[270] Isaiah prophesied the 911 twin towers attack. And he prophesied that something similar and a lot larger would occur afterwards

Here is what Isaiah spoke/wrote over 2700 years ago in the bible...

8 Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite... (Isaiah30).

23 And he will certainly give the rain of seed of you which/that you scatter [to] the ground, and bread of produce of the ground, will be both fat and oily. Your cattle will graze in that day [in a] spacious pasture
24 And the herds and the full-grown asses cultivating the ground will eat mixed-together-fodder of seasoning, which/that was winnowed in the shovel and in the fork. (Isaiah30 LWT)

25 And upon every high mountain [every prominent religious organisation] and/even upon every elevated hill [even every mildly successful church] there must come to be streams, rivers of waters [flocks of people leaving these organizations and coming to the true church], in the day of the big slaughter [a big slaughter is not defined in the absence of a small slaughter - which was 911] in/when the towers fall [This day begins for real on 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21, the 2nd and 3rd fire signs. Big/Small is going on here with mountains versus hills and rivers versus streams. So there is a day of small slaughter 911, 2001, in which towers fall, which does not result even in streams of water flowing on hills, and then a day of big slaughter in which towers fall, the day of the 2nd and 3rd fire signs in Manhattan or London, which does result not only in streams flowing upon hills but actually in rivers flowing upon mountains].

Isaiah30 relates the small slaughter of 911, 2001 with the big slaughter of the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.

26 And the light of the moon [The dead brothers in the LWs - unsanctified sons of the ICC but not the JAC] must become as the light of the glowing [sun] [The living brothers, the saints in the LWs. For the moon is a dead reflection of the living sun. The light of the moon lasts as long as the light of the sun during an equinox - so an equinox is a candidate for this enlightenment]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become 7 times as much, as/like the light of 7 days [This is a witness to the 8 days of Hanukkah? and to 7x7=49 days, i.e. a Pentecost] in the day that Jehovah binds up [] the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him [Strike the shepherd and let the flock be scattered on 2001Chislev14. The severe wound in Jesus' body occurred on 2001Chislev14. The wound to the body of the 2NCs occurs with the appointment/installation of Laodicea on 2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21 (see U271-11#0). The healing of that wound begins when Elijah meets Elisha of 1Kings19. This wound is the division of the 4EC flesh between the LWs and Laodicea. It begins to be healed when the two spies of Joshua2 arrive at Zoar to speak with Joshua] (Isaiah 30 - New World Translation adapted from the Hebrew).

The day of the small slaughter when the towers fall (Isaiah30:26) was 911, 2001 (Elul19). The literal day of 'the big slaughter when the towers fall' starts with the 3rd fire signs on 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 (2025January6-2025March27) and 2025Nisan21 (2025April19/20) - the greater 911?

Then, when Laodicea leaves the darkness of the Watchtower, the light of Laodicea, the dead reflection of Zoar, becomes as the light of the sun (LWs). 

25 And there shall be upon every mountain high [3x. BIG], and upon every hill raised up [above its original position] [(1x+1x).3x: SMALL], rivers/streams [gl,P,] [3x], streams/rivers [lb'y"] of waters [1AC waters, since they are on every mountain. Is this raised up rivers of waters? NOPE a different Hebrew word is used. These are raised up rivers and steams of waters, 4ECs] in the day of the great slaughter, in the falling of the towers [911, 2001 was small and then the 2nd/3rd fire signs are big in comparison].


Verse23 relating to 'that day' of the big slaughter: 1x+2x+3x = 6x
Verse24: (3x+3x).2x.2x = 24x
Verse25: (3x.(3x+3x.3x+1x) + 3x.(3x+3x.3x+1x+1x)).1x.3x = (39x+42x).3x = 81x.3x = 243x: From 2028Chislev4, the start of the 28 day Unprecedented Tribulation ending on 2028Tebbeth2, to 2029Ab7, the end of the lava flood.

26 And the light of the moon [1x: month] shall be like the light of the glower/sun [1x: year]. And the glower's/sun's light shall be sevenfold [7x greater than normal= counts as 1x compared to 7x or 8x], as/like the light of seven days [7x], in the day [not literal] of binding up Jehovah [binding] the break of his people, and healing the wound of his blow [That divided FDS4 from Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 GLT).

26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become [for] 7 [times], as/like the light of 7 of days, in the day that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him (NWT).
26 And the moonlight shall be like the light of the sun. And the sun's light shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, Jehovah [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of FDS4 in 2, into the LWs and Laodicea]. (GLT)
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glower/sun. And the glower/sun's light shall be 7 glowers/suns, [it shall be] as the light of 7 days, in the day of binding up, Jehovah [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of FDS4 in 2, into the LWs and Laodicea] (GLT)
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become 7 times as much, [it shall be] like the light of 7 days, in the day that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him [the division of FDS4 in 2, into the LWs and Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 NWT)


2024Chislev10-2026Heshvan5: Verse 26: The day of the binding up of the breakdown and the healing by 4EC baptism of the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him: 2x.

2024VeAdar14-2025Nisan18: Verse 26: 1x+1x+7x+1x+7x in a day of A and B = 17x.2x =34x from 1st row baptism sacrifice day to last row baptism day. From 2024VeAdar14 to 5th row baptism day on 2025Nisan18, the end of the division between 2NCs.
This is the light of 7 days of baptism of the 7 rows of Solomon's temple, 7x of temple baptisms.

Or the light of the sun is for 7x like the light of 7x, making 49x. And the light of the moon is like the light of the sun, making one more light of the sun, which is 50x, which run from 1st row baptism sacrifice day on 2024VeAdar14 to 7th row laying day on 2025Iyyar4.
The Laodicean concubine falls with her hands upon the spreading-out/snatching away/basin/vestibule/doorstep/threshold [@s;], for 17x from 2023Tishri21 - 2024VeAdar10 - See U268. But is not seen to have so fallen by 'the man' until he gets up in the morning and opens the door to the house.

AND 7x of Isaiah30 of blinding light in the day of binding up the breakdown of all the 2NCs from 2024Tishri15-21 our first properly celebrated Cakes-Booths (from which came U455 and the realisation that we had to retranslate the entire bible) to 2025Iyyar18-21, the end of the rapture of the saints (Benjamin)

The light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun at the autumnal equinox it being less in length prior to that day. The autumnal equinox in 2024 is September22 at 12:36 (2024Tishri15). Then after sunset on that 2024September22, when the Equinox is actually observed, we are in 2024Tishri16, the first whole day after the LW Gentile Times and LW Exedenic Times. The vernal equinox in 2025 is March20 at 08:51 (2024VeAdar15)72

If the light of the moon becomes like the light of the glower and the light of the glower becomes 7x as bright. Then we have a total of 7+1=8 glowers. But that makes a Hanukkah! Which must be of some use - see John 10:22-25 below. 

 A light is shining in the darkness. But the darkness has not overpowered it. 

It is also possible that the nuclear flash, the light and the heat of the US bomb (or some later bomb), is 7x larger than the light of the UK bomb or vice versa. Oh dear.

The Jews encircled Jesus during Hanukkah and asked: For how long will you keep our souls in suspense? in John10:22  Scriptures which ask questions always answer them - see the question answering principle of the code.

2522 But the festival of renewal/innovation/dedication [egkainia] from en and kainoj, meaning in-new] took place in Jerusalems [Ierosolumoij] [Plural: In the ark and on earth] [Chislev25-Tebbeth2. Literally this was the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus] [] and it was winter/stormy [2024Chislev25-Tebbeth2 Modern Hebrew Calendar Hanukkah, which is 2024December26/27 to 2025January2/3 Gregorian and 2024Tebbeth21-28 BLC]
23 and the Jesus was walking [through 1NCs being in contact with raptured 2NCs in the ark after 2024Tebbeth16-20 for Gentile call 2NCs] in the temple in the colonnade of the Solomon [Walking, without stumbling means sins are regarded as forgiven, which pictures sainthood. This is 1NCs walking amongst 2NCs in the temple of the ark, who are waiting in the colonnade to enter into the temple of Solomon, which has a colonnade but the rock mass is yet to be laid! The rock mass is laid on 2024VeAdar2. A colonnade is where people gather before entering into the temple]
24 The Jews therefore [oun] encircled him [2x. One encirclement by the plural Jews, making a 2 month circle around Jesus to 2024Shebat25-2024Adar2 (Modern Hebrew), which is 2024Adar21-28 (BLC) which is also 2024VeAdar21-28 BLC. 2024VeAdar20 is the end of the non reserve 2NC ark rapture. Because the Jews ate the fish counts as 2x] and [they] said to him: Until when, the soul of us are you lifting/taking up/removing? [2x.(1x+!x) = 4x] [This is a self answering question until 4 months after Hanukkah for the rapture of the Benjamite 2NCs (completed on 2025Iyyar21/22)] If you are the Christ, say to us outspokenly (John 10 KIT)

25 Answered to them the Jesus I said to ye and not ye are believing. The works which I am doing in the name of the Father of me these (things) is bearing witness about me; (John 10 KIT)

Winter (1), Jerusalem (1), counts 1x and Jesus (4) counts 4x in the account from John 10:22-39. So Jesus takes a greater meaning (the 1NCs). But Jerusalem does not. But it is plural so stands for the Jerusalem below in the LWs and the Jerusalem above in reaccepted Laodicea. The rededication is of the earthly temple of Solomon back into the 4EC. The fact that it is a rededication shows that this is a second/3rd 4EC baptism for some of the 2NCs

So the lifting up of the soul of the saints (the body of all of them) by rapture of the Gentile call 2NC continues until Hanukkah, or the non reserve 2NCs continues until 2 months after Modern Hebrew Hanukkah and of the Benjamite 2NC reserves continues until 4 months after Modern Hebrew Hanukkah. It is quite amazing that God uses the corrupted Modern Hebrew Calendar here. He has to because it is Israelis celebrating Hanukkah in Jerusalem in 2024 according to their calendar.

2024Tishri22 is the start of Hebrew winter. 2024Tebbeth15 (2024December21 at 09:14) is the winter solstice, the start of Greek winter.

Hanukkah in 2024 is 2024December26-2025January3. 2024December21 at 09:14 is the winter solstice
Hanukkah in 2025 is 2025December15-23. 2024December21 at 15:04 is the winter solstice.
Hanukkah in 2026 is 2026December5-13. 2024December21 at 20:53 is the winter solstice.

So Jesus could be walking in winter in Hanukkah in 2025 but only from 2025December21-23 (2025Chislev26-29) and the rapture must finish by the 21st of the month (during Booths). So 2024 is the only candidate.

39 However, on the 15th day of the 7th month, in/at to gather/gathering of you namely  the produce of the land, you should celebrate the festival of Jehovah 7 days. On the first day is a complete rest and on the 8th day is a complete rest.
40 And you must take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of splendid trees, the fronds of palm trees and the boughs of branchy trees and poplars of the torrent valley, and you must rejoice before Jehovah your God 7 days. (Leviticus 23 NWT)

So no harvesting occurred on Tishri15 and none on Tishri22, but from Tishri16-21 was in to gather the produce of the land, i.e. during the harvest. So Hebrew winter begins on Tishri22. For Israel was harvested from Egypt in Booths says verse 43...

43 in order that your generations may know that it was in the booths that I made the sons of Israel to dwell when I was bringing them out of the land of Egypt. I am Jehovah your God.' (Leviticus 23 NWT)

The original account was set in winter time which means it must have been in 32 AD (29 is too early and the 30,31,33 did not have Hanukkah in Greek winter which runs from the winter solstice around December21 to the vernal equinox around March21).

Hanukkah is always in Hebrew winter. It is not always in Greek winter25.

Saints have 50 days of earthly interaction and 30 days of ascension
Priests have 50 days of earthly interaction but no ascension.
The citizens have no ark based earthly interaction and no ascension.
So the saints are 3D (length + width + height), the priests are 2D (length + width) and the citizens are 1D (length).

The Judeans (sons of the FRC, keepers of the 1st law) ascend into the ark and into heaven as follows...

99Saints etc.Ark EntryStart of Ascension 50 cubits of ark width after ark entry. Or after the 2NC marriageEnd of Ascension/descent 30 cubits of ark height later
3rd Holy Spirit2026Iyyar17On 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, Abrahamic/Isaaic Zoar is handed over to Peter. He gets 10  cities of the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th HLC brides, the Gentile call, Laodicean and LW 2NC brdies, Benjamin, the 4ECs and the raptured FRCs2026Sivan17
3rd marriage 1NC reserves2019Tishri173rd Bride - Bethelite 1NCs - 2019Chislev62019Tebbeth6
4th marriage 1NC reserves2019Heshvan224th Bride - Congregation 1NCs - 2019Tebbeth112019Shebat11
5th marriage 1NC reserves2019Chislev205th Bride - Disfellowshipped and Disassociated 1NCs - 2019Shebat92019Adar9
6th marriage 1NC reserves2019Tebbeth186th = late 3rd Bride - 2019Adar72020Nisan13
7th marriage 1NC reserves2020Tammuz197th = late 4th and 5th Brides - 2020Elul82020Tishri8
1st marriage HLCs2020Ab171st HLC bride - 2020Tishri62020Heshvan6
2nd marriage HLCs2020Elul222nd HLC bride - 2020Heshvan112020Chislev11
3rd marriage HLCs2020Tishri203rd = Late 1st HLC bride - 2020Chislev92020Tebbeth9
4th marriage HLCs2020Heshvan184th = Late 2nd HLC bride - 2020Tebbeth72020Shebat7
ELCs2024Tishri10-14The dead in Christ rise first on Rosh Hashana (Tishri1 adamic secular)n/a
Non Laodicean non LW 2NCs2024Tebbeth16-2050 days of ark width from the 2028Shebat2 1st 2NC marriage - 2029Adar212029Nisan21
Laodicean 2NCs2024Shebat15-2050 days of ark width from the 2028Shebat2 1st 2NC marriage  - 2029Adar212029Nisan21
LW 2NCs2024VeAdar15-2050 days of ark width from the 2028Adar2 2nd 2NC marriage - 2029Nisan212029Iyyar21
Benjamin (OMC 2NCs)2025Iyyar18-21(60 cubits of Daniel3 after 2024VeAdar21, Mark Registration day)50 days of ark width from the 2029Nisan2 ELC marriage - 2029Iyyar212029Sivan21
CRC proselytes from Hades2025Tishri1-14The dead in Christ rise first on Rosh Hashana (Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular)n/a
4EC Priests2025Tishri15-21 to 2026Tishri15-21n/an/a
FRC Citizens2026Heshvan15-21 to 2028Heshvan15-21n/an/a99

The Jews encircle Jesus at his marriages. The Jews do those ring dances around people at marriages!

The festival of Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the temple on 165Chislev25. We are about to rededicate the temple with a second baptism. It is also the miracle whereby one day's oil lasted for 8 days and the new oil was ready by the 8th day. But if the light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun and the light of the sun becomes 7 times as much, then we have 8 suns or 8 heats (in Hebrew). Now that is precisely what one gets during Hanukkah. 

This Hanukkah symbolism relates also perhaps to the 8 days of Passover-Cakes-Booths it appears.

So the two parties, the LWs and the JWs, can finally unite into one, and the severe gash in the flesh of the two churches can be healed and the stick of Judah and the stick of Ephraim can become one stick.

16 And as for you, Oh son of man, take for yourself a stick and write upon it, 'For Judah and for the sons of Israel his partners.' And take another stick and write upon it, 'For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and all the house of Israel his partners.' (NWT)
17 And cause them to approach each other into one stick for yourself, and they will actually become just one in your hand. (Ezekiel 37 NWT)

Isaiah also said...

12 For it is the day belonging to Jehovah of armies. It is upon everyone self-exalted and lofty and upon everyone lifted up or low;
13 and upon all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up and upon all the massive trees of Bashan;
14 and upon all the lofty mountains and upon all the hills that are lifted up;

15 and upon every high tower and upon every fortified wall;
16 and upon all the ships of Tarshish and upon all desirable/valuable boats/vessels (Isaiah 2).

So high towers are going to be attacked and demolished in the day belonging to Jehovah, which is the 1,000 year kingdom of God which we have been in since 2008Nisan22 Also fortified walls get attacked. So the Pentagon and the Twin towers are predicted one could argue by Isaiah2. The ships of Tarshish were ships of commerce. These would be aeroplanes today. Now aeroplanes were used in 911. In fact the terrorists deployed expensive valuable desirable aeroplanes rather than cheap old sea going freighters. So 911 is precisely depicted by Isaiah 2:15-16. Shame it doesn't tell us whether it was a false flag or not! The trouble is that 911 occurred in 2001, 7 years before the day of Jehovah began. So regrettably 911 was just the trailer up for the Great Tribulation which will be a bigger version of the same. A much bigger version of the same. So Isaiah predicts a larger 911 to occur after 2008. 

It would be great if mankind or if the majority of Christian churches were up to speed with any of the points above, but sadly they are not. For we are a race that can write millions of lines of complicated computer code, but cannot understand fully even one line of the true bible code. We can invent elaborate flawed deceptions, which we readily accept, to explain our existence in the absence of God, and yet we fail to unravel even the simplest of puzzles in the holy book which explains not only our existence but actually our entire future, our birthright and our heritage, to be not only non adamic humans for 1,000 years from 2012 onwards, but to be also angels after that and Gods after that. Yes, even the lowliest Muslim slave girl hiding her face in her Burkha will one day rule an entire galaxy as a God with a face too glorious for her subjects even to look upon. For she is not now and has never been a product of random chance, no, rather, she is a product of the generosity of Jehovah, who having elevated his angelic son Jesus Christ to the status of God, will not fail to show the same love for and confidence in ALL his other sons and daughters. We are children of God, our future is to be Gods just like our father. That is the race that we come from, that is the family we are talking about, and there is the jealousy of Satan. 


***The Interpretations of Isaiah 30 below are obsolete and incorrect***

[0] The Big Picture

Before we start proving anything, since your time is limited (more limited than you had imagined), here is the whole deal. Firstly we present the first meaning, the event symbolism of Isaiah 30, which related to the saving of Jerusalem from the army of the Assyrian king Sennacherib by God in 715 BC and then destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC by the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar. We then present the current fulfillment of the account symbolism of Isaiah 30, which relates to the Twin Towers. You are not expected fully to understand or accept these interpretations at this point. But the writer thought you might want to know the bottom line before you invest your valuable (and rapidly expiring) time into reading this book.

We ask you to take the following 5 assertions on trust. We do not prove these points in this section. If you want to know more about them please visit www.truebiblecode.com. These assertions are not necessary to prove that Isaiah foretold the fall of the Twin Towers in the last 7 years but they are necessary to understand the full account symbolic meaning of the whole of Isaiah chapter 30. And we need to decode the whole of the chapter to prove that it really does refer to the Twin Towers. Some of these assertions may sound pretty fantastic and unbelievable. But, firstly they are not necessary to logically prove that Isaiah 30 refers to the twin towers, secondly any serious bible student must give Satan some credit for misleading mankind - which includes YOU:

9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him (Revelation 12).

and thirdly, they are less fantastic than what we are trying to prove!

[1]    The 3rd true Christian church, FDS3, (the 3rd Faithful and Discreet Slave of the Master Jesus according to the parable of Matthew 24: 45-51) was the Jehovah's Witnesses, the JWs, whose administration is called the Watchtower.  And all of the remaining (2000 odd) new covenant saints today (May 2002) are members of that religion, which has now fallen and become a false religion. New covenant saints are those of mankind who truly are in the new covenant that Jesus made at the last supper.

[2]    The JWs were rejected by God in 1994, and their leaders are now referred to in scripture as the Wicked and Sluggish Slave of Matthew 25 (the WSS) and as those of their leaders who are new covenant saints are referred to as the Evil Slave of Matthew 24.

[3]    The 4th and last true Christian church, FDS4, is the Lords' Witnesses, who publish this book.

[4]    In case you are wondering, the first true Christian church (FDS1) was started by Jesus in Jerusalem, and the second (FDS2) was started by St. Paul in Rome. The second true Christian church was finally rejected by God in 455 AD. There was no true Christian church, by which we mean a Christian church whose baptism actually resulted in a forgiveness of sins by God, between 455 AD and 1884 AD

[5]    Jesus' first presence ended in 119 AD (120 years after his birth) and his second presence started in 1884 AD (and lasts until 2004, a total of 120 years). He is absent when no true new covenant saints (those who truly are authorised to take the bread and wine of communion) are alive on earth. This is because the new covenant saints are his wife to be, and the Law of Moses equated a fiancé with a wife (not allowing for the possibility that someone might break their word), and God's law regards the flesh of a wife as being the flesh of a husband. So new covenant saints are Jesus' flesh, and so their presence or absence is his presence or absence.

Isaiah 30 (New World Translation adapted from Hebrew)

1 Woe to the stubborn sons, is the utterance of Jehovah, [those disposed] to carry out a plan, but not from me; and to weave a covering web (GLT), but not with my spirit, in order to add sin to sin;
those who are setting out to go down to Egypt and who have not inquired of my own mouth, to take shelter in the stronghold of Pharaoh and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt!
And the stronghold of Pharaoh must become even for you men a reason for shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt a cause for humiliation.
For his princes have come to be in Zoan itself, and his own envoys reach even Hanes.
Every one will certainly become ashamed of a people that bring no benefit to one, that are of no help and bring no benefit, but are a reason for shame and also a cause for reproach.
The pronouncement against the beasts of the Negeb (semi-desert): Through the land of distress and hard conditions, of the lion and the leopard growling, of the viper and the flying fiery snake, on the shoulders of full-grown asses they carry their riches, and on the humps of camels their treasures. In behalf of the people they will prove of no benefit.
And the Egyptians are mere vanity, and they will help simply for nothing. Therefore I have called this one: Rahab, they are for sitting still.
Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite.
For it is a rebellious people, untruthful sons, sons who have been unwilling to hear the law of Jehovah;
who have said to the ones seeing, 'You must not see,' and to the ones having visions, 'You must not envision for us any straightforward things. Speak to us smooth things; envision deceptive things.
Turn aside from [the] way, deviate from [the] path. Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease just on account of us.'
Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel has said: In view of your rejecting of this word, and [since] you men trust in defrauding and in what is devious and you support yourselves on it,
therefore for you this error will become like a broken section about to fall down, a swelling out (a bulge) in a highly raised wall, the breakdown of which may come suddenly, in an instant.
14 And one will certainly break it as in the breaking of a large jar of the potters, crushed to pieces without one's sparing [it], so that there cannot be found among its crushed pieces a fragment of earthenware with which to rake the fire from the fireplace or to skim water from a marshy place.
15 For this is what [the] Sovereign Lord Jehovah, [the] Holy [One] of Israel [Double or triple designation?], has said: By coming back and resting you people will be saved. Your mightiness will prove to be simply in keeping undisturbed and in trustfulness. But you were not willing.
16 And you proceeded to say: No, but on horses we shall flee! That is why you will flee. And on swift [horses] we shall ride! That is why those pursuing you will show themselves swift.
1,000 will tremble on account of the rebuke of one; on account of the rebuke of 5 you will flee until you will have remained over like a mast on the top of a mountain and like a signal (sign) on a hill.
18 And therefore Jehovah will keep in expectation of showing you favor, and therefore he will rise up to show you mercy. For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him.
19 When the very people in Zion will dwell in Jerusalem, you will by no means weep. He will without fail show you favor at the sound of your outcry; as soon as he hears it he will actually answer you.
20 And Jehovah will certainly give you people bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression; yet your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and your eyes must become [eyes] seeing your Grand Instructor.
21 And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: This is the way. Walk in it, you people, in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.
22 And you people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and the close-fitting covering of your molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you will say to it: Mere dirt!
And he will certainly give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground, and as the produce of the ground bread, which must become fat and oily. Your livestock will graze in that day in a spacious pasture.
24 And the cattle and the full-grown asses cultivating the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel, which was winnowed with the shovel and with the fork.
25 And upon every high mountain and upon every elevated hill there must come to be streams, water ditches, in the day of the big slaughter when the towers fall.
26 And the light of the full moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will be [for] 7 times, like the light of 7 days, in the day that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him [The healing takes the whole 7 year day in the greater meaning, and the blow is the losing of the water baptism of FDS3, which becomes WSS2, on the same day that the twin towers fell, on 911, at the start of the 7 year malediction].
27 Look! The name of Jehovah is coming from far away, burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As for his lips, they have become full of denunciation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire.
28 And his spirit is like a flooding torrent that reaches clear to the neck, to swing the nations to and fro with a sieve of worthlessness/destruction; and a bridle that causes one to wander about/go astray will be in the jaws of the peoples.
you people will come to have a song like that in the night that one sanctifies oneself for a festival, and rejoicing of heart like that of one walking with a flute to enter into the mountain of Jehovah, to the Rock of Israel.
30 And Jehovah will certainly make the dignity of his voice to be heard and will make the descending of his arm to be seen, in the raging of anger and the flame of a devouring fire [and] cloudburst and rainstorm and hailstones.
31 For because of the voice of Jehovah Assyria will be struck with terror; he will strike [it] even with a staff.
32 And every swing of his rod of chastisement that Jehovah will cause to settle down upon [Assyria] will certainly prove to be with tambourines and with harps; and with battles of brandishing he will actually fight against them.
33 For his Topheth is set in order from recent times; it is also prepared for the king himself. He has made its pile deep. Fire and wood are in abundance. The breath of Jehovah, like a torrent of sulphur, is burning against it (Isaiah 30).


Isaiah 30: Green's Literal Version (LITV)

1 Woe to rebellious sons, declares Jehovah, to make counsel, but not from Me; and to weave a covering web, but not of My Spirit, in order to add sin on sin;
2 who are walking to go down to Egypt, but have not asked at My mouth, to take refuge in the stronghold of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt.
3 And the stronghold of Pharaoh shall become a shame to you; and relying on the shadow of Egypt shall be a disgrace.
4 For his rulers were in Zoan, and his ambassadors reached to Hanes.
5 Every one is ashamed over a people who do not profit them; they are not for a help, and not for profiting, but for a shame; yea, also for a reproach.
6 The burden of the beasts of the south: Into the land of trouble and constraint. The lioness and the lion are from them; the viper and fiery flying serpent. They carry their riches on the shoulders of young asses, and their treasures on the humps of camels, to a people who cannot profit them.
7 And Egypt; vainly and emptily they help. So I have called to this: Their strength is to sit still.
8 Now come, write it before them on a tablet, and note it on a book, so that it may be for the latter day, until forever;
9 that this is a rebellious people, lying sons; sons who are not willing to hear the Law of Jehovah;
10 who say to the seers, Do not see; and to visioners, Do not have a vision for right things to us; speak smooth things to us; have a vision of trifles.
11 Turn aside from the way; stretch from the path; cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.
12 For this reason, so says the Holy One of Israel, Because of your rejection of this Word, and your trust in oppression and perversity, even resting on it;
13 So this iniquity shall be to you as a broken section falling, like the bulging out of a high wall, the breaking of which comes suddenly, in an instant.
14 And its smashing is as the smashing of a potter's vessel; when broken in pieces, he has no pity; for in its breaking there is not found a shard to carry fire from the hearth, nor to skim water from a well.
15 For so says the Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, In returning and rest you shall be saved; and in quietness and hope shall be your strength. But you were not willing.
16 For you said, No! For we will flee on horseback. On account of this you shall flee. Also, you say, We will ride on swift ones. On account of this, those who pursue you shall be swift.
17 One thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one. You shall flee from the rebuke of five, until you are left like a pole on the top of the mountain, and like a sign on a hill.
18 And so Jehovah waits to be gracious to you. And for this He is exalted to have mercy on you; for Jehovah is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him.
19 For the people shall live in Zion, at Jerusalem; you shall surely cry no more. He surely will be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. When He hears, He will answer you.
20 And the Lord gives you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction; but your teachers shall not be hidden any more; but your eyes shall be able to see your teachers.
21 And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you go right, or when you go left.
22 And you shall defile the covering of your carved images of silver; and the covering of your molten images of gold. You shall strew them as a menstruous cloth; you shall say to it, Go out!
23 Then He shall give rain for your seed, with which you sow the ground. And the bread of the produce of the earth also shall be fat and plentiful. In that day your livestock shall feed in a pasture made wide.
24 Also, the oxen and the young asses that till the ground shall eat seasoned fodder which one winnows with the shovel and with the fork.
25 And on every high mountain, and on every high hill, shall be rivulets lifted up, streams of water, in a day of great slaying, when towers fall.
26 And the moonlight shall be like the light of the sun. And the sun's light shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, Jehovah binding the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [The healing takes the whole 7 year day in the greater meaning, and the blow is the losing of the water baptism of FDS3, which becomes WSS2, on the same day that the twin towers fell, on 911, at the start of the 7 year malediction].
27 Behold, the name of Jehovah comes from afar; His anger burns; and is heavy as the uplifting of smoke; His lips are full of fury, and His tongue like a devouring fire.
28 And like an overflowing torrent, His breath shall divide to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity, and a misleading bridle on the jaws of the peoples.
29 The song shall be to you, as the night when the feast is sanctified, and gladness of heart, as one going with the flute, to come into the mount of Jehovah, to the Rock of Israel.
30 And Jehovah shall make the majesty of His voice heard; and He causes His arm to be seen coming down with raging anger and flame of consuming fire, cloudburst and storm, and hailstones.
31 For through the voice of Jehovah, Assyria shall be crushed, the rod with which He strikes.
32 And every passage of the appointed staff that Jehovah causes to rest on him will be with timbrels and with harps. And in brandishing battles He fights with her.
33 For Topheth is ordained from yesterday. Also, it is prepared for the king; He deepened; He widened its pyre; He makes great with fire and wood. The breath of Jehovah burns in it like a torrent of brimstone (Isaiah 30 Green's LITV)

1 Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, and lean on horses, and trust on charity, because it is great; and in horsemen because they are very strong! But they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek Jehovah.
2 And He also is wise, and brings evil, and will not turn aside His Words, but will rise against the house of evildoers, and against the help of those who work iniquity.
3 And Egypt is a man, and not God. And their horses are flesh, and not spirit. And Jehovah stretches out His hand, and both he who helps shall fall, and he who is helped shall fall; and they shall all cease together.
4 For so Jehovah has said to me: As the lion roars, even the young lion on his prey when the multitude of shepherds are gathered against him, he will not fear their voice, nor fret himself because of their noise. So Jehovah of Hosts shall go down to fight on Mount Zion, and on its hill.
5 As birds that fly, so Jehovah of Hosts will shield over Jerusalem; shielding and delivering, and passing over, He will save it.
6 Turn back to Him against whom you have made a deep revolt, sons of Israel.
7 For in that day each shall despise his silver idols and his golden idols, which your hands have made for you; a sin.
8 Then Assyria shall fall by a sword, not of man; yea, a sword, not of man, shall devour him. For he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall become forced labor.
9 And his rock will pass away from fear; and his commanders shall tremble at the banner, declares Jehovah, whose fire is in Zion, and His furnace in Jerusalem (Isaiah 31 Green's LITV)

Time of prophecy: After the death of King Ahaz (Isaiah 14:28) and before the 14th year of King Hezekiah (Isaiah 36:1). So the prophecy was made after 728 BC, the 16th and last regnal year of King Ahaz, which was the first regnal year of King Hezekiah, his son - see [91]. And it was made before 716 BC, the 14th regnal year of Hezekiah. So Isaiah said these things over 2700 years ago!

Translation points: Negeb (bgn) can mean South, since the Negeb desert was the land South of Judah, but Exodus and Numbers use Negeb (bgn) to mean the Negeb desert and (hnmyt) to mean South. So we translate 'Negeb' as Negeb here.

The Event Symbolism

Stubborn sons Stubborn sons of Israel (Jacob) in Isaiah's day
Weave a web Prepare a system of lies as a cover up
Zoan Defense Department of Egypt
Hanes State Department of Egypt (Foreign Office)
Beasts of the Negeb Pagan ruling groups in the Negeb Desert South of Judah
Flying fiery snake Satan
Called this one Rahab The Egyptians as a group are called 'Rahab', the faithful prostitute of Jericho. They make meaningless alliances with everybody (as does a prostitute)! 
They are for sitting still When the Assyrians attacked under Sennacherib, the Egyptians did nothing, it was God who saved Jerusalem.
Land of distress and hard conditions Route to Egypt from Judah
Future day The fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar in 586Ab BC and the subsequent release of the people from Babylon in 539Tishri BC
Cause the holy one of Israel to cease just on account of us We (your temporary administrators) are more important than God your permanent father.
Broken section, bulge in a wall They know the house of Judah will fall (from ruling over God's people - the sons of Israel), but it hasn't fallen yet
Jar broken, not a fragment remaining All administrative groups of Judah will be destroyed when/after the house falls. It fell in 608Chislev10 to Pharaoh Necho. Then Nebuchadnezzar burnt Jerusalem and the temple and scattered all the Jews on 586Ab10
Remain like a mast on a hill People left over will be in tiny exposed groups.
He will rise up to show you mercy He will then rescue you and forgive you after you have been captured
He will give you bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression  He will discipline you for your benefit. He will teach you and feed you spiritually by punishing you physically.
You eyes must see your grand instructor His actions will be obvious to the Jews.
Hear a word behind you saying this is the way, walk in it They will eventually re adopt the law of Moses written before (behind them), after they have learned their lesson
Like a menstruating woman, you will say: Mere dirt Their idols they will regard as the unclean product of a woman's menstruation - euch.
Streams Moving streams of fleeing people
Water ditches Stationary groups of hiding people
Day of the big slaughter when the towers fall The destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. The wall of Jerusalem was punctuated with Towers.
Light of the moon Understandings of false religion
Light of the sun Understandings of true religion

7 So he said to Judah: Let us build these cities and make walls around and towers, double doors and bars. For us the land is yet available, because we have searched for Jehovah our God. We have searched, and he gives us rest all around. And they went building and proving successful (2 Chronicles 14).

Moreover, Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem by the Corner Gate and by the Valley Gate and by the Buttress, and made them strong (2 Chronicles 26).

17 So he brought up against them the king of the Chaldeans, who proceeded to kill their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, neither did he feel compassion for young man or virgin, old or decrepit. Everything he gave into his hand.
18 And all the utensils, great and small, of the house of the [true] God and the treasures of the house of Jehovah and the
treasures of the king and of his princes, everything he brought to Babylon.
19 And he proceeded to burn the house of the [true] God and pull down the wall of Jerusalem; and all its dwelling towers they burned with fire and also all its desirable articles, so as to cause ruin (2 Chronicles 36).

The 7 times of verse 26 cannot be 7 prophetic times in the event symbolism, because no time substitution is permitted in the this symbolism by the code.

So 7 times God heals the breakdown resulting from the stroke by him through a period of intense enlightenment wherein the good light eclipses the bad. These 7 must be as follows:

Healing Stroke True light eclipses false light
Jacob enters Egypt in 1728Nisan BC, fleeing the famine Regional Famine Joseph explains Pharaoh's dreams, no other magic practicing priests can.
Moses takes sons of Israel out of Egypt Permitting slavery to the Egyptians Moses and Aaron prove superior to Egyptian magicians
Jews leave Babylon after 539Tishri and go back under law in 455Tishri Fall of Samaria to Shalmanezer in 723 and of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar in 586 Cyrus (the Mede) proves Jehovah superior to all the God's of Babylon. He gives the temple equipment back to Sheshbazzar or Zerubbabel to take back to Judah.
FDS1 End of the Law of Moses Jesus eclipses the Pharisees
FDS2 Disfellowshipping of FDS1 Paul eclipses the followers of FDS1
FDS3 Disfellowshipping of FDS2 Russell eclipses Babylon the great (the false churches of Christendom)
FDS4 Disfellowshipping of FDS3 Gordon eclipses FDS3

The 4 true Christian churches all contain God's chosen people, who are Abraham's children through the 2AC (the second abrahamic covenant of Genesis 22, the true seed - see [9]). They are children of faith through baptism in water, sons of the second abrahamic covenant.

Lips full of denunciation, tongue like a devouring fire Each previous system is denounced by the prophets of the next system
A bridle that causes one to wander about/astray will be in the jaws of the peoples The prevailing tendency on everyone will be to go astray, but God's people will be saved from this.
The descending of his arm to be seen His fighting arm.
God will strike Assyria with a staff His angel killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night in the 14th year of Hezekiah - 715 BC (Isaiah 37:6)
Topheth was where the Jews burnt their sons and daughters in the fire in a misguided offering to God or in a misguided offering to Molech. God's Topheth is the second death, Gehenna. (Topheth was in Gehenna, the valley of Hinnom outside the wall of Jerusalem)  God has his destruction means ready. It is prepared for the King of Assyria himself - Sennacherib. He taunted Jerusalem saying: Do not let Hezekiah cause you to trust in Jehovah saying: Without fail Jehovah will deliver us (Isaiah 36:15)


Isaiah 30 Decoded (Event Symbolism) Interlinearised

Black text = Scriptures (New World Translation)
Green text = Event symbolism

1 Woe to the stubborn sons, is the utterance of Jehovah, [those disposed] to carry out a plan, but not from me; and to weave a covering web (GLT), but not with my spirit, in order to add sin to sin;
Woe to the stubborn sons of Israel, is the utterance of Jehovah, [those disposed] to act on advice, but not advice that came from me; and to manufacture a cover up, but not with my spirit, in order to add sin to sin;

those who are setting out to go down to Egypt and who have not inquired of my own mouth, to take shelter in the stronghold of Pharaoh and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt!
2 those who are setting out to go down to Egypt and who have not consulted with my prophets first, to take shelter in the stronghold of Pharaoh and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt!

3 And the stronghold of Pharaoh must become even for you men a reason for shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt a cause for humiliation.
And the stronghold of Pharaoh must become even for you men a reason for shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt a cause for humiliation.

For his princes have come to be in Zoan itself, and his own envoys reach even Hanes.
For his princes have come to be in the Egyptian Defense department itself, and his own envoys reach even the State department.

Every one will certainly become ashamed of a people that bring no benefit to one, that are of no help and bring no benefit, but are a reason for shame and also a cause for reproach.
Every one will certainly become ashamed of a people that bring no benefit to one, that are of no help and bring no benefit, but are a reason for shame and also a cause for reproach (when the Assyrians come to attack Judah and the Egyptians fail to help at all).

The pronouncement against the beasts of the Negeb (semi-desert): Through the land of distress and hard conditions, of the lion and the leopard growling, of the viper and the flying fiery snake, on the shoulders of full-grown asses they carry their riches, and on the humps of camels their treasures. In behalf of the people they will prove of no benefit.
The pronouncement against the pagan ruling groups of the Negeb Desert: Through the land of distress and hard conditions, of the lion and the leopard growling, and of the viper, the Negeb Desert and the Sinai peninsular, and through to the land of Satan himself (Egypt - the dominant World Power) on the shoulders of full-grown asses they carry their resources/riches, and on the humps of camels their supplies/treasures. In behalf of the people they will prove of no benefit.

And the Egyptians are mere vanity, and they will help simply for nothing. Therefore I have called this one: Rahab -- they are for sitting still.
7 And the Egyptians are mere vanity, and they will help simply for nothing. Therefore I have called this one: Rahab the prostitute of Jericho, since they will make meaningless alliances with anyone. The Egyptians will sit still when Judah is in trouble.

Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite.
Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day (in 715 when Assyria attacks Jerusalem and in 586 when Nebuchadnezzar attacks and destroys Solomon's temple and in 515 when Zerubbabel rebuilds the temple and in 455 when the Law of Moses is finally restored in Jerusalem), for a witness to time indefinite.

For it is a rebellious people, untruthful sons, sons who have been unwilling to hear the law of Jehovah;
For it is a rebellious people, untruthful sons, sons who have been unwilling to hear the law of Jehovah;

who have said to the ones seeing, 'You must not see,' and to the ones having visions, 'You must not envision for us any straightforward things. Speak to us smooth things; envision deceptive things.
who have said to the ones understanding God's word, God's prophets, 'You must not see,' and to the ones having visions, 'You must not envision for us any straightforward things. Speak to us smooth things; envision deceptive things.

Turn aside from the way; deviate from the path. Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease just on account of us.'
11 Turn aside from the way; deviate from the path. Pay attention to us (who are deranged toddlers) rather than to the Holy One of Israel who created the whole universe and wrote the laws of our country and caused this whole nation to exist and gave it this land where we live etc etc.

Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel has said: In view of your rejecting of this word, and [since] you men trust in defrauding and in what is devious and you support yourselves on it,
Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel has said: In view of your rejecting of this word, and [since] you men trust in defrauding and in what is devious and you support yourselves on it,

therefore for you this error will become like a broken section about to fall down, a swelling out (a bulge) in a highly raised wall, the breakdown of which may come suddenly, in an instant.
therefore for you this error will become like a broken girder about to fall down, like bulge in a highly raised wall, the breakdown of which may come suddenly, in an instant. You know the house of Judah is going to fall, it is just a matter of time.

And one will certainly break it as in the breaking of a large jar of the potters, crushed to pieces without one's sparing [it], so that there cannot be found among its crushed pieces a fragment of earthenware with which to rake the fire from the fireplace or to skim water from a marshy place.
And one will certainly break it as in the breaking of a large jar of the potters, crushed to pieces without one's sparing [it], so that there cannot be found among its crushed pieces a fragment of earthenware with which to rake the fire from the fireplace or to skim water from a marshy place. When Judah falls, there will be no part of the administration left at all, there will not even be left a few people huddling together trying to organise a discussion group.

For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, has said: By coming back and resting you people will be saved. Your mightiness will prove to be simply in keeping undisturbed and in trustfulness. But you were not willing.
For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, has said as regards your future salvation from his punishment: By coming back (to Jerusalem from Babylon) and resting you people will be saved. Your mightiness will prove to be simply in keeping undisturbed and in trustfulness. But you were not willing.

And you proceeded to say: No, but on horses we shall flee! That is why you will flee. And on swift [horses] we shall ride! That is why those pursuing you will show themselves swift.
And you proceeded to say: No, but on horses we shall flee! That is why you will flee. And on swift [horses] we shall ride! That is why those pursuing you will show themselves swift.

1,000 will tremble on account of the rebuke of one; on account of the rebuke of 5 you will flee until you will have remained over like a mast on the top of a mountain and like a signal (sign) on a hill.
1,000 will tremble on account of the rebuke of one; on account of the rebuke of 5 you will flee until those who remain will be in tiny isolated groups on the tops of mountains and hills.

And therefore Jehovah will keep in expectation of showing you favor, and therefore he will rise up to show you mercy. For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him.
And therefore Jehovah will keep in expectation of showing you favor, and therefore he will rise up to show you mercy after you have learned from your punishment. For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him.

When the very people in Zion will dwell in Jerusalem, you will by no means weep. He will without fail show you favor at the sound of your outcry; as soon as he hears it he will actually answer you.
When the very people in Zion, the people who God has chosen to rule, you will dwell in Jerusalem, you will by no means weep. He will without fail show you favor at the sound of your outcry; as soon as he hears it he will actually answer you.

And Jehovah will certainly give you people bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression; yet your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and your eyes must become [eyes] seeing your Grand Instructor.
20 And Jehovah will certainly before that time give you people bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression; yes, he will teach you humility and loyalty and quite simply obedience, through calamity, he will give you pain and you will gain, yet your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and your eyes must become [eyes] seeing your Grand Instructor.

And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: This is the way. Walk in it, you people, in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.
And your own ears will hear a word behind you, which is the Law of Moses, saying: This is the way. Walk in it, you people, in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.

And you people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and the close-fitting covering of your molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you will say to it: Mere dirt!
And you people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and the close-fitting covering of your molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you will say to it: Mere dirt! You will regard idolatry and disobedience to God as being as disgusting and the produce of a menstruating woman.

And he will certainly give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground, and as the produce of the ground bread, which must become fat and oily. Your livestock will graze in that day in a spacious pasture.
And he will certainly give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground, and as the produce of the ground bread, which must become fat and oily. Your livestock will graze in that day in a spacious pasture.

And the cattle and the full-grown asses cultivating the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel, which was winnowed with the shovel and with the fork.
And the cattle and the full-grown asses cultivating the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel, which was winnowed with the shovel and with the fork.

And upon every high mountain and upon every elevated hill there must come to be streams, water ditches, in the day of the big slaughter when the towers fall.
And upon every high mountain and upon every elevated hill there must come to be streams of moving people, and groups of stationary hiding people, in the day of the big slaughter when the towers of Jerusalem fall (to Nebuchadnezzar in 586BC).

And the light of the full moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will be [for] 7 times, like the light of 7 days, in the day that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him.
But the understandings of false religion must become as the understandings of the true religion; and the very light of the true religion will eclipse the light of false religion 7 times, like the light of 7 days, in the 'day' (of which there are 7 instances) that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him. And when you are rescued from Babylon one of these 'days' of increased bible understanding and acceptance by both your leaders and your people will occur.

Look! The name of Jehovah is coming from far away, burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As for his lips, they have become full of denunciation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire.
Look! The reputation, authority and status of Jehovah arises from a place a long way away (heaven), his heart is burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As for his lips, they have become full of denunciation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire.

And like an overflowing torrent, His breath shall divide to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity, and a misleading bridle on the jaws of the peoples.
And his spirit is like a flooding torrent that reaches clear to the neck, to swing the nations to and fro with a separating judgmental sieve of worthlessness/destruction for those who fall through it; and a bridle that causes one to wander about/go astray will be in the jaws of the peoples who are not his own. 

you people will come to have a song like that in the night that one sanctifies oneself for a festival, and rejoicing of heart like that of one walking with a flute to enter into the mountain of Jehovah, to the Rock of Israel.
you people, the loyal ones of Israel, will come to have a song like that in the night that one sanctifies oneself for a festival, and rejoicing of heart like that of one walking with a flute to enter into the new administration/mountain of Jehovah in Jerusalem after the exile in Babylon, to the Rock of Israel.

And Jehovah will certainly make the dignity of his voice to be heard and will make the descending of his arm to be seen, in the raging of anger and the flame of a devouring fire [and] cloudburst and rainstorm and hailstones.
And Jehovah will certainly make the dignity of his voice to be heard and will make the descending of his fighting arm to be seen, in the raging of anger and the flame of a devouring fire [and] cloudburst and rainstorm and hailstones.

For because of the voice of Jehovah Assyria will be struck with terror; he will strike [it] even with a staff.
For because of the voice of Jehovah Assyria will be struck with terror; he will strike [it] even with a staff. He will in fact kill 185,000 Assyrians who are attacking Jerusalem in one night in 715 BC - see Isaiah 36:7.

And every swing of his rod of chastisement that Jehovah will cause to settle down upon [Assyria] will certainly prove to be with tambourines and with harps; and with battles of brandishing he will actually fight against them.
And every swing of his rod of chastisement that Jehovah will cause to settle down upon [Assyria] will certainly prove to be with tambourines and with harps; and with battles of brandishing he will actually fight against them.

For his Topheth is set in order from recent times; it is also prepared for the king himself. He has made its pile deep. Fire and wood are in abundance. The breath of Jehovah, like a torrent of sulphur, is burning against it.
33 For God's destructive incinerator is set in order from recent times; it is also prepared for the king of Assyria himself. He has made its pile deep. Fire and wood are in abundance. The breath of Jehovah, like a torrent of sulphur, is burning against it.

Isaiah 30 Decoded (Event Symbolism)

1 Woe to the stubborn sons of Israel, is the utterance of Jehovah, [those disposed] to act on advice, but not advice that came from me; and to manufacture a cover up, but not with my spirit, in order to add sin to sin;
those who are setting out to go down to Egypt and who have not consulted with my prophets first, to take shelter in the stronghold of Pharaoh and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt!
And the stronghold of Pharaoh must become even for you men a reason for shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt a cause for humiliation.
For his princes have come to be in the Egyptian Defense department itself, and his own envoys reach even the State department.
Every one will certainly become ashamed of a people that bring no benefit to one, that are of no help and bring no benefit, but are a reason for shame and also a cause for reproach (when the Assyrians come to attack Judah and the Egyptians fail to help at all).
The pronouncement against the pagan ruling groups of the Negeb Desert: Through the land of distress and hard conditions, of the lion and the leopard growling, and of the viper, the Negeb Desert and the Sinai peninsular, and through to the land of Satan himself (Egypt - the dominant World Power) on the shoulders of full-grown asses they carry their resources/riches, and on the humps of camels their supplies/treasures. On behalf of the people they will prove of no benefit.
And the Egyptians are mere vanity, and they will help simply for nothing. Therefore I have called this one: Rahab the prostitute of Jericho, since they will make meaningless alliances with anyone. The Egyptians will sit still when Judah is in trouble.
Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day (in 715 when Assyria attacks Jerusalem and in 586 when Nebuchadnezzar attacks and destroys Solomon's temple and in 515 when Zerubbabel rebuilds the temple and in 455 when the Law of Moses is finally restored in Jerusalem), for a witness to time indefinite.
For it is a rebellious people, untruthful sons, sons who have been unwilling to hear the law of Jehovah;
who have said to the ones understanding God's word, God's prophets, 'You must not see,' and to the ones having visions, 'You must not envision for us any straightforward things. Speak to us smooth things; envision deceptive things.
Turn aside from the way; deviate from the path. Pay attention to us (who are deranged toddlers) rather than to the Holy One of Israel who created the whole universe and wrote the laws of our country and caused this whole nation to exist and gave it this land where we live etc etc.
12 Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel has said: In view of your rejecting of this word, and [since] you men trust in defrauding and in what is devious and you support yourselves on it,
therefore for you this error will become like a broken girder about to fall down, like a bulge in a highly raised wall, the breakdown of which may come suddenly, in an instant. You know the house of Judah is going to fall, it is just a matter of time.
14 And one will certainly break it as in the breaking of a large jar of the potters, crushed to pieces without one's sparing [it], so that there cannot be found among its crushed pieces a fragment of earthenware with which to rake the fire from the fireplace or to skim water from a marshy place. When Judah falls, there will be no part of the administration left at all, there will be not even be left a few people huddling together trying to organise a discussion group.
15 For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, has said as regards your future salvation from his punishment: By coming back (to Jerusalem from Babylon) and resting you people will be saved. Your mightiness will prove to be simply in keeping undisturbed and in trustfulness. But you were not willing.
16 And you proceeded to say: No, but on horses we shall flee! That is why you will flee. And on swift [horses] we shall ride! That is why those pursuing you will show themselves swift.
1,000 will tremble on account of the rebuke of one; on account of the rebuke of 5 you will flee until those who remain will be in tiny isolated groups on the tops of mountains and hills.
18 And therefore Jehovah will keep in expectation of showing you favor, and therefore he will rise up to show you mercy after you have learned from your punishment. For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him.
19 When the very people in Zion, the people who God has chosen to rule you, will dwell in Jerusalem, you will by no means weep. He will without fail show you favor at the sound of your outcry; as soon as he hears it he will actually answer you.
20 And Jehovah will certainly before that time give you people bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression; yes, he will teach you humility and loyalty and quite simply obedience, through calamity, he will give you pain and you will gain, yet your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and your eyes must become [eyes] seeing your Grand Instructor.
21 And your own ears will hear a word behind you, which is the Law of Moses, saying: This is the way. Walk in it, you people, in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.
22 And you people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and the close-fitting covering of your molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you will say to it: Mere dirt! You will regard idolatry and disobedience to God as being as disgusting and the produce of a menstruating woman.
And he will certainly give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground, and as the produce of the ground bread, which must become fat and oily. Your livestock will graze in that day in a spacious pasture.
24 And the cattle and the full-grown asses cultivating the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel, which was winnowed with the shovel and with the fork.
25 And upon every high mountain and upon every elevated hill there must come to be streams of moving people, and groups of stationary hiding people, in the day of the big slaughter when the towers of Jerusalem fall (to Nebuchadnezzar in 586BC).
26 But the understandings of false religion must become as the understandings of the true religion; and the very light of the true religion will eclipse the light of false religion 7 times, like the light of 7 days, in the 'day' (of which there are 7 instances) that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him. And when you are rescued from Babylon one of these 'days' of increased bible understanding and acceptance by both your leaders and your people will occur.
27 Look! The reputation, authority and status of Jehovah arises from a place a long way away (heaven), his heart is burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As for his lips, they have become full of denunciation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire.
28 And his spirit is like a flooding torrent that reaches clear to the neck, to swing the nations to and fro with a separating judgmental sieve of worthlessness/destruction for those who fall through it; and a bridle that causes one to wander about/go astray will be in the jaws of the peoples who are not his own. 
you people, the loyal ones of Israel, will come to have a song like that in the night that one sanctifies oneself for a festival, and rejoicing of heart like that of one walking with a flute to enter into the new administration/mountain of Jehovah in Jerusalem after the exile in Babylon, to the Rock of Israel.
30 And Jehovah will certainly make the dignity of his voice to be heard and will make the descending of his fighting arm to be seen, in the raging of anger and the flame of a devouring fire [and] cloudburst and rainstorm and hailstones.
31 For because of the voice of Jehovah Assyria will be struck with terror; he will strike [it] even with a staff. He will in fact kill 185,000 Assyrians who are attacking Jerusalem in one night in 715 BC - see Isaiah 36:7.
32 And every swing of his rod of chastisement that Jehovah will cause to settle down upon [Assyria] will certainly prove to be with tambourines and with harps; and with battles of brandishing he will actually fight against them.
33 For God's destructive incinerator is set in order from recent times; it is also prepared for the king of Assyria himself. He has made its pile deep. Fire and wood are in abundance. The breath of Jehovah, like a torrent of sulphur, is burning against it.

Isaiah 30 Decoded Second Presence Account Symbolism 

The Event symbolism of an account is the symbolic interpretation of the events which the account describes. The Account symbolism of an account is the symbolic interpretation of the description of the events. It is the interpretation of the words of the account themselves rather than the interpretation of what happened.

The Repetition Principle of the code tells us that repeated words or phrases (such as Pharaoh) take a different meaning in the account symbolism to the meaning that they take in the event symbolism, but non repeated words or phrases such as:

'In the day of the big slaughter when the towers fall'

take the same meaning in both symbolisms. In the case of Pharaoh, he stands for the King of ancient Egypt in the event symbolism and he stands for the King of the UN in the account symbolism (which is presently the 7th biblical king, the UK/US world power). In the case of towers falling, we know that physical towers must fall in the account symbolism as they did in the event symbolism. This really leaves us with the Twin Towers. Since account symbolism is always an end times prophecy (either the end of the Jewish system of things or the end of the first presence or the end of FDS2 or the end of the second presence or the end of this system of things) and no other significant towers have fallen in Jesus' second presence which is all but over. Also the Twin Towers fell exactly 7 years before the end of Armageddon, as witnessed in verse 26, which completely nails this account as referring to the Twin Towers. We have had the end date of Armageddon as being 2008Elul since 1992. We also prophesied in the Second Edition of the True Bible Code in January 2001 in section [158] on page 535 that:

'War (possibly unofficial war i.e. terrorism) will be the trigger for the UN to take over the world'

The Twin Towers fell on 2001Elul19 (September 11), which was precisely 7 years to the Hebrew month before the end of Armageddon on 2008Elul15 (August 20). Now it is true that the Twin Towers were not in the antetypical Jerusalem (which is the Watchtower, the fallen FDS3, in this account). But this is an account symbolism, we are interpreting words not events. They are not stated to be in Jerusalem in the account, so in the account symbolism we are free to take them as being elsewhere. In fact we are lead to take them as being elsewhere by the Omission Principle of the code (it is not as if God forgot to mention where they were). The account symbolism cannot refer to a metaphorical fall, as in a fall from favour with God of a metaphorical tower, such as a stronghold of a religion, since their fall is only recited once and therefore must take the same meaning in the account symbolism as it did in the event symbolism. This meaning is a literal fall of literal towers.

The Successive Descriptions Principle applied to verse 8 below, shows us that the  account symbolism has two fulfillments (which occur one in each presence of the Christ). 

8 Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite.

We are only going to look at the one in the current presence of the Christ, through his wife, the new covenant saints (1884 to 2004).

Stubborn sons Stubborn sons of Jesus, the eternal father today (the New covenant saints in the Watchtower)
Weave a web Prepare a system of lies as a cover up
Egypt UN
Shadow of Egypt UN protection for associated NGO's
Pharaoh 7th biblical king of the world the UK/US world power (at the time the Watchtower was riding the beast), it rules over the UN until the 10 kings give their authority.
Stronghold of Pharaoh UN security council
Zoan UN General assembly
Hanes UN NGO conferences
Beasts of the Negeb Apostate ruling groups in the WSS
Land of distress and hard conditions Administration of the WSS (Wicked and Sluggish Slave of Matthew 25).  
Flying fiery snake Satan
Called this one Rahab The UN has formed meaningless NGO alliances with every major religion. The beast itself behaves like a prostitute.
They are for sitting still The UN will do nothing to protect religion and will eventually destroy it!
Full grown asses Mature congregations
For a future day, for a witness to time indefinite (which is a future day) This is an immediate repetition, so there are two greater future days that this prophecy serves in the account symbolism in addition to the day of the error and the destruction of Physical Jerusalem in the event symbolism. We will not cover the first century account symbolism fulfillment here - it relates to the transgression which causes desolation of FDS1 on 60Sivan12, their idolatry with Rome - see [157]. The current future 'day' is the day of the transgression that causes desolation to FDS3, the joining up with the UN on 1992January28 and thereafter. Incidentally the future day of the account symbolism does not have to be the same time period as the future day of the event symbolism, they are both 'future days'. Likewise the Twin Towers are not Towers on the wall of Jerusalem, they are just Towers that physically fall down as the account says.
Cause the holy one of Israel to cease just on account of us We (your temporary spiritual administrators of the Watchtower) are more important than God your permanent father.
Broken section, bulge in a wall They know the house of FDS3 will fall down (from ruling over God's people - the sons of Abraham through the 2AC), but it hasn't fallen down physically yet.
Jar broken, not a fragment remaining All administrative groups of FDS3 will be destroyed when/after the house falls. 
1,000 will tremble on account of the rebuke of one 1,000 new covenant saints will join the LWs due to the rebuke of Gordon. (We do not get 2,000 of them).
on account of the rebuke of 5 you will flee until you will have remained over like a mast on the top of a mountain and like a signal (sign) on a hill. 5 years of rebuke from 1999Elul when the first horseman of the Apocalypse (Gordon) started to ride until 2004Elul when the temple of FDS3 is abominated and the temple of FDS4 is completed.
He will rise up to show you mercy He will then rescue you and forgive you after you have been captured
He will give you bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression  He will discipline you for your benefit. He will teach you and feed you spiritually by punishing you physically.
Your eyes must see your grand instructor His actions will be obvious to the true and faithful New covenant saints
Hear a word behind you saying this is the way, walk in it They will eventually re read the scriptures, the law of God, and accept the new decoded meanings, the new wine, after they have learned their lesson.
Like a menstruating woman, you will say: Mere dirt Their idols (the Governing body, the Writing committee, the Bethelites, the Elders etc.) they will regard as the unclean product of a woman's menstruation - euch.
And he will certainly give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground The LW baptism will be accepted by God (this was spoken 2700 years ago)
Your livestock will graze in that day in a spacious pasture.
The new flock of the LWs will have a non oppressive and loving administration
And the cattle and the full-grown asses cultivating the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel, which was winnowed with the shovel and with the fork. The new flock of the LWs will eat fantastically prepared spiritual food - like this?
Mountain (False) religion
Elevated Hill Worldly organisation
Streams Moving streams of people leaving to join the LWs
Water ditches Stationary groups of LW believers hiding in the hills and mountains
Day of the big slaughter when the towers fall 7 year 'day' of the big slaughter of mankind from 2001Elul when the Twin Towers fell to the end of Armageddon in 2008Elul when the slaughter stops.
Light of the moon Understandings of false religion
Light of the sun Understandings of true religion
Light will be 7 times, like the light of 7 days (which takes 7 days to arrive) True understandings are not 7 times brighter than false ones, in some luminosity contest, they eclipse them completely. So the 7 times means 7 years not sevenfold. Isaiah just says that the Twin Towers fall within the last 7 years (7 times). We know from our Chronology that they fall in the first month of the last 7 years, 2001Elul19, 2001 September 11.
Light of the moon must become as the light of the sun The understandings of false religion are eclipsed by and are abandoned for the understandings of true religion.
Jehovah heals the breakdown of his people By baptism into FDS4 the LWs. He heals his people, not their fallen administration.
Stroke by him Disfellowshipping of FDS3 and all the JWs. Strike the shepherd and let the flock be scattered (Zechariah  13:7, Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:27)
Assyria The new covenant saints in the Watchtower - beaten with many strokes (Luke 12:47). Many will repent and join the LWs - over 1,000 will repent.
Staff Authority and rulership of FDS4 the LWs
Topheth Gehenna, the second death
The King Not Milton Henschel, or Don Adams (neither of whom are new covenant saints), but all the ruling ones, the men, the rotten new covenant saints with authority who remain in the Watchtower until they die (Gordon thinks). The evil members of the evil slave of Matthew 24. Serpents! Offspring of vipers! How will you flee the judgement of Gehenna?

Assyria is only mentioned once in Isaiah 30, but biblical chapters are not canonical and the account continues until the end of Isaiah 31 where we read:

8 And Assyria (NIVHEOT) must fall by the sword, not [that of] a man; and a sword, not [that of] earthling man, will devour him. And he must flee because of the sword, and his own young men will come to be for forced labor itself.
And his own crag will pass away out of sheer fright, and because of the sign his princes must be terrified, is the utterance of Jehovah, whose light is in Zion and whose furnace is in Jerusalem (Isaiah 31).

If the word 'Assyria' only appeared once in the whole account then the account symbolic meaning would have to be 'Assyria'. But it appears twice, so we are free to give it a greater meaning as some great enemy of God's true people. Assyria of course did fall by the sword of God when 185,000 of her soldiers were killed by God's angel as recorded in Isaiah 36:7. But in the greater meaning those sanctified ones who remain in the Watchtower are judged by God and suffer the 2nd death it would appear. For the light of Jehovah is in his true administration, Zion, now the LWs. And his smelting furnace for sanctified Christians is in Jerusalem, the true congregation, neither his light nor his smelting furnace are any longer in FDS3 which has become Assyria. 

Isaiah 30 Decoded Second Presence Account Symbolism Interlinearised

Black text = Scripture (New World Translation)
Red text = Account symbolism

1 Woe to the stubborn sons, is the utterance of Jehovah, [those disposed] to carry out a plan, but not from me; and to weave a covering web (GLT), but not with my spirit, in order to add sin to sin;
Woe to the stubborn sons of the new covenant in the JWs, is the utterance of Jehovah, [those disposed] to act on advice, but not advice that came from me; and to manufacture a cover up, but not with my spirit, in order to add sin to sin;

those who are setting out to go down to Egypt and who have not inquired of my own mouth, to take shelter in the stronghold of Pharaoh and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt!
those who are setting out to go down to the UN having deliberately ignored the word of God with which they are fully familiar, to take shelter in the UN security council and to take refuge in the protection of the UN!

And the stronghold of Pharaoh must become even for you men a reason for shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt a cause for humiliation.
3 And the UN security council must become even for you men a reason for shame, and the refuge in the protection of the UN a cause for humiliation.

For his princes have come to be in Zoan itself, and his own envoys reach even Hanes.
For Jesus' princes have come to be in the UN General Assembly itself, and his own envoys participate in UN NGO conferences.

Every one will certainly become ashamed of a people that bring no benefit to one, that are of no help and bring no benefit, but are a reason for shame and also a cause for reproach.
Every one will certainly become ashamed of a people that bring no benefit to one, that are of no help and bring no benefit, but are a reason for shame and also a cause for reproach.

The pronouncement against the beasts of the Negeb (semi-desert): Through the land of distress and hard conditions, of the lion and the leopard growling, of the viper and the flying fiery snake, on the shoulders of full-grown asses they carry their riches, and on the humps of camels their treasures. In behalf of the people they will prove of no benefit.
The pronouncement against the apostate ruling groups of the WSS (the Negeb desert with no food and no accepted water baptism): Through the administration of the Wicked and Sluggish Slave of Matthew 25, an administration of distress and hard conditions, of the lion and the leopard growling, of the viper and of Satan himself, on the shoulders of mature congregations they carry their understandings, and on the backs of those trying to maintain a discredited water baptism they carry their food. In behalf of JWs loyal to God they will prove of no benefit.

And the Egyptians are mere vanity, and they will help simply for nothing. Therefore I have called this one: Rahab -- they are for sitting still.
7 And the UN are mere vanity, and they will help simply for nothing. Therefore I have called this one: Rahab (the prostitute of Jericho, because the UN is quick to form meaningless unions) but they will do nothing whatsoever to help the Watchtower (in fact they will sit still when the Watchtower is attacked - and they will eventually attack it themselves just as the Egyptians under Pharaoh Necho attacked Josiah in 608 BC).

Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite.
Now come, write the first presence fulfillment of the account symbolism upon a tablet with them, and inscribe a further second presence fulfillment of the account symbolism even in a book using the same set of words, that it may serve for a future day in the first presence of the Christ, for a witness to time indefinite in the second presence of the Christ.

For it is a rebellious people, untruthful sons, sons who have been unwilling to hear the law of Jehovah;
For it is a rebellious people the JWs, untruthful sons, the new covenant saints, sons who have been unwilling to hear the law of Jehovah;

who have said to the ones seeing, 'You must not see,' and to the ones having visions, 'You must not envision for us any straightforward things. Speak to us smooth things; envision deceptive things.
who have said to the ones seeing the true bible code in the JWs, 'You must not see,' and to the ones having visions, 'You must not envision for us any straightforward things. Speak to us smooth things; envision deceptive things. Say things like: 'The end of the world is very soon' and 'we are in the time of the end of the time of the end', but do not tell them that Armageddon is in 2008 and starts on March 23rd.

Turn aside from the way; deviate from the path. Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease just on account of us.'
11 Turn aside from the way; deviate from the path. Pay attention to us (who are deranged spiritual toddlers) rather than to the Holy One of Israel who created the whole universe and wrote the bible and created love etc. etc.

Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel has said: In view of your rejecting of this word, and [since] you men trust in defrauding and in what is devious and you support yourselves on it,
Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel has said: In view of your rejecting of this word, and [since] you men trust in defrauding and in what is devious and you support yourselves on it,

therefore for you this error will become like a broken section about to fall down, a swelling out (a bulge) in a highly raised wall, the breakdown of which may come suddenly, in an instant.
13 therefore for you this error will become like a broken girder about to fall down, like bulge in a highly raised wall, the breakdown of which may come suddenly, in an instant. You know the house of the fallen FDS3 is going to be destroyed, it is just a matter of time.

And one will certainly break it as in the breaking of a large jar of the potters, crushed to pieces without one's sparing [it], so that there cannot be found among its crushed pieces a fragment of earthenware with which to rake the fire from the fireplace or to skim water from a marshy place.
And one will certainly break it as in the breaking of a large jar of the potters, crushed to pieces without one's sparing [it], so that there cannot be found among its crushed pieces a fragment of earthenware with which to rake the fire from the fireplace or to skim water from a marshy place. When FDS3 goes, there will be no part of the administration left at all, there will be not even be left two people having a coffee break. (Let his lodging place become desolate - Acts 1:20)

For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, has said: By coming back and resting you people will be saved. Your mightiness will prove to be simply in keeping undisturbed and in trustfulness. But you were not willing.
For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, has said as regards your future salvation from his punishment: By coming back (from the Watchtower to God in FDS4) and resting from the physical works required by FDS3 (which is now the WSS), which are not required by God, you people will be saved. Your mightiness will prove to be simply in keeping undisturbed and in trustfulness. Not in door to door ministry service or frequent meeting attendance. But you were not willing.

And you proceeded to say: No, but on horses we shall flee! That is why you will flee. And on swift [horses] we shall ride! That is why those pursuing you will show themselves swift.
And you proceeded to say: No, but on the great understandings of the Watchtower we shall flee Armageddon! That is why you will flee not Armageddon, but the Watchtower. And on swift [horses] we shall ride! That is why those pursuing you in FDS4 will show themselves to have greater understandings than you.

1,000 will tremble on account of the rebuke of one; on account of the rebuke of 5 you will flee until you will have remained over like a mast on the top of a mountain and like a signal (sign) on a hill.
1,000 new covenant saints will repent on account of the rebuke of one saint. Or perhaps at the rebuke of one sign. This is a witness to 5 times which are perhaps 5 months or perhaps after 5 rebukes in the form of signs they are totally alone and isolated.

And therefore Jehovah will keep in expectation of showing you favor, and therefore he will rise up to show you mercy. For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him.
And therefore Jehovah will keep in expectation of showing you favor, and therefore he will rise up to show you mercy, once you have fled. For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him.

When the very people in Zion will dwell in Jerusalem, you will by no means weep. He will without fail show you favor at the sound of your outcry; as soon as he hears it he will actually answer you.
When the very people approved by God will rule over you, you will by no means weep. He will without fail show you favor at the sound of your outcry; as soon as he hears it he will actually answer you.

And Jehovah will certainly give you people bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression; yet your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and your eyes must become [eyes] seeing your Grand Instructor.
And Jehovah will certainly teach you people with distress and feed you with oppression; yet your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and your eyes must become [eyes] seeing your Grand Instructor through the true bible code.

And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: This is the way. Walk in it, you people, in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.
And your own ears will understand the current meanings of the scriptures written millennia ago saying: This is the way. Walk in it, you people, in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.

And you people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and the close-fitting covering of your molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you will say to it: Mere dirt!
And you people must defile the respectability of your Governing body, your Bethelites (head office guys), your Elders. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you will say to them: Mere dirt!

And he will certainly give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground, and as the produce of the ground bread, which must become fat and oily. Your livestock will graze in that day in a spacious pasture.
And God will certainly accept the baptism you then give to new disciples, and the spiritual food, the bible understandings, will be very up-building. Your flock will be taught in a non oppressive atmosphere.

And the cattle and the full-grown asses cultivating the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel, which was winnowed with the shovel and with the fork.
And your evangelisers will be given top class bible understandings, worked on and refined by unpretentious honest and industrious lovers of God (who do not regard themselves as being anything special or as having any sort of exclusivity on the holy spirit or on correct bible interpretation). 

And upon every high mountain and upon every elevated hill there must come to be streams, water ditches, in the day of the big slaughter when the towers fall.
And in every false religion and in every secular organisation there must come to be streams of courageous decisive enlightened people heading for the LWs, and groups of less motivated believers hiding within these religions and secular organisations, in the 7 year long last 'day' of the big slaughter of mankind within which the TWIN TOWERS fall.

And the light of the full moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will be [for] 7 times, like the light of 7 days, in the day that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him.
And the understandings of false religion must become like the understandings of true religion; and the powerful understandings of the true religion will last for 7 times, 7 months, like the light of 7 days, (each literal day carries a nuclear detonation which is brighter than the sun to us right here - But it is not the sun hence it is called the glowing, not the sun). Only a nuclear detonation can give a brighter light than the sun. This day began with the first of the 7 loaves of the 4,000 on 2007Tishri27. As regards the light of the moon becoming like that of the sun, Satan will scream just as loud as we do, with signs of his own. 

Look! The name of Jehovah is coming from far away, burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As for his lips, they have become full of denunciation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire.
Look! The reputation, authority and status of Jehovah arises from a place a long way away (heaven). His heart is burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As for his lips, they have become full of denunciation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire. (For mankind has not made the proper effort to understand his book for 2000 years. No we have built nuclear bombs, we have walked on the moon, we have sequenced the DNA of mankind we have invented computers which can perform trillions of operations per second programmed with millions of lines of code, but there was not one line of the bible code of the holy book, on which our very lives depend, that we properly understood. We have served our own egos and our own desires very well, through them we have served Satan very well, but we have not served God who gave us both our ego and our desires, and Satan, very well at all). 

And like an overflowing torrent, His breath shall divide to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity, and a misleading bridle on the jaws of the peoples.
And his spirit is like a flooding torrent that reaches clear to the neck, to swing the nations to and fro with a separating judgmental sieve of worthlessness/destruction for those who fall through it; and a bridle that causes one to wander about/astray will be in the jaws of the peoples who are not his own. 

29 you people will come to have a song like that in the night that one sanctifies oneself for a festival, and rejoicing of heart like that of one walking with a flute to enter into the mountain of Jehovah, to the Rock of Israel.
But you people, the loyal JWs, will come to have a song like that in the night that one sanctifies oneself for a festival, and rejoicing of heart like that of one walking with a flute to enter into the administration of FDS4, the mountain of Jehovah, the Rock of Israel.

And Jehovah will certainly make the dignity of his voice to be heard and will make the descending of his arm to be seen, in the raging of anger and the flame of a devouring fire [and] cloudburst and rainstorm and hailstones.
And Jehovah will certainly make the dignity of his voice to be heard and will make the descending of his fighting arm to be seen, in the raging of anger and the flame of a devouring fire [and] cloudburst and rainstorm and hailstones.

For because of the voice of Jehovah Assyria will be struck with terror; he will strike [it] even with a staff.
For because of the voice of Jehovah the rotten new covenant saints (who are now the big enemy of God's true people) will be struck with terror; he will strike the evil slave of Matthew 24 even with the authority of FDS4.

And every swing of his rod of chastisement that Jehovah will cause to settle down upon [Assyria] will certainly prove to be with tambourines and with harps; and with battles of brandishing he will actually fight against them.
And every swing of his rod of chastisement that Jehovah will cause to settle down upon [them] will certainly prove to be with tambourines and with harps; and with battles of brandishing he will actually fight against them.

For his Topheth is set in order from recent times; it is also prepared for the king himself. He has made its pile deep. Fire and wood are in abundance. The breath of Jehovah, like a torrent of sulphur, is burning against it.
33 For his destructive incinerator is set in order from recent times; it is also prepared for the sanctified and now defiled members of the evil slave himself. He has made its pile deep. Fire and wood are in abundance. The breath of Jehovah, like a torrent of sulphur, is burning against it.

Isaiah 30 Decoded Second Presence Account Symbolism 

1 Woe to the stubborn sons of the new covenant in the JWs, is the utterance of Jehovah, [those disposed] to act on advice, but not advice that came from me; and to manufacture a cover up, but not with my spirit, in order to add sin to sin;
those who are setting out to go down to the UN having deliberately ignored the word of God with which they are fully familiar, to take shelter in the UN security council and to take refuge in the protection of the UN!
And the UN security council must become even for you men a reason for shame, and the refuge in the protection of the UN a cause for humiliation.
For Jesus' princes have come to be in the UN General Assembly itself, and his own envoys participate in UN NGO conferences.
Every one will certainly become ashamed of a people that bring no benefit to one, that are of no help and bring no benefit, but are a reason for shame and also a cause for reproach.
The pronouncement against the apostate ruling groups of the WSS (the Negeb desert with no food and no accepted water baptism): Through the administration of the Wicked and Sluggish Slave of Matthew 25, an administration of distress and hard conditions, of the lion and the leopard growling, of the viper and of Satan himself, on the shoulders of mature congregations they carry their understandings, and on the backs of those trying to maintain a discredited water baptism they carry their food. In behalf of JWs loyal to God they will prove of no benefit.
And the UN are mere vanity, and they will help simply for nothing. Therefore I have called this one: Rahab (the prostitute of Jericho, because the UN is quick to form meaningless unions) but they will do nothing whatsoever to help the Watchtower (in fact they will sit still when the Watchtower is attacked - and they will eventually attack it themselves just as the Egyptians under Pharaoh Necho attacked Josiah in 608 BC).
Now come, write the first presence fulfillment of the account symbolism upon a tablet with them, and inscribe a further second presence fulfillment of the account symbolism even in a book using the same set of words, that it may serve for a future day in the first presence of the Christ, for a witness to time indefinite in the second presence of the Christ.
For it is a rebellious people the JWs, untruthful sons, the new covenant saints, sons who have been unwilling to hear the law of Jehovah;
who have said to the ones seeing the true bible code in the JWs, 'You must not see,' and to the ones having visions, 'You must not envision for us any straightforward things. Speak to us smooth things; envision deceptive things. Say things like: 'The end of the world is very soon' and 'we are in the time of the end of the time of the end', but do not tell them that Armageddon is in 2008 and starts on March 23rd.
Turn aside from the way; deviate from the path. Pay attention to us (who are deranged spiritual toddlers) rather than to the Holy One of Israel who created the whole universe and wrote the bible and created love etc. etc.
12 Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel has said: In view of your rejecting of this word, and [since] you men trust in defrauding and in what is devious and you support yourselves on it,
therefore for you this error will become like a broken girder about to fall down, like bulge in a highly raised wall, the breakdown of which may come suddenly, in an instant. You know the house of the fallen FDS3 is going to be destroyed, it is just a matter of time.
14 And one will certainly break it as in the breaking of a large jar of the potters, crushed to pieces without one's sparing [it], so that there cannot be found among its crushed pieces a fragment of earthenware with which to rake the fire from the fireplace or to skim water from a marshy place. When FDS3 goes, there will be no part of the administration left at all, there will not even be left two people having a coffee break. (Let his lodging place become desolate - Acts 1:20)
15 For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, has said as regards your future salvation from his punishment: By coming back (from the Watchtower to God in FDS4) and resting from the physical works required by FDS3 (which is now the WSS), which are not required by God, you people will be saved. Your mightiness will prove to be simply in keeping undisturbed and in trustfulness. Not in door to door ministry service or frequent meeting attendance. But you were not willing.
And you proceeded to say: No, but on the great understandings of the Watchtower we shall flee Armageddon! That is why you will flee not Armageddon, but the Watchtower. And on swift [horses] we shall ride! That is why those pursuing you in FDS4 will show themselves to have greater understandings than you.
1,000 new covenant saints will repent on account of the rebuke of one, Gordon; on account of the rebuke lasting for the final 5 years of the second presence from 1999Elul to 2004Elul you will flee from FDS3 until only a few new covenant saints are left, like a mast on the top of a mountain and like a sign on a hill.
18 And therefore Jehovah will keep in expectation of showing you favor, and therefore he will rise up to show you mercy, once you have fled. For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him.
19 When the very people approved by God will rule over you, you will by no means weep. He will without fail show you favor at the sound of your outcry; as soon as he hears it he will actually answer you.
20 And Jehovah will certainly teach you people with distress and feed you with oppression; yet your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and your eyes must become [eyes] seeing your Grand Instructor through the true bible code.
21 And your own ears will understand the current meanings of the scriptures written millennia ago saying: This is the way. Walk in it, you people, in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.
22 And you people must defile the respectability of your Governing body, your Bethelites (head office guys), your Elders. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you will say to them: Mere dirt!
And God will certainly accept the baptism you then give to new disciples, and the spiritual food, the bible understandings, will be very up-building. Your flock will be taught in a non oppressive atmosphere.
24 And your evangelisers will be given top class bible understandings, worked on and refined by unpretentious honest and industrious lovers of God (who do not regard themselves as being anything special or as having any sort of exclusivity on the holy spirit or on correct bible interpretation). 
And in every false religion and in every secular organisation there must come to be streams of courageous decisive enlightened people heading for the LWs, and groups of less motivated believers hiding within these religions and secular organisations, in the 7 year long last 'day' of the big slaughter of mankind within which the TWIN TOWERS fall.
26 And the understandings of false religion must become like the understandings of true religion; and the powerful understandings of the true religion will last for 7 times, 7 years, like the light of 7 days, (each of which is a year long) in the 7 year long last 'day' (which is coincident with the 'day' of the big slaughter above, since this is a day of streaming people responding to this 7 year light) in which Jehovah binds up the breakdown of the JWs and heals even the severe wound resulting from their disfellowshipping (excommunication) on 1995Tishri15. This 7 year long day ends with the end of the big slaughter, i.e. at the end of Armageddon on 2008Elul15. So it began 7 years earlier in 2001Elul. The Twin Towers fell on 2001Elul19 which was September 11th 2001.
27 Look! The reputation, authority and status of Jehovah arises from a place a long way away (heaven). His heart is burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As for his lips, they have become full of denunciation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire. (For mankind has not made the proper effort to understand his book for 2000 years. No we have built nuclear bombs, we have walked on the moon, we have sequenced the DNA of mankind we have invented computers which can perform trillions of operations per second programmed with millions of lines of code, but there was not one line of the bible code of the holy book, on which our very lives depend, that we properly understood. We have served our own egos and our own desires very well, through them we have served Satan very well, but we have not served God who gave us both our ego and our desires, and Satan, very well at all). 
And his spirit is like a flooding torrent that reaches clear to the neck, to swing the nations to and fro with a separating judgmental sieve of worthlessness/destruction for those who fall through it; and a bridle that causes one to wander about/astray will be in the jaws of the peoples who are not his own. 
But you people, the loyal JWs, will come to have a song like that in the night that one sanctifies oneself for a festival, and rejoicing of heart like that of one walking with a flute to enter into the administration of FDS4, the mountain of Jehovah, the Rock of Israel.
30 And Jehovah will certainly make the dignity of his voice to be heard and will make the descending of his fighting arm to be seen, in the raging of anger and the flame of a devouring fire [and] cloudburst and rainstorm and hailstones.
31 For because of the voice of Jehovah the rotten new covenant saints (who are now the big enemy of God's true people) will be struck with terror; he will strike the evil slave of Matthew 24 even with the authority of FDS4.
32 And every swing of his rod of chastisement that Jehovah will cause to settle down upon [them] will certainly prove to be with tambourines and with harps; and with battles of brandishing he will actually fight against them.
33 For his destructive incinerator is set in order from recent times; it is also prepared for the sanctified and now defiled members of the evil slave himself. He has made its pile deep. Fire and wood are in abundance. The breath of Jehovah, like a torrent of sulphur, is burning against it.

Hopefully the above will persuade the reader that we are not just guessing that Isaiah 30 refers to the Twin Towers. We are not speculating wildly, we have done the research, we have decoded the whole account in the old and the new meanings.

52 Then he said to them: That being the case, every public instructor, when taught respecting the kingdom of the heavens, is like a man, a householder, who brings out of his treasure store things new and old (Matthew 13).

From these fully decoded meanings we can state categorically that Isaiah 30 does refer to the fall of the Twin Towers last year. So now let us bring you up to speed with God's book, so that you can understand how the words of a Hebrew prophet spoken/written over 2700 years ago, in the 8th century BC refer to things you see on the news today in the 21st century.

[1] The accurate translation of the true words of Isaiah 30, spoken or written over 2700 years ago.

The direct literal translation from the original Hebrew is:

25 And he will be on every of mountain high and on every of hill being lofty, streams, ditches of waters in day of slaughter great in which to fall towers
26 And he will be 7 times like light of 7 days on day of to bind up Jehovah namely bruise of people of him and wound of infliction of him he heals (New International Version Hebrew English Old Testament adapted from the Hebrew using Ben Davidson's Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon).

The New Revised Standard Bible reads:

25 On every lofty mountain and every high hill there will be brooks running with water on a day of the great slaughter when the towers fall
26 Moreover, the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, like the light of 7 days, on the day when the Lord binds up the injuries of his people and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow

J. P. Green's Literal translation reads:

25 And on every high mountain, and on every high hill, shall be rivulets lifted up, streams of water, in a day of great slaying, when towers fall.
26 And the moonlight shall be like the light of the sun. And the sun's light shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, Jehovah binding the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow (Green LITV)

So how do we know that the Hebrew Text from which this is translated (the BHS version of the Masoretic text, the codex Leningrad B19a which is in Leningrad) is an accurate representation of Isaiah's words?

Well, it just so happens that the dead sea scrolls, which were found in the last century and date to before Christ had a complete version of the book of Isaiah. And this version of Isaiah, although over 1,000 years older, agreed extremely closely with the BHS Hebrew text (which dates from 1008 AD). The BHS is the basis of most modern bible translations of the old testament. The new testament was written in Greek.

So mankind has a copy of the book of Isaiah which is over 2,000 years old and which translates as above. The Reader is invited to buy the New International Version Hebrew English Old Testament published by Zondervan, which contains the Hebrew text, and a not particularly good but very literal translation into English. You are further invited to buy Ben Davidson's Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, which translates every word of the BHS Hebrew old testament very accurately. In this way you can check the whole deal thoroughly for yourself. Because lets face it, the consequences of the premise of this book being correct are monumental!

[2] The Symbolic Structure Principle

Before we start please ask yourself the following two questions:

Am I cleverer than God, can I find mistakes in his work that he has overlooked?

Is Stephen Spielberg an order of magnitude better than God at telling stories?

Put these two together and the question then is basically: How could such a clever God write such a dumb book?

Why is it so ambiguous? Why does it go in for irrelevant detail and miss out vital explanations, facts and dates?

The answer is that God is hiding his astonishingly powerful sacred secrets in the seemingly irrelevant and trivial and repetitive mundane details of bible accounts. God is hiding vital explanations, facts and dates in each account by employing a symbolic code within the scriptures. One aspect of this code is that every scripture (which contains a repeated non trivial word or phrase) has a further meaning, a second meaning, a second fulfillment.

For full details of this principle please see [code5]

[3] The Bible is Written in a Code

22 For there is nothing hidden except for the purpose of being exposed; nothing has become carefully concealed but for the purpose of coming into the open (Mark 4).

For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest, neither anything carefully concealed that will never become known and never come into the open (Luke 8).

But there is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed, and secret that will not become known (Luke 12).

3 if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself,
4 if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it,
5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God (Proverbs 2).

As usual St. Paul explains the whole deal:

7 But we speak God's wisdom in a sacred secret, the hidden wisdom, which God foreordained before the systems of things for our glory.
This [wisdom] not one of the rulers of this system of things came to know, for if they had known [it] they would not have impaled the glorious Lord.
But just as it is written: Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.
For it is to us God has revealed them through his spirit, for the spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God.
For who among men knows the things of a man except the spirit of man that is in him? So, too, no one has come to know the things of God, except the spirit of God.
Now we received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God, that we might know the things that have been kindly given us by God.
These things we also speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by [the] spirit, as we combine spiritual [matters] with spiritual [words].
But a physical man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know [them], because they are examined spiritually.
However, the spiritual man examines indeed all things, but he himself is not examined by any man (1 Corinthians 2)

The things prepared for those that love God are the hidden meanings of the scriptures. Hidden in a symbolic code which God is revealing to mankind through us.

At this point the reader is most likely asking questions like:

[1] Why didn't the Pope get this?

[2] Why doesn't the federal council of churches of America know about this?

[3] Why didn't some seemingly pious monks in some remote monastery get this?

[4] Who are these Lords' Witnesses guys?

[5] Why didn't any church get this code at some point in the last 2,000 years?

The simple answers to the above questions are:

[1]    The Pope is plainly a Pharisee, seeking as he does the glory of men rather than the glory of God. You can tell this just from his wonderful outfits. And Pharisees are blind. Jesus said of them:

5 All the works they do they do to be viewed by men; for they broaden the [scripture-containing] cases that they wear as
safeguards, and enlarge the fringes [of their garments].
6 They like the most prominent place at evening meals and the front seats in the synagogues (Matthew 23).

[2]    God does not go in for democracy. He has one true religion with one true leader. He does not operate via a multi-headed committee. God created no beast with two heads (except a rare kind of serpent apparently).

[3]    Jesus was not a monk and neither were any of his original disciples.

[4]    We are people with no status at all in the eyes of men or women. The very criterion that the true God has always used to confer status on men and women in his eyes. He chose the smelly fishermen of Galilee to confer his divinely elegant wisdom to the perfumed Pharisee of Jerusalem, did he not?

[5]    The angel Gabriel said to the prophet Daniel, referring to the whole bible:

9 And he went on to say: Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of [the] end (Daniel 12).

The time of the end began in 1991Shebat (1991January/February) when the writer of this book first worked out the date of the end as being Nisan14 (March 21) 2008. He did this from the prophecy of the Exedenic Times - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding132.html

If you are persuaded more by Status than you are by Logic, and let us face it the overwhelming majority of men and women are, which is why Pharisees (glorious looking religious leaders) are so successful, then bear this fact in mind. Sir Isaac Newton, who was voted the most influential mind of the last millennium, believed that the bible was written in a code, and spent almost half of his life trying to decode it and to deduce the date of Armageddon from it. The reason that you the reader are unaware of this spiritual side of Sir Isaac Newton, is that the Churches of Newton's day persecuted anyone who served God by attempting to work out what the bible might mean. So a lot of Newton's work (Observations on the prophecies Daniel and the Revelation of St. John etc) was published either anonymously or after he died or both. A few hundred years earlier, it was a criminal offence punishable by death to own a bible translated into English!! The date Newton calculated for Armageddon was 1948 (Isaac Newton - Michael White). He deduced that the bible was in a code because he knew that the God of galactic creation was perfect and he knew that the bible was inspired by him and was therefore also perfect. Yet the literal meaning of the bible did not manifest God's perfection. So he deduced that there was another meaning, a hidden meaning which did manifest this perfection, because perfection is a trade mark of all of God's work. 

Newton believed that every man owed it as a debt of gratitude to God to make a thorough search and analysis of the scriptures to attempt to understand them. Just as he believed that every man should make a thorough search and analysis of the physical world in gratitude for the gift of our intelligence and our reasoning capabilities and in gratitude for the Bible and the physical Universe in which we live.

If you do not think that God created the universe then listen to this famous story involving Halley the atheist (who discovered the comet) and Newton:

Halley walked into Newton's room in Cambridge university and there in front of him was an Orrery (which is a mechanical model of the Solar System). Halley asked Newton: Who made this great device? Newton thought for a moment and then answered: Nobody. Halley said: Do not be unreasonable, Isaac, someone must have made it. Newton retorted: If you know for a fact that this Orrery had a maker, then why do you not know for a fact that the universe itself, of which this Orrery is merely a poorly constructed copy, also had a maker? 

Dear reader, do not be like naive Eve. Do not be fooled by status. Eve was sold on the possibility of her becoming like God, a huge increase in her status. She then sold Adam on sexual desire, which is why they needed fig leaves after the experience. The world has not changed, we are just more sophisticated, but we make precisely the same mistakes. Sisters, pursue love more than you pursue status. Brothers pursue love more than you pursue sexual desire. Brothers and sisters, if you seek first the Kingdom of God you will have more status than you can possibly imagine added to you, not that you will be interested much in it, and you will be fully satisfied in his kingdom.   

16 You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing (Psalm 145).

Psalm 145 is a prophecy about the Kingdom of God, because our current desires, many of which are destructive, are in no way being satisfied. 

For the whole story on the bible code please visit chapter [code].

[4] Dates in the bible are stated in terms of the Biblical Lunar Calendar

The bible is a book which contains prophecy. It is a book of past events which symbolically represent future events. Prophecy is statements about events which are going to occur in the future. One cannot understand when in the future the events are going to occur until one knows how the bible expresses times and dates. So we need to know what sort of calendar the bible uses.

All the chronology in the bible, the dates, the days, months and years, are expressed in terms of the Biblical Lunar Calendar. This Calendar which was used in the day of Noah is the same calendar that was used by all ancient civilisations. It has 12 lunar months each of 30 days. The Egyptians used this type of calendar up to around the 8th Century BC, the Chinese used it up to around the 4th Century BC. When Rome was founded by Romulus, a 360 day calendar was being used - see U90. Sir Isaac Newton stated:

All nations, before the just length of the solar year was known, reckoned months by the course of the moon, and years by the return of winter and summer, spring and autumn; and in making calendars for their festivals, they reckoned thirty days to a lunar month, and twelve lunar months to a year, taking the nearest round numbers, whence came the division of the ecliptic into 360 degrees. (Anderson, Robert. The Coming Prince. London: Hodder & Stroughton, 1894. )

The truth about the biblical 360 day year as mentioned by Newton was quoted by Sir Robert Anderson in his book, The Coming Prince, page 68. This was not a new discovery by Sir Isaac Newton in the late 1600's or by Sir Robert Anderson in 1895. It was clearly discussed in detail by the Christian, Julias Africanus in his Chronology within his explanation of the fulfillment of Daniel's Seventy Weeks, written about A.D. 240. www.direct.ca/trinity/360day.html

The Biblical Lunar Calendar Timetable

Position in year BLC name of month Modern Calendar Equivalent
First  Nisan  March/April
Second  Iyyar  April/May
Third  Sivan  May/June
Fourth  Tammuz  June/July
Fifth  Ab  July/August
Sixth  Elul  August/September
Seventh  Tishri  September/October
Eighth  Heshvan  October/November
Ninth  Chislev  November/December
Tenth  Tebeth  December/January
Eleventh  Shebat  January/February
Twelfth  Adar  February/March

The first month of the year started in the spring after the Jewish exodus from Egypt in 1513 BC, and it started in the Autumn (in the months of Tishri) before the Exodus. Jews today still celebrate the new year on Tishri 1 (but this is according to the modern Hebrew Calendar which is slightly different from the Biblical Lunar Calendar). We have designed a Calendar Converter Program which converts the modern calendar (Gregorian) into the Biblical Lunar Calendar for dates from 2000 BC to 3000 AD. You can download it free - see www.truebiblecode.com/download.html

For more on the BLC please visit section [10]

[5] The bible prophesies that the battle of Armageddon starts on 2008Nisan16 (March 23rd 2008) and ends 150 days later on 2008Elul15 (August 20th 2008). 

We have 8 different proofs of the date of Armageddon from the bible code. And each proof uses a different calculation. The web pages quotes are all section of www.truebiblecode.com.

[1] The Midst Prophecy  (understanding100.html, understanding16.html - see section ### of this book)
[2]  The Exedenic Times (understanding31.html, understanding133.html)
[3]  The Corresponding ransom of Jesus for Adam (understanding16.html)
[4]  The 10 Times of Pharaoh's Times (understanding31.html)
[5]  The 10 horns and 7 heads of the Beast of Revelation 13 (see below)
[6]  The 1.1 million men of the registration of Israel by Joab (understanding40.html)
[7]  The heat wave from the South wind and the cloud rising in the Western parts (see below)
[8]  The UN accepted the JWs as an NGO on January 28 1992, 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 before 1290 lunar days of Daniel 12 before the last day of this system, the end of the world, 2008Nisan14 (March 21st 2008) (understanding247.html)

Armageddon from the Gulf War and the UN

We will prove two simple ones here. The wild beast of Revelation 13 is the UN - see (understanding158.html for the full story). It has 10 horns representing 10 years of power over mankind and it has 7 heads representing 7 years of headship over mankind. It is unarguable that the UN currently has power over mankind. This power began at the end of the Gulf War, when the UN established itself (through US and to a much smaller extent UK fire power) as the ultimate military power on the planet. The power reign of the UN in New Biblical Lunar Calendar years (which start in the Hebrew month of Elul - for reasons outside the scope of this booklet) therefore ran from 1991Elul (the first NBLC year after the Gulf War) until 2001Elul. The 7 years of headship then run from 2001Elul to 2008Elul which is the end of Armageddon. The problem with this interpretation is that at the time of writing the UN is the political head only of Afghanistan (by virtue of the Bonn agreement) and not of the rest of the World. But we expect and prophesy (not in God's name, but with our best understanding of God's word) that the UN will expand its security council to 10 permanent members in the Hebrew date of 2002Heshvan19/20 (October 29/30/31 2002). These 10 member nations will accept a reduced veto over the activities of the UN. The reduced veto will give the UN headship over each of the 10 members nations. At that time the US/UK world power, which is the 7th biblical king of the world, will be 'conquered' by the UN, the 8th biblical king of the world. The UN will become the political head of the world, because the UN will be able to tell the US and the UK what to do, and neither country will be able to veto it any longer in areas where the veto is lost.

Armageddon from the heat wave of Luke 12

54 Then he went on to say also to the crowds: When you see a cloud rising in western parts, at once you say, 'A storm is coming,' and it turns out so.
55 And when you see that a south wind is blowing, you say, 'There will be a heat wave,' and it occurs.
56 Hypocrites, you know how to examine the outward appearance of earth and sky, but how is it you do not know how to examine this particular time? (Luke 12).

Well dear reader... Do you know how to examine this particular time? This kind of question is called a Reader Question. It is a question asked by the holy spirit of the reader of the bible. This is how one examines this time...

In 1918 on Nisan16 in the BLC the first tranch in the second presence of 16,000 new covenant saints were resurrected as angels. ( See U164 ). The are symbolised by a rising cloud because Jesus ascended to heaven in a cloud before the eyes of his disciples.

9 And after he had said these things, while they were looking on, he was lifted up and a cloud caught him up from their vision (Acts 1).

12 And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: Come on up here. And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld the (Revelation 11).

The ascension of the first group of new covenant saints of the second presence, started Nisan 16, 1918 with their resurrection and ended on 1918Iyyar25 with their entry into heaven. This is the 'cloud rising in western parts'. The 'heatwave' is Armageddon, which is identified as following from a South wind. But South is 90 degrees or one quarter of a circle away from West. But the circle has 360 degrees because the biblical lunar calendar, the original calendar of mankind, has 360 days, so we can equate 90 degrees to 90 days, or relate a quarter of a circle to a quarter of an orbit of the earth around the sun.  The two events are separated by a quarter of a cycle. The Word symbolic meaning of a bible account always makes a substitution for a time period such as 90 days. Typically the substitution is a day for a year. A period of 360 years rather than 360 days is called a 'Prophetic Time'. If we make this typical substitution then we get a time period of a quarter of a Prophetic Times or 90 years between the resurrection and Armageddon. This puts Armageddon at 2008 on Nisan16. But this is the first day of Armageddon (March 21st).

Granted the substitution of a day for a year seems artificial at first sight. But it is very common in Word symbolic interpretations and is in fact a Principle of the Code - see www.truebiblecode.com/code.html#c10 - The Times Principle. The Jehovah's Witnesses are familiar with it in the case of Daniel 4 as are all Christian religions who accept that the coming as King of Christ during the second presence is 2520 years or 7 Prophetic Times after the fall of the Kingdom of Judah. 

[6] The phrase '7 times' means '7 years' of the biblical lunar calendar in the bible

14 But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a time away from the face of the serpent (Revelation 12).

Where ‘times’ is obviously in the plural (since Greek has no dual number as Hebrew does). But earlier in the same chapter we read:

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12).

In the actual vision, (but not in it’s symbolic meaning) the two periods are the same period and so we are being told by holy spirit that the phrase ‘a time, times and half a time’ is 1260 days of the BLC (Biblical Lunar Calendar), which is 3.5 lunar years of 360 days. But a year is a time, a cycle, of the earth around the sun. So 3.5 years is 3.5 times. So 3.5 times is 1260 days. So 7 times is 2520 days which is 7 BLC years. In general n times is 360n days.

[7] Conclusion

Nobody disputes the physical significance of the Twin Towers Tragedy. The purpose of this webpage has been to prove that the spiritual significance of this disaster is in fact greater even than the physical significance. The destruction of the Twin Towers and the subsequent and unprecedented unity of world leaders in their 'co-alition against terror' is the most significant political re-organisation of mankind since the Tower of Babel was abandoned. Because knocking down the two divided towers of the World Trade Centre resulted in and symbolised a worldwide political unification which will result in a big mess and a massive destruction (like ground zero was). Whereas God's prevention of the building of the one tower of Babel and the separation of all the languages of mankind in the day of Nimrod as recorded in Genesis 11 resulted in and symbolised a worldwide political division.

Here is the perspective politically. Every nation knows that commercial monopolies are dangerous and must be policed very carefully. In the UK we have a monopoly and mergers commission, in the US there is the Department of Justice, which has the job of policing monopoly abuse by large corporations. But it is most obvious that a worldwide political monopoly is far more powerful and therefore far more dangerous than a worldwide commercial monopoly. Microsoft, for example can dominate software unfairly, but a worldwide political monopoly can dominate every law of every country unfairly.

For the EU to attempt to police Microsoft, is therefore the height of Hypocrisy. The EU is a far more dangerous monopoly than Microsoft, in fact it is unscriptural and unnatural for a people who speak French to attempt to rule a people who speak English or vice versa in any way at all. God created all of the different languages in order to protect mankind against the ambitions of megalomanic politicians, who not satisfied with control of an entire nation, seek control of an entire continent or even control of the whole world. Men are not able to cope with such huge power - they become corrupt. More corrupt than Microsoft or Getty Oil, or any large commercial monopoly could ever become. If the reader has ever met a politician when he is not in power, he will often find a well motivated reasonable and sound positive man. But once that politician gains power, then he all too often undergoes a horrendous metamorphosis. Abraham Lincoln said:

'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power'

The EU should have remained the trading agreement that it was initially represented as being, the EEC, rather than the obscene and corrupt political monopoly that it has now become. The UN should remain a police force and a judge of erring governments and corrupt dictators, a social service and a security service for the world. It should not become a worldwide political monopoly. But guess what it is going to become?

Babel is reversed. We can now all speak the same language and reach each other within 24 hours. The world is one village, and what that means is, we are going to get one mayor. 

What has protected mankind against abusive conquering totalitarian regimes and against an even more rapid progress towards self annihilation for over 4,000 years has been worldwide political division, enforced by large scale geography and by a multiplicity of language. Today we have overcome both of these protections. But we have failed to gain the wisdom necessary to live without them. So the majority of mankind (in fact 75% of mankind) will now annihilate themselves within the next 7 years. But the God who created these protections will step in at the very last minute, actually half way through Armageddon itself, and save those of us (50% of mankind) who can find it in our hearts to show him a little gratitude and a further 25% who obey his second law by loving our brother as ourselves.