[103] The Weekly and Festival and Monthly Sabbath System of FDS4

1. Atonement day rules

The LWs spent 1260 days of Revelation 12 in the wilderness away from the face of the serpent from 1995Adar (the disfellowshipping of Elijah4) to 1999Elul when he got on his horse and started riding as the first horseman of the Apocalypse, having fed the Watchtower exclusively for 7 years from 1992Elul. For John Wayne said to his son: Either you get on a horse or you get out of the movie business, whereas Jesus (the antetypical Jacob), said to his son, Gordon, the mediator of the 2NC, (the antitypical Joseph, the present bible dream decoder), through an understanding of Revelation 6:2 deduced in the Canary Islands in 1999Elul: Pick up your bow, put on your crown, saddle up  and start conquering (paraphrasing the verse). Now when the Wilderness ends, then the Promised land begins. But the LWs first advertised www.bibledecoded.com by fax on 2000 January 25, 1999Shebat14 (the site was uploaded a few days earlier. Before then we had only made our interpretations available to the Watchtower). So 1999Shebat was the first month when the LW food was available for public consumption. But this did not give us any land. The land (congregation - baptised or not) appeared (200 of them) at our first public religious meeting at the Cumberland Hotel, London W1, in the evening of 2000March21 (2000Nisan15). But no one got baptised until 2000Elul16, when Tony was baptised. So the first month of LW land was 2000Elul.

But the Land Sabbath and Jubilee system did not begin until 2000Heshvan because a Jubilee return as man to his possession, which is re-instating him into the church. But a man cannot be thrown out of a church until the church has 3 members, two being the minimum size of a committee with Jesus in its midst, to judge the 3rd. The 3rd Lords' Witnesses, Jamie, was baptised on 2000Tishri16. So 2000Heshvan was the first whole month of an LW congregation. So we must now decide whether to start the Land Sabbath system in 2000Tishri or in 2000Heshvan.

The argument for 2000Tishri is that if we start the land Sabbath timetable on 2000Heshvan1 then we would have to work for 6½ months which breaks the concept of a Sabbath, which is that you only work for 6 periods of time. The argument for 2000Heshvan is that you have a Sabbath after 6 periods of time not 5½. 

The Sabbath is the 7th of 7 equal time periods so 2000Heshvan must be the first month of the LW land Sabbath system.

In the case of the promised land the sons of Israel entered in 1473Nisan but the land Sabbath system did not begin until the next agricultural year started on 1473Tishri1. 

The first land Sabbath in the promised land was 1467Tishri to 1466Tishri. The land was probably distributed in that sacred year, when the working week of conquest of the land was finished. Not a lot of farming would have occurred prior to that.

We celebrated the Jubilee on 2008Chislev, not 2008Shebat. This was 2 months too early.

The monthly Sabbath system of the land of the LWs is the word symbolic meaning of Leviticus 25.

2 Speak to the sons of Israel [sons of the JAC], and you must say to them, 'When you eventually come into the land [at least two baptised LWs exist] that I am giving you [a person is given to us when we baptise them], then the land [those farmer, those interested, those who listen. Bible studies and attendees and the LW congregation] must observe a Sabbath to Jehovah.
3 6 years [months] you should sow your field [sow the kingdom message in the world. The field is the world. The land is those interested which includes the church. The vineyard is the church, the congregation], and 6 years you should prune your vineyard [judge matters in the congregation. the vineyard contains the vines of all the relevant salvation covenants. It does not cover the 1AC because we cannot prune that vine. Mind you it will cover the 1AC once the 3rd Holy Spirit takes over Zoar. So then it will actually be larger than the church. It would cover those that Zoarites have baptized into the 1AC too. A vine is a salvation covenant], and you must gather her produce [understandings, grapes from the congregation].
4 But in the year, the 7th, there should occur a Sabbath of complete rest for the land, a Sabbath to Jehovah. Your field you must not sow [but your land you can], and your vineyard you must not prune
5 The growth from spilled-over of your harvest [new understandings or newly interested people from bible studies who did not get baptised] you must not reap, and the grapes of your unpruned vine you must not gather [new understandings from the congregation]. There should occur a year [month] of complete rest for the land [no field service and no research assessing. There is growth, personal research or group research does occur. But this is not to be submitted or assessed].
6 And the Sabbath [system] of the land must serve you people for food [spiritual food- THIS IS NOT ABOUT BAPTISING CHRISTIANS. IT IS ABOUT FEEDING CHRISTIANS], for you and your slave man and your slave girl and your hired labourer and the settler with you, those who are residing as aliens with you,
and for your domestic animal and for the wild beast that is in your land. All its produce should serve for eating [therefore produce is understandings not more converts] .
8 And you must count for yourself 7 Sabbaths of years [months], 7 times 7 years [months], and the days [hours] of the 7 Sabbaths of years must amount to 49 years [months] for you [there are 17640 days in 49 years and there are 17640 daylight hours in 49 months].
9 And you must cause the horn of loud tone to sound in the month [day], the 7th, on the 10th [hour] to the month [day]; in the day [hour] of atonement you people should cause the horn to sound in all your land.
10 And you must sanctify the year [month] of the 50th year [months] and proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants [Anyone who has even been an LW]. It will become a Jubilee for you, and you must return each one to his possession and you should return each one to his family [all disfellowshipped or disassociated people can be re-instated if they so choose. The Sabbath and Jubilee provisions apply to the entire congregation].
11 A Jubilee is what the year of the 50th year will become for you. You must not sow [either in the field on in the land] nor reap the spilled-over [there was no harvest in the previous year which was a Sabbath year] [a new understanding from an unbaptised bible study or attendee, a spilled-over/spilled kernel. He is not a part of the land. But his understandings are from the land] nor gather the grapes of its unpruned vines [new understandings from anyone in a salvation covenant baptized by the church].
12 For it is a Jubilee. It should become something holy to you. From the field you may eat its produce [which means that produce is spiritual food] [One cannot reap the field - take food home from it. But one can eat from the field whilst in it. The field is the world. The land is the church].
13 In this year of the Jubilee you should return each one to his possession (Leviticus 25).

Year (9), Month (2), Day (2). Year=Month, Month=Day, Day=Hour.

The English word Jubilee comes from the Latin iubilaeus, which is from the Hebrew yohvel, meaning ram's horn.

So the Jubilee release, the Jubilee atonement happens at the 10th hour of the day of Chislev7, 2008.

The trouble with the word symbolic interpretation of these sorts of accounts is that one has to decide whether the grapes, spilled kernels, produce etc are understandings or Christians. Obviously food/understandings one eats, Christians one does not eat! Our first attempt at this was incorrect (as usual), and our second attempt was not much better. The words 'with seed' in the NWT are not in the Hebrew BHS text and so are omitted from the translation above. The way into the symbolism is to recognise that food is not pruned but congregations are. So the vine is to do with congregation. But the grapes are not Christians as we had first thought, since they are removed from the vine at harvest, not grafted on to it. Each branch is a Christian. The grapes on that branch are his understandings. For the word produce, which applies to the vine in verse 3, means edible spiritual food as we see from verse 7. Also one cannot gather people who are already in the church!

7 All its produce should serve for eating (Leviticus 25).

Plainly then 'produce' is spiritual food. Furthermore one cannot spill Christians, but one can spill the Kingdom message, for people can overhear it and one can miss new understandings. So the growth from spilled kernels is further understandings that were missed by the administration. With these keys, we can unlock the account. The reason we initially missed this is that nobody understand that the land produces food. They all think the priesthood does that as is the case in Babylon.

The land, the congregation should be producing the food for the church, not so much the mountain, the administration!

Remember too that Jesus said...

5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He that remains in union with me, and I in union with him, this one bears much fruit; because apart from me you can do nothing at all.
6 If anyone does not remain in union with me, he is cast out as a branch and is dried up; and men gather those branches up and pitch them into the fire and they are burned (John 15).

The symbolism works as follows:

Given Land is everyone who has ever attended an LW meeting. This is a subgroup of all those who are interested. Literally it is the land upon which you live, not the field which you farm.
Vineyard is the congregation, since it is pruned, judged by its administration. It contains vines
The vines are brothers in the various salvation covenants who are water baptised (since we prune them).
Each branch of a vine is a Christian in the congregation.
The grapes on a branch are new understandings had by that Christian.
The ungathered grapes are ideas from within the congregation that have not yet been submitted to the research overseer or processed by the administration.
What is sown is the Kingdom Message given to those outside the congregation in the field but also to those in the land, even those in the vineyard.
The Field is the world.
Sowing is planting the kingdom message in the consciousness of mankind. These may grow into further ideas and these may then get planted into further people and if they germinate and grow again will give rise to more ideas, until the whole bible is decoded.
Reaping the spill-over is collecting new understandings from those who have not been harvested and so are not in the vineyard.
Do not prune means do not consider judicial matters in the congregation

One cannot prune (judicially warn or disfellowship) in a Sabbath. But can one baptise people into the church on a Sabbath? Jesus cured many people on the Sabbath, and each miracle was a 1AC baptism as well. After all a Sabbath is a release to Jehovah.

3 So in response Jesus spoke to those versed in the Law and to the Pharisees, saying: Is it lawful on the Sabbath to cure or not?
4 But they kept silent. With that he took hold of [the man], healed him and sent [him] away.
5 And he said to them: Who of you, if his son or bull falls into a well, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day? (Luke 14 NWT)

Does falling into a well and being pulled out constitute a water baptism? Well that is precisely what happens during a water baptism! Yet here, the victim is not saved by the water but is saved by being removed from the vessel for water. So we can remove someone from a false church that used to have a true water baptism upon a Sabbath. But one would not immerse the poor victim in water gain on that Sabbath day. 

10 and, look! a man with a withered hand! So they asked him, Is it lawful to cure on the Sabbath?" that they might get an accusation against him.
11 He said to them: Who will be the man among you that has one sheep and, if this falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not get
hold of it and lift it out?
12 All considered, of how much more worth is a man than a sheep! So it is lawful to do a fine thing on the Sabbath [What fine thing? A faith baptism or a water baptism or a delayed water baptism?].
13 Then he said to the man: Stretch out your hand. And he stretched it out, and it was restored sound like the other hand (Matthew 12).

So if someone is stuck down a well or a pit, i.e. in a false church that used to have a water baptism or a false church that never had a water baptism or indeed any false religious outfit, then we can pull him out on the Sabbath day and give him a 1AC baptism and a Sabbath delayed 4EC water baptism. BUT we cannot do this on a Sabbath for people who are not stuck in some kind of religious or spiritual trap. 

For people who are not in a trap, unless there is some other form of urgency, we can cure any spiritual malaises from which they may be suffering. But we should not baptise them into the 4EC until after the Sabbath. One cannot enter into contractual obligations on a Sabbath which is a release to Jehovah, not a binding into a contract.  That is the case with a weekly Sabbath which is both a secular and a spiritual Sabbath a release from secular and from spiritual works. A festival Sabbath was a release only from secular works for a Jew under law. And it is a release from secular works for a Christian under church law. So one can be baptized on a festival Sabbath as were 3000 Jews and proselytes on 33Sivan5 in Acts2. A land Sabbath is a release from spiritual works, and so one cannot be baptized into the law of the church on a land Sabbath - when one cannot prune the vineyard. 

1AC baptism on weekly Sabbath OK
4EC baptism on Sabbath non OK
Delayed 4EC baptism for people in a false church on Sabbath OK

However the land Sabbath and Jubilee law does not explicitly prohibit reaping the field or the land during the Sabbath. It prohibits reaping the growth from spilled kernels (who may evangelise during the Sabbath since they are not under church law). Such growth could be new understandings or newly interested people. It does not prohibit reaping the growth from fire signs. Mind you that growth might still come from spilled Kernels. 

So in conclusion we can baptize people into the 1AC during a land Sabbath, but not into the ICC. 
We can baptize people into the ICC on a festival Sabbath which is a release from secular works not sacred.
We can baptize people into the ICC on a weekly Sabbath which is a release from both spiritual and secular works, by having them agree to obey the law of the church after the Sabbath not during it. This is effectively a delayed effect ICC baptism. However this should only be done if the bull is stuck down the well or the sheep is stuck in the pit.

We cannot sow the kingdom message either in the Sabbath or in the Jubilee.

4 But in the 7th year there should occur a Sabbath of complete rest for the land, a Sabbath to Jehovah. Your field you must not sow with seed, and your vineyard you must not prune.

11 A Jubilee is what that 50th year will become for you. You must not sow seed nor reap the land's growth from spilled kernels nor gather the grapes of its unpruned vines.

But in the Jubilee one can listen to and discuss ideas from people in the world:

12 For it is a Jubilee. It should become something holy to you. From the field you may eat its produce.

So both in the Jubilee and in the Sabbath we can act as a spiritual doctor, we can reactively cure interpretational malaises. But we should not proactively evangelise. We should not get involved in bible research discussions with those inside or outside the congregation on the Sabbath. We can however get involved in bible research discussions with those inside and outside the congregation on the Jubilee. To summarise this:

Function Weekly Sacred Sabbath Monthly Sabbath Jubilee (is not a Sabbath)
First True Water Baptism No (unless trapped) No (unless trapped) Yes
Re water baptism No (unless trapped) No (unless trapped) Yes, a Jubilee is a return of ones possessions. This is automatic. It does not require another baptism just a desire to rejoin the LWs. 
Faith baptism Yes Yes Yes
Evangelise, sow the kingdom message in people outside No  No  No (you must not sow)
Consider Judicial matters No No No (from unpruned vines)
Congregation Meetings for teaching of the flock (sowing in the land and in the vineyard) Yes Yes Yes
Festival adherence Yes Yes Yes
Teaching interested ones who choose to come to congregation meetings (i.e. become a part of the land rather than the field) Yes Yes Yes
LWs Submit new interpretations to the LW administration (gather grapes) No No No (nor the grapes)
LW administration considers new interpretations submitted at any time by LWs No No No
LWs pick up manna from outside the camp, write down bible interpretations from people in the field (not LWs not at meetings) No No Yes (from the field you may eat)
LWs Cook or Bake manna (work on external interpretations before presenting them to the research overseer) No No Yes
LWs talk about new interpretations at meetings on Sabbaths or arising out of things discussed at meetings on Sabbaths Yes Yes Yes
LWs write down new interpretations during meetings on Sabbaths or arising out of things discussed at meetings on Sabbaths Yes (and submit the new layer bread to the web) Yes (and submit the new layer bread to the web) Yes
LWs do bible research in groups and discuss new interpretations amongst themselves (sowing in parts of the vineyard) and write down the results Yes (and submit the new layer bread to the web) Yes (and submit the new layer bread to the web) Yes
LWs or the LW administration helps people inside or outside with interpretational malaises or distress  Yes Yes Yes
LWs do their own personal bible research seeking new interpretations or with any other intention, and record them for submission or for publication after the Sabbath. This is picking up manna that falls inside the camp. The sin was to go outside the camp to look for manna (which was not there on the Sabbath). If manna arrives inside the camp then obviously one can pick it up. Yes  Yes Yes
Publish new understandings on the main LW website Yes, the layer bread was changed upon the Sabbath Yes, the layer bread was changed upon the Sabbath Yes 
Visit other religious websites to help with our interpretations and write down the result (this is not picking up manna from surface of the ground. This is picking up a cake of baked manna which has been prepared historically by someone else and has sunk into the ground. It cannot be manna because it is found upon the Sabbath!) Yes Yes Yes
LWs read the bible for general guidance from God Yes Yes Yes

The LW administration should act and be treated just like an individual LW except that it has a rest during the Jubilee which individual LWs do not have. For we should not be hypocrites and the LW administration should aim to act like Jesus Christ himself would act, as should every LW.

5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He that remains in union with me, and I in union with him, this one bears much fruit; because apart from me you can do nothing at all.
6 If anyone does not remain in union with me, he is cast out as a branch and is dried up; and men gather those branches up and pitch them into the fire and they are burned (John 15).

In the Jubilee you can eat what the field produces, because such food is not the growth from spilled Kernels, because you did not harvest in the previous year, so you did not spill any Kernels then. It is actually the growth from seed produced by the grain that grew from the spilled Kernels of your harvest two years ago. 

In a monthly Sabbath there is no pro active field service. However if someone approaches us and asks for help then we can teach them, they become honorary members of the congregation and we can sow in the vineyard during the Sabbath and the Jubilee. Alternatively they are sheep who recognise that they are in a pit and ask for help. It is not wrong to do a good deed on a Sabbath as Jesus said. Personal bible research is ok in a Sabbath so long as the results, if new, are not recorded/harvested. But the administration of the LW has complete rest and closes down basically. There should be internal bible discussion groups, internal joint research, informal bible research meetings. The Sabbath is a time of spiritual regeneration, it is not a fast. It is a time a internal LW planning and strategizing. We should not send out books, we should not update the website, but the website need not be taken down, it is merely an electronic book.

The Sabbath is a time of no spiritual work and no evangelical work and instead consolidation, revision and family gatherings for teaching. It is a group huddle.

Here is the INCORRECT Sabbath timetable, starting on 1999Shebat, that we used up until 2008Iyyar:

2003Adar (Jubilee)

2008Iyyar (Jubilee)

After 2008Iyyar we used the system starting on 2000Elul (since the LW congregation started on 2000Elul16 - this was INCORRECT, the monthly Sabbath system started on the first whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14)

So here is the correct monthly Sabbath system 

3993Nisan14: Adam's sin
3993Iyyar1: The start of the first whole month of the adamic Jubilee system.

3989Sivan: 1st monthly Jubilee from 3993Iyyar BC, the first whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC.

Thanks to Frank and Mike and Dave for help on the Kingdom Jubilee system. This is the continuation of the adamic Jubilee system above.

Here is the Kingdom Jubilee system that we should have been using since 2000Elul16, the start of the LW congregation.

1995Tishri: 1437th monthly Jubilee from 3993Iyyar BC, the first whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC.

1999Chislev: 1438th monthly Jubilee from 3993Iyyar BC, the first whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC.

2003Shebat: 1439th monthly Jubilee from 3993Iyyar BC, the first whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC.

2008Nisan: 1440th monthly Jubilee from 3993Iyyar BC, the first whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC.

2012Sivan: 2nd post ARC Jubilee month. 1441st Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar BC

2015Chislev (adamic and Abrahamic. You cannot become Isaaic on a 3EC baptism- WOW)
2016Ab: 2nd Jubilee month of the Kingdom of God. 1442nd Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar BC:    LWs became Isaaic on 2016Ab14-16. We were headed on 2016Elul16 (appointed over Abraham), the 1st month of the Sabbath system 

44Adamic Jubilee SystemLaodicean Abrahamic Jubilee SystemsZoar's Abrahamic Jubilee SystemIsaaic Jubilee System
2011Tishri2012Sivan14-16 (Abrahamic conversion of Adam)2012Sivan14-16 (Abrahamic conversion of Adam)
2012Iyyar2012Tammuz14-16 (Abrahamic conversion of Cain)2012Tammuz14-16 (Abrahamic conversion of Cain)
2012Sivan (1st post ARC  Jubilee)2012Ab16 (Appointment of Abrahamic Laodicea over Abraham - Month0)2012Elul (Zoar's Appointment over Abraham - Month0)
2015Chislev2015Shebat2015Adar2016Ab14-16 (Isaaic conversion of ex adamic Abraham)
2016Tammuz2016Elul2016Ab14 (Church ended at adamic Jubilee)2016Ab14-16 (Isaaic conversion of ex cainian Abraham)
2016Ab (2nd post ARC Jubilee)2016Tishri (Jubilee)2016Tishri16 (Appointment of Isaaic Zoar over Abraham - Month0)
2017Tishri2017Elul10 (Church fell system suspended for 20 days)2017Chislev
2018Iyyar2019Ab1 (Laodicea is reappointed as a true church - over the 1ACs)2018Tammuz
2018ChislevCould not be reappointed during 40 month wilderness period2018Shebat
2019Tammuz2019Ab16 (Reappointed over Abraham - Month0)2019Elul
2019Shebat2019Adar16  (Reappointed Laodicea fell in 1st Sabbath month)2020Nisan
2020Elul2020Tishri (Reverted Laodicea was accepted before Reappointed fell)2020Heshvan
2020Tishri (3rd post ARC Jubilee)2021Iyyar2020Chislev (1st Isaaic Zoar Jubilee)
2023Elul2023Tishri (Reverted Laodicea falls at its 1st Jubilee)2023Heshvan
2024Chislev (4th post ARC Jubilee)2024Shebat (2nd Isaaic Zoar Jubilee)
2028Shebat (5th post ARC Jubilee)2029Nisan (3rd Isaaic Zoar Jubilee)
2031Sivan2031Nisan5 (Zoar ends)
2033Nisan (6th post ARC Jubilee)44

2020Tishri: 3rd Jubilee month of the Kingdom of God. 1443rd Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar BC (Jubilee restoration of entire 3rd Holy Spirit)

2033Nisan: Last Sabbath for Adam - End of the Adamic Jubilee system. 

When do we all become Methuselaian? Does the Isaaic Jubilee system become Methuselaian?

Anyone who had a 4EC water baptism whether an ex LW or an ex Laodicean can be re-instated during the Jubilee. They will have back everything they lost from a salvation standpoint at their disfellowshipping reversal. This would but include apostleship because apostles must stick with their covenant Mediator and might not include Kingship because Kings must be spiritual virgins and must be married or sealed by certain dates. Being disfellowshipped does not affect sainthood however. Once you have an angel, then you have an angel until you go to hell (if you do). So a Jubilee is the return of salvation status but not authority!

Not sure when the LWs or Laodicea was first appointed over Adamic 1ACs?


Weekly Sabbaths in more detail

1 And Jehovah went on speaking to Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, 'The seasonal festivals of Jehovah that you should proclaim are holy conventions. These are my seasonal festivals:
3 Six days may work be done, but on the 7th day is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy convention. You may do no sort of work. It is a Sabbath to Jehovah in all places where you dwell. (Leviticus 23 NWT)

So a weekly Sabbath is a festival

23 Tomorrow there will be a Sabbath observance of a holy Sabbath to Jehovah. What you can bake, bake, and what you can boil, boil, and all the surplus that there is save it up for you as something to be kept until the morning.
24 Accordingly they saved it up until the morning, just as Moses had commanded; and it did not stink nor did maggots develop in it.
25 Then Moses said: Eat it today, because today is a Sabbath to Jehovah. Today you will not find it in the field.
26 6 days you will pick it up, but on the 7th day is a Sabbath. On it none will form.
27 However, it came about on the 7th day that some of the people did go out to pick [it] up, but they found none.
28 Consequently Jehovah said to Moses: How long must you people refuse to keep my commandments and my laws? [until the Sabbath, until the 1,000 year Sabbath, until the 1,000 year secular Sabbath] (Exodus 16).

8 Remembering the Sabbath day to hold it sacred,
9 you are to render service and you must do all your work 6 days.
10 But the 7th day is a Sabbath to Jehovah your God. You must not do any work, you nor your son nor your daughter, your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your alien resident who is inside your gates.
11 For in 6 days Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them, and he proceeded to rest on the 7th day. That is why Jehovah blessed the Sabbath day and proceeded to make it sacred (Exodus 20).

On a monthly land Sabbath we do not teach (tending the crops) we do not record research (reap understandings), we do not evangelise (sowing understandings), we do not do church administration, but we do baptise and help people who are in trouble.

Manna regulations only apply in the wilderness. Therefore they applied to Laodicea during their wilderness period. NOT to the LWs

On a weekly Sabbath in the wilderness Laodiceans cannot pick up manna, so they cannot harvest external research ideas. Also they could cannot bake or boil manna. They could however do our own research - that is never prohibited. But we should not update bible websites on a sacred Sabbath. 

They and We can teach in the temple (congregation) as Jesus did on the Sabbaths, giving manna prepared earlier to people and giving internal church research to people.. You can surf the web for research ideas on a weekly Sabbath because there is no manna available on a Sabbath! So you will not be picking up any manna. The LW website was up on the Sabbath. But the Watchtower Governing Body was their heaven. They determined what manna would be given (food offered to idols) and then did not give any on the Sabbath., 

1 Later they departed from Elim, and the entire assembly of the sons of Israel finally came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the 15th day of the second month after their coming out of the land of Egypt.
2 And the entire assembly of the sons of Israel began to murmur against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.
3 And the sons of Israel kept saying to them: If only we had died by Jehovah's hand in the land of Egypt while we were sitting by the pots of meat, while we were eating bread to satisfaction, because you have brought us out into this wilderness to put this whole congregation to death by famine.
4 Then Jehovah said to Moses: Here I am raining down bread for you from the heavens; and the people must go out and pick up each his amount day for day, in order that I may put them to the test as to whether they will walk in my law or not.
5 And it must occur on the 6th day that they must prepare what they will bring in, and it must prove double what they keep picking up day by day.
6 So Moses and Aaron said to all the sons of Israel: At evening you will certainly know that it is Jehovah who has brought you out from the land of Egypt.
7 And in the morning you will indeed see Jehovah's glory, because he has heard your murmurings against Jehovah. And what are we that you should murmur against us?
8 And Moses continued: It will be when Jehovah gives you in the evening meat to eat and in the morning bread to satisfaction, because Jehovah has heard your murmurings that you are murmuring against him. And what are we? Your murmurings are not against us, but against Jehovah.
9 And Moses went on to say to Aaron: Say to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel, 'Come near before Jehovah, because he has heard your murmurings.'
10 Then it occurred that as soon as Aaron had spoken to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel, they turned and faced toward the wilderness, and, look! Jehovah's glory appeared in the cloud.
11 And Jehovah spoke further to Moses, saying:
12 I have heard the murmurings of the sons of Israel. Speak to them, saying, 'Between the 2 evenings you will eat meat and in the morning you will be satisfied with bread; and you will certainly know that I am Jehovah your God.'
13 Accordingly it occurred that in the evening the quails began to come up and cover the camp, and in the morning there had developed a layer of dew round about the camp.
14 In time the layer of dew evaporated and here upon the surface of the wilderness there was a fine flaky thing, fine like hoarfrost upon the earth.
15 When the sons of Israel got to see it, they began to say to one another: What is it? For they did not know what it was. Hence Moses said to them: It is the bread that Jehovah has given you for food.
16 This is the word that Jehovah has commanded, 'Pick up some of it, each one in proportion to his eating. You are to take an omer measure for each individual according to the number of the souls that each of you has in his tent.'
17 And the sons of Israel began to do so; and they went picking it up, some gathering much and some gathering little.
18 When they would measure it by the omer, he that had gathered much had no surplus and he that had gathered little had no shortage. They picked it up each one in proportion to his eating.
19 Then Moses said to them: Let nobody leave any of it until the morning.
20 But they did not listen to Moses. When some men would leave some of it until the morning, it would breed worms and stink; so that Moses became indignant at them.
21 And they would pick it up morning by morning, each one in proportion to his eating. When the sun got hot, it melted.
22 And it came about on the 6th day that they picked up twice as much bread, 2 omer measures for one person. So all the chieftains of the assembly came and reported it to Moses.
23 At that he said to them: It is what Jehovah has spoken. Tomorrow there will be a Sabbath observance of a holy Sabbath to Jehovah. What you can bake, bake, and what you can boil, boil, and all the surplus that there is save it up for you as something to be kept until the morning.
24 Accordingly they saved it up until the morning, just as Moses had commanded; and it did not stink nor did maggots develop in it.
25 Then Moses said: Eat it today, because today is a Sabbath to Jehovah. Today you will not find it in the field.
26 6 days you will pick it up, but on the 7th day is a Sabbath. On it none will form.
27 However, it came about on the 7th day that some of the people did go out to pick [it] up, but they found none.
28 Consequently Jehovah said to Moses: How long must you people refuse to keep my commandments and my laws?
29 Mark the fact that Jehovah has given you the Sabbath. That is why he is giving you on the 6th day the bread of 2 days. Keep sitting each one in his own place. Let nobody go out from his locality on the 7th day.
30 And the people proceeded to observe the Sabbath on the 7th day.
31 And the house of Israel began to call its name manna. And it was white like coriander seed, and its taste was like that of flat cakes with honey.
32 Then Moses said: This is the word that Jehovah has commanded, 'Fill an omer measure of it as something to be kept throughout your generations, in order that they may see the bread that I made you eat in the wilderness when I was bringing you out of the land of Egypt.'
33 So Moses said to Aaron: Take a jar and put in it an omerful of manna and deposit it before Jehovah as something to be kept throughout your generations.
34 Just as Jehovah had commanded Moses, Aaron proceeded to deposit it before the Testimony as something to be kept.
35 And the sons of Israel ate the manna 40 years, until their coming to a land inhabited. The manna was what they ate until their coming to the frontier of the land of Canaan.
36 Now an omer is a 10th of an ephah measure. (Exodus 16 NWT)

Verse 22 shows we should not go to the shops to pick up physical food on the Sabbath (in theory the shops should be closed anyway) AND we should not pick up from non LWs (external to the camp) interpretations for consideration during the Sabbath either. So one breaks the Sabbath if one goes to a non LW website and picks up some researched interpretation from it on that day. But the priests in the temple can break the sacred Sabbath with impunity. So they could consider external research on a regular weekly Sabbath. But NOT on Atonement day (other than Atonement day related research).. Having a meeting and discussing attendees research is not breaking that Sabbath because they are inside the camp.; Jesus taught in the synagogues in the Sabbaths in Luke 13:10. He was not a levitical priest under law in the temple. But he di not break the law by teaching the synagogue in the Sabbaths. So we can teach internally in Sabbaths. 

The Two Constant Features Under Law

There were two constant features under law. the evening and morning lamb sacrifices was the constant burnt offering and the showbread, the layer bread, the bread of arrangement, on its own layer bread table in the Holy place, was the constant bloodless/gift/grain offering. the layer bread was baked every Sabbath and remained on the layer bread table until the next bread replaced it. The Hebrew word for constant/continual/perpetual is dymiT'

4 here I am building a house to the name of Jehovah my God to sanctify it to him, to burn perfumed incense before him, with the constant [dymiT'] layer bread and burnt offerings in the morning and in the evening, on the Sabbaths and on the new moons and at the festival seasons of Jehovah our God. To time indefinite this will be upon Israel. (2 Chronicles 2 NWT)
4 behold, I am building a house to the name of Jehovah my God, to dedicate to Him, to burn incense of sweet spices before Him, and for the continual [dymiT'] bread of arrangement, and for burnt offerings morning and evening, on the Sabbath, and on the new moons, and at the set feasts of Jehovah our God. This [shall be] upon Israel forever. (2 Chronicles 2 GLT)

32 And some of the sons of the Kohathites, their brothers, were in charge of the layer bread, to prepare it Sabbath by Sabbath. (1 Chronicles 9 NWT)
32 And others of the sons of the Kohathites, from among their brothers, [were] over the Bread of Arrangement, to prepare Sabbath by Sabbath. (1 Chronicles 9 GLT)

39 And you will offer the one young ram in the morning, and you will offer the other young ram between the 2 evenings. (NWT)
40 And a 10th part of an ephah measure of fine flour moistened with the 4th of a hin of beaten oil, and a drink offering of the 4th of a hin of wine, will go for the first young ram.
41 And you will offer the second young ram between the 2 evenings. With a grain offering like that of the morning and with a drink offering like its, you will render it as a restful odor, an offering made by fire to Jehovah.
42 It is a constant [dymiT'] burnt offering throughout your generations at the entrance of the tent of meeting before Jehovah, where I shall present myself to you people to speak to you there. (Exodus 29 NWT)

7 And they will spread out a cloth of blue over the table of showbread, and they must put upon it the dishes and the cups and the bowls and the pitchers of the drink offering; and the constant bread should continue on it. (Numbers 4 NWT)
7 And they shall spread a blue cloth on the table of the showbread, and shall put its dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and the cups of the drink offering, and the continual bread on it. (Numbers 4 GLT)

16 And the oversight of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest is over the oil of the luminary and the perfumed incense and the constant [dymiT'] bloodless/gift/grain offering [hx'n>m]i [this was the layer bread, the show bread, the bread of arrangement, the bread pile] and the anointing oil, the oversight of all the tabernacle and all that is in it, namely, the holy place and its utensils. (Numbers 4 NWT) 

3 And you must say to them, 'This is the offering made by fire that you will present to Jehovah: 2 sound year-old male lambs a day as a burnt offering constantly.
4 The one male lamb you will render up in the morning, and the other male lamb you will render up between the 2 evenings,
5 together with the 10th of an ephah of fine flour as a bloodless/gift/grain [hx'n>m] offering moistened with the 4th of a hin of beaten oil
6 the constant [dymiT'] burnt offering [hl'[O], which was rendered up at Mount Sinai as a restful odor, an offering made by fire to Jehovah, (Numbers 28 NWT)

33 for the layer bread and {the constant bloodless/gift/grain offering and the constant burnt offering} [Both the bloodless and the burnt offering are construct] of the Sabbaths, the new moons, for the appointed feasts and for the holy things and for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel and all the work of the house of our God. (Nehemiah 10 NWT)

In the greater meaning the constant burnt offering is the constant feature of the JWs, field service. Whereas the constant layer bread is the constant feature of the LWs, bible research. The table of the layer bread is this website.

The Constant Features of the JWs and the LWs

The constant feature of the JWs was evangelism. But they should not have done any evangelism upon the Sabbath. So how would they maintain their constant feature? The answer is through meetings. They could evangelise to non JWs who attended their meeting upon the Sabbath. So they had to meet every Sabbath in order to maintain their constant feature!

The constant feature of the LWs is not merely the web presence of the truebiblecode.com website (which began as bibledecoded.com). Nor is it the physical updating of that website (which can hardly be described as work being a drag and a drop). It is the research behind that updating. However the Layer bread table for the LW constant feature is our bible websites. So the constant feature did not begin until bibledecoded was first uploaded. This is e-vangelism rather than classical evangelism. We can update LW bible websites upon a sacred Sabbath because that is when the show bread was updated !! We do not need to update the websites every day. But we do need to have at least one LW doing bible research intended for an LW bible website every day om order to maintain our constant feature.

1999October28 bibledecoded.com registered            LWs became non adamic Abrahamic. LW constant feature ended on 2012Sivan14 since we died to Adam and lost our priesthood
It then took 2-5 days to point that domain at Pipex      Temple in right condition
Constant feature of LWs installed                               Zoar first fruits
1999November3/4 (1st upload?)                                 2012June6/7
1999Heshvan21                                                           2012Sivan16
 4600 Solar Days of Daniel8 (morning fulfilment for TCC4)

.10 But he was teaching in one of the synagogues [partitive genitive] in the Sabbaths (Luke 13).

Definition: A Secular Sabbath is a rest from working for Satan (for a business or a political or public sector outfit)
Definition: A sacred Sabbath is a rest from working for God (work for the salvation of others)

Neither is a rest from working for oneself either secularly or salvationally. So one can drink a cup of salvation on a sacred Sabbath and one can build a garden shed for oneself on a secular Sabbath. And one can build a garden shed for one's neighbour on the Sabbath. And for the tennis club. One can do volunteer work for the community on the Sabbath. But one cannot do free work for a political party on the Sabbath. One can tend ones croft or ones vegetable garden supplying food for the family. But one cannot tend one's commercial farm supplying food for profit (other than the necessary care for animals or endangered crops).. 

On festival Sabbaths Leviticus 23 says no prescribed work of labour should be done. Whereas on full Sabbaths (weekly Sabbaths and Atonement day) all prescribed work should not be done, which means these are both sacred and secular Sabbath. For a Jew under law a festival Sabbath was a secular Sabbath upon which no farm work or business work or government work should be done. A prescribed work of labour is not ambiguous. It could apply to secular work for a Jew under law. So in the Christian church, a festival Sabbath is a secular Sabbath when work for the world should not occur.

A weekly Sabbath is a sacred Sabbath where one takes a rest from working for God (salvational work) and it is a secular Sabbath, where one takes a rest from working for man (charity work or financial work).

On a sacred Sabbath there should be no proactive evangelism, no collation of bible research from 3rd parties (manna outside the camp), no church administration, no research administration. Unless one is making the layer bread which is a constant feature and is replaced upon the Sabbath and so occurs on every day. It is OK to bake and boil physical food on the Sabbath. We are not under physical food restrictions any more. We can eat pork etc. However there is a spiritual food application today.

However you can read the bible and learn on a weekly Sabbath, which is working not for man or for God, but for yourself. And priests can teach in the temple (the congregation) on a Sabbath (which is working for God). You can do personal research on a Sabbath. 

1 At that season Jesus went through the sown (fields) [sown by Holy Spirit, fields of ELC saints] on the Sabbath. His disciples got hungry and started to pluck [baptising] heads/ears (of grain) [earthly heads (Lords) of various administrations in the 144,000 kingdoms of the kingdom of God] and to eat.
2 At seeing this the Pharisees said to him: Look! Your disciples are doing what it is not lawful to do on the Sabbath. [One cannot work for money OR for food OR for any secular on a secular Sabbath - but here the self mercy of the Christ overrides the law of Moses - The disciples are themselves a bull stuck down a well]
3 He said to them: Have you not read what David did when he and the men with him got hungry?
4 How he entered into the house of God and they ate the loaves of presentation, something that it was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those with him, but for the priests only?
Or, have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbaths the priests in the temple treat the Sabbath as not sacred and continue guiltless?
6 But I tell you that something greater than the temple is here.
7 However, if you had understood what this means, 'I want mercy, and not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the guiltless ones.
8 For Lord of the [Annual] Sabbath is what the Son of man is. (Matthew 12 NWT)

23 Now it happened that he was proceeding through the sown (fields) [of 1NC saints] on the Sabbath, and his disciples started to make their way plucking [baptising] the heads/ears (of grain) [heavenly heads of a Kingdom in the Kingdom of God].
24 So the Pharisees went saying to him: Look here! Why are they doing on the Sabbath what is not lawful?
25 But he said to them: Have you never once read what David did when he fell in need and got hungry, he and the men with him?
26 How he entered into the house of God, in the account about Abiathar [1Samuel 21-22] the chief priest, and ate the loaves of presentation, which it is not lawful for anybody to eat except the priests, and he gave some also to the men who were with him?
27 So he went on to say to them: The Sabbath came into existence for the sake of man [Man: not Moses, not Jacob, but man, ADAM. So Sabbath observance is for the benefit of Adam not merely Israel under law], and not man for the sake of the Sabbath;
28 hence the Son of man is Lord even of the [Weekly] Sabbath. (Mark 2 NWT)

1 Now on a Sabbath he happened to be passing through sown (fields) [of 2NC saints], and his disciples were plucking [baptising] and eating, rubbing-out the heads/ears (of grain) [earthly heads of a kingdom in the kingdom of God], in the hands [baptising them non adamically by the laying on of the hands and so rubbing out their adamic bodies].
2 At this some of the Pharisees said: Why are you doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath? [baptising upon the Sabbath is not lawful unless one agrees to enter into the law of the church after the Sabbath]
3 But Jesus said in reply to them: Have you never read the very thing David did when he and the men with him got hungry?
4 How he entered into the house of God and received the loaves of presentation and ate and gave some to the men with him, which it is lawful for no one to eat but for the priests only?
5 And he went on to say to them: Lord of the [Monthly] Sabbath is what the Son of man is. (Luke 6 NWT adapted from the Greek)

It is OK to fix a leaky roof on a Sabbath. It is not OK to build a room in the roof which adds value on the Sabbath. It is OK to buy stuff on a Sabbath so long at you are not buying to resell. But you cannot hold a house clearance sale which is a form of business. So cannot sell anything on a Sabbath. You can go and buy a car on a Sabbath. You cannot buy a classic car on a Sabbath because it is an investment. You cannot buy a house, even to live in, because it is a defacto investment. You can sign a rental contract because it is not an investment. But you cannot buy a resellable lease. Neither could you rent a property if you intended to sublet it.  

In summary if there is a reward or the potential for a future reward you should not do the transaction on a Sabbath. One can work for oneself if no reward or future reward will result from that work. 

'Profane the Sabbath - He referred them to the conduct of the priests also. On the Sabbath days they were engaged, as well as on other days, in killing beasts for sacrifice, Numbers 28:9-10. Two lambs were killed on the Sabbath, in addition to the daily sacrifice. The priests must be engaged in killing them, and making fires to burn them in sacrifice, whereas to kindle a fire was expressly forbidden the Jews on the Sabbath, Exodus 35:3. They did that which, for other persons to do, would have been "profaning" the Sabbath. Yet they were blameless. They did what was necessary and commanded. This was done in the very temple, too, the place of holiness, where the law should be most strictly observed.' - Barnes Bible Notes

Jesus granted Satan a 6,000 year sublease on Adam to be his Caesar. It was a secular sublease. It was not a sacred sublease. So Michael was the sacred head of Adam throughout his 6,000 year ARC lease. A weekly Sabbath is a release from working either for Caesar or for God. So neither Jesus nor Satan is Lord of Adam on the Sabbath day. But those in the temple can work for God on the Sabbath. So Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath over them. A Lord is a work boss in scriptural terms.

Now we must apply the Parallel Account Principle of the code to the 3 parallel accounts of the disciples plucking heads of grain on the Sabbath. In the literal meaning Jesus is Lord (Sacred King) of the Sacred Sabbath of the Kingdom of God from 2008Nisan14 to 2018Nisan14. His sacred kingship is exercised through the 3rd Holy Spirit whom he marries on 2008Nisan22 and 2015Iyyar20 and 2019Tishri17 and 2019Heshvan22 and 2019Chislev20, 2019Tebbeth18, 2020Tammuz19.

In the word symbolic thread, there are 3 related pieces which combine to make the whole picture and which share a common symbolism. So there are 3 Sabbaths in addition to the 1,000 year sacred Sabbath of the Kingdom of God, that Jesus is Lord of. These are weekly Sabbaths, monthly Sabbaths and annual Sabbaths (of TCC2?). Luke refers to FDS4 because we feed and the baptism rubs out. Mark refers to FDS1 because the disciples are not said to eat. That leaves Matthew for FDS2 because FDS3 did not obey the Sabbath!

31 And Mattithiah of the Levites, who was the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite, was in the office of trust over the things baked in pans.
32 And some of the sons of the Kohathites, their brothers, were in charge of the layer bread, to prepare it Sabbath by Sabbath. (1 Chronicles 9 NWT)

30 And you must put the showbread upon the table before me constantly.
31 And you must make a lampstand of pure gold. Of hammered work the lampstand is to be made. Its base, its branches, its cups, its knobs and its blossoms are to proceed out from it. (Exodus 25 NWT)

1 And David came to Nob, to Ahimelech the priest. And Ahimelech trembled at meeting David, and said to him, Why [are] you by yourself, and no man with you?
2 And David said to Ahimelech the priest, The king has commanded me a matter; and he said to me, Do not let a man know anything [of] the matter about which I am sending you, and which I told you. And I have directed the young men to such and such a place.
3 And now, what is there under your hand? [5x-1x=4x] Give five bread/loaf [singular] into my hand [5x.5x=25x. the 5 loaves of the 5 presidents of the Watchtower], OR whatever is found [in Reerted Laodicea] (1Samuel 21).

Verse 3: 4x+25x=29x  29 weekly Sabbaths of reappointed Laodicea's feeding to Jesus fiance from 2019Ab21 to 2019Adar16. The Sabbaths are 2019Ab27 to 2019Adar13, 29 of them

So this layer bread, this showbread, appears to be the food that is taught each Sabbath in the true church. Just as the lampstand is the light shone by the various angels/presidencies of the true church. It is meant for the priests, the water baptised congregation. Under Abimelech's hand are 4 months of food for 1NC reserves in Laodicea from 2019Tishri10 to 2019Shebat10, the loss of the 3EC water baptism in Laodicea. Then what is under your hand, 5 showbread loaves into David's hand or whatever is found in reverted LAodicea would be a witness to 29 Sabbaths. 29 Sabbaths in reappointed Laodicea from its appointment to feed David on 2019Ab21 to 2019Adar16 (weekly Sabbaths). So there are 29 weekly Sabbaths upon which stale showbread is eaten by reappointed Laodicea.

4 But the priest answered David and said: There is no ordinary bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; provided that the young men have at least kept themselves from womankind.
5 So David answered the priest and said to him: But womankind has been kept away from us the same as formerly when I went out, and the organisms of the young men continue holy, although the mission itself is ordinary. And how much more so today, when one becomes holy in [his] organism?
6 At that the priest gave him what was holy, because there happened to be no bread there but the showbread that had been removed from before Jehovah so as to place fresh bread there on the day of its being taken away. (1 Samuel 21 NWT)

Laodicea reappointed to feed David (1NCs)   1st Weekly Sabbath        29th weekly Sabbath     Reappointed Laodicea falls as a true church
2019Ab21                                                         2019Ab27                        2019Adar13                  2019Adar16
                                                                             29 weekly Sabbaths

4 And the priest answered David and said, (There) is no profane/common bread under my hand, but only holy bread, if the young men have only been kept from a woman [only if you men are spiritual virgins who have not defiled themselves with a woman - i.e. 1NC reserves].
5 And David answered the priest and said to him, Surely, a woman [has been] kept from us as yesterday and the third-day/the day before yesterday, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy. And he (the holy bread) path profane/common (is on) [since it has reached its weekly showbread expiry date]; also surely today it is sanctified in/by the vessels?
6 And the priest gave the holy (bread) to him, because Behold! there was no bread there except the bread of the faces/the bread of the presence/the showbread, which is taken from the presence of Jehovah in order to put hot bread in on the day it is taken away. (1 Samuel 21 GLT)

So the bread given to David was out of date understandings from the LW website - our old showbread.

7 And Saul said to his servants who were standing by him, Now hear, Benjamites. Will the son of Jesse also give to any of you fields and vineyards? Will he make each of you commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds,
8 that all of you have conspired against me, and no one was revealing [in] my ear when my son [Jonathan] cut [a covenant] with the son of Jesse? And not one of you is sorry for me, even [to] reveal in my ear that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day.
9 And Doeg the Edomite, even he was set over Saul's servants, answered and said, I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob, to Ahimelech the son of Ahitub.
10 And he asked for him of Jehovah, and gave provisions to him, and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine.
And the king sent to call Ahimelech the priest, the son of Ahitub, and all his father's house, the priests in Nob. And they came, all of them, to the king.
12 And Saul said, Now hear, son of Ahitub. And he said, I [am] here, my lord.
13 And Saul said to him, Why have you conspired against me, you and the son of Jesse by your giving bread and a sword to him, and to ask of God for him, to rise up against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?
14 And Ahimelech answered the king and said, And who among all your servants [is] as David [the] faithful, and son-in-law of the king; [who] does your bidding, and is honorable in all your house?
15 Have I today begun to ask of God for him? Far be it from me! Do not let the king lay anything against his servant, against any of my father's house, for your servant has known nothing of this, more or less.
16 And the king said, dying you shall die, Ahimelech, you and your father's house.
17 And the king said to the runners that stood by him, Turn and kill the priests of Jehovah, because their hand also [is] with David, and because they knew that he was fleeing, and did not reveal [it in] my ear. But the king's servants were not willing to put forth their hand to fall on the priests of Jehovah.
18 And the king said to Doeg, You turn and fall on the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned and fell on the priests and killed 85 men bearing a linen ephod in that day [??].
19 And he struck Nob, the city of the priests with the mouth of the sword, from man even to woman, from child even to suckling, and ox, and ass, and sheep, with the mouth of the sword.
20 And one son escaped of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub. And his name [was] Abiathar [AOL?], and he fled after David.
21 And Abiathar told David that Saul had killed the priests of Jehovah.
22 And David said to Abiathar, I knew on that day when Doeg the Edomite [was] there, that he certainly would tell Saul. I am turned [sad] by every life of your father's house.
23 Stay with me. Do not fear. For he who seeks my life seeks your life. For with me you [will be under] protection. (1 Samuel 22 GLT)

For more see U505

Today's Manna

Manna means: What is it? It is food from heaven that falls outside the camp. It is research ideas and interpretations given to people outside the church, which require further digesting by people inside the church. Manna fell around the camp not on the camp. And the sin was to GO OUT on the Sabbath and look for it.

12 I have heard the murmurings of the sons of Israel. Speak to them, saying, 'Between the 2 evenings you will eat meat and in the morning you will be satisfied with bread; and you will certainly know that I am Jehovah your God.'
13 Accordingly it occurred that in the evening the quails began to come up and cover the camp, and in the morning there had developed a layer of dew round about the camp.
14 In time the layer of dew evaporated and here upon the surface of the wilderness there was a fine flaky thing, fine like hoarfrost upon the earth.
15 When the sons of Israel got to see it, they began to say to one another: What is it? For they did not know what it was. Hence Moses said to them: It is the bread that Jehovah has given you for food.
16 This is the word that Jehovah has commanded, 'Pick up some of it, each one in proportion to his eating. You are to take an omer measure for each individual according to the number of the souls that each of you has in his tent.'
17 And the sons of Israel began to do so; and they went picking it up, some gathering much and some gathering little.
18 When they would measure it by the omer, he that had gathered much had no surplus and he that had gathered little had no shortage. They picked it up each one in proportion to his eating.
19 Then Moses said to them: Let nobody leave any of it until the morning.
20 But they did not listen to Moses. When some men would leave some of it until the morning, it would breed worms and stink; so that Moses became indignant at them.
21 And they would pick it up morning by morning, each one in proportion to his eating. When the sun got hot, it melted.
22 And it came about on the 6th day that they picked up twice as much bread, 2 omer measures for one person. So all the chieftains of the assembly came and reported it to Moses.
23 At that he said to them: It is what Jehovah has spoken. Tomorrow there will be a Sabbath observance of a holy Sabbath to Jehovah. What you can bake, bake, and what you can boil, boil, and all the surplus that there is save it up for you as something to be kept until the morning.
24 Accordingly they saved it up until the morning, just as Moses had commanded; and it did not stink nor did maggots develop in it.
25 Then Moses said: Eat it today, because today is a Sabbath to Jehovah. Today you will not find it in the field.
26 6 days you will pick it up, but on the 7th day is a Sabbath. On it none will form.
27 However, it came about on the 7th day that some of the people did go out to pick [it] up, but they found none.
28 Consequently Jehovah said to Moses: How long must you people refuse to keep my commandments and my laws?
29 Mark the fact that Jehovah has given you the Sabbath. That is why he is giving you on the 6th day the bread of 2 days. Keep sitting each one in his own place. Let nobody go out from his locality on the 7th day [no field service on the 7th day].
30 And the people proceeded to observe the Sabbath on the 7th day.
31 And the house of Israel began to call its name manna. And it was white like coriander seed, and its taste was like that of flat cakes with honey.
32 Then Moses said: This is the word that Jehovah has commanded, 'Fill an omer measure of it as something to be kept throughout your generations, in order that they may see the bread that I made you eat in the wilderness when I was bringing you out of the land of Egypt.'
33 So Moses said to Aaron: Take a jar and put in it an omerful of manna and deposit it before Jehovah as something to be kept throughout your generations. (Exodus 16 NWT)

Pickup = write down
Eat = Inwardly digest - ruminate upon the manna
Bake = consideration and preparation for submission to the autonomous dry administration or to the world, to the web
Boil = consideration and preparation for submission to the main wet administration of Zoar, through the research overseer.

So each day of field service IS A DAY OF MANNA COLLECTION as well. We do not go out only to evangelise. We go out to learn from those outside the church whom the Holy Spirit has blessed.  The manna is the result of someone not in the church who has read the website, picked up an understanding of the bible code and how the bible is written and applied that understanding to a scripture and come up with an interpretation.

We should pick up which is WRITE DOWN enough for consideration for that one day  We should consider it on that day and submit the boiled result to the research overseer on that day or the baked result to the autonomous administration. In the case of the 6th day one should write down enough for 2 days consideration and 1 preparation and submission. Do not submit unprepared manna. When the Sun got hot the manna melted. When the persecution comes, this food will no longer exist. So the manna may end during the Great Tribulation. Also when we have the manna from heaven, the 3rd Holy Spirit, in the church from 2026Elul16 (that is a direct antitype from 1513Iyyar16 actually (when the manna began).

The manna is the fulfilment of Joel2, the Holy Spirit being poured out upon every sort of flesh (adamic and non adamic). 

17 'And in the last days, God says, I shall pour out some of my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams;
18 and even upon my men slaves and upon my women slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy (Acts 2 NWT).

Festivals in more detail

1 And Jehovah went on speaking to Moses, saying:
Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, 'The seasonal festivals of Jehovah that you should proclaim are holy conventions. These are my seasonal festivals:
'Six days may work be done, but on-the-day, the 7th is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy convention. You may do no sort of work. It is a Sabbath to Jehovah in all places where you dwell.
'These are [the] seasonal festivals of Jehovah, [the] holy conventions, which you should proclaim at their appointed times:
In-the-month, the first, on the 14th day of the month, between the 2 evenings is the passover to Jehovah.
'And on the 15th day of this month is the festival of unfermented-cakes to Jehovah. 7 days you should eat unfermented-cakes.
On-the-day, the first, you will have a holy convention occur. No sort of work of labour may you do.
But you must present an offering made by fire to Jehovah 7 days. On the 7th day there will be a holy convention. No sort of work of labour may you do.

9 And Jehovah continued to speak to Moses, saying:
Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, 'When you eventually come into the land that I am giving you, and you have reaped its harvest, you must also bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.
And he must wave the sheaf to and fro before Jehovah to gain approval for you. Directly the day after the [first] Sabbath the priest should wave it to and fro.
And on the day of your having the sheaf waved to and fro you must render up an unblemished lamb [Xbk], son of year of him, for a burnt offering to Jehovah;
and as its grain-offering 2 10ths of an ephah of fine flour moistened with oil, as an offering made by fire to Jehovah, a restful odor; and as its drink offering a 4th of a hin of wine.
And you must eat no bread [~xl] and roasted-grain [thing roasted] and new-grain [meaning eat nothing made out of new grain until you have offered it to Jehovah] until this very day, until your bringing the offering of your God. It is a statute to time indefinite for your generations in all places where you dwell.
'And you must count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day of your bringing the sheaf of the wave offering, 7 Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete.
To the day after of the Sabbath, the 7th, you should count, 50 days, and you must present a new grain-offering to Jehovah.
Out of your dwelling places you should bring loaves [~xl], 2, as a wave offering. Of 2 10ths of an ephah of fine flour they should prove to be. They should be baked leavened, as first ripe fruits to Jehovah.
And you must present along with the loaves [~xl], 7 of unblemished male lambs [Xbk], sons of a year, and a bull, a son of the herd, one? [like tiV], and rams [~liyae], 2. They should serve as a burnt offering to Jehovah along with their grain-offering and their drink offerings as an offering made by fire, of a restful odor to Jehovah.
And you must render up kid of the goats, one? as a sin offering and 2 of male lambs [Xbk], sons of year, as a communion sacrifice.
And the priest must wave them to and fro along with the loaves [~xl] of the first ripe fruits, as a wave offering before Jehovah, along with the 2 of male lambs [Xbk]. They should serve as something holy to Jehovah for the priest.
And you must make a proclamation on this very day; there will be a holy convention for yourselves. No sort of work of labour may you do. It is a statute to time indefinite in all your dwelling places for your generations.
'And when you people reap the harvest of your land, you must not do completely the edge of your field when you are reaping, and the gleaning of your harvest you must not pick up. You should leave them for the afflicted one and the alien resident [leave some faithful ones behind outside the congregation to help people in the world]. I am Jehovah your God.'

23 And Jehovah went on speaking to Moses, saying:
Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'In-the-month, the 7th, on the first of the month, there should occur for you a complete rest, a memorial by the trumpet blast, a holy convention.
No sort of work of labour may you do, and you must present an offering made by fire to Jehovah.'
And Jehovah spoke further to Moses, saying:
However, on the 10th of this 7th month is the day of atonement. A holy convention should take place for you, and you must afflict/deny your souls and present an offering made by fire to Jehovah.
And you must do no sort of work on this very day, because it is a day of atonement to make atonement for you before Jehovah your God;
because every soul that will not be afflicted on this very day must be cut off from his people.
As for any soul that will do any sort of work on this very day, I must destroy that soul from among his people.
you must do no sort of work. It is a statute to time indefinite for your generations in all places where you dwell.
It is a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you must afflict your souls on the 9th of the month in the evening. From evening to evening you should observe your Sabbath.

33 And Jehovah continued to speak to Moses, saying:
Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'On the 15th day of this 7th month is the festival of booths for 7 days to Jehovah.
On the first day is a holy convention. No sort of laborious work may you do.
7 days you should present an offering made by fire to Jehovah. On-the-day, the 8th, there should occur a holy convention for you, and you must present an offering made by fire to Jehovah. It is a solemn assembly. No sort of work of labour may you do.
'These are the seasonal festivals of Jehovah that you should proclaim as holy conventions, for presenting an offering made by fire to Jehovah: the burnt offering and the grain-offering of the sacrifice and the drink offerings according to the daily schedule,
besides the Sabbaths of Jehovah and besides your gifts and besides all your vow offerings and besides all your voluntary offerings, which you should give to Jehovah.
However, on the 15th day of the 7th month, when you have gathered the produce of the land, you should celebrate the festival of Jehovah 7 days. On-the-day, the first, is a complete rest and on the day, the 8th, is a complete rest.
And you must take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of splendid trees, the fronds of palm trees and the boughs of branchy trees and of poplars of the torrent valley, and you must rejoice before Jehovah your God 7 days.
And you must celebrate it as a festival to Jehovah, 7 days in the year. As a statute to time indefinite during your generations, you should celebrate it in-the-month, the 7th.
It is in the booths you should dwell 7 days. All the natives in Israel should dwell in the booths,
in order that your generations may know that it was in the booths that I made the sons of Israel to dwell when I was bringing them from the land of Egypt. I am Jehovah your God.'

44 Accordingly Moses spoke of the seasonal festivals of Jehovah to the sons of Israel (Leviticus 23).

Bread/Loaves (4), Work (1), Booths (3), Unfermented-cakes (1), Grain-offering (3), Drink-offering (3), Roasted-Grain (1), New-Grain (1), Month (0/3), Priest (4), Lamb (4), Bull (1), Goats (0) Ram (1), Land (1/2), Offering-made-by-fire (8). ('in' and 'from' inseperable prepositions?)

This account has 4 threads. The 3 word symbolic threads must apply to FDS1,2,4. These Sabbaths and festivals have greater fulfilments in 3 of the 4 true Christian churches.

Rams [~liyae] also means Princes/Chiefs
Kid of the goats also means Hairy one of the goats

The Christian Festival of Weeks

Under law the 7 weeks of the festival of weeks were real calendar weeks, starting from the day after the first weekly Sabbath that fell in Cakes. So the 7 Sabbaths that were counted were already Sabbaths. This is true for 1NC Weeks, which is Mosaic Weeks. But it is not true for 2NC Weeks which always runs from the 2nd of the month and ends on the 21st, which 6x out of 7 are not a weekly Sabbaths. So we count 7 virtual Sabbaths from Tishri8 to Heshvan20 (for 2NC weeks of the Tishri1 secular year). These Sabbaths that we construct, Tishri8/15/22/29, Heshvan6/13/20 are not weekly or festival Sabbaths, they are merely 7th days in a count. 

The Christian festival of Cakes

6 ...Do you not know that a little leaven ferments the whole lump?
7 Clear away the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, according as you are free from ferment. For, indeed, Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.
8 Consequently let us keep the festival, not with old leaven, neither with leaven of badness and wickedness, but with unfermented cakes of sincerity and truth. (1 Corinthians 5 NWT)

Cakes are baked by humans not by God. So they are interpretations. Leaven is corruption. So a fermented cake is a corrupt interpretation. By this we mean an interpretation that is not sincere or truthful. A false interpretation made in all sincerity is not leaven. 

5 In-the-month, the first, on the 14th day of the month, between the 2 evenings [sunset which is the evening of the 24 hour day and darkness is the evening of the 12 hour daylight day, for a physical sheep. Between sunset and sunset for Jesus] is the Passover to Jehovah.
'And on the 15th day of this month is the festival of unfermented-cakes to Jehovah. 7 days you should eat unfermented-cakes.
On-the-day, the first [Nisan15, the Passover is not a Sabbath. So the 7th day is Nisan21], you will have a holy convention occur. No sort of work of labour may you do.
But you must present an offering made by fire to Jehovah 7 days. On the 7th day there will be a holy convention. No sort of work of labour may you do (Leviticus 23 NWT) .

1 Let there be an observing of the month of Abib, and you must celebrate the Passover to Jehovah your God, because in the month of Abib Jehovah your God brought you out of Egypt by night.
And you must sacrifice the Passover to Jehovah your God, of the flock and of the herd, in the place that Jehovah will choose to have his name reside there. (Deuteronomy 16 NWT)
3 You must eat nothing leavened along with it for 7 days. You should eat along with it unfermented cakes, the bread of affliction, because it was in haste that you came out of the land of Egypt, that you may remember the day of your coming out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life.
4 And no sourdough should be seen with you in all your territory 7 days, neither should any of the flesh, which you will sacrifice in the evening on the first day, stay all night until the morning.
5 You will not be allowed to sacrifice the Passover in any one of your cities that Jehovah your God is giving you.
6 But at the place that Jehovah your God will choose to have his name reside there, you should sacrifice the Passover in the evening as soon as the sun sets, at the appointed time of your coming out of Egypt.
7 And you must do the boiling and the eating in the place that Jehovah your God will choose, and in the morning you must turn around and go to your own tents.
8 6 days you should eat unfermented cakes; and on the 7th day there will be a solemn assembly to Jehovah your God. You must do no work. (Deuteronomy 16 NWT)

15 7 days you are to eat unfermented cakes. Yes, on the first day you are to take away sourdough from your houses, because anyone eating what is leavened, from the first day down to the 7th, that soul must be cut off from Israel.
16 And on the first day there is to take place for you a holy convention, and on the 7th day a holy convention. No work is to be done on them. Only what every soul needs to eat, that alone may be done for you.
17 'And you must keep the festival of unfermented cakes, because on this very day I must bring your armies out from the land of Egypt. And you must keep this day throughout your generations as a statute to time indefinite.
18 In the first month, on the 14th day of the month, in the evening you are to eat unfermented cakes down till the 21st day of the month in the evening [at the end of Nisan21, the evening at the boundary of Nisan21 and Nisan22].
19 7 days [Nisan15-21. Nisan14 is NOT a day of unfermented cakes - BUT we do eat unfermented cakes on that day. However you can have sourdough in your house and also fermented cakes on Nisan14 after the Passover night if you like but you could not eat them due to the greater atonement daylight day] no sourdough is to be found in your houses [no non LW doctrine is to be discussed in the church - this does not mean throw out your Watchtower or Catholic books from your physical house], because anyone tasting what is leavened, whether he is an alien resident or a native of the land, that soul must be cut off from the assembly of Israel.
20 Nothing leavened are you to eat. In all your dwellings you are to eat unfermented cakes.' (Exodus 12 NWT).

During the 7 days of an unfermented cakes festival, we can only eat bible interpretations that are believed to be sincere and true. In practice that means we can only teach the latest LW interpretations. We could teach old unfermented cakes, old doctrine, so long as that was sincerely developed and believed to be true at the time. We cannot teach interpretations which are corrupt, which come from an angle. During cakes we should not read interpretations from false churches or the web in general. We have to assume that an interpretation from a corrupt source is corrupt and an interpretation from a true church is not. Only for cakes does this apply.  

A Passover is about leaving one religion for another. that process involves ditching huge amounts of interpretational doctrinal baggage - or leaven or ferment. So in sympathy with ex JWs who will be throwing away 80% of their Watchtower taught doctrine, we for 7 days, do not teach or consider or taste anything but LW doctrine or the bible. Its OK to research the bible and the LW site because those leaving the WTBTS will be researching these things themselves. But it is not OK to taste any other doctrine during these 7 days. This means you can consider whatever you want outside of the festival of Cakes. 

Atonement Day Rules

27 However, on the 10th of this 7th month is the day of atonement. A holy convention should take place for you, and you must afflict [hn"['] your souls and present an offering made by fire to Jehovah.
28 And you must do no sort of work on this very day, because it is a day of atonement to make atonement for you before Jehovah your God;
29 because every soul that will not be afflicted [hn"['] on this very day must be cut off from his people.
30 As for any soul that will do any sort of work on this very day, I must destroy that soul from among his people.
31 you must do no sort of work. It is a statute to time indefinite for your generations in all places where you dwell.
32 It is a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you must afflict [hn"['] your souls on the 9th of the month in the evening. From evening to evening you should observe your Sabbath. (Leviticus 23 NWT)

So fasting itself is not explicitly mentioned although Jesus fasted on Atonement day 29Tishri10, his baptism day, for 40 days until the end on 29HEshvan19 and Cornelius fasted on Atonement day 36Tishri10 in Acts10.

13 As for me, when they became ill, my clothing was sackcloth, With fasting I afflicted [hn"['] my soul, And upon my bosom my own prayer would return. (Psalms 35 NWT)

So fasting is merely one form of affliction for the soul. 

Complete rest should read: Mandatory rest
No sort of work = secular and sacred Sabbath
No sort of work of labour = secular Sabbath only
Afflicting/denying your soul = no food, no sexual intercourse, no drink other than water, no haircut, no nails, no pedicure, no massage, no attending to your body at all for 24 hours (no jacuzzi, no slap up meal!) This is not supposed to be harsh. It is supposed to be a token. If you need to take medication obviously please take it. Young persons will fast or not according to the will of their parents. Jesus was actually baptised in water on 29Tishri10. So you can wash in water for cleanliness purposes. But do not luxuriate in a bubble bath etc. Washing should be purely functional. 

If you have an addiction such as smoking then try to fight it as much as you can. Afflict your body as much as you can reasonably achieve.

Tishri10 is the only Sabbath that is policed. If no reasonable attempt is made at afflicting the soul for 24 hours then the result is Disfellowshipping (if the brother or sister knew the rules and deliberately did not obey them).

EXCEPT that Atonement day of the Abrahamic Elul1 secular year is Elul10

Atonement day is a literal 24 hour day fast. Please end the fast on the minute you started it the previous day. That will be fine. It is an affliction of the soul but not an affliction of the spirit. In fact it represents the victory of the spirit over the soul. So you can play music, watch films etc and entertain the spirit and be happy. But you must try to ignore all of your fleshly desires! Forget the soul - Go spirit!

No work for God. No work for man. No work for money. No work for yourself. No work for your wife.

We must meet. It is a holy convention.

Immanuel means God is with us. Jesus became with us on 29Tishri10. That was an atonement. God was one with man through his constructively divine son Jesus on that day. His entire ministry was an atonement since God was with us until 33Nisan14.

Aaron entered behind the curtain to the cover of the ark whereupon the cloud of Jehovah appears at the place of atonement on Tishri10 - which will become Tebbeth10 due to the Abrahamic Tebbeth1 secular year resulting from the Abrahamic extractions by rapture on 2024Tebbeth16-20 and 2024Shebat15-20 and it will become Adar10 due to the Adar1 Isaaic secular year resulting from the Isaaic extraction on 2024VeAdar15-20. So the high priest should go behind the curtain to make Atonement on 2024Tebbeth10 and 2024VeAdar10. So Caleb of Hebron goes in front of the cover of the ark, the place of atonement, the mercy seat on 2024Tebbeth10 to atone for himself and his house (ark based Laodicea) and all the congregation of Abrahamic Israel. Then Gordon does the same on 2024VeAdar10 (he did it Chronologically with the greatest scientific discovery of all time on 2023Shebat10)

tr<POK;  fem. a covering, from the root rp;K' No. 1, only used of the cover of the ark of the covenant, Exodus 25:17, seq.; 30:6; 31:7; tr<POK;h; tyBe the inmost recess of the temple, where the ark of the covenant was placed, 1 Chronicles 28:11; LXX. ilasthrion (Vulg. propitiatorium; Luther, Gnadenftuhl) [English mercy-seat], as though it were from the signification of propitiation; see rP,Ki No. 2, c. [Of course this is the true meaning and derivation; the mercy-seat was the place on which the blood of atonement was sprinkled before God.]

Christianised Atonement Day

5 Should the fast that I choose [So he has chosen a fast for the form of affliction for Atonement day] become like this, as a day for earthling man to afflict his soul? [a Binary question. So in some circumstances, such as the bridegroom being present -  NO]. For bowing down his head just like a rush, and that he should spread out mere sackcloth and ashes as his couch? Is it this that you call a fast and a day acceptable to Jehovah?

6 Is not this the fast that I choose? [He asks rhetorically] To loosen the fetters of wickedness, to release the bands of the yoke bar, and to send away the crushed ones free, and that you people should tear in 2 every yoke bar? [Release from forced servitude to a 2nd party - anti slavery scripture]
7 Is it not the dividing [breaking off pieces] of your bread out to the hungry one, and that you should bring the afflicted, homeless people into [your] house? That, in case you should see someone naked, you must cover him, and that you should not hide yourself from your own flesh? [You should help your fleshly brother]

Atonement day should be a fast from serving yourself. A day for serving others, for caring for your brother without working for him. So not only should be afflict our soul. But we should help the one whose soul is afflicted.


8 In that case your light would break forth just like the dawn; and speedily would recuperation spring up for you. And before you your righteousness would certainly walk; the very glory of Jehovah would be your rear guard.
9 In that case you would call, and Jehovah himself would answer; you would cry for help, and he would say, 'Here I am!' If you will remove from your midst the yoke bar, the poking out of the finger and the speaking of what is hurtful;
10 and you will grant to the hungry one your own soul, and you will satisfy the soul that is being afflicted, your light also will certainly flash up even in the darkness, and your gloom will be like midday.
11 And Jehovah will be bound to lead you constantly and to satisfy your soul even in a scorched land, and he will invigorate your very bones; and you must become like a well-watered garden, and like the source of water, the waters of which do not lie.
12 And at your instance men will certainly build up the places devastated a long time; you will raise up even the foundations of continuous generations. And you will actually be called the repairer of [the] gap, the restorer of roadways by which to dwell.
13 If in view of the Sabbath you will turn back your foot as regards doing your own delights on my holy day, and will actually call the Sabbath an exquisite delight, a holy [day] of Jehovah, one being glorified, and will actually glorify it rather than doing your own ways, rather than finding what delights you and speaking a word;
14 you will in that case find your exquisite delight in Jehovah, and I will make you ride upon the high places of the earth; and I will cause you to eat from the hereditary possession of Jacob your forefather, for the mouth of Jehovah itself has spoken [it]. (Isaiah 58 NWT)

So in the new Christianised Atonement day we can permit the odd cup of tea or coffee so long as we fast from serving ourselves and instead serve our brothers and sisters in need. We should spend the whole day planning and acting for their benefit not our own. If you have a cold (not flu but the cold) and you wish to celebrate Atonement day by serving others you can feed the cold and afflict the soul in other ways, so long as you serve others.

Weekly Sabbaths

5 Or, have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbaths the priests in the temple treat the Sabbath as not sacred and continue guiltless? (Matthew 12 NWT)

A weekly Sabbath is a rest from both secular and sacred works (whereas festival Sabbaths are rests only from secular works for Jews and for Christians - other than Atonement day which is a full Sabbath). 

So you cannot (easily) baptize a person on a weekly Sabbath or on a festival Sabbath. 

So you can baptise people on a festival Sabbath. Indeed 3,000 people were baptized upon the festival Sabbath of Pentecost in 33CE in Acts2. But things are not so easy with a weekly Sabbath, which is a sacred Sabbath as well as a secular Sabbath. Because one cannot enter into a salvation covenant upon a weekly Sabbath. Neither can one enter into an agreement to enter into a salvation covenant the day after that Sabbath. So if one has to baptise a believer on a weekly Sabbath (due to circumstance), then he must make an agreement on another day to enter into church law on that day. He will become clean to enter into the ICC on the Sabbath. But he will not enter into it until a further agreement is made on a non sacred Sabbath day,

Jesus was baptised upon Atonement day on 29Tishri10. But he did not enter into the law of Moses or into 1EC church law on that day.

1 And on an occasion when he went into the house of a certain one of the rulers of the Pharisees on the Sabbath to eat a meal, they were closely watching him.
2 And, look! there was before him a certain man who had dropsy.
3 So in response Jesus spoke to those versed in the Law and to the Pharisees, saying: Is it lawful on the Sabbath to cure or not?
4 But they kept silent. With that he took hold of [the man], healed him and sent [him] away.
5 And he said to them: Who of you, if his son or bull falls into a well, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?
6 And they were not able to answer back on these things. (Luke 14 NWT)

So Jesus did cure outside the synagogue on the Sabbath - in a house of a ruler of the Pharisees. So you can re-actively help someone in trouble on a Sabbath outside of a temple. 

What if a dying man asks for a baptism into the LWs upon a weekly Sabbath?

You could baptise someone into the LWs upon a Sabbath so long as the prayer to God asked for the baptism to occur just after sunset. The ceremony could occur during the Sabbath but the forgiveness would be delayed until the day after. 

Actually the better idea would be for the believer to agree to enter into the law of the 4EC, not immediately during the Sabbath, but at sunset after the Sabbath. Then he is effectively engaged to be baptised just as a woman can be engaged to be married. Now God regards an engaged woman as a married woman. Therefore an engaged baptism candidate would be regarded as being baptised by God and find himself in a saved condition!

A secular Sabbath means no paid labour. You cannot work for money on that day. You can do odd jobs around the house. But if you run a business or are self employed you should not work on the Sabbath at all for that business. If you own a business, you should close the business at Sundown on Friday ideally. But we do not want to be Pharisaical about this. The Sabbath is supposed to be a breath of fresh air from God to support you, not another burden from Satan upon you. So we will not police secular Sabbath adherence. If you forget the whole thing or work for the first few hours of it this will not be an issue. But God is recommending that you take a break, please bear that in mind!

We must eat no new non salvation teachings and put no new non salvation food on the website from Nisan1 until Nisan16 from Leviticus 23:14. 

We must eat nothing leavened (either cake or bread or scone) and we must eat some unleavened cakes every day from from Nisan15 to Nisan21. This is literal.

How does one offer up a lamb? The lamb offers a sacrifice of the lips, not a baptism which is a private affair.

8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.
Do not be carried away with various and strange teachings; for it is fine for the heart to be given firmness by undeserved kindness, not by eatables, by which those who occupy themselves with them have not been benefited.
We have an altar from which those who do sacred service at the tent have no authority to eat.
For the bodies of those animals whose blood is taken into the holy place by the high priest for sin are burned up outside the camp.
Hence Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate.
Let us, then, go forth to him outside the camp, bearing the reproach he bore,
for we do not have here a city that continues, but we are earnestly seeking the one to come.
Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name.
Moreover, do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased (Hebrews 13)

The city that does not continue is any true church, they are all temporary. Going outside the camp is leaving one true church for another. 

A grain offering might be non salvation related understandings and a drink offering would be salvation related understandings (since water keeps the body and spirit alive and food builds up the body). The one bringing these does not have to have worked them out for himself. He merely presents them in a talk to the congregation.

And offering made by fire consists of the burnt animal, the grain and the drink. Fire consumes completely. And fire pictures acceptance by God. So an offering made by fire is an person who offers to serve God with his whole soul, i.e. stop working for Satan, i.e. full time work for God. Really the offering by fire is a commitment to work full time for Jesus. The church obviously has to be able to sustain such a commitment financially/physically. Such a person can have business investments, but he cannot do a full time or a part time job for the world. To exit this commitment one must leave the church, or the church must admit that it can no longer physically sustain the offering or a monthly Sabbath ends it.

A communion sacrifice is taking a position serving the congregation as a ministerial servant or elder etc. You are serving God by serving the congregation.

A sin offering is merely confessing your sin to the elders. Then your life, your blood can remain in the church even though your body may in fact be thrown out depending upon the sin. Dealing with sin in this way is a good thing. It is to be celebrated. The sinner who confesses and is prepared to face the justice of the congregation is saving himself through his faith in that justice, which is faith in God's justice. If you turn up with a DF sin. You admit and repent in front of the congregation (by which we mean the elders). Then you are rebaptised in advance effective 7 months in the future or at the next Jubilee...

23 Then they brought the male goats of the sin offering near before the king and the congregation and laid their hands upon them.
The priests now slaughtered them and made a sin offering with their blood upon the altar, to make atonement for all Israel; because it was for all Israel that the king said the burnt offering and the sin offering [should be] (2 Chronicles 29).

So you leave unclean in the flesh but with a promise that in 7 months time you are cleansed and re-admitted period. 7 months later you become an LW again, no questions asked, nothing for you or the congregation to do. If you committed a DF before you became an LW which defiled your conscience. Then you can admit that as a sin offering and get baptized in which case your sin is forgiven without a 7 month exit period.