regnal years of Manasseh from 699 to 645 BC - see U507. Israel had 93 years in servitude to foreign kings during the period of judges. But 20 of those were to Jabin, King of Moab. So perhaps servitude to an Abrahamic relative did not suspend capability - see U94. So that is 73 years of Abrahamic rather than Isaaic priestly capability (assuming that God would not permit Israel to be in servitude to a non Abrahamic King whilst under an priesthood). Then there were 38 years in Kadesh after failing the spying test, when the most of the men of war were condemned to death in the wilderness.
14 And the days that we walked from Kadesh-barnea until we crossed the torrent valley of Zered were 38 years, until all the generation of the men of war had come to their end from the midst of the camp, just as had sworn to them (Deuteronomy 2).
So we have a total of 73+38 = 111 years of gaps. This means that the Isaaic capability ran from 1513Sivan7 BC, the inauguration of the law of Moses for 710 + 111 = 821 years to 692 BC, during the reign of Manasseh, who sin was so bad that God decided to wipe Jerusalem clean on his account...
10 And kept speaking by means of his servants the prophets, saying:
11 For the reason that Manasseh the king of Judah has done these detestable things, he has acted more wickedly than all that the Amorites did that were prior to him, and he proceeded to make even Judah sin with his
dungy idols.
12 That is why this is what the God of Israel has said, 'Here I am bringing a calamity upon Jerusalem and Judah, of which if anyone hears both his ears will tingle.
13 And I shall certainly stretch upon Jerusalem the measuring line applied to Samaria and also the leveling instrument applied to the house of Ahab; and I shall simply wipe Jerusalem clean just as one wipes the
handleless bowl clean, wiping it clean and turning it upside down.
14 And I shall indeed forsake the remnant of my inheritance and give them into the hand of their enemies, and they will simply become plunder and pillage to all their enemies,
15 for the reason that they did what was bad in my eyes and were continually offending me from the day that their forefathers came out from Egypt down to this day.' (2 Kings 21 )
Manasseh physically defiled the temple...
4 And he built altars in the house of , respecting which had said: In Jerusalem I shall put my name.
5 And he went on to build altars to all the army of the heavens in 2 courtyards of the house of . (2 Kings 21 )
capability could not have survived that level of idolatry.
11 tent cloths of goats 30x4 cubits one of which is doubled is 12x.30x.4x=12x.120x=1440x. The goat period between the end of the water baptism of on 435Iyyar21 and the start of the water baptism of on 1875Iyyar21. These are the 4 of the Waterless Times of Revelation7. Of course 1440 + 560 = 2000 years from 33Nisan14, the Lord's sacrifice Passover, to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover. This being the entire post Moses period of Christianity, the 5th and 6th recreative days. The Pentecostal junction point (5:7 cloths) would be 1035Iyyar21 AD, which was during the Pentecost. This must have been the fall of as a true church. WOW! The Roman Catholic church hid the Gnostic church for almost a millennium. Here we count only square cubits for time and take the doubling to mean a 12th cloth. The goat hair cloths can cover a false church period during the Christian era due to those false churches being built on sand, the sons of the and playing a role in supporting their faith.
11 goat cloths making 11x.120x = 1320x, plus 50x+50x+50x loops and hooks = 1470x is the length of the law of Moses from 1513Sivan7 to 33Nisan14 (1544 years 10 months and 7 days) excluding the 70 year 8 month 4-11 day temple exile in Babylon from 586Ab10 to 515Nisan14-21 and excluding the 1290 day (3 years 7 months from 168Iyyar25 to 165Chislev25) Maccabean temple defilement gap (see U157) + 7 months of the ark being in the field of the Philistines (1Samuel 6:1). Here we count square cubits and hooks and rings as time but treat the doubling of the front cloth as a folding of the 1tth cloth.
1470 years + 70 years + 8 months + 4-11 days + 3 years 7 months + 7 months = 1544 years 10 months and 4-11 days.
Since the tent cloths and non temple gaps span 1544 years 10 months and 7 days, we deduce that Zerubbabel's temple was inaugurated on 515Nisan17, which of course was Mosaic first fruits.
is the shepherd of the 10 cherubic tent cloths and is the goatherd of the 11.
But the 11 cloths are split 5+6 with 50 rings on each cloth. So we count back from 33Nisan14 AD 5x120 + 50 = 650 years plus the 1290 day Maccabean defilement gap when the law was not a true church plus the 70 year 8 month 7 day temple exile in Babylon, making 724 years 3 months 7 days to 693Tebbeth7, whereas we saw 692 BC above. This, during the reign of Manasseh, may be when the law lost its power, when the baptism of Moses into the ended..
Law inaugurated 1513Sivan7 X______________ |
Bad spying report 1511 X______________ |
Gilgal Circumcision 1473Nisan14 X_________________ |
capability of Moses ends 693Tebbeth7 X_______________ |
Solomon's temple burnt 586Ab10 X______________ |
Zerubbabel's temple inaugurated 515Nisan17 X_______________ |
Temple defiled to lose any capability 168Iyyar25 X__________________ |
Temple rededicated 165Chislev25 X______________ |
' sacrifice End of Mosaic law 33Nisan14 X______________ |
baptism ends 435Iyyar21 X______________ |
ends in Gnostic church 1035Iyyar21 X______________ |
begins in Watchtower 1875Iyyar21 X______________ |
1st death Passover 2033Nisan14 X______ |
2 years of capability in the wilderness |
38 years at Kadesh |
708 years of capability plus 72 years without under foreign kings |
106 years 7 months 3 days |
70 year 8 month 7 day Babylonian temple exile |
347 years 38 days | 1290 day Maccabean temple defilement |
196 years 3 months 19 days |
402 years 37 days | 4 of the Waterless Times of Revelation7 1440 years of 12 goat cloths |
158 years less 37 days |
710 years of 5 cherubic tent cloths + 100 rings + 50 hooks of capability for Moses + 72 years gap |
650 years of 5x120 square cubit goat cloths + Babylonian + Maccabean temple gaps | 560 years of 5x 112 square cubit Christian cherubic tent cloths + 12x120 square cubit Christian goat cloths = 1440 year waterless gap |
was sacrificed (on 33Nisan14 by Caiaphas) in the middle of the entry period under 's
lease - see
/ was sacrificed (on 33Sivan5 by God) in the middle of the years of water baptism into the ICC
- see U271-11 para37
was sacrificed in the middle of the years of sanctification into the .
The 50 golden hooks and blue rings represent Pentecostal joining a day for a loop or hook between the two series of 5+5 cloths and the 5+6 cloths .
That calculation is the work of the antitypical Bezalel whom Gordon proclaimed himself to be to the Watchtower in 1992188.
Adam sins made 3993Nisan14 X______________ |
Abelian faith Covenant () made Faith salvation begins 3968Nisan14 X_____________________________ |
' sacrifice End of 4th recreative day 33Nisan14 X____________________ |
End of entrance Faith salvation entrance ends 2008Nisan14 X________________________ |
Passover Adam dies 2033Nisan14 X________________ |
25 years | 4000 years | 1975 years | 25 years |
was betrayed into the hands of men at each Passover after the Governing Body of the Watchtower failed to inform the saints that they were celebrating their engagement party incorrectly. This was a betrayal of the Christ. The betrayal began after lost its ability to hold a Passover due to 3 accountable denials of the Christ 'in this night' on 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1997Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14, after 4s uncompromising letters about the memorial - assuring the Watchtower that it would fail - of 1995January17, 1995Nisan10, 1995Nisan25. (God then giving them 3 attempts to fix this in 1996/1997/1998, since Peter denied the Christ 3x on that night and since 3 witnesses are needed for a capital offence)
So fell over the saints on 1998Tishri27 (tablet shattering day after the 3rd failed Passover), becoming the evil slave (). And was appointed/installed to feed the s on 1998Tishri2/Heshvan21, 2nd after on 1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21. So the official betrayal lasts for 20 failed Watchtower Passovers (the hands of sinners, which is one hour of the 240 year 1st and 2nd presence) from 1999Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 2019Nisan14/Iyyar14. All of those Watchtower Passovers fail entirely. But the 2019Elul14-2019Tebbeth14 early 3rd to 6th Marriage Passovers held in the Passover house of reappointed Laodicea are not a betrayal, those Passovers succeed again. So the first failed Watchtower Passover was 1999Nisan14.
First time a Watchtower Passover fails Last time a Watchtower fails (for true s in the Watchtower)
20 years of betrayal into the hands of men
On 2020Nisan14, there were no true reserves in the Watchtower. They were all in reappointed Laodicea from 2019Tebbeth10. Hence the betrayal only last for 20 year not 21.
During the 3 accountable denials from 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14. , in the form of the bread and the wine of the , is given into the hands of men/sinners (unsanctified men), when he should be exclusively in the hands of angels (angelically born again saints) who are regarded by God as sin free, at the Passover.
44 Give ye lodgement to these words into your ears [2x.2x.2x=8x], for the Son of the man is destined to be delivered/betrayed into the hands of men [2x.2x.5x=20x].[8x.20x=160x.
Months from 2006Sivan14, the start of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence in Laodicea, to 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover, when he is delivered only into the hands of baptised saints who pass the cup from one to another amongst themselves as they should. The Son of man being true reserves - who were unknown to the Watchtower]
45 But they continued without understanding of this saying. In fact, it was concealed from them that they might not see through it, and they were afraid to question him about this saying. (Luke 9 )
22 Being turned together but of them in the Galilee said to them the : Is about the Son of the man to be given over into hands of men
23 and they will kill him, and to the third day he will be raised up. And they were grieved very much (Matthew 17 ).
Total 2x+2x.(2x.2x.5x+2x+3x) = 2x+2x.25x = 52x. (Betrayal in , )
30 And from there having gone out they were going their way through the Galilee, and not he was willing in order that anyone/someone should know
31 he was teaching for the disciples of him and was saying to them that: The Son of the man is being given over into hands of men, and they will kill him, and having been killed after [meta + accusative] 3 days he will stand up (Mark 9 )
Total: 4x.(2x.2x.5x+2x+1x+3x+1x) = 4x.27x = 108x. Betrayal for 9 years in - the Watchtower - from 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 2005Nisan14/Iyyar14, the last failed Passover in the Watchtower as a true church.
6 [[Not he is here, but he was raised.]] Remember you as he spoke to you yet being in the Galilee,
7 saying the Son of the man that it is necessary to be given beside into hands of men sinners and to be impaled and to the third day to stand up.
8 And they remembered of the sayings of him, (Luke 24 )
Total: 4x.(2x.2x.5x+1x+3x)+2x.2x = 4x.24x+4x = 100x (Betrayal in , )..
41 And he is coming the third [time] and is saying to them you are sleeping the leftover (thing) and you are resting up; it is having off;
came the hour, look! is being given over the Son of the man into the hands of the sinners
42 Be ye getting up let us be going. Look!
the (one) giving over me has drawn near. (Mark 14 )
45 Then he is coming toward the disciples and is saying to them you are sleeping leftover (thing) and you are resting; look! has drawn near the hour and the Son of the man is being given over into hands of sinners (Matthew 26 ).
The 20x of betrayal is defined as an hour. So the day would be 12x20=240 years of the first and second presences combined - see intro45.
16 For dogs have surrounded me; The assembly of evildoers themselves have enclosed me. Like a lion [yrIa]K']
[they are at] [incorrect translation lions do not go after hands and feet] my hands and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones. They themselves look, they gaze upon me. (Psalms 22 )
16 and you appoint me to the dust of death [1x], for dogs [3x] have encircled me [3 years]; a company of evildoers has surrounded me [3x], piercing [yrIa]K'] [from rWK to dig, to bore through] my hands [dual 5x = 10x] and my feet [dual 5x = 10x] [entering into his body without being a saint for 1x.(3x+3x.(10x+10x)) = 63x. 63 years of false saints piercing his flesh (partaking at Passovers, thereby invading his flesh).
17 I count all my bones [humans have 206 of them]; they look, they stare at me [The enemies or the bones!].
18 They divide my garments among them, and they made fall a lot for my clothing (Psalm 22).
This would indicate the 206 of the 240 Passovers during the 2 presences of the Christ were successful and so the participants were actually staring at the body of during the Passover meal. So 34 of them failed.
rules with the s and with the s observing and in training for 4 years from 2024VeAdar22, the post Booths assembly of all the s in the ark, to 2029Iyyar15, when we go through the Tsohar into heaven. These contain the 1000 days of post chain ruling whilst the demons are here of Revelation20#20b from 2025Shebat4 to 2028Heshvan14 and the 1000 days of Laodicean ruling under Peter from 2026Ab5 to 2029Iyyar15 of Revelation20#20c.
Festival Sabbaths are secular Sabbaths not sacred Sabbaths. Weekly Sabbaths are both sacred and secular Sabbaths. The heavenly is a 1,000 year sacred Sabbath from 2008-3008, which we are already under. Then there is a 1,000 year secular Sabbath initially for the 3rd from 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 when is appointed/installed as Caesar over Adam after the quad gapped from 607Tishri15 to 2020Tishri15 - see U120. Then the Kingdom of God is appointed/installed over on 2033Nisan16/Sivan5.
taught in the synagogues on the Sabbath. So priests can teach and the congregation can go to meetings and be trained and taught on a sacred Sabbath. But no field service or church administration should be done on a Sabbath. No working for God in the sense of Martha. But one can work for God in the sense of Mary on the Sabbath. Mary's portion is not removed from her upon the Sabbath.
So it does not break the weekly Sabbath to hold a festival upon it. But God really does not like his people breaking his Sabbaths. The Watchtower have had to pay back every single one of them that they broke.
A secular Sabbath is a break from working for the wages of (money,
fame, status, financial salvation)
A sacred Sabbath is a break from working for the wages of God (saved people,
covenant salvation)
On a weekly Sabbath one should not work for God or for man (unless one is a priest in the temple).
On a festival Sabbath (a secular Sabbath) one should not work for man.
On an Atonement day Sabbath one should not work for God or man and one should fast.
Actually a Sabbath appears to be a rest from working for a human 3rd party ruler (be he secular or sacred). It is not a rest from working directly for God. So one can work for oneself non financially or sacredly during a Sabbath and one can work directly for God, as a priest does. But one cannot work for a secular or sacred boss or king or for money (Caesar or Aaron or the taxman).
It is an interesting issue whether you would break the Sabbath by working for yourself for money if your income was not taxable (and therefore you were not also working for Caesar). Mind you all income is taxable. It is just not all taxed (yet).
1. The Sabbath is a rest for the 2nd from 2008Nisan14 to 3008Nisan14.
2, The Sabbath for the heavens at the eviction of the demons runs from 2022Adar24, the eviction of the demons down 's ladder to 3028Heshvan14, the end of their 1000 years in from 2028Heshvan14.
3. The ark Sabbath for s (including saints and priests who are also s)
runs from 2029Iyyar16, the end of rapture, to 3029Iyyar14?
4. The ark Sabbath for s runs from 2029Sivan14 the 7th crop of Revelation22 to 3039Sivan14?.
5. The secular Sabbath on earth runs from 2033Sivan5, the installation of the under over Adam.
8 Remembering the Sabbath day to hold it sacred,
9 you are to render service and you must do all your work 6 days.
10 But the 7th day is a Sabbath to your God. You must not do any work, you nor your son nor your daughter, your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your alien resident who is inside your gates.
11 For in 6 days made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them, and he proceeded to rest on the 7th day. That is why blessed the Sabbath day and proceeded to make it sacred (Exodus 20).
A weekly Sabbath is a sacred Sabbath, where one takes a rest from working for the wages of God, and it is a secular Sabbath, where one takes a rest from working for the wages of man. It is not a rest from working for oneself however.
Also one can do spiritual research (bible study) on a sacred Sabbath. So likewise one could do physical secular research on a secular Sabbath so long as one was not being paid directly for it. One can certainly redecorate one's house on a secular Sabbath because one has no immediate wages associated with such an activity unless one is a property developer and one's house is an asset of a business, which is going to be sold.
On a sacred Sabbath there should be no proactive evangelism, no collation of bible research from 3rd parties (manna from heaven that has fallen on the land of the church), no church administration, no research administration.
However you can learn on a weekly Sabbath, which is working not for man or for God, but for yourself. And priests can teach on a Sabbath (which is working for God - but there are exempt - Matthew 12:5). You can do personal research on a Sabbath - see U103.
5 Or, have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbaths the priests in the temple treat the Sabbath as not sacred and continue guiltless? (Matthew 12 )
Laodicea fell as a true church on 2017Elul10. So they did not last long enough to have a 6,000 day working week. They buried their talent in the ground neither working for God for giving it to the bankers to earn some interest for God..
Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights up the mountain before he was given the tablets of the law (twice) and then a further 40 days to pray for forgiveness. This could indicate a 40 day installation period for some group of priests? God wrote upon the tablets the first time and the 3rd time in the mountain. So that may well picture the law of a heavenly church which is written by God and not interpreted or enforced or even seen by man.
The 40 month wilderness penalty on Laodicea does not prove they are still a true church. The Watchtower became a false church during their wilderness penalty
8 For the Son of the Man is Lord of the Sabbath. (Matthew 12)
28 So that Lord is the Son of the Man, and of the Sabbath.
(Mark 2)
5 And he said to them the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.
(Luke 6)
3 parallel accounts mean there are 3 greater Sabbath Lords and perhaps 3 Kingdom Sabbaths! - in Heaven, Methuselah over and over in the Kingdom?
This was because they denied 3x in that night. 4 baptised Roger Knight the apostle to Laodicea on 2002Elul16. The baptism was stolen in the sense the Laodicea was started without reference to the s by baptising a second person on 2005Tebbeth15 - see U42 and see U267. He then celebrated the 2006Nisan14 Passover with the Watchtower as he has to. However, Ahab (the believing Governing Body members), who sent him, should have used his baptism and celebrated the 2003 Passover properly and told the s about it. Gordon suspects that he would have not denied them the baptism if they had asked and explained their predicament. (He did not deny them the baptism in 2008 when he realised them had stolen it). So the Watchtower was guilty of a Passover omission in 2003 and 2004 and 2005. Hence they fell as a true church NOT on 2005Iyyar14, having denied the Christ 3x in that night, but on 2005Sivan14 having been given 30 days grace in which they could have repented but chose not to. The cock crowing twice might be Laodicea and the reappointed Laodicea! The 2nd part of the 2nd presence began on 2006Sivan14.
8 And they shall eat the flesh in this night,
roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened [bread] and bitter herbs. ()
12 And I will pass through in the land of Egypt in this night. And I will strike every first-born in the land of Egypt, from man and until beast. And I will execute judgments on all the gods of Egypt. I [am]
! (Exodus 12 )
30 And said to him, Truly I say to you that today, in this night, before a cock crows twice, you will deny Me 3 times. (Mark 14 )
The first 3 accountable denials in that night are 1996Nisan14, 1997Nisan14, 1998Nisan14 (as a result of 4s uncompromising letters about the memorial - assuring the Watchtower that it would fail - of 1995January17, 1995Nisan10, 1995Nisan25. (God then giving them 3 attempts to fix this in 1996/1997/1998). Then the Watchtower lost its capability to hold a valid Passover and 4 was appointed to feed the s on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after - there is no distinction between reserves and s as regards appointment/installation) and the cock crowed the first time announcing that day. He could not be appointed before they had proven with 3 denials to be unworthy priests to the s. But did not fall over the saints until 1998Tishri27 after which 4 was appointed/installed to feed the s on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 and to rule over ALL the s on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21, when the cock with the seed crowed a 2nd time announcing that day - this was pursuant to Gordon's appointment/installation to feed ALL the future s on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7, after he had been thrown out of the Watchtower on 1995Adar11. One cannot be appointed over s whilst a member of a church.
The second 3 denials in that night are by the Watchtower, who failed to celebrate the Passover correctly themselves and/or ignored the correct Passover celebrations of Laodicea which celebrations were authorised by a fully hypocritical governing body. Laodicea became a true church on 2002Tammuz16, 3˝ years of its near bank of Daniel12 before 2005Tebbeth15, when they stole the baptism. So they did hold Passovers on 2003Iyyar14, 2004Iyyar14 and 2005Iyyar14 (for unbaptised brothers). Then the Watchtower fell as a true church on 2005Sivan14. Then the dawn of the 2nd presence began on 2006Sivan14, when the Laodicean cock with the seed crowed a first time.
25 now said to the prophets of Baal: Choose for yourselves one young bull and dress it first, because you [are] the many/the majority; and call upon the name of your god, but you must not put fire to it. (1 Kings 18 )
Well the bilateral contest began on NOT on 2006Iyyar1 with the faxing of the sign of Jonah letter of that date, which predicted a fire sign on 2006Sivan11. But on 2006Sivan1, the date of the revised sign of Jonah letter, which revised that prediction to be 2006Sivan12, before it was tested. So got going then. What was the size of the majority that the prophets of Baal had over than team in this Olympic divine competition - not held upon mount Olympus but held upon mount Carmel? Well there were 450 prophets of Baal and there was , his attendant, 100 prophets of and Obadiah, their attendant, who met and presumably told them to attend the games. So team numbers 103. So the majority was 347. So the prophets of Baal starts 347 days before 2006Sivan1. That was 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower became a false church.
Furthermore the Watchtower lost its water baptism on or soon after sending the awful letter to the Bethels on 2001November1 (2001Heshvan10/11) which declared in writing that they had zero repentance for joining the United Nations as a UN NGO associated to their Department of Public Information. This made the Watchtower subject to the rules of the United Nations. That put the throne of into the temple of . God's church should plainly only be subject to God, not to . Furthermore this agreement with the UN was the Watchtower riding the UN Beast as the harlot church of Revelation 17. So it could not have been a worse sin and was gross hypocrisy given their resolution at the 1963 Everlasting Good News District Convention
5 THAT, in order to prevent the destruction of the nations by their own means in war, the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to God's Messianic kingdom by setting up a society of nations, which, since 1945, has taken the form and the name of the United Nations, with international headquarters at New York city. This international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men. For years men without faith in God's kingdom have endeavored to get all people to worship this international image of human political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact,
the last hope for humanity. To date 111 nations have given worship to this political image by becoming members of it. However, we, as witnesses of the Sovereign God , will continue refusing to engage in such idolatrous worship, for we see, under angelic enlightenment, that God has smitten such idolaters with a malignant ulcer, symbolically speaking, that will spell death to them as spiritually diseased image worshipers who worship a man-made political creation rather than the Creator of heaven and earth;
For more detail on the church sin please see U246. Now the Watchtower preside over a water baptism of repentance. And whilst they have proven themselves to be total inveterate hypocrites, God is no hypocrite. He cannot have a church preside over a baptism of repentance when they declare Worldwide that they have no repentance for putting the throne of in the temple of and for riding the UN beast as a harlot church of Revelation17. So that letter finished their water baptism on or just after 2001Heshvan10/11. Actually it ended on 2001Chislev14, perhaps 30 day of grace and potential repentence after 2001Heshvan14, when the letter had been fully digested?
5 And I saw, I Daniel, and, look! there were 2 others standing, one on the bank here of the stream and the other on the bank there of the stream.
6 Then one said to the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: How long will it be to the end of the strange/wonderful things?
7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand]
and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish. (Daniel 12 ).
The river is the water baptism of the Watchtower, the for saints. The man clothed in linen floating above the river is , the saints, those who are supposed to have authority over the waters of the Watchtower congregation. The bank of the river in the sand of the sea, the beach, the sons of , those who are not in the river, but are nonetheless attached to it. So the bank represent the period after the Watchtower water baptism ends whist the whole Watchtower congregation are still sons of , i.e. whilst the Watchtower is still a true church. It is the period of dry true churchness. It is the period when the church still does wonderful things under the power of the but no longer has a water baptism. That period lasted for 3˝ times which are years from 2001Chislev14 to 2005Sivan14. And now we have nailed the fall of the Watchtower as a true church from both ends. It fell 1260 days of Daniel12 after it lost its water baptism on 2001Chislev14. And it fell 347 days of the majority of Team Baal over Team at the Olympic prophecy competition of 1Kings18 before began his challenge on 2006Sivan1 with his Revised Sign of Jonah letter.
Daniel 3 shows that the Watchtower set up an idolatrous image last lasted for 30 years = 360 months..
1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. (Daniel 3 )
The plain of dura has no hills, and so stands for a false church, no true administration. Whereas the jurisdictional district of Babylon stands for the administration of the Watchtower. So the image straddles the true and false church periods of the Watchtower. The 360 months run from 1976January1 (1975Tebbeth23/24) to 2005Tebbeth15, the start of the stolen baptism into Laodicea, at which point Laodiceans could escape bowing down to the image of the democratic Governing Body, which operated in precisely the same way as the 120 cardinals that run the Roman Catholic church by a 2/3 majority vote. Whereas God man no animal with 2 heads.
182Here is the famous scripture:
1 said unto my Lord, Sit thou towards [l] my right [side] [!ymiy"], until I make thine enemies a stool to thy feet [dual]. (Psalms 110
2 The rod of your strength will send out of , [saying:] Go subduing in the midst of your enemies. (Psalms 110 )
1 The utterance of to my Lord is: Sit to my right side [1x+1x =2x] until I place/put/set/appoint your enemies [3x]
a stool to/for your feet [10x]
2 The rod of your strength will send out of [secular administration - Caesar's Palace],
[saying:] Go subduing in the midst of your enemies. (Psalms 110 )
A until B = A then B = A + B
There are lots of recitals and so there are lots of fulfilments.
Verse1: 2x+3x.10x = 32x from 2001Chislev14 (by which time all non reserve s must have died in order to be clean in the flesh) to 2033Iyyar14, when Cain and the last enemy, death are brought to nothing.
Verse1: 2x+3x.10x = 32x from 1992Elul11, when Letter to the Society was hand delivered to the Brooklyn HQ of the Watchtower, to 2024Shebat, the start of the Isaaic baptism to the end of the rapture of Laodicean s.
The Rod of 's strength is the administration, which is sent out of (the ark) back down to the earth on 2026Chislev5
The Rod of Gordon's strength is the administration, which is sent out of (the ark) back down to the earth with the gifts of the spirit on 2025Iyyar21
Reverted Laodicea falls as a true church. The church becomes an enemy of God 2023Tishri21 X_______________________ |
The rod is sent out of with the gifts of the spirit, to go subduing in the midst of its enemies 2025Iyyar21 X______________________________ |
Isaaic is handed over to the 3rd 2026Chislev5 X182____________ |
19 months | 19 months |
7th marriage in the ark The coronation of the part of the 3rd is completed 2020Tammuz19 X____________________________ |
The rod takes over Isaaic and is sent out of to go subduing in the midst of its enemies 2026Chislev5 X______________________________ |
The absolute end of Cain and entrance into adamic death, the last enemy 2033Iyyar14 X182__________________ |
77 months | 77 months |
The Rod of ' strength is the administration. It is first sent out of (the ark) back down to the earth TO SUBDUE from 2026Elul16, the start of the 3rd presence.
's 1254 day ministry payback lease over Cain ends All authorised satanic authority over man ends 2019Tebbeth10 X_____________________________ |
3rd Presence begins 1st row apostles of 3rd are Isaaic baptised into 2026Elul16 X___________________________ |
The resurrection into the ark/planet of sealed last chance salooners The resurrection into of unsealed Cain Passover executed on 2033Iyyar14 2033Iyyar22 X182____________________________________ |
6 years 8 months 6 days | 6 years 8 months 6 days |
Demons reach the bottom of 's ladder 2000 pigs of possession of Mark5 begin 2023Nisan24 X___________________________ |
WW3 breaks out. The s are sent out of to protect God's people in the fiery furnace of Daniel3 2025Shebat20/21 X_________________________ |
The earthly demonic expulsion Passover All demons are expelled 2000 pigs of Mark5 end 2028Heshvan14 X182_________________ |
34 months | 33 months |
The s are the 4th man walking around in the fiery furnace protecting the 3 Hebrew boys (s, s, s)182
So if you refuse to fall down and worship the 2/3 majority rule multiheaded beast Governing body, an idolatrous image of the , then you suffer the 7x malediction of the Watchtower from 2005Sivan15 to 2005Tebbeth15,
after which you can enter into Laodicea (from 2005Adar1) until the end of 7 years of Naaman's bathing to 2012Sivan15, when you can escape the adamic death penalty.
And if you refuse to take the mark of the beast and bow down to the social credit score linked Central bank digital currency, the image of the beast, then you are thrown into the front lines of WW3, which lasts for 7 months more than WW2.
181Watchtower idolatry error begins 1972Nov11-Dec11 1972Chislev X_______________ |
Watchtower Governing Body Decides to have 2/3 majority vote of Cardinals like the Vatican 1975May1 1975Iyyar18/19 X___________________________ |
Watchtower Governing Body implements 2/3 majority vote of Cardinals like the Vatican 1976January1 1975Tebbeth23/24 X________________________ |
Watchtower falls 2005May23/24 2005Sivan14 X______________ |
Laodicea steal the baptism and start their congregation 2006February4/5 2005Adar1 X___________________ |
Laodicean idolatry begins 2009January 2008Shebat X___________ |
2:1 Temple Ratio Prophecy seen 2009February2-3 2008Adar2 X____________________ |
Laodiceans and s die to Adam So our error is wiped out Abrahamic Passover 2012Sivan14 X181__________________________ |
29 months of idolatry error |
360 whole months of voting Cardinal image of Daniel3 and 361 months of Watchtower idolatry error |
29+361= 390 error months | 40 months of Laodicean idolatry error (3 years 4 months) |
Total: 390 + 40 = 430 months see U659#23 |
1Kings18 : The false prophets are enumerated in 50s as well and the true prophets in 1Kings18. So the prophetic solution, the date of the fire signs should be both Baalian and Asheraian and divine in some sense.
We should probably not add false prophets to true prophets and get 550 or 551. They are not equivalent at all!
The concept that prophets of become prophets of Baal when a true church becomes false is fundamental to the correct interpretation of 1Kings18. 4 succeeded conceptually in that regard 77 contest Pentecosts,
3850 days, after his first prediction failure on 2006Sivan11/12. All of this is a metaphor to our path to divinity. Because was the 77th in line from Adam (including whom he possessed). So 77x is a failure to success period. For succeeded where Adam failed. So actually 77 Pentecosts are
also fundamental to the correct interpretation of 1Kings18.
The 400 invited Asheraian false prophets did actually show up (contrary to our first interpretation about 400 no shows) because they were slaughtered by in 1Kings19:1. We had had way more than 400 no show predictions.
182Here is the famous scripture:
1 said unto my Lord, Sit thou towards [l] my right [side] [!ymiy"], until I make thine enemies a stool to thy feet [dual]. (Psalms 110
2 The rod of your strength will send out of , [saying:] Go subduing in the midst of your enemies. (Psalms 110 )
1 The utterance of to my Lord is: Sit to my right side [1x+1x =2x] until I place/put/set/appoint your enemies [3x]
a stool to/for your feet [10x]
2 The rod of your strength will send out of [secular administration - Caesar's Palace],
[saying:] Go subduing in the midst of your enemies. (Psalms 110 )
A until B = A then B = A + B
There are lots of recitals and so there are lots of fulfilments.
Verse1: 2x+3x.10x = 32x from 2001Chislev14 (by which time all non reserve s must have died in order to be clean in the flesh) to 2033Iyyar14, when Cain and the last enemy, death are brought to nothing.
Verse1: 2x+3x.10x = 32x from 1992Elul11, when Letter to the Society was hand delivered to the Brooklyn HQ of the Watchtower, to 2024Shebat, the start of the Isaaic baptism to the end of the rapture of Laodicean s.
The Rod of 's strength is the administration, which is sent out of (the ark) back down to the earth on 2026Chislev5
The Rod of Gordon's strength is the administration, which is sent out of (the ark) back down to the earth with the gifts of the spirit on 2025Iyyar21
Reverted Laodicea falls as a true church. The church becomes an enemy of God 2023Tishri21 X_______________________ |
The rod is sent out of with the gifts of the spirit, to go subduing in the midst of its enemies 2025Iyyar21 X______________________________ |
Isaaic is handed over to the 3rd 2026Chislev5 X182____________ |
19 months | 19 months |
7th marriage in the ark The coronation of the part of the 3rd is completed 2020Tammuz19 X____________________________ |
The rod takes over Isaaic and is sent out of to go subduing in the midst of its enemies 2026Chislev5 X______________________________ |
The absolute end of Cain and entrance into adamic death, the last enemy 2033Iyyar14 X182__________________ |
77 months | 77 months |
The Rod of ' strength is the administration. It is first sent out of (the ark) back down to the earth TO SUBDUE from 2026Elul16, the start of the 3rd presence.
's 1254 day ministry payback lease over Cain ends All authorised satanic authority over man ends 2019Tebbeth10 X_____________________________ |
3rd Presence begins 1st row apostles of 3rd are Isaaic baptised into 2026Elul16 X___________________________ |
The resurrection into the ark/planet of sealed last chance salooners The resurrection into of unsealed Cain Passover executed on 2033Iyyar14 2033Iyyar22 X182____________________________________ |
6 years 8 months 6 days | 6 years 8 months 6 days |
Demons reach the bottom of 's ladder 2000 pigs of possession of Mark5 begin 2023Nisan24 X___________________________ |
WW3 breaks out. The s are sent out of to protect God's people in the fiery furnace of Daniel3 2025Shebat20/21 X_________________________ |
The earthly demonic expulsion Passover All demons are expelled 2000 pigs of Mark5 end 2028Heshvan14 X182_________________ |
34 months | 33 months |
The s are the 4th man walking around in the fiery furnace protecting the 3 Hebrew boys (s, s, s)182
We kill Cain by baptizing him into the which literally kills him to Adam and makes him . This killing is a good thing. Nonetheless all Cain killers must suffer a 7x vengeance malediction.
16815 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. (Genesis 4 )
15 At this said to him: For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer/get vengeance 7 times. And so set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him. (Genesis 4 adapted)
15 And said to him, If anyone kills Cain, he shall be avenged sevenfold. And set a mark on Cain, so that anyone who found him should not kill him. (Genesis 4 )
15 Therefore/for that reason everyone/anyone [-lk] killing Cain 7 times he will be avenged [~qy] (Genesis 4 ).
Literally, Cain was expelled from the Camp of Adam (the true church) for 7 years. That was the original penalty for murder. But during that period Cain was given the added protection that if anyone killed him that person would suffer Vengeance - presumably would themselves be killed. After that period no protection was needed because Cain had the right to return to God's people if he so chose.
Then there was the greater meaning to Genesis 4:15 of the , the 7 malediction (2520 years, 7 years a day for a year) stretching from 3993Nisan15 BC, the eviction from Eden to 1473Nisan15 BC, the eating of the first fruits from the promised land. This was the period of time that the true seed hat to wait for before they could kill Cain with impunity - which they did when they dispossessed his seed from the promised land.
We kill Cain by baptizing him into the which literally kills him to Cain and makes him adamic or Abrahamic or Isaaic. This killing is a good thing. The vengeance is the 7x wait to enter into the new promised land
For 7 times, anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance. But after the 7x, he will not. These were the 7 of the from 3993Nisan15 to 1473Nisan15 BC
For the 7x of Abrahamic Laodicea from 2013Sivan15/Ab15 to 2020Sivan15/Ab15, the Laodicean , which prevented Adam from entering that church. For this was a malediction on Adam entering Laodicea through
For the 7x of Isaaic from 2017Tishri15 to 2024Tishri15, the Isaaic , the baptism produced an Abrahamic restoration rather than an Isaaic one. So that the Isaaic promised land is not entered into any further until
If anyone had entered into Laodicea between 2012Sivan16 and 2013Sivan15, they would have received a baptism which would have made them . But no son of Adam could join from 2013Sivan15/Ab15 to 2020Sivan15/Ab15 due to the Laodicean . From 2013Adar10 to 2017Elul10, the Laodicean baptism did not work (because they had lost the baptism and there was no baptism during that period). So only those who were already 1ACs baptised up to 2008Nisan14 and unsanctified joined presumably. ,After 2017Elul10, Laodicea was a false church.
The Sign that God set up so that no one finding him should strike him may be the boils of Monkeypox.168
could be defining the distance between the two banks, the length of time during which the angel floats above the river (without a water baptism - even though at least the water baptism is available), the gap in the presence. Or he could be defining the length of the bank which is the period after the end of the river, the water baptism and before the end of the church, the finishing of the dashing of the power of the people to pieces. That would be one Time of the End of the church.
raises his hands to the heavens and swears by the one living to time indefinite, which directs us to an angelic fulfilment for the hands. So the gaps in the 2nd presence are 4˝x or 5x or the two of them add up to 10x or in fact both.
Whereas the earthly fulfilment is simply a time, times and half a time, where times can be dual or Hebrew plural. So the earthly fulfilment is 3˝x or 4˝x for the length of the banks. Russell was baptised as 3 from heaven on 1871Heshvan21, the Pentecost, then 3˝ / 4˝ years later is 1875/1876Iyyar21 when we think began and the first water baptism occurred (Russell used to just accept people who had already been immersed). So likewise the far bank after 2001Chislev14 runs for 3˝/4˝ years as well since the vision is symmetric with one man on each bank yet only one man asks essentially: How long is my bank? So both banks are the same length - because either of the two men could have asked that question. So from this, the Watchtower fell as a true church either on 2005Sivan14 or 2006Sivan14. The reclining in green leek beds of Mark6 by 50s and 100s gives us 100 years of feeding of 5,000 water baptised s in the Watchtower from 1901Heshvan21, the installation to feed to 2001Chislev14, the end of the water baptism - see U67. So this means Charles Russell must have been baptised from heaven as 3 (born at year 0 of the pattern of the Watchtower church of U42) on 1871Heshvan21. Also Russell was born physically on 1851Shebat21, so his first Pentecost after becoming 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning (Tishri1 year starts) was indeed 1871Heshvan21. So he CANNOT have been baptised from heaven in the year before since he would not have been of age to be a priest.
Numbers 4 has 30-50 for Levites rendering service in the tent of the meeting.
Numbers 8:24-26 reduced it to 25-50
Then 1Chronicles 23:24-32 reduced it to 20, once the ark became permanently stationed in Jerusalem.
We can get the precise date for the fall of the Watchtower as a true church from the contest of 1Kings18 because the 450 prophets of Baal go first they being in the majority over the 100 prophets of plus plus his attendant plus Obadiah (team ). that is a majority of 347 and began contesting with his Revised Sign of Jonah letter of 2006Sivan1. So 347 days before then is 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell and its prophets became prophets of Baal.
1678 And I began to hear the voice of saying: Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? And I proceeded to say: Here I am! Send me.
9 And he went on to say: Go, and you must say to this people, 'Hear again and again, Oh men, but do not understand; and see again and again, but do not get any knowledge.'
[count not triggered]
10 Make the heart of this people unreceptive [1x], and make his ears unresponsive [2x], and paste his eyes together [2x], lest/ that not he may see [imperfect] in his eyes [2x] and in his ears [2x] he may hear [imperfect], and heart [1x] of him understand [imperfect] and [afterwards] he will turn back [1x] [perfect vuv consecutive] and he will heal himself [1x] [perfect vuv consecutive] AMBIGUOUS
(1x+2x+2x).(2x+2x+1x) = 5x.5x=25x. These are years of blindness, deafness and heartlessness from 1992Elul11, when letter to the Society arrived in Brooklyn, to 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicea. But afterwards there are 2x of turning back and healing himself from 2017Elul10 to 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd presence in reappointed Laodicea.
11 At this I said: How long, Oh ? Then he said: Until the [the last 9/10 months when] cities crash, from [having] no inhabitant [3x],
and the houses [too] from [having] no earthling man/Adam [3x],
and the ground [hm'd'a]]
itself is ruined into a desolation [1x];
12 and actually removes earthling man/Adam far away [1x: into the ark], and the desertion/desolation/abandonment/release does become very much/great/extensive in the midst/middle of the land [˝x+1x+˝x
= 2x. Not the dead centre of the land but all through the land] (Isaiah 6)
Any question asked in scripture is answered in that scripture by the Question Answering Principle. So we count verse 11 and 12 and discover how long the cities will be deserted for. The count is 3x+3x+1x+1x+2x = 10x. The next 10 years from 2019Elul10 to 2029Heshvan14, the 12th crop of Revelation22, by which time the cities will have crashed and the majoirty of mankind will have been removed far away into the ark.
13 And there will still be in it a 10th [the priests who continue to interact with the earth after their rapture], and it must again become something for burning down, like a strong tree [hl'ae pistaccio] and like a very strong tree [!wOL'a; oak] in which, when there is a cutting down [of them], there is a stump; a holy seed will be the stump of it [these are the final maledictions upon Laodicea and upon Isaaic , the Laodicean and the LW Exedenic and Gentile and - see U123]. (Isaiah 6 ).
So the cities crash and are deserted after WW3 starts and both final true churches containing the seed suffer maledictions. Nobody wants pistaccio wood but we do love the nuts. Whereas nobody really eats acorns much but we do use the wood (the administration).167
17 Are you not aware that everything entering into the mouth passes along into the intestines and is discharged into the sewer?
18 However, the things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man.
19 Out of for the heart come out reasonings wicked,
murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies [2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x=14x].
(Matthew 15 )
20 These are the things defiling a man; but to take a [Passover]
meal with unwashed hands [unclean works, a false church] does not defile a man. (Matthew 15 )
This is a further specification of the list of things defiling a man. So it counts 14x precisely from 2005Nisan14/Iyyar14, the last Watchtower Passover as a true church, to 2019Nisan14/Iyyar14 the last defiled Passover celebrated by true s in the Watchtower before the undefiled Passovers in reappointed Laodicea and Sodom, from which they are raptured into 2 on 2019Tishri15, 2019Heshvan15, 2019Chislev15, 2019Tebbeth15, 2020Tammuz15.
20 Further, he said: That which issues forth out of a man is what defiles a man [2x]
21 from inside for out of the heart of the men the reasonings, the bad are going out: fornications, thieveries, murders,
22 adulteries, covetings, acts of wickedness, deceit,
loose conduct, eye wicked, blasphemy, haughtiness, unreasonableness [2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+1x+1x+1x+1x+1x+1x = 18x of further specification]; (Mark 7 )
23 All these wicked things issue forth from within and defile a man [2x+2x = 4x]. (Mark 7 )
This is a further specification of the list of things defiling a man. So it counts as 18x precisely by the List Specification Principle of the Code. .
The Watchtower was defiled by the abomination causing desolation which was the awful Letter to Bethels of 2001Heshvan10/11 showing no repentance at being exposed for putting the throne of into the temple of and for riding the wild beast of the UN as a Harlot church (in the words of Charles Russell their founder). As a result they lost their water baptism on 2001Chislev14 and became defiled. Whereas the late 2nd Watchtower Passover of the reserves from the Watchtower congregations was 2019Chislev14. That is when the defilement of all true Bethlite reserves ended (by baptism). So they were defiled as a reserve composite man, for 18 years precisely. So these 18x are the 18 Times of the Watchtower Reserve Unclean Times!
All Watchtower s reserves were defiled on 2001Chislev14 and no true reserve was defiled on 2019Chislev14. All Watchtower reserves left the on 2001Chislev14. And all Watchtower reserves finished re-entering the on 2019Chislev14.
Watchtower loses its water baptism All true Watchtower reserves are back in the in reappointed Laodicea
All Watchtower reserves are defiled Late 2nd Watchtower Passover
18x of the reserve Unclean Times
Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, held a press conference at the National Press Club on 2014January15 at 13:30 EDT (2013Shebat8), which she strangely started off with numerology. Her words we think were inspired (presumably by God - No one was demon possessed yet at that time). She said...
"Now, let me first of all, of course, begin by wishing you all a happy new year. I guess it's still time to do that, given that we are just exactly halfway through between our western new year and the lunar new year, which will loom in a few weeks time." Christine Lagarde to the National Press Club in Washington on 2014January15 (2013Shebat8) - http://press.org/events/christine-lagarde-managing-director-international-monetary-fund she starts speaking around 7 minutes into the video.
She was of course referring to the Chinese Lunar New Year which began on 2014January31.
She also said: "Drop the zero" in compressing 2014 (which is unnecessary to state since compressing 2014 gives 2+0+1+4=7, and zero has no effect upon a sum of integers). We think she may have been referring to an airburst bomb which would have a ground zero if you drop straight below the point of explosion. She put great emphasis on the number 7, in fact on two of them (she pointed out that 14=7+7).
She said: My hope and my wish for 2014 is that after those 7 miserable years weak and fragile, we have 7 strong years. I don't know whether the G7 will have anything to do with it or whether it will be the G20. I certainly hope that the IMF will have something to do with it. She quoted Genesis41 the wrong way around.
We now predict the 2nd/3rd fire signs for 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21.
The press conference was held on 2014January15 (2013Shebat8). The Chinese new year began on 2014January31 (2013Shebat24/25).
Just exactly halfway through between the first day of the Western new year 2025January1 (2024Tebbeth26/27) and the first day of the Chinese new year of the SNAKE, the 6th annual sign of the Chinese Zodiac, is 2025January29 (2024Shebat24/25). 2024 was the year of the Dragon.
The new year starts on 2025Nisan1 = 2024VeAdar25, which is 2024March30/31.
We use the as the lunar calendar, the original calendar of mankind, as identified by Sir Newton - not the modern Hebrew calendar - see U4.
So just halfway between the Western new year and the Chinese new year would be 2024Shebat10/11 and between the Western new year and the biblical new year would be 2025February14 (2024Adar10/11) or 2024Shebat29 (2025February2/3)
27 And it came about in/at/against noon/lights [literally double light dual] [2x]
[from 2006Iyyar1-2006Sivan1 for the Contest day and from 2012Heshvan5, the installation of over to 2016Ab14, the death of the s to and start of their transformation to for the contest day. So both they and Laodicea were shining as light producers during the period from
2012Heshvan5 to 2016Ab14. Actually on 2006Iyyar1 and 2006Sivan1, did mock the prophets of Baal mercilessly in the Sign of Jonah letter and the Revised Sign of Jonah letter]
and mocked in them
and said/by saying [further specification]: Call ye in voice loud
[450x], because a God he [is] [1x], because meditation [to him][1x], and because retirement [to him][1x] and because road [to him] [1x].
If not/alternatively/perhaps/maybe/peradventure [yl;Wa
+ Aa
= if not, where if is a particle of choice HALOT. So the sleeping and ought to wake up is an alternative status of Baal] [this is not 'If not because' he is asleep, for the word 'because' is omitted yet it is implied because these are alternatives] he is asleep and
[will] wake up!
[2x. If A then B is not (A and not B) which counts as A+B. Sleeping in rather than living angelically]
28 And they began calling in voice great [450x]
and they self-cut [hithpolel reflexive verb]
as/like/according to their custom in/with daggers [2x.450x one dagger each according to their custom singular] and in/with lances [2x 450x one lance each according to their custom singular],
until blood flowed/was poured out upon them
(1 Kings 18 ).
Noon is the middle of the day and stands for the middle of the contest day, or the middle of the day of the contest. But it means double light in Hebrew and stands for the period of true light from both the s and Laodicea.
Verse27: Noon mocking list counts as 2x.(450x+450x.(1x.1x+1x+1x)+2x) =
8x.450x+4x = 3604x = 10 years 4 days
Verse28: 450x+2x.450x+2x.450x+1x+450x = 6x.450x+1x=2701x = 7 years 6 months and 1 day.
Total: 17 years 6 months 5 days, 6305 days of the sentence count of 1Kings18:27-28, running from the end of the Noon mocking of the Sign of Jonah and Revised Sign of Jonah letters on 2006Sivan11 (when the predictions were being tested). The blood poured out enables the s to make the angelic flight into the ark by rapture.
1046305 DAYS: From the end of 1Kings18 contest noon mocking to the start of entrance into the North Inner Gates for sealing of Laodicean s
Revised Sign of Jonah letter Noon mocking ends when the fire sign predictions for 2006Sivan11/12 are being tested 2006Sivan1 X_______________________________________ |
's blood STARTS being poured out onto Laodicean s who become sealed into the 2023Chislev6 X___________________________________________ |
sealing for Laodicean s ends 1600 stadia of Revelation14 end - see U151#14 2024Tebbeth16 X104___________________________________ |
17 years 6 months 5 days (6305 days) of the sentence count of 1Kings18:27-28 |
see U271-12#109 |
On 1992Elul11, Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud. On 2006Iyyar1, 4910 days later the sign of Jonah letter was faxed to the Brooklyn Bethel and the bilateral contest day of 1Kings18 began. 30 days later the Revised Sign of Jonah letter was sent. These two letters were the noon mocking by of the prophets of Baal.
Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn 1992Elul11 X___________________________________________ |
GB meet to discuss letter 1992Tishri2 (Sabbath) X___________________ |
Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn 2006Iyyar1 (noon mocking starts) X_______________________________ |
The Revised sign of Jonah letter 2006Sivan1 (noon mocking ends) X________________________________ |
Noon mocking ends Predictions start being tested 2006Sivan11 X_________________ |
Late 3rd Watchtower Passover entry day. End of baptism for s All s are now collected in reappointed Laodicea 2019Tebbeth10 X104_______________________________________ |
21 days from delivery until GB meet to consider | 4889 Day Morning | 30 days of actual noon mocking | 10 days in mockery to 1st prediction | 4889 Day Afternoon | Total: 21+4889+30+10+4889 = 9839 days |
The Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the s and the s for the salvation of the s
The Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the s and the s and Babylon for the salvation of the s104
5UNILATERAL 6681 DAY CONTEST DAY OF 1KINGS18 BY SYMMETRY ABOUT NOON WHICH MEANS DOUBLE LIGHT IN HEBREW - which is the period of continuous double light in the middle of the contest
2005Sivan14 (the fall of the Watchtower as a true church - when s became prophets of Baal) to 2012Heshvan5-2016Ab14 (contest noon, double light for from the s and from Laodicea) to 2023Tebbeth5, the Isaaic Isaaic Pentecost.
Watchtower becomes false church Unilateral contest day begins 2005May23/24 2005Sivan14 X_____________________________ |
Adamic s and Laodiceans die to Adam and convert to 2012June4/5 2012Sivan14 X____________________ |
Laodicea installed over 2012September23/24 2012Tishri5 X___________________ |
Double light for installed over 2012October23/24 2012Heshvan5 (noon begins) X____________________________ |
s die to and convert to become Isaaic 2016July21/22 2016Ab14 (noon ends) X________________________ |
Isaaic installed over 2016November9/10 2016Chislev5 X________________ |
2nd Isaaic Pentecost. Not sure what caused the 1st evening! was answered between the 2 evenings. On 2023Adar14 with the 500th and 2024Nisan21 with the 501st 2023December21/22 (1st evening falls, sunset, not darkness) 2023Tebbeth5 (2023December22 at 03:25 winter solstice) X5__________________________________________________________ |
2520 days | 111 day installation gap | 30 day installation gap | Noon (double light for 1359 days) | 111 day installation gap | 2520 + 30 days | Total: 2661 + 1359 + 2661 = 6681 days of contest day |
36 And it cometh to pass, at/in/against the going up of the bloodless offering [the evening grain offering between the two evenings, between sunset and darkness, between the end of the 24 hour calendar day and the end of the 12 hour daylight day] [The
2 loaves of Pentecost here], and , the prophet
drew near [1x+1x=2x. He draws near to God at the end of the on 2024Adar21, when he is permitted to draw near at the Isaaic Pentecost],
and said ', Gods of ,
of , and of Israel [1x for OR 3x for God of AND God of AND God of Israel. It is a double designation],
this day [12 hour daylight day. The noun 'day'
appears 3x in the account - which has 3 threads due to the double designations , the prophet and , God of etc., So it is not literal. We no longer make a distinction in the noun count between 12 hour day and 24 hour day] let it be known that thou [art] Gods
(Elohim) in Israel [1x/3x], and I [am] thy servant [1x], and in thy word/words [3x - Kethib, 1x -
Qere] [the Kethib, the written form, is plural. The Qere, the spoken form, is singular. Prayers are spoken not written. But scriptures are written not spoken] I have done all/the whole of [singular]
these words/things [3x];
37 answer me [1x referring to NOT referring to the God of and of and of ]
Oh answer me [1x], and this people doth know that thou [art] Gods (Elohim) [1x];
and thou hast turned their heart back [1x].' (1Kings 18)
Kethib/written (plural) Qere/Spoken (Singular)
rb'D'B.w> rb'D'B.w>
words + in/at + and
word + in/at + and
36 And it cometh to pass, at/in/against the going up of the bloodless offering, and , the prophet
drew near [Qal imperfect vuv consecutive],
and said [Qal imperfect vuv consecutive] ', Gods of ,
of , and of Israel,
this day let it be known that thou [art] Gods (Elohim - respectful plural) in Israel [3x], and I [am] thy servant [1x], and in thy word/words [3x - Kethib, 1x -
Qere] I have done all/the whole of [singular]
these words/things [3x];
37 answer me, answer me [1x], and this people doth know that thou [art] Gods (Elohim) [1x];
and thou hast turned their heart back [1x].' (1Kings 18)
Verse36: 1x+2x+1x.3x.(3x+1x+1x/3x.3x) = 3x+3x.7x/13x = 24x/42x
Verse37: 3x.1x+1x.1x+1x+1x = 6x
Total is 30x/48x for the Qere/Kethib count from 2024Adar21/2024VeAdar21 to 2025Nisan21, the 2nd fire sign to the 3rd.
God of , of and of Israel is short for God of and of and of Israel, which is short for God of ( and and Israel) a tri God (like a tetrarch). So counts 3x. Alternatively it could also be short for God of AND God of AND God of Israel which counts 3x.
The word 'day' appears 3x in 1Kings18, which has two double designations in verse 36. So it is not literal (although it is used to mean 24 hour day and 12 hour daylight day in the account).
2005Sivan14 to 2023Adar14 our 500th prediction (and last failure) is 6750 days = 15x450 days = 18 years 9 months.
Well we got the 501st main prediction on 2024Nisan21 at 11:07 and published it on 2024Nisan22. 2024Nisan20 was first fruits, when the grain offering goes up. We knew the 500th was too early on 2024Nisan20 due to the Isaaic sacred year being Tishri1 rather than Elul1. So the 7th month would be Nisan not Adar. But hearts were not turned around when the right predictions were made. They will be turned around when they are seen to come true. Because a wicked generation and an adulterer seek a sign.
The first fire sign of 1Kings18 on 2010Chislev20-23 was a voice but not an answer. There was no voice and no answer prior to that sign. The 3rd fire sign presumably is the 2nd evening.
Start | Morning length | 141 day Abrahamic Installation Gap | Noon - Double Light | 111 day Abrahamic Installation Gap | Afternoon length | End of 24 hour calendar day (sunset) |
2005Sivan14 (Unilateral) | 7 years | 2012Sivan14-Heshvan5 | 2012Heshvan5-2016Ab14 | 2016Ab14-2016Chislev5 | 7 years+30 days | 2023Tebbeth5: Not sure what happened here to make this the 1st evening of the contest |
The Hebrew word for noon means double light, not middle. So we can also define noon as the period of double light to from 2012Heshvan5, Abrahamic 's installation over , to 2016Ab14, the death of the s to , the start of their transformation from 2016Ab14-16 (which did not occur to the Laodiceans)5.
16 However, the 11 disciples [11 apostles Or a delegation of 11 from Laodicea or 11x]
went into Galilee [meaning "circuit". A circuit is a cycle which is a time. Discerning prophetic times and going round in prophetic circles has been the trademark since their congregation
started. So Galilee is (ark based and earth based)]
to the mountain [the mountain of the 3rd , in the ark] where appointed them [to be apostles] [to be saints],
17 and when they saw him [in the ark] they did obeisance/worshipped, but some doubted [prior to seeing him].
Verse 16: 11x.1x.11x = 121x
Verse 17: 11x+11x+2x = 24x
Total: 121x+24x = 145x from 2024Heshvan26, the start their arrival at Galilee, to 2025Nisan21, when comes (through Peter, the prince of the army of to Joshua) upon the cloud of the 3rd fire sign
18 And having come toward the spoke to them saying: Was given to me all authority in heaven and upon the earth;
19 having departed therefore disciple ye all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the ,
20 teaching them to be observing all as-many-as I commanded to you; and look! I with you am all the days until the conclusion of the age. (Matthew 28 adapted from the Greek)
Disciples (1)
Verse18-20 before look!: 11x+11x.(1x+2x).(11x+11x.(2x+2x+2x+2x+2x.2x) = 11x+33x.(11x+132x) = 11x+33x.143x = 11x+4719x = 4730x
Verse20 from look! (1x+11x).(2x+1x) = 36x
Total is 4730x+36x = 4766x from 2019Tebbeth18, first fruits after 2019Tebbeth10, the end of 's ministry payback lease (when must have started to get authority subject to the Quad gapped ), to 2033Nisan14, the
conclusion of the age of Adam.
Galilee is Isaaic , those who work out all the times/cycles/circuits from the bible.
18 And approached and spoke to them, saying: All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth [Yes given him in 33CE but he was unable to exercise it until 's lease ran out on 2012Nisan14, and
until the end of the 42 extra months (1254 days) of the miracle ministry payback period from 2016Sivan20/Tammuz16 to 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10 over Adam/Cain. Then his secular authority was delayed by the 98 year Maccabean and 4 year Jewish Ministry and 4 year Gentile Ministry and 4 year lease gapped from 607Tishri15 to
19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the , [this is 3 baptisms into a father and son, which are + , or + and into the , which is being sealed as a King or a king (two Holy Spirits actually). By we mean the , by we mean the and by we mean the ]
20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things [] (Matthew 28).
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place (Acts 2 )
1 Now while the day of the [festival of] Pentecost was in progress they were all together at the same place, (Acts 2 )
1 And in the fulfilling of the day of Pentecost, they were all with one mind in the same place. (Acts 2 )
1 And in the to be being completed the day of the Pentecost they were all together upon the very (thing/place - neuter), (Acts 2 )
1 kai en tw sumplhrousqai thn hmeran thj penthkosthj hsan omou epi to auto (Acts 2 Sinai)
1 kai en tw sumplhrousqai thn hmeran thj penthkosthj hsan pantej omou epi to auto (Acts 2 VatB)
If we are all together in the same place - we are all in the ark.
162Acts2 talks not about God pouring his out on his people but about God pouring out his spirit upon all flesh. And the demons are also his spirit, his not so holy spirit, for they are spirit sons of God for all their sin.
15 And in the days these having stood up Peter in midst of the brothers said was and crowd of names upon the very (thing) as hundred twenty (Acts 1 )
14 But Peter stood up with the 11 and raised his voice and made this utterance to them: Men of Judea and all you inhabitants of Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give ear to my sayings. (Acts 2 )
14 Having stood but the Peter together with the 11 lifted up the voice of him and uttered to them Male persons Jews and the (ones) inhabiting Jerusalem all, this to you known let be and give ear to the sayings of me.
(Acts 2 )
1. With the 10 brothers who visit Joseph and Benjamin.
2. On 2026Ab5, by Isaaic baptism of Peter by , as the rock mass to the temple of the 3rd in the midst of the brothers from 2019Tishri17 to 2033Iyyar22 and 120 names before 2026Chislev5
3. 11 and 11 whole apostles who are to be Isaaic baptised as Peter will be.
3rd Bride enters into 3 for the 3rd marriage Human extraction begins 2019Tishri17 X_____________________ |
Peter reaches the bottom of 's ladder and spends 40 days in the wilderness 2026Sivan17-Tammuz27 X________________________ |
Peter stands up by Isaaic 4ECbaptism 120 names of Acts2 begin 2026Ab5/7 X_______________ |
1st to 6th row of the 3rd is Isaaic baptised 2026Elul16/21/30 2026Tishri7/14/21/28 X__________________ |
7th row s are Isaaic baptised. 3rd takes over in 2026Heshvan5 X__________________ |
3rd completes its takeover of . It is installed over in 120 names of Acts2 ends 2026Chislev5 X______________________ |
The resurrection of sealed last chance saloon Cain. Human extraction ends 2033Iyyar22 X51_________________ |
7 years less 72 days | 7 years less 73 days |
15 These [people] are, in fact, not drunk, as you suppose, for it is the 3rd hour of the day [the day of escape out of Egypt from 2024Tebbeth16 to 2033Iyyar14, 8 years 4 months less 2 days. So an 'hour' is 8 months 10 days less 4 hours. So the 3rd hour of the day runs from 2025Sivan5/6 to 2026Shebat15/16, which does cover 2026Ab5]. (Acts 1)162
16 On the contrary, this is what was said through the prophet Joel,
17 'And in the last days, God says, I shall pour out some of my spirit [not my holy spirit, but my spirit - which could refer to the flood of demons or to the downpour of Kings] upon every/all flesh [adamic and or just every human - we are all going to be influenced by both the good and the bad spirits], and your sons and your daughters [those baptized into the - i.e. Judeans] will prophesy and your young men [ministerial servants?] will see visions and your old men will dream dreams [elders in the administration of ];
18 and even upon my men slaves and upon my women slaves [those in the but not yet in ] I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
19 And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist;
20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and illustrious day of arrives.
21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' (Acts 2 )
So we are going to get a great outpouring of every sort of spirit upon every sort of flesh, lasting actually for 8 years from 2025Iyyar21 to 2033Iyyar14 - see U112#23.
14 But Peter stood up with the 11 and raised his voice and made this utterance to them: Men of Judea and all you inhabitants of Jerusalem,
let this be known to you and give ear to my sayings. (Acts 2 )
14 Having stood but the Peter together with the 11 lifted up the voice of him and uttered to them Male persons Jews and the (ones)
inhabiting Jerusalem all, this to you known let be and give ear to the sayings of me. (Acts 2 )
14 But later he appeared to the 11 themselves as they were reclining at the table, and he reproached their lack of faith and hardheartedness, because they did not believe those who had beheld him now raised up from the dead. (Mark 16 )
9 and they returned from the memorial tomb and reported all these things to the 11 and to all the rest.
10 They were the Magdalene Mary, and Joanna, and Mary the [mother] of James. Also, the rest of the women with them were telling the apostles these things (Luke 24 ).
32 And they said to each other: Were not our hearts burning as he was speaking to us on the road, as he was fully opening up the Scriptures to us?
33 And in that very hour they rose and returned to Jerusalem, and they found the 11 and those with them assembled together (Luke 24 ).
We can in an emergency baptize someone upon a weekly Sabbath following the procedure for emergency baptisms on weekly Sabbaths in U204.
25 Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation,
26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect [by Isaaic baptism] and lift your heads up [into the ark], because your deliverance is getting near (Luke 21).
also can raise himself erect after the non nuclear mushroom cloud he has predicted 751 times is actually seen!
It is not proper to baptise upon a weekly Sabbath because one does not normally enter into a commitment to obey the law of a church upon a Sabbath, which is a release from commitments. A weekly Sabbath is a release from both secular and sacred work. A festival Sabbath is only a release from secular work - see U103. So one can be baptized upon a festival Sabbath. In fact one can also be baptized upon a weekly Sabbath, so long as the priest has the candidate agree to enter into the law of the church upon the next day. Furthermore in the case of it takes 2 days to become Isaaic . So the law might not apply until the 3rd day anyway? No! the law applies from the moment of baptism! Because a fiance is bound just as a spouse is bound. But the law of the church cannot be entered into upon a weekly Sabbath. So if the baptism occurs upon a weekly Sabbath then the agreement would be to enter into the law of the on the next day. Whereas if a baptism occurs on a festival Sabbath one can enter into the law of the church on that day.
Hanukkah was the festival of re-dedication for the 2nd physical temple. If Hanukkah had been an official festival of Moses then late Hanukkah should be the festival of re-dedication of the 2nd spiritual temple of the 2nd presence. But it was not such a festival. The Hanukkah oil miracle only appears in the Talmud 600 years after 165Chislev25. But Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews XII) and Maccabees 1:4 show that the 8 day festival of lights was instigated by Judas Maccabeus - see U157.
1 And the Philistines went collecting their camps together for war. When they were collected together at Socoh, which belongs to Judah, then they took up camping between Socoh and Azekah, in Ephes-dammim [the edge of blood].
2 As for Saul and the men of Israel, they collected themselves together and took up camping in the low plain of Elah, and they went drawing up in battle formation to meet the Philistines.
3 And the Philistines were standing on the mountain on this side [administration of the Watchtower], and the Israelites were standing on the mountain on that side [administration of Laodicea], with the valley between them.
4 And went out the man of midsts (dual) [man of midsts is a mediator in the midst of 2 camps. Construct means he counts as 2x not 3x?]
from camps of Philistines [3x], Goliath [1x.
Splendour] [was the] name of him, from Gath [1x.
Winepress] [he was], height of him 6 cubits and a span/spread [6x+1x/5x=7x/11x. 6 watches, plus a span (Not a hand containing 5 fingers but the distance spanned by said hand when extended). From Russell to Henschel and then the genetic abnormality, the sixth finger of the hand, the 6th watch of the multi headed beast that began when Henschel resigned. These 6 are in this system. Then we get a span perhaps Robert Ciranko, after the resignation of Don Adams depending upon whether we use a normal human hand or Goliath's which probably had 6 fingers, he being related to the 4 Rephaim from Gath of 2Samuel21 one of whom was said to have 6 fingers on each hand and foot. The 6th watch of the Watchtower was an unnatural abnormality. But this anatomical features does not involve copper and so is discounted from the priesthood calculation].
5 And there was a helmet of copper on his head [2x]
[an unsanctified president, who is a priest but not a king], and armour-coat of scales he clothed himself [1x]
[like a snake and cryptically referring to Daniel5 you have been weighed in the scales -
this only works in English!], and the weight of the armour-coat [was [equal to] 5,000 shekels of copper [5,000x describing the coat not the man] [starting from 1998Tishri27 when he fell in heavenly authority and therefore his priestly ephod became copper].
6 And there were greaves [protection pads] of copper upon his feet [Articulated copper sandals 2x+2x+10x, Assuming 2 greaves upon each foot]
and a javelin of copper between/in midst of his shoulders [1x between 2 shoulders = 3x] (1 Samuel 17).
God of , and , counts as God of , God of , God of which is 3x.
Whereas God of the patriarchs, seems also to count as 1x, as does coat of scales?
One out of the 7 seals counts as 7x.
2x.3x.(1x.1x+6x+1x+2x+1x+1x+10x+3x)=6x.25x=150x of anatomical copper related features and equipment. Then the weight of his coat of scales was 5000 shekels. So we get 5150 days of priesthood for Laodicea.
1998Tishri27 to 2001Chislev14, the loss of the water baptism
Then 2002Elul16, the baptism of Roger knight to 2013Adar10, the end of the baptism for Laodicea (less 2012Sivan14 to 2012Tishri5 = 111 days, the Abrahamic installation gap for Laodicea)
1127+4134-111 = 5150 days .
falls over the saints on Tablet shattering day 40+40 days after the late 2nd Pentecost on 1988Ab8 1988Tishri27 X________________________ |
lose their baptism due to the awful letter to the Bethels showing no repentance for putting the throne of into the temple of and for riding the beast of Revelation17 as a harlot church 2001Chislev14 X_______________________________________________ |
Gordon baptises Roger Knight The apostle to Laodicea 2002Elul16 X______________ |
Laodiceans die to Adam 2012Sivan14 X_____________________ |
Abrahamic Laodicea is installed over 2012Tishri5 X_________________ |
Laodicea loses its stolen baptism The 2nd part of the 2nd presence ends 2013Adar10 X________________________ |
1127 days | 272 days of no water baptism for the Watchtower | 3508 days | 111 day installation gap | 515 days | 1127+3508+515 = 5150 days |
7 And the wooden shaft of his spear was like the beam of loom workers, and the blade of his spear was 600 shekels of iron [Is this 20 months from 2012Tammuz17, the appointment of Abrahamic Laodicea over the s, to 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence?]; and the bearer of the large shield was marching ahead of him (1Samuel17).
1833 Whenever [otan] it is that they are saying: Peace and security! [2025Iyyar21/22 (2025May19-21), the start of the power of the 10 horns of Revelation17) perhaps with respect to Russia-Ukraine or Israel-Gaza, is 9 months of the sentence count of this verse before 2025Shebat20/21, the start of WW3. The instant destruction of WW3 stands upon those announcing Peace and Security (spokespeople for the 10 horns who are 10 kings, the G20)] then [tote] sudden/unexpected/unforeseen destruction is to be instantly standing-upon them just as the birth pang to the [one - feminine] in belly having [this woman is Mary who gives birth during a registration (by the greater Caesar Augustus) into and into the ark and back onto the earth. She is the Isaaic baptism from 2024Shebat to 2026Tishri5. Then after the nuclear part of WW3 which ends on 2028Tebbeth2, there will presumably be another Peace and Security declaration]; and they will by no means escape [WW3 or demon expulsion or the end of the world]. (1 Thessalonians 5 )
3 Whenever they may be saying Peace and security [2x], then sudden/unexpected/unforeseen [aifnidioj] destruction is minded-upon/assured/understood/standing-upon [epistatai might be from epistamai to know or understand although this is more of an overstanding than an understanding - or might be episthmi to stand upon. It will be the latter because the former takes the infinitive or the accusative and 'them' is in the dative. And overstand or understand is the same thing anyway] them [1x: Dative] as-even the birth pang to the [woman] in belly having [1x: House with a man inside counts as 1x], and not not they should flee out [of the destruction 1x]. (1 Thessalonians 5 )
Verse 3: 2x+1x+1x+1x=5x. Taking the count as befalling the plural proclaimers of Peace and Security as a singular group.
Verse 3: 2x.2x+2x+1x+2x=9x. Taking the count as befalling the plural proclaimers of Peace and Security as a plural.
9x from 2025Iyyar21/22, when Peace and Security is declared, to the sudden destruction of 2025Shebat20/21, the 1st day of WW3, which stands upon them, in other words which occurs due to them. In other words, they cause WW3. Whoever says Peace and Security - the 10 Kings, the 10 horns of Revelation17 - they are the FOUNDATION of WW3. That is the import of 1Thessalonians 5:3. Along with the chronology that the will be fully installed over all mankind on earth within 9 months of gestation from the proclamation.
Therefore WW3 will be just as phoney as the WHO and FDA and CDC and NIAID and NIH and UKHSA and MHRA advice on COVID19. Furthermore they are saying Peace and they are saying Security. Since the bible is maximally distributive, that implies two fulfilments one for Peace and the other for Security. These bastards will declare peace and security whilst putting us straight into WW3!
30 And I will give signs in the heavens and in the earth: blood, and fire, and columns of smoke. (Joel 2 )
We got our first attempt at the 12 fire sign dates before sunset on June14 which was 2017Sivan17 (email sent to Dave at 02:54 on morning of June15 with dates after shooting the video around 01:00, after waking up around 22:30 and deciding to write out Pentecosts idea which I had before going to sleep i.e. before 12:30 pm on Wednesday June14).183
110upon/due to 3 revolts of somewhere, and upon/due to 4, I shall not turn it back - counts as 7x of revolting and is recited 8x (for Damascus,
Gaza. Tyre, Edom, Teman, Moab, Judah , Israel)
I will send a fire into a city 3x
I will send a fire into the wall of a city 3x
it will devour her dwelling towers 3x
It will devour the dwelling towers of a city 3x
Applying the 8 Happinesses Principle, of the code we get...
8x precisely of not turning it back, which must be the 8x of Mark compulsion which is not turned back by God, from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14, which are coincident with the 8 Happinesses of Matthew5.
3x+3x=6x precisely of sending a fire
3x+3x=6x precisely of devouring the dwelling towers Perhaps these are 6 months of sending the fire of WW3 towards church buildings from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2026Ab20/21 and 6 years of WW3 devouring tall buildings from 2026Ab20/21 to
These revolts must be of a true church because they are against God or his people. They look like revolts against Isaaic by Laodiceans from our installation over on 2016Chislev5 or over the s on 2016Adar21, to the fall of Reverted Laodicea on 2023Tishri21. 3 years of revolts outside a Laodicean true church and 4 years inside a Laodicean true church.
The installation of Isaaic over the s 2016Adar21 X_____________________________________________ |
The fall of Reverted Laodicea 2023Tishri21 X___________________________________ |
8x of Mark Compulsion begin We are compelled to take Digital IDs 2025Iyyar14 X___________________________________ |
The absolute end of Cain The absolute end of the world The late 1st death Passover 2033Iyyar14 X110____________________ |
upon 3 revolt years outside a true church and 4 inside reappointed or reverted Laodicea |
8 years precisely of Mark Compulsion of Amos 1-2 |
The fire of WW3 begins 2025Shebat20/21 X____________________ |
The fire of WW3 begins devouring dwelling towers and church buildings 2025Ab20/21 X______________________ |
WW3 stops devouring dwelling towers and church buildings 2032Ab20/21 X110_________________ |
6 months precisely | 6 years precisely |
The 8 verbatim repetitions in Amos1-2, have same form as the 8 Isomorphic Happinesses of Matthew5. They are a witness to 8x precisely of years.
will send 7 fires into 7 churches. This is the period of Mark Enforcement, for the wall of Daniel2 divides the haves from the have-nots of the world and the haves from the have-nots of the Kingdom, the same wall. The 7 nations are all close neighbours of Israel, So they picture other religions. One must leave these or be devoured by the fire which completely burns the harlot of Revelation17. It may be the case that false church members are instructed by their priests to take the mark110.
32 Now as Peter was going through all [parts] he came down also to the holy ones that dwelt in Lydda.
33 There he found a certain man named Aeneas, who had been lying flat on his cot for 8 years, as he was paralyzed.
34 And Peter said to him: Aeneas, Christ heals you.
Rise and make up your bed. And he rose immediately [at the end of 8 years. But made up his bed later. This must be the Isaaic s from 2016Ab16 to 2024VeAdar16-21. They arguably rise into the ark before
being sealed on 2024Adar21 - making up their bed].
35 And all those who inhabited Lydda and the [plain of]
Sharon [to be straight] saw him, and these turned to the Lord. (Acts 9 )
18 Why, even Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous [person] for unrighteous ones, that he might lead you to God,
he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.
19 In this [state] also he went his way and preached to the spirits in prison,
20 who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah's days, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people, that is, 8 souls, were carried safely through the water.
21 That which corresponds to this is also now saving you,
namely, baptism, not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the request made to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Christ.
22 He is at God's right hand, for he went his way to heaven; and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him. (1 Peter 3 )
18 Because even Christ once for all about sins died,
righteous (one) over unrighteous (ones), in order that you he might lead toward to the God, [he] having been put to death indeed to flesh having been made alive but to spirit;
19 in which also to the in prison spirits having gone he preached,
20 to (ones) having disobeyed sometime when was receiving out from the of the God longness of spirit in days of Noah of (one) being constructed of ark into which few, this is 8 souls [a further specification. Therefore it stands for 8x precisely], were saved through through water.
21 Which also you antitype now is saving baptism, not of flesh putting away of filth but of conscience good questioning upon into God,
through resurrection of Christ,
22 who is in right [hand] of God having gone into heaven (ones) having been subjected to him of angels and of authorities and of powers.
(1 Peter 3 )
Non angelic ark salvation runs from 2025Tishri15 to 2033Iyyar22: 8 years. Saints do not actually need the ark to save their souls because their angelic soul cannot be killed other than by God.
There were 7 steps to the outer gates of Ezekiel's temple into the outer courtyard and 8 steps to the inner gates into the inner courtyard. Not sure if these have any temporal significance.
1 Send out your bread on the face of the waters, for you shall find it in many days.
2 Give a share to 7, or even to 8; for you do not know what evil may be on the earth. (Ecclesiastes 11 )
1 Send out your bread upon the surface of the waters,
for in a multitude of days you will find it again.
2 Give a portion to 7, or even/and furthermore to 8, for you do not know what calamity will occur on the earth. (Ecclesiastes 11 )
Send out food to the world through the water baptised members of a true church for 7/8 portions i.e. 7/8 times. Then after 7/8 times you will find it again (those who have stored it will appear).
2012Elul6 to 2019Elul10: 7x for Abrahamic Laodicea from their installation to feed and rule over the s to the restart of the 2nd presence in reappointed Laodicea
2016Adar21 to 2024Heshvan12: 8x for Isaaic from their installation to feed and rule over the s to the start of the Abrahamic intransitive baptism of the Laodicean 2NCs
3 Therefore he will give them up until the time that she who is giving birth actually gives birth. And the rest of his brothers will return to the sons of Israel.
4 And he will certainly stand and do shepherding in the strength of , in the superiority of the name of his God. And they will certainly keep dwelling, for now he will be great as far as the ends of the earth.
5 And this one must become peace. As for the Assyrian,
when he comes into our land and when he treads upon our dwelling towers, we shall also have to raise up against him 7 shepherds, yes, 8 anointed ones/princes of mankind.
6 And they will actually shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in its entrances. And he will certainly bring about deliverance from the Assyrian, when he comes into our land and when he treads upon our territory
7 And the remaining ones of must become in the midst of many peoples like dew from , like copious showers upon vegetation,
that does not hope for man or wait for the sons of earthling man.
8 And the remaining ones of must become among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of a forest,
like a maned young lion among droves of sheep, which, when it actually passes through, certainly both tramples down and tears in pieces; and there is no deliverer.
9 Your hand will be high above your adversaries [in the ark], and all enemies of yours will be cut off.
10 And it must occur in that day, is the utterance of , that I will cut off your horses from the midst of you and destroy your chariots.
11 And I will cut off the cities of your land and tear down all your fortified places.
12 And I will cut off sorceries out of your hand, and no practicers of magic will you continue to have.
13 And I will cut off your graven images and your pillars from the midst of you, and you will no more bow down to the work of your hands.
14 And I will uproot your sacred poles from the midst of you and annihilate your cities.
15 And in anger and in rage I will execute vengeance upon the nations that have not obeyed. (Micah 5 )
1 For I want you to realize how great a struggle I am having in behalf of you and of those at Laodicea and of all those who have not seen my face in the flesh,
2 that their hearts may be comforted, that they may be harmoniously joined together in love and with a view to all the riches of the full assurance of [their] understanding, with a view to an accurate knowledge of the sacred secret of God, namely, Christ.
3 Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.
8 Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ;
9 because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily.
10 And so you are possessed of a fullness by means of him,
who is the head of all government and authority [after 2020Tishri15, the end of the 98 year Maccabean and 4 year Jewish Ministry and 4 year Gentile Ministry and 4 year lease gapped ].
11 By relationship with him you were also circumcised with a circumcision performed without hands by the stripping off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision that belongs to the Christ [a rapture into the ark - which is an angelic gift],
12 for you were buried with him in [his] baptism, and by relationship with him you were also raised up together through [your] faith in the operation of God, who raised him up from the dead. (Colossians 2 )
So the resurrection of the saints occurs on the 8th day after birth in a true church appointed over them,
which is the 8th year from 2012Tammuz17. So from 2019Tishri1 onwards.
2019Tishri14 was the Passover execution of the 3rd bride.
And the rapture of the saints occurs of the 8th day after birth, in a true church appointed over them, which is the 8th year from 2016Chislev16 (2016Heshvan16 was the weekly Sabbath). So from 2024Tishri1 onwards.
2024Tebbeth16-20 and 2024Shebat15-20 and 2024VeAdar15-20 and 2025Iyyar18-21 is the rapture of the s.
Elul16, (6-16) the sacred number of the Beast of Revelation13, is fundamental to the Lords Witnesses
97The s: The Church of 616, the sacred number of the Beast
1957Elul16: Gordon was born
2000Elul16: congregation began with the baptism of Tony (who was not a saint due to having a child outside marriage).
2000Tishri16: The congregation began with the baptism of Jamie.
2001Elul16: First meeting attended by Dave, the 1st apostle.
2002Elul16: The Laodicean apostle "Roger Knight" was baptised.
2012Elul16: Abrahamic appointed to rule over
2023Elul16: 'Stop the for the moment' instruction given until 2023Tishri13
2026Elul16: 3rd starts to be Isaaic baptised into and is appointed over
2029Elul16, The ark resurrection of the 10th crop of Revelation22, the Babylonian and late Christian s.97
1841 And in the 12th month, that is, the month of Adar [not a double designation but a further specification], on the 13th day of it [], when the king's word and his law came due to be performed, on the day for which the enemies of the Jews had waited to domineer/rule over them, there was even a turning to the contrary [2019Adar13
in Shushan and 2024Adar13 outside Shushan], in that the Jews themselves domineered/ruler over those hating them.
2 The Jews [3x.
congregated themselves in their cities [3x.
One in each jurisdictional district] in all the jurisdictional districts of King Ahasuerus [127x of them. 127 Branch and Country Offices of the Watchtower (excluding Remote Translation Offices) AND 127 months of authority as Laodicea] to lay/stretch out a hand [5x precisely and ignore the plural seeking ones] in/at seeking [ones] of their injury, and not a man stood up to faces of them [3x], because the dread of them had fallen upon all the peoples [3x. Dread cannot be physically upon].
127 Jurisdictional districts of Esther are 127 Branch and Country offices of s see U610.
AND 127 months from the installation of Laodicea to rule over the s on 2007Elul11 to 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicea
+ 2019Tishri10 to 2019Adar16 (over the s in reappointed Laodicea)
+ 2020Sivan12 to 2020Heshvan14 (over the s and s in reverted Laodicea)
excluding 2012Sivan14 to 2012Elul6, the Abrahamic Laodicean installation gap over the s
10 years - 1 day + 5 months + 6 days + 5 months + 2 days - 2 months - 22 days = 127 months + 15 days.
300 Denariii of genuine nard on the head runs from 2019Elul10 to 2020Tammuz10 for reserves.
2 They were gathered the Jews in their cities in all the jurisdictional districts of King Ahasuerus to lay hand on those seeking their injury, and not a man stood his ground before them, for the dread of them had fallen upon all the peoples. (Esther 9 )
2 was called the + Jew in/at + cities of + them in/at +
judgment of + judgments of the + king Ahasuerus Xerxes to/for + to send of away Hand in/at + searching evil of + them and + Man NOT + stood to/for + faces of +
them that/because + fell fear of + them upon + all of + the + peoples (Esther 9 WLCi)
3x.1x.127x.5x.3x + 3x.3x = 5715+9 = 5724 from 2003Shebat21 (when Laodicea was installed to feed the reserves, having taken 1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21 to feed the s) to 2019Tebbeth14, the late 3rd Watchtower Passover. This is when the last reserve saint is baptised in reappointed Laodicea - see U610.
All the armies of come out of the Egypt of the fallen Watchtower after 430 years a month for a day from 2005Sivan14, when the fell and became Egypt. That is 430x12 = 5160 days or 14 years and 4 months to 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover, when the saints leave the Watchtower and its prisons for Laodicea.
The stretched out hand would run from 2019Adar13 to 2020Ab13 in Sodom? Then the 1st marriage Passover is 2020Ab14.184
1 And his own house Solomon built in 13 years, so that he finished all his own house [from 2016Chislev5, Isaaic 's installation over to 2029Iyyar14, the end
of salvation, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22].
2 And he proceeded to build the House of the Forest of Lebanon 100 cubits in its length, and 50 cubits in its width, and 30 cubits in its height, upon 4 rows of pillars of cedarwood; and there were beams of cedarwood upon the pillars.
3 And it was panelled in with cedarwood above upon the girders that were upon the 45 pillars. There were 15 to a row.
4 As for framed windows, there were 3 rows, and there was an illumination opening opposite an illumination opening in 3 tiers.
5 And all the entrances and the doorposts were squared [with the] frame, and also the forefront of the illumination opening opposite an illumination opening in 3 tiers.
6 And the Porch of Pillars he made 50 cubits in its length, and 30 cubits in its width; and another porch was in front of them with pillars and a canopy in front of them.
7 As for the Porch of the Throne where he would do judging, he made the porch of judgment; and they covered it in with cedarwood from the floor to the rafters.
8 As regards the house of his where he was to dwell, at the other courtyard, it was away from the house belonging to the Porch.
It proved to be like this in workmanship. And there was a house like this Porch that he proceeded to build for Pharaoh's daughter, whom Solomon had taken. (1 Kings 7 )
The house of the Forest of Lebanon is all those who enter into the ark who are not saints. Solomon did not dwell in that house - see verse 8.
100 cubits length of the house of the forest of Lebanon (for s?) from 2024Tebbeth to 2033Iyyar14??
50 cubits width of the ark and 30 cubits height just like Noah's ark
Illumination opening in 3 tiers, just like the 3 floors of the ark..
50 cubits length of the porch from 2012Sivan16 to 2016Ab14: The period of the s: The porch is Abrahamic
4 rows of pillars 15 to a row makes 60 pillars not 45. Do only 45 have cedar beams upon them??
7 And there was granted it [the first beast, the beast from the sea] to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation (Revelation 13)
I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment itself was given in favour of the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the definite time arrived that the holy ones took possession of the kingdom itself.
23 This is what he said, 'As for the 4th beast, there is a 4th kingdom that will come to be on the earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all the earth and will trample it down and crush it.
24 And as for the 10 horns, out of that kingdom there are 10 kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate.
25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time. (Daniel 7 )
10 If anyone [takes people] into captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones (Revelation13).
The bible is a long knife in that it is a large book and it effects lots of people. It is a short sword in that is can be used for close combat. WMDs are not short swords but are impossibly long meat knives.
So anyone who imprisons a holy one (without righteous cause) will be imprisoned in
Anyone who kills a holy one (without righteous cause) will himself be killed either by close combat (short sword) or by a WMD (long meat knife).
And anyone who captures his brother as a slave of will be taken captive in the ark
Whereas anyone who kills his brother to the unsustainable immorality of this world, will himself be killed to Adam and resurrected to .
So we shall be killed and we shall be imprisoned. But...
1 After these things the word of came to Abram in a vision, saying: Do not fear, Abram. I am a shield for you. Your reward will be very great. (Genesis 15 )
4 Then he said to him: Run, speak to the young man over there, saying, 'As open rural country Jerusalem will be inhabited, because of the multitude of men and domestic animals in the midst of her.
5 And I myself shall become to her, is the utterance of , a wall of fire all around, and a glory is what I shall become in the midst of her.' (Zechariah 2 )
Those who are separated will unite [...] and will be filled. Every one who will enter the bridal chamber will kindle the light, for [...] just as in the marriages which are [...] happen at night. That fire [...] only at night, and is put out. But the mysteries of that marriage are perfected rather in the day and the light. Neither that day nor its light ever sets [because the marriage does not end]. If anyone becomes a son/attendant of the bridal chamber [a saint who has entered the chamber in the ark and been married], he will receive the light. If anyone does not receive it while he is here, he will not be able to receive it in the other place [the ark]. He who will receive that light will not be seen [like the visions of and Daniel, given only to chosen recipients], nor can he be detained [he can just leave in his fiery chariot]. And none shall be able to torment a person like this, even while he dwells in the world. And again when he leaves the world, he has already received the truth in the image [videos]. The world has become the Aeon (eternal realm), for the Aeon is fullness/completed for him [he has become post terrestrial, he has seen through all the deception of the world, he has finished his lessons from that school]. This is the way it is: it is revealed to him alone, not hidden [from others] in the darkness and the night, but hidden [from others] in a perfect day [the Lord's Day from 2026Elul16, the start of the 3rd presence] and a holy light (The Gospel of Philip).
All the saints must get married at night i.e. before the Lord's day?? NOPE.
10529 And a decree is set out by me, that any people,
nation, and language [3x] who [singular] speaks deception [1x]
upon/concerning the God of them,
that [is of/the God of] Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego [1x:
the God of them, who is actually the God of Shadrach and the God of Meshach and the God of Abednego], he will be made into [mere]
members [3x] and his house shall be made/be made an outhouse/dunghill [1x].
Because [yDi lbeq.-lK'] not there is God another who is able to deliver like this [God] [2x.(1x+1x)
(Daniel 3 )
30In the same time the king []
himself caused Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to prosper in the jurisdictional district of Babylon [3x]
[you bet!] (Daniel 3).
29 and + from + me was put taste that all of tribe, people and + tongue who + will speak deception upon/concerning God of + them who + "rejoicing in the way" Meshach servant + "Servant of Nego" fragments will make (self) and + house of + him a dunghill will be placed/made because not there is of God another who + will be able to/for + ? as/like + "a low place" (Daniel 3 WLCi)
Verse29-30: 3x.(1x+1x.1x.3x).(3x+1x).2x.2x+3x = 192x+3x = 195x. The final period of sealing (not of God's merciful responses of Genesis18 which refer to sealing) from 2032Tishri29 to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Adam and Cain, the end of the last chance saloon and all false religion. Compare with Daniel 2:5 Your houses will be made a dunghill (Genesius).
Nebuchadnezzar (15), King (18), Shadrach (12), Meshach (12), Abednego (12), Mantles (2) Peoples (1), Nations (1), Languages (1).
God finishes saving his people from the fiery furnace on 2032Tishri22/23, the end of WW3, the catching/domestication of the beast of Revelation19, and the end of demon possession Cakes, the end of our escape from the murderous political ambition of the demons. He finishes killing off non Adam and Cain on 2029Ab7, the end of the ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse, the end of the lava flood. The decree condemns slanderers of God to unless they repent and enter the last chance saloon105.
22 Turn to me and be saved, all you [at the] ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no one else.
23 By my own self I have sworn -- out of my own mouth in righteousness the word has gone forth, so that it will not return -- that to me every knee will bend down, every tongue will swear,
24 saying, 'Surely in there are full righteousness and strength. All those getting heated up against him will come straight to him and be ashamed.
25 In all the seed of Israel will prove to be right and will boast about themselves (Isaiah 45).
10 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God;
11 for it is written: 'As I live,' says , 'to me every knee will bend down, and every tongue will make open acknowledgment to God.'
12 So, then, each of us will render an account for himself to God.
13 Therefore let us not be judging one another any longer, but rather make this your decision, not to put before a brother a stumbling block or a cause for tripping.
14 I know and am persuaded in the Lord that nothing [no substance - not no activity]
is defiled in itself; only where a man considers something to be defiled, to him it is defiled.
15 For if because of food your brother is being grieved, you are no longer walking in accord with love. Do not by your
food ruin that one for whom Christ died (Romans 14).
One cannot bend the knee or swear with the tongue in , because nobody there has a knee or a tongue, in fact they are all no-bodies! As opposed to those saved into the kingdom who are some-bodies!
So every knee must bend in this system, before the end of Adam (the end of Adamic man). The flood of lava starts with the Yellowstone Caldera (Tarshish) going up?
13Here is a lovely interpretation of the 69+1 weeks before the rebuilding of Daniel9, showing that we were rebuilt Isaaically 69 weeks of years after the word went forth that Jerusalem was being rebuilt upon England's green and pleasant land, yea even upon this sceptred isle, by the crowning of Anne Boleyn as Queen of England and personally delivering to her the rod and sceptre without papal authority. This trampling upon the authority of the Roman Catholic church to crown the royalty of England, resulted in Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn being excommunicated. Because one cannot have too many interpretations of Daniel9.
On 1532May15 the Convocation of Canterbury agreed the Submission of the Clergy, whereby the Roman Catholic church in England would not make church law without Royal assent. Sir Thomas Moore resigned the next day on May16. This was the effective start of the Reformation but not the legislative start. The Submission of the Clergy was then included in the 1934 Submission of the Clergy and Restraint of Appeals Act.
But the word of the Reformation in England went forth to restore and rebuild the English church in accordance with Daniel 9:25 legislatively with the Ecclesiastical appeals Act 1532: 24th of Henry VIII 12th Act out of 13. Since it was the 12th out of 13 acts in 1532, it was passed close to the end of the year (1532November/December), being the penultimate act of the year.
1532November/December (1532Chislev): Ecclesiastical appeals Act passed.
1533January24/25: Henry and Anne Boleyn were secretly married.
1533March30: Thomas Cranmer was consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury
1533May28: Cranmer validated Henry's marriage to Anne Boleyn.
1533June1 (1533Sivan6, the Pentecost): Thomas Cranmer crowned Anne Boleyn and personally delivered to her the rod and sceptre (without Papal consent). This defied Papal authority and seriously upset Pope Clement VII
On 1533July9 (1533Tammuz14/15) Pope Clement VII responded by excommunicating both Henry and Anne Boleyn unless they undid their marriage by the end of September.
1533September7: Anne gave birth to Elizabeth.
1533September30: Henry and Anne became excommunicated.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Cranmer
Thomas Cranmer crowning Anne Boleyn without Papal consent was a usurping of the highest authority of the Catholic church (to crown royalty). It was a break from Rome. It also occurred on 1533Sivan6, the Mosaic and Pentecost in 1533. So we could take the news of that coronation as the word going forth to rebuild Jerusalem in this green and pleasant land separate from the Roman Catholic church. But then the Pope Excommunicated both Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn on 1533July9 (Julian) which was 1533Tammuz14/15 (unless they annulled the marriage). That certainly was the word going from Rome to instigate the reformation. And Henry would have responded by finalising the administration of the Anglican church. Here is the poem of William Blake in 1804 made into a song (which King George V preferred to the National Anthem) by Hubert Parry on 1916March10. It is a very powerful song emotionally and was adopted by the Suffragettes.
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England's mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England's pleasant pastures seen!
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills
Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England's green and pleasant Land.
Beneath the poem Blake inscribed a quotation from the Bible...
29 Would to God that all the Lord's people were Prophets, that the Lord would put his spirit upon them (Numbers11 )
That is the view and the mission of the Lords Witnesses Church
If you count 69 weeks of Daniel 9:25 from then, taking a day for a year, making 483 years, you get to 2016Ab14-16, when the church was being restored and rebuilt genetically as . Abrahamic s were restored and rebuilt genetically as from 2016Ab14-16 during the 1st Jubilee of the restoration lease. Then Isaaic was appointed/installed over on 2016Ab16/Tishri5 and over non adamic on 2016Tishri16/Chislev5 (Ab16 and Elul16 having been taken by Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic ). So the restoration and rebuilding genetically of the Jerusalem of Isaaic was completed on 2016Ab16 in a way that King Henry and Sir Thomas Moore could never have imagined! We went one step up the salvation covenants from the blessing of the to the blessing of the . Then if you count a further week of years making 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24, you get to 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea, the end of the dividing in two of the s into 2 true churches..
Ecclesiastical Appeals Act Legal basis of the Reformation in England 1532November/December (Julian) 1532Chislev X____________________________ |
Pope Clement VII excommunicates King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn unless they annulled their marriage 1533July9 (Julian) 1533Tammuz14/15 X_____________________________ |
Pope Gregory XIII replaces the Julian calendar with the Gregorian calendar 1582October5 (Julian) 1582October15 (Gregorian) 1582Tishri15 X_____________________________________ |
End of 's 50 month restoration lease over from 2012Sivan16 2016Ab14-16: is restored and rebuilt from Abrahamic to Isaaic. Isaaic is appointed over 2016September21/22 2016Tishri16 X___________________________________________________________________________ |
The fall of Reverted Laodicea The end of the division of the s into 2 true churches. 2023October9/10 2023Tishri21 X13_________________ |
7 weeks of years = 49 Julian years | 62 weeks of years = 434 Gregorian years | 1 week of years = 7 years |
Then we count MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN as 101/102 months from 2016Ab14, the Abrahamic to Isaaic Passover to 2024Tebbeth14 the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover and from 2016Tishri14, the Isaaic Passover (that Isaaic should celebrate every year, since we became Abib 'headed' over on 2016Tishri16), to 2024VeAdar14, the Isaaic World Exodus Passover, then 2024VeAdar15-20 is the end of ark rapture (other than Benjamin).
The Reformation in 1533 was of course the going forth of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.
24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the of Holies.
25 And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square [for the public, for sons of the ] and moat [a water baptism for the priests and the kings], but in the straits/distress of the times [The Time of Distress
and Escape of
Daniel9 from 2028Heshvan14 to 2029Heshvan14].(Daniel 9)
'Restore and Rebuild' requires 2 types of restoration, administrative and genetic13
3 While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system
of things?
4 And in answer said to them: Look out that nobody misleads you;
5 for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many.
6 you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.
8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. (Matthew 24 )
34 Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur. (Matthew 24 )
1 Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them,
2 then the sons of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose.
3 And said: My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh/has erred. Accordingly his days shall amount to 120 years.
11 And the earth came to be ruined in the sight of the [true] God and the earth became filled with violence.
12 So God saw the earth and, look! it was ruined, because all flesh had ruined its way on the earth.
13 After that God said to Noah: The end of all flesh has come before me, because the earth is full of violence as a result of them; and here I am bringing them to ruin together with the earth.
14 Make for yourself an ark out of wood of a resinous tree. You will make compartments in the ark, and you must cover it inside and outside with tar. (Genesis 6 )
Well, the earth became full of violence in an unprecedented way after the start of WW1 from 1914June28 (1914Tammuz3) the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and from 1914August4 (Ab10) when the entire British empire joined in on temple burning day! Maybe they started building the ark on Eden2 then! So some of the days of the last 120 years occurred in 1914, the 1st of those years when violence filled the earth. So the last of those years is 2033.And of course Adam must die on the day upon which he was sentenced to die by God saying:
17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it dying you will die. (Genesis 2 )
So the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam, the final execution of Adam, the fulfilment of Genesis 2:17, is 2033Nisan14.
The wives taken by the demons must be the s. It appears that calls into the are more or less coincident with calls into the and the :
1890Sivan11: Asher continuation call, proselyte call into the
1905Tammuz11: Issachar Proselyte call into the
1906Adar12/13: Levi Samaritan continuation call into the
1908Heshvan14: Judah Gentile continuation call into the
Perhaps the demonic calls are a perfect mirror of the angelic calls? In any event these who are heavily influenced by the demons through their born again angels (which are consigned to - 's angels - unless they repent). These serpents much have conspired to cause WW1. In fact the earth being filled with violence is a sign of the presence of the children of the demons.
One can further deduce the end of the world to be 2033Nisan14 by adding the 13x sentence count of 1Corinthians 15:25
25 For he must reign [1x], until he hath put all enemies [2x] under his feet [10x]. (1 Corinthians 15 )
1x+2x+10x = 13x. from 2020Tishri20/Chislev9, his post Quad Gapped appointment/installation to rule as Caesar over Adam, to 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st death Passover - For more see U271-11#71
is raised up in secular authority over all of mankind in the 3rd millennium (on the 3rd day) after his death
21 From then started Christ to be showing to the disciples of him that it is necessary him into Jerusalem to go off and many (things) to suffer from the older men and chief priests and scribes and to be killed and to the third day to be raised up. (Matthew 16 )
Take a day for a millennium as instructed by 2 Peter 3:8 and is raised up in secular authority to be King of the world under during the 3rd Millennium to date from death festival which runs from 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 3033Nisan14/Iyyar14. remains Caesar to the world for the entire, which Kingdom is the 3rd millennium, the 3rd day, after his death. 's last day of authority over Adam is 2033Nisan14. is raised up completely from that day.
25 For he must reign until [God] has put all enemies under his feet [when he continues ruling as a vassal king to ].
26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.
27 For [God] subjected all things under his feet. But when he says that 'all things have been subjected,' it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him.
28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself [as vassal king] to the One who subjected all things to him, that God
may be all things to everyone [through ]. (1Corinthians 15 ).
Verse 25: 1x+2x+10x = 13x from 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 his post Quad gapped appointment/installation as Caesar over Adam, to 2033Iyyar14, the late 1st death Passover, and the resurrection thereafter of sealed Cain on 2033Iyyar22, when the last enemy, death, is brought to nothing .
' maximum elevation occurs on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, when loses all his secular authority over Adam/Cain, which is the festival day when is Caesar over every single living human (having been installed over Adam on 2020Chislev9 and over Cain on 2020Tebbeth5). So is fully elevated from 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 3033Nisan14/Iyyar14. The is the 3rd Millennium to date after his death. is not elevated any further on 2033Nisan16/Sivan5, rather is appointed/installed above him over on that day.
2020Tishri20/Chislev9: is appointed/installed as Caesar to after the end of the Quad Gapped on 2020Tishri15.
2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5: is appointed/installed as Caesar to Cain
2020Chislev16/Shebat5: is appointed/installed as Caesar to
2020Tebbeth16/Adar5: is appointed/installed as Caesar to
2033Nisan14: completes the process of becoming Caesar to all humans except Cain, because the last failed adamic is killed at the 1st death Passover, the end of dying the 1st death for Adam, 6025 years after he sinned on
3993Nisan14 BC.
2033Nisan16: is appointed as Caesar to over
2033Iyyar14: completes the process of becoming Caesar to all humans, because the last failed cainian is killed at the late 1st death Passover, the end of dying the 1st death for Cain.
Also we are raised up from and from and live before him, under his Kingship, on the 3rd day...
2 He will make us alive after 2 days. On the 3rd day he will make us get up, and we shall live before him. (Hosea 6 )
The 3rd millennium to date after his death on 33Nisan14, which millennium runs from 2033Nisan14 to 3033Nisan14.
4. Notice, children, what the meaning of "He made an end in six days" is! It means this: that the Lord will make an end of everything in six thousand years, for a day with him means a thousand years. And he himself is my witness when he says, "Look, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years." So then, children, in six days,
that is in six thousand years, everything will be completed.
5 And he rested on the seventh day. This means, when his Son comes he will destroy the time of the lawless one, and will judge the godless, and will change the sun and the moon and the stars, and then he will truly rest on the seventh day (Barnabus 15:4,5).
8 However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with as 1,000 years and 1,000 years as one day. (2 Peter 3 )
We know from the interchangeability principle of the true bible code that we can replace the word 'day' with 'millennium' in any scripture. So we apply it to the 7 days of Genesis 1. We take a day to be a millennium and get the 7 recreative days.
We know that the is the Sabbath over which is Lord, the rest from Satanic secular rulership. So if we can discover when the 6000 years begin we will know when it ends. Well the sun and the moon appeared in the 4th day...
14 And God went on to say: Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.
15 And they must serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth. And it came to be so.
16 And God proceeded to make the 2 great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars.
17 Thus God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth,
18 and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between the light and the darkness. Then God saw that [it was] good.
19 And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a 4th day. (Genesis 1 )
The morning of the 4th day would end when the sun, the greater luminary, Christ, the light of the world, sets, when he stops shining his light due to being sacrificed on 33Nisan14. The moon, , appeared in Judas along with at the last supper. So the 4th recreative day ended on 33Nisan14, when the sun set and actually a great darkness came over the land...
33 When it became the 6th hour a darkness fell over the whole land until the 9th hour.
34 And at the 9th hour called out with a loud voice: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? which means, when translated: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
35 And some of those standing near, on hearing it, began to say: See! He is calling .
36 But a certain one ran, soaked a sponge with sour wine, put it on a reed, and began giving him a drink, saying: Let [him] be! Let us see whether comes to take him down.
37 But let out a loud cry and expired.
38 And the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in 2 from top to bottom. (Mark 15 )
So the 1st recreative day began 4000 years before 33Nisan14 AD, which was 3968Nisan14 BC. So the 6th recreative day ends on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam, and the end of Adam dying the 1st death.
We can also deduce this by applying the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy to the hexamillennial working week and splitting it into 4 days then 2 days: The then the Most .
Then identify ' flesh as the temple curtain which divides the temple and the therefore the week 2:1. So ' flesh divides the 6000 year week at the 4000 year mark.
19 Having therefore, brothers, outspokenness into the way into [the holy] of the holies [the most ] in the blood of ,
20 which he innovated to us way freshly slaughtered and living through the curtain, this is of the flesh of him, (Hebrews 10 )
19 Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the most holy by the blood of ,
20 which he inaugurated for us a freshly slaughtered and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh, (Hebrews 10 )
This tells us that died 4000 years into the week. We take his flesh to be the sacrifice of his flesh here. For that sacrifice ripped the temple dividing curtain in two.
38 And the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in 2 from top to bottom. (Mark 15 )
So the end of the 4th recreative day is 33Nisan14. So the end of the working week in 2033Nisan14, when the last son of Adam dies, leaving as Caesar to all mankind (but not yet acting as Caesar to Cain). Then the is appointed/installed over on 2033Nisan16/Sivan5.
And we have used the temple ratio prophecy and the day for a thousand year substitution of 2 Peter 3 to deduce the date of the end of the world as 2033Nisan14.
I originally deduced that died at the end of the 4th recreative day because he is the light of the world and is his poor reflection and both luminaries appeared in the 4th day and and appeared together both possessing humans at the last supper. And because when died, the light of the world was ended and so the morning of the 4th recreative day ended, which means the 4th recreative day ended.
17 Consequently when arrived, he found he had already been 4 days in the memorial tomb.
39 said: Take the stone away. Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: Lord, by now he must smell, for it is 4 days. (John 11 )
Take a day for a millennium and faithful mankind is in the memorial tomb of Kingdom salvation. Which resurrection tomb was created by the Abelian Faith Covenant (the ) for 4 millennia from the first system salvation covenant with Abel made on 3968Nisan14 BC, to the removal of the stone of stumbling of Christ on 33Nisan14 AD. For when died the memorial tombs were opened...
50 Again cried out with a loud voice, and yielded up [his] spirit.
51 And, look! the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in 2, from top to bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses were split.
52 And the memorial tombs were opened and many bodies of the holy ones that had fallen asleep were raised up,
53 and persons, coming out from among the memorial tombs after his being raised up, entered into the holy city, and they became visible to many people. (Matthew 27 )
So the 4 days that Lazarus spent in the memorial tomb, were the first 4 recreative days of the 7 day recreative week, which ends with the millennial Sabbath over which is Lord.
1 Now the Passover and the [festival of] unfermented cakes was 2 days later. And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to seize him by crafty device and kill him; (Mark 14 )
1 Was but the Passover and the unfermented [cakes] after 2 days. And were seeking the chief priests and the scribes how him in crafty device having seized they may kill, (Mark 14 )
2 you know that 2 days from now the Passover occurs, and the Son of man is to be delivered up to be impaled. (Matthew 26 )
2 you have known that after 2 days the Passover is occurring, and the Son of the man is being given over into the to be put upon the stake. (Matthew 26 )
Indeed. 2 millennia after 33Nisan14, when was seized by the chief priests in Gethsemane and killed and put upon a stake, is 2033Nisan14, the completion of the Passover of Adam, the 1st death Passover, the end of Adam entering into the 1st death. The priests condemned him to death and handed him over to Pilate to be killed on 33Nisan14.
A Journey of 3 days into the wilderness/pasture/desert to sacrifice to until the journey ends at Solomon's temple
18 And they will certainly listen to your voice, and you must come, you and the older men of Israel, to the king of Egypt, and you men must say to him, ' the God of the Hebrews has come in touch with us, and now we want to go, please, a journey of 3 days into the wilderness/pasture/desert, and we want to sacrifice to our God.' (Exodus 3 )
3 However, they went on to say: The God of the Hebrews has come in touch with us. We want to go, please, a journey of 3 days into the wilderness/pasture/desert and sacrifice to our God; otherwise he may strike at us with pestilence or with sword. (Exodus 5 )
Had the wilderness not bee a pasture then all their flock and herds would have died...
38 And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, [even] very much cattle. (Exodus 12 )
This must be related to the 3 day optional penalty proposed to David:
13 Accordingly Gad came in to David and told him and said to him: Should there come to you 7 years of famine in your land, or 3 months of your fleeing before your adversaries, with them pursuing you, or the occurring of 3 days of pestilence in your land? Now know and see what I shall reply to the One sending me. (2 Samuel 24 )
12 whether for 3 years there is to be a famine; or for 3 months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for 3 days there is to be the sword of , even pestilence, in the land, with 's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.' And now see what I should reply to the One sending me. (1 Chronicles 21 )
The first sacrifice in the temple of Solomon (in a fixed location in Jerusalem, not in the journeying mobile tabernacle in the wilderness or in a tent in the city of David (2 Samuel6), occurred on 1026Tishri7 BC (the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year of its construction). That ended the 3000 year journey of wilderness sacrifice and of the ark itself. So said journey began on 4027Tishri2/9, the birth/registration of Adam. So Adam made a 3001 year journey in the wilderness and in the ark before he inaugurated a permanent temple to . What that means is that the ark never left the temple of Solomon. Because had it done so and moved into Zerubbabel's temple, then the journey would have lasted too long.
But Adam (the house of Adam through Noah) spent 377 days in the ark from 2371Heshvan10 to 2370Heshvan27. The ark was mobile, but the journey in the ark was above the earth not upon it! So we add 377 days in the ark above the earth to the 3000 years on the earth and get from 4027Tishri2 to 1026Tishri19, during the inauguration of Solomon's temple from 1026Tishri15-21 BC.
We want to go a Journey of 3 days into the wilderness/pasture/desert to sacrifice to until the end of sacrifice on 33Nisan14
Adam's first sacrifice inaugurating his priesthood was Pentecost, 3989Sivan5 BC. Sacrifice in Solomon's temple ran from 1026Tishri7 to 586Ab10 and in Zerubbabel's temple from 515Nisan17 (first fruits) to 33Nisan14: 440 years less 57 days + (547 years less 3 days) = 987 years less 60 days. So until 33Nisan14 there are a total of 4021 years less 49 days less 987 years + 60 days = 3034 years and 11 daya. So there must have been 34 years and 11 days of sacrifice not in a wilderness presumably at the time of acting as priest to mankind and king of Salem.
18 And king of Salem brought out bread and wine, and he was priest of the Most High God. (Genesis 14 )
This is 3,000 years of non wilderness sacrifice. Perhaps they did not sacrifice any animals in the ark. The purpose of the ark was to save animals (and Noah's family).
3 days of pestilence for David
13 Accordingly Gad came in to David and told him and said to him: Should there come to you 7 years of famine in your land, or 3 months of your fleeing before your adversaries, with them pursuing you, or the occurring of 3 days of pestilence in your land? Now know and see what I shall reply to the One sending me. (2 Samuel 24 )
12 whether for 3 years there is to be a famine; or for 3 months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for 3 days there is to be the sword of , even pestilence, in the land, with 's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.' And now see what I should reply to the One sending me. (1 Chronicles 21 )
40 And Solomon began seeking to put Jeroboam to death. So Jeroboam got up and went running off to Egypt to Shishak the king of Egypt, and he continued in Egypt until Solomon's death.
41 As for the rest of the affairs of Solomon and all that he did and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the affairs of Solomon?
42 And the days that Solomon had reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel were 40 years. (1 Kings 11 )
20 And the days that Jeroboam reigned were 22 years, after which he lay down with his forefathers; and Nadab his son began to reign in place of him. (1 Kings 14 )
20 And Jeroboam did not retain any more power in the days of Abijah; but dealt him a blow, so that he died. (2 Chronicles 13 )
Jeroboam was the first king of Israel after David to be killed by . Rehoboam and Abijam died and laid down with their forefathers. Jeroboam acceded in 997 and had 22 regnal years from 996 to 975 inclusively, when he died due to a blow from . 3000 years later is 2024 AD when the Kings of the Kingdom, the s and the s all cease to be killed by or suffer pestilence by 2024VeAdar21, the rapture of the last King. In the original fulfilment the pestilence was lethal and killed 70,000. In millennial fulfilment it may be a protection from all potentially lethal pestilence.
2 Millennia of true religion containing physical or spiritual Jews from Moses to whilst the pillar of fire and cloud was above the church rather than within it
20 And they proceeded to depart from Succoth [on 1513Nisan23, after Booths and the Assembly of the Nisan1 secular year] and to encamp at Etham at the edge of the
21 And was going ahead of them in the daytime in a pillar of cloud to lead them by the way, and in the nighttime in a pillar of fire to give them light to go in the daytime and nighttime.
22 The pillar of cloud would not move away from before the people in the daytime nor the pillar of fire in the nighttime. (Exodus 13 )
16 That is the way it went on constantly: The cloud would cover it by day, and the appearance of fire by night. (Numbers 9 )
22 Whether it was 2 days or a month or more days during which the cloud prolonged its stay over the tabernacle by residing over it, the sons of Israel remained encamped and would not pull away, but when it
lifted itself they would pull away.
23 At the order of they would encamp, and at the order of they would pull away. They kept their obligation to at the order of by means of Moses. (Numbers 9 )
Each camp is a true church. The pillar of cloud and fire is God's acceptance of a Mosaic temple or ' presence in a true church.
1890Sivan14 (the start of the 2nd presence through Russell and s) to 2026Heshvan5, the end of the baptism of the is 136 years 141 days to when the pillar of cloud and fire is no longer above the tabernacle but is entirely inside it. And by its very name, it must end up supporting the temple from the inside. It was not a buttress of cloud by day and fire by night, it was a pillar..
1513Nisan23 to 426Tishri9/10, to the end of the presence, angels standing in , less 586Ab10 to 515Nisan17 (Mosaic first fruits, the inauguration of Zerubbabel's temple - see U271-12#125) of Babylonian temple exile less 7 months of the ark being in the field of the philistines less 1290 days of the Maccabean defilement = 1938 years + 5 months + 16/17 days - 70 years - 8 months - 7 days - 7 months - 3 years - 7 months = 1865 years - 17 months + 9/10 days = 1863 years + 7 months + 9/10 days = 1863 years and 219/210 days.
1863 years 219 days + 136 years 141 days is 2000 years. This is the period of true churches with external pillars of cloud and fire (initially physical and finally the ). So the 1st presence ended on 426Tishri9, in order that all the saints were with God for Atonement day.
11 And Abimelech commanded namely all the people, saying: The [one] touching this man and his wife dying shall he die [by baptism].
12 And sowed in that land, and found/received in the same year 100 gates/measures/fold [in seed: 100x what he planted or 100 measures]. And blessed him.
13 And the man contended, and walking he walked, and growing [he was] until [it was] that he became exceedingly great. (Genesis 26 )
This is 100 months of Isaaic s sowing kingdom seed from 2024Shebat to 2033Sivan5, the installation of the under as Caesar to .
18 And came to Shalem [whole completed finished], a city of Shechem [shoulder], which [is] in [the] land of Canaan, in
to come him from Padanaram [field of height]; and encamped namely before the city.
19 And he acquired namely a smooth part of the field/plain - which he stretched out his tent thereupon - from the hand of the sons of Hamor [Ass], Shechem's father,
in/for 100 Kesitah [weighed out]
20 And he set up an altar there. And he called him: Strength of God of Israel. (Genesis 33 )
32 And namely bones of Joseph [he takes away, he shall add] which the sons of Israel caused to GO UP from Egypts, they buried in Shechem in smooth part of the field/plain that acquired from sons of Hamor [Ass], Shechem's father, in/for 100 Kesitah; and they were to the sons of Joseph for [a/an] possession/inheritance. (Joshua 24 )
Hamor is , the father of Eden2 and of the s.
Shechem is s.
Land of Canaan is planet earth
is saints, the sons of the
Shalem is the administration with a completed chronology.
Joseph is 4. The takes away from Egypt and shall add to the ark.
The sons of Israel are the 3rd
The bones of Joseph are the apostles
The sons of Joseph who possess his bones are the s.
The bones of Joseph GO UP out of Egypt into the ark.
100 Kesitah are 100 months from 2024Tebbeth16 to 2033Iyyar22, the period of ark entrance by rapture or resurrection for those not in the 3rd ..
Strength of God of Israel - rapture and earth based ark interaction.
Smooth part of the plain
7 Who are you, Oh great mountain? Before Zerubbabel [you will become] a level land. And he will certainly bring forth the headstone. There will be shoutings to it: How charming! How charming!' (Zechariah 4 )
24 And it came about afterward that Ben- hadad the king of Syria proceeded to collect all his camp together and to go up and besiege Samaria.
25 In time a great famine arose in Samaria, and, look!
they were besieging it until an ass's head got to be worth 80 silver pieces, and the 4th of a cab measure of dove's dung was worth 5 silver pieces.
26 And it came about as the king of Israel was passing over upon the wall [changing church]
that a certain woman cried out to him, saying: Do save,
Oh my lord the king!
27 To this he said: If does not save you, from what [source] shall I save you? either from the threshing floor or from the wine or oil press?
28 And the king went on to say to her: What is the matter with you? So she said: This very woman said to me, 'Give your son that we may eat him today [reappointed Laodicea], and my own son we shall eat tomorrow [ Sodom]
29 Accordingly we boiled my son and ate him. Then I said to her on the next day, 'Give your son that we may eat him.' But she hid her son [ saints in reverted Laodicea].
30 And it came about that as soon as the king heard the woman's words, he immediately ripped his garments apart [lost his priesthood]; and as he was passing over upon the wall, [changing church]
the people got to see, and, look! sackcloth was underneath upon his flesh.
31 And he went on to say: So may God do to me [Give his son to be eaten] and so may he add to it, if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat continues standing upon him today! [Elisha is denied headship over the s during the day of
reverted Laodicea - indeed that is what that church was all about]
32 And Elisha was sitting in his own house [1x], and the older men were sitting with him [1x+3x],
and/when he sent a man from before him [1x+1x=2x]. Before the messenger/angel could come in to him [1x] he himself said to the older men [3x]:
Have ye seen how this son of a murderer has sent to remove my head? [1x]
See ye [that]: as/like to enter the messenger/angel [1x],
close ye the door [1x], and press ye him back in the door [1x]. Is there not the sound of the feet of his lord behind him? [the sound of 2 feet behind him makes 3x. Each foot makes a sound]
33 Again/still/further he was yet speaking together-with them [2x.(1x+3x)=8x],
and Look! the messenger/angel was coming down to him [1x], and he [the king through the messenger] proceeded to say:
Look! this is the calamity from [1x]. Why should I wait again/still/further for [1x+1x=2x]? (2 Kings 6 )
He said to the older men: Finish the harvest = 3x for 3 people completing a group task
He said to the older men: Finish the baptisms = 3x.3x=9x for 3 people completing a plurality of tasks
He said to the older men: Have ye seen the sun = He said: Have ye (older men)
seen the sun = 3x NOT 3x.3x=9x. Because one can only see the sun individually.
He said to th older men: Have you had your dinner? 3x because each man eats his own dinner, he does not eat another man's dinner!
Verse 32: 1x+1x+3x+2x+1x+3x.(1x+1x+1x+1x+3x) = 29x
Verse 33: 8x+1x+1x+2x =12x
29x from 2023Iyyar3 when 4 wrote to Zach having seen that the s has stolen his baptism on 2020June3/4 a 2nd time (thereby removing his headship)
to 2023Sivan2, the baptism of Caleb? (actually it was 2020June5)
Total = 29x+12x = 41x from 2023Iyyar3 to 2023Sivan14.
3010 is FANTASTIC !!!
2019Adar13 - done
2019Adar10 - done
2020Sivan10 - done
2019Ab7 - done
2012Tammuz17 - done
2012Elul6 - done
2007Sivan22 - done
2007Elul11 - done
2015Elul1 - done
2010Tebbeth24 - done
2021Sivan13 - done
Finished updating all pages for 202 and the above at 06:00 on Sunday May14 (2023Iyyar23) fpr the main 482nd prediction
Dave redo . 2 year Jehoiachin gap all wrong. 562Adar25-27 and 560Tishri16 to 560Adar25.
Send 5 Sabbaths to everyone.
Pauls list of unrighteous no kingdom inheritors of 1Corinthians6
2000 + 2000 day of gifts of the spirit see U121. So right now because we have demon possession, we can be resurrected or cured.
streching 3x over the boy in 1Kings18 is the 2 thefts and then the Isaaic for Laodicea.
3 days and 3 night of Jonah are 3 incarnations of Laodicea and fallen Laodicea.
U27 U117 for U113
Peter reveals there is a greater U168.
Manna began 1513Iyyar16: joins 2023Sivan16. The present Exodus is delayed one month from the Mosaic Exodus, being a 2nd fulfilment.
Dave: Chart
Point27 above,. Have you seen how that son of a murderer has sent to take off my head. AHAHAHAHAH. That is the son of Cain, the son of destruction, the man of lawlessness, stole by baptism, that is his lawlessness. Perhaps God disfellowshipped Laodicea and reverted Laodicea from the because HE judged that they were breaking the law of the .
Can we baptised from Adam to in one step? Surely they must go through ?
Dear Theologian,
We all pray for the to come. Because one day it will come. Well, that day was 2023Nisan5 (March26/27) for the house of Cain, 2023Nisan11 (March31/April1) for the house of Adam, 2023Iyyar5 (April25/26) for the house of restored and will be 2023Sivan5 (May25/26) for the house of restored . I say this because is now Caesar, secular King to all of mankind other than those with the 4th Covenant water baptism, the son of the Isaaic Church covenant. Apologies for the jargon. is Caesar over everybody who does not have a valid water baptism. Those who have a valid water baptism are the sons of by covenant.
Here are our calculations showing this in pictorial form.
Anointing King Charles III, is therefore (if our chronology is correct) an act of TREASON against King .
I have a duty to warn you about this. Christians have a duty to examine our chronology to see if in their judgement we are correct and is now our Caesar.
Obviously it is a really bad idea for a Christian to anoint someone as King in place of Christ. Hence this missive to give the reader a chance to make said examination..
The Chinese are behind the Russians in Ukraine. Ukraine is an 8th world power vs 7th world power proxy war, with Russia fighting for the globalist 8th world power (world wide communist imperialism) and Ukraine for the nationalist 7th world power (UK/US NATO). Anyone supporting the Russians in Ukraine or arguing that we should cease funding and arming Zelenski, is a BRICS collaborator. And the BRICS are the implementors of globalism through Vaccine Passports, the Mark of the Beast, and social credit score linked s. So those wo argue against supporting Zelenski are globalist collaborators.
2022Adar17 - done
2023Ab8 - done
2023Tishri7 - done
2023Elul6 - done
The scriptures say....
16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or 2 more, in order that at the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses every matter may be established.
17 If he does not listen to them, speak to the congregation. If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.
18 Truly I say to you men, Whatever things you may bind on earth will be things bound in heaven, and whatever things you may loose on earth will be things loosed in heaven.
19 Again I truly say to you, If 2 of you on earth agree concerning anything of importance that they should request, it will take place for them due to my Father in heaven.
20 For where there are 2 or 3 gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst. (Matthew 18 )
What if there are 4 gathered together on a judicial committee? Is with them in that case? Should judicial committees be limited to 3 men (and 3 women). So that all 3 have to agree in order to disfellowship someone and a 2/3 vote of the cardinals determines a warning?
Time of Distress
Iyyar1 with a space.
The absolute end of Adam.
2023Ab5 - 2023Ab21
2023Sivan16 - 2022Shebat16: Day of
2016Iyyar2/Sivan21: Isaaic appointed/installed over s
2020Sivan2/Tamnmuz21: Reverted Laodicea appointed/installed over s
2023Tammuz2/Ab21: 3rd appointed/installed over s. (7th after , Laodicea,
1st 2nd and 3rd 50s of 2Kings1
3600 overseers of 2Chronicles3
50s and 100s of Mark6 from 2023Tammuz9 to 2023Ab28
24th of the 9th of Haggai2.
The bridles of the horses of Revelation14 must start on 2023Sivan21, when the s were sealed at the end of the . This is when Grassley saw FD-1023 from Wray. So Obama-Biden was unbridled then.
Write up the above in the 3600 part
Do the find box
The woke reversal of the 10 commandments.
1. Inoculation against death
2. The loving robber
3. The beast is the Central bank Cabal.
4. How to celebrate the Lords evening meal.
6 He will execute judgment among the nations; He will cause a fullness of dead bodies. He will certainly break to pieces the head one over a great land (Obama-Biden). (Psalms 110 ).
Did take 50,000 years to become a God from his angelic birth?
Did take 50,000 years to become a God from his angelic birth?
Did take 50,000 years to become a God from his angelic birth?
Did take 50,000 years to become a God from his angelic birth?
Did take 50,000 years to become a God from his angelic birth?
WOW: The whole nation of Israel goes across on dry land. BEFORE they are water baptised!! They go across on dry land which was under the sea, the sea bed. So they none of them go into the ark from a true church (except s).
The 12 apostles will all be raptured on 2023Tammuz21. So I will not choose them.
Chlorine water rather than antibiotics because it is anti fungal and anti viral too. There was no Covid19 transmission in indoor public swimming pools.
Shemin is Megyn Kelly I am Victor Davis Hanson
13 Baktuns - mayan.html
Check 2023Ab3
Chislev1 space
Parting of the Reed Sea into the ark.
Revelation11:15-17, we have the timing of becoming Caesar before WW3 and God's Passover executions.
On this very night 2019Tishri14 and 2024Elul14. 430 years
Taxes U271-11#16a
Do angels sleep?
25 And its gates will not be closed at all by day, for night will not exist there. (Revelation 21 ).
Pain in pregnancy of Eve went up cos heads of MarkII human is bigger.