[368] The Greater 10 Plagues upon the Egypt of this world (Pharaoh is the Dragon of Revelation13, Pestilence on livestock is Coronavirus on the unsanctified)

Egypt = World
Egyptians = humans not in a salvation covenant
Pharaoh = Dragon of Revelation 13 - headed by Satan2
Magic practicing priests = demons
Jews = saints
Livestock of Jews = Unsanctified sons of the 1AC
Livestock of the Egyptians = dust of the earth = sons of Adam not in the 1AC, not in a salvation covenant. These are all dead by 2029Ab7, the end of 40+40 day lava flood of Genesis 7/8
Moses = Isaaic 2NCs
Aaron =  Abrahamic 2NCs in Hebrion
Goshen = 2NC Zoar (the LWs)

Plague (noun count) Number Fulfilment
Water to blood 1 Symbolic 2022Tebbeth6, the end of the 4EC water baptism in reverted Laodicea. 2023Tishri21 was the fall of Reverted Laodicea, when the water of their stolen 4EC certainly became blood. because a false church offers no salvation and is a trap preventing its members from leaving to find salvation
Frogs (disgusting seeming food) (10) 2 Symbolic Frogs of Revelation16 (stretched out hand upon rivers canals and pools)
Gnats !Ke (3)  ~N"Ki  (2) 
LXX: sknifej = gnats
3 Symbolic People who see through the deception of politicians and take anti government views  Even the BLM and Antifa guys and looters are gnats. They are anti American and anti British and anti cultural racists. But they are also gnats.
DO NOT SUPPORT THESE LAWLESS PEOPLE. Abraham purchased slaves - Genesis 17. Do not falsely dishonour him. He is the father of all that are saved. 
THERE IS NO GUILT ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANYONE TODAY FOR HISTORIC SLAVERY. We are the sons of those who emancipated the slaves! Do not accept this demonic guilt loading going on. If you feel guilty then you feel worthless and you do not love yourself. If you do not love yourself then you cannot love God or your brother. They are trying to destroy your self esteem. SEE THROUGH IT!
Swarms/Gadflies (6) 4 Symbolic HLCs, do not exist in Goshen, which is Zoar. They exist in non adamic Sodom and reside in the ark.
Animal Pestilence (1) 5  Literal The final plague of the 4th horseman does not affect saints (who are ark based by then). It only affects livestock (unsanctified ones) of Pharaoh. It does not affect unsanctified ones of God, in salvation covenants.
Soot making boils (3) 6  Literal Adamic dust of furnace making infection causing boils - MONKEYPOX?
Hail (13) 7  Literal Volcanic updraft induced hail. Rev 16, plague of hailstones the weight of a talent (Gave thunders and hail and fire and kept giving hail upon land)
Locusts/insatiable researchers (7) 8  Literal Literal locusts (the noun 'locust' appears 7 times in the account) This has been occurring during 2020 in East Africa, India, the Middle East, and South America. This might be a fulfilment upon the Egypt of the Watchtower. But the Egypt of this world cannot get plagues until God is installed as Caesar to his people. For God said to Pharaoh: Let MY people go.. 
Darkness %v,x (2)
  (1), Day (1)
9  Literal Literal Darkness for 3 literal days.
Firstborn 10  Literal 2028Heshvan14, the demonic expulsion Passover and 2028Chislev14 to 2029Heshvan14, 12 Passover executions FRC and LRC sealed firstborn. Then the 1st death/late 1st death Passover execution of everyone left on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14.

Elijah4, the head of the 2NCs is made God to Pharaoh (Satan2, the head of the Dragon). Aaron, his brother, the 4ECs are our prophet.. 
Moses negotiates the release of God's people via the 10 plague method!. 

221 And Jehovah said to Moses: See, I have made you God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your own brother will become your prophet [in the sense of speaking your words to Pharaoh].
2 You -- you will speak all that I shall command you; and Aaron your brother will do the speaking to Pharaoh, and he must send the sons of Israel away from his land.
3 As for me, I shall let Pharaoh's heart become obstinate, and I shall certainly multiply my signs and my miracles in the land of Egypt.
4 And Pharaoh will not listen to you [men]; and I shall have to give my hand in Egypts and bring namely my armies, namely my people, the sons of Israel, out from the land of Egypts in great judgments.
4 [m;v.yI-alOw>   ~k,lea]  h[Or>P; yTit;n"w>    ydiy"-ta,   ~yIr"c.miB.  ytiaceAhw>     yt;aOb.ci-ta,      yMi[;-ta, laer"f.yI-ynEb.      #r<a,me ~yIr:c.mi    ~yjip'v.Bi ~ylidOG> (Exodus 7 BHSox)
4 and NOT will hear towards yeu Pharaoh and will give namely Hand of me in/at Egypts and will cause to go out namely armies/hosts of me namely people of me sons of Israel from Earth of Egypt (upper+lower) in/at judgments great (Exodus 7 WLCi)

Verse4 from I shall give my hand in Egypts: : 5x.2x.(3x+1x.12x).1x.3x = 10x.15x.3x = 450x from 2023Tishri21, the fall of reverted Laodicea (when they became a part of Egypt) to 2024Tebbeth21, the start f the ark rapture of 2NCs
This is seizing 450 prophets of Baal by the people and not by Elijah4 or his attendant/boy runs from the fall of Reverted Laodicea on 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the accepting by Zoar of ALL 2NCs.

5 And Egypts will certainly know that I am Jehovah in my stretching out my hand upon Egypts [5x precisely from 2024Tishri15, the end of the LW Gentile and LW Exedenic Times to 2024VeAdar15. then from 2024VeAdar15-20, the Isaaic 2NCs are raptured], and I shall indeed bring out namely sons of Israel from midst of them (Exodus 7).

Jesus is appointed as Caesar to Adam
So is in a position to extract his people
2NC rapture begins
with Gentile Call 2NCs
Benjamite 2NC reserve
ark rapture ends
The end of the lava flood
The end of Egyptians in the sense of non potential Kingdom citizens
4 years 3 months Tetramenos of John4 4 years 3 months

6 And Moses and Aaron went ahead doing as Jehovah had commanded them. They did just so.
7 And Moses son of 80 year and Aaron son of 3 and of 80 year in their speaking to Pharaoh (Exodus 7 NWT). See U368.

Year (2). 
80 months of Moses (Isaaic Zoar) installed to feed the HLCs on 2007Sivan21 (the end of its installations), to 2023Shebat. Then on 2023Shebat10, we got 147,327Chislev14 BC for the light universe Big Bang and the length of the 7 human creative days as 26,060.606060 years. One does not get that kind of information during an Alienation Times and one does not get it without speaking to Pharaoh in some way. 
83 months of Aaron (The 1NC administration of Laodicea being installed completely from 2012Elul6), to 2019Ab27, when the spoke to the descended Charles Russell, on the first Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20.
Moses was born on 1594Adar1 and died on 1474Adar1. So he was 80 years old from 1512Tishri1. He spoke to Pharaoh until sometime in 1513Nisan. So he was indeed 80 whole Nisan1 years old when speaking to Pharaoh (but not 80 Tishri1 years)22.

RODS TO SNAKES = True church administrations becoming possessed by demons, copper serpents, demonically possessed priesthoods.

8 And Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron:
9 In case that Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, 'Produce a miracle for yourselves,' then you must say to Aaron, 'Take your rod and throw it down before Pharaoh.' It will become a big snake [Satan, the original serpent, was the corruptor of the first true church in Eden].
10 So Moses and Aaron went on in to Pharaoh and did exactly as Jehovah had commanded. Accordingly Aaron threw his rod down before Pharaoh and his servants and it became a big snake [Satan1 possessed POL and ran the reappointed Laodicea, the Synagogue of Satan].
11 However, Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers; and the magic-practicing priests of Egypt themselves also proceeded to do the same thing with their magic arts [many demons possessed Laodiceans, but they were all absorbed into Satan's body, he ran the church. He was the one acting as a restraint upon them until he got to be out of the way].
12 So they threw down each one his rod, and they became big snakes; but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods.
13 Still, Pharaoh's heart became obstinate, and he did not listen to them, just as Jehovah had spoken.
14 Then Jehovah said to Moses: Pharaoh's heart is unresponsive. He has refused to send the people away (Exodus 7 NWT).

Pharaoh goes out to the water: WATERS TO BLOOD (1)

15 Go to Pharaoh in the morning. Look! He is going/coming out the waters! And you must put yourself in position to meet him by the edge/lip of the River, and the rod that turned into a serpent you are to take in your hand [the rod that turns into a serpent is the administration of reappointed Laodicea being possessed by demons and POL being possessed by the original serpent himself, Satan - see U853].
16 And you must say to him, 'Jehovah the God of the Hebrews has sent me to you, saying: Send my people away that they may serve me in the wilderness, but here you have not obeyed until now.
17 This is what Jehovah has said: By this you will know that I am Jehovah. Here I am striking in/with the rod that is in my hand upon the waters that are in the River, and they will certainly turn into blood.
18 And the fish that [is] in the River [she] will die, and the River will actually stink, and Egypts will be loathe to drink of waters from the Nile River.'

19 And Jehovah said to Moses: Say to Aaron, 'Take your rod [1x. The 1NCs, all taken into Reappointed Laodicea by 2019Tebbeth10] and stretch your hand out over the waters of Egypts [which are further specified], over rivers of them [large churches], over Nile canals of them [Sects of the larger churches - Tributaries of rivers dug by humans] and over reedy pools of them [Church congregations containing saints] and over all of collection of waters of them [every baptised church goer - taking waters metonymically], and they will become blood [They will guarantee death unless renounced: Get out of her my people].' And there will certainly be blood in all the land of Egypts [the land of upper and lower Egypt] and in the wooden vessels [] and in the stone vessels [].
20 And Moses and Aaron did so/rightly/as-thus [2x], as Jehovah had commanded [2x], and he lifted up the rod [1x] and struck the waters that in the Nile River to eyes of Pharaoh [3x.2x=6x] and to eyes of his servants [3x.2x.3x=18x], and was turned all the waters which in the Nile River into blood [3x].
21 And the fish that was in the Nile River died [1x: unsealed sons of the 3EC, who have not yet finished being tested, died to the ICC, they ceased being sons of Isaac, they died as sons of Isaac], and the Nile River began to stink [1x]; and the Egyptians were unable to drink waters from the Nile River [3x.3x=9x: the 3EC baptism ended]; and the blood came to be in all the land of Egypts  [1x+1x = 2x].

Verse 19 has a hand stretched out for 5 years from 2019Tebbeth10, the end of the lifting up of the 1NC rod, to 2024Tebbeth10 entry day into the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover by rapture, the lifting up of the 2NC rod..

The river means the Nile and rivers just means rivers.

Verse 17: 1x+5x+3x+3x = 12x
Verse 18: 1x+1x+2x3x = 8x
Verse 19: 1x+5x+3x.2x+5x+3x.6x+5x+3x.6x+5x+3x.6x+5x+1x.3x.2x+3x.2x+2x+3x+3x = 6x+6x+5x+18x+5x+18x+5x+18x+5x+6x+6x+8x = 106x
Verse 20: 2x+2x+1x+6x+18x+3x = 32x
Verse 21: 1x+1x+3x.3x+2x = 13x
Verse 17-21: 12x+8x+106x + 32x + 13x = 171x. Perhaps from 2024Tishri1 to 2024VeAdar21, when his entire rod finishes being lifted up into the ark.

22 Nevertheless, the magic-practicing priests of Egypt proceeded to do the same thing with their secret arts [they made water baptised Laodiceans unclean in the flesh by demon possession]; so that Pharaoh's heart continued to be obstinate, and he did not listen to them, just as Jehovah had spoken.
23 Hence Pharaoh turned and went into his house, and he did not set his heart to have any regard for this either.
24 And all the Egyptians went digging round about the Nile River for water to drink, because they were unable to drink any water of the Nile River.
25 And 7 days came to be fulfilled after Jehovah's striking the Nile River [??]. (Exodus 7 NWT)

FROGS (2) = Prophets

1 And Jehovah said to Moses: Go in to Pharaoh, and you must say to him, 'This is what Jehovah has said: Send my people away that they may serve me.
2 And if you keep refusing to send them away, here I am plaguing all your territory with frogs.
3 And the Nile River will fairly teem with frogs, and they will certainly come up and enter into your house and your inner bedroom and upon your couch and into the houses of your servants and on your people and into your ovens and into your kneading troughs [Frogs leap. they stand for people having leaps of Chronological understanding and doctrinal understanding. So frogs are prophets].
4 And on you and on your people and on all your servants the frogs will come up.'
5 And Jehovah said to Moses: Say to Aaron, 'Stretch your hand in/with your rod out over the rivers [Large churches], over the Nile canals [Sects of large churches] and over the reedy pools [Churches containing 2NCs] and make the frogs come up over the land of Egypts.'
6 At that Aaron stretched his hand out over the waters of Egypts [], and the frogs began to come up and to cover the land of Egypts.
7 However, the magic-practicing priests did the same thing by their secret arts and made the frogs come up over the land of Egypt [the demons made false prophets come up all over Egypt by possession and demonic inspiration].
8 In time Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said: Entreat Jehovah that he may remove the frogs from me and my people, as I want to send the people away that they may sacrifice to Jehovah.
9 Then Moses said to Pharaoh: You take the glory over me to say when I shall make entreaty for you and your servants and your people in order to cut the frogs off from you and your houses. Only in the Nile River will they be left.
10 To this he said: Tomorrow. So he said: It will be according to your word, in order that you may know that there is no one else like Jehovah our God,
11 in that the frogs will certainly turn away from you and your houses and your servants and your people. Only in the Nile River will they be left [the 4EC, the true river that waters Egypt].
12 Accordingly Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh, and Moses cried out to Jehovah because of the frogs that He had put upon Pharaoh.
13 Then Jehovah did according to Moses' word, and the frogs began to die off from the houses, the courtyards and the fields.
14 And they went piling them up, heaps upon heaps [a heap is a euphemism for a witness in the bible. These are heaps of witnesses to leaps in bible understanding, prophecy is a leap forward in time, whereas frogs leap forward in space], and the land began to stink.
15 When Pharaoh got to see that relief had taken place, he made his heart unresponsive; and he did not listen to them, just as Jehovah had spoken.

Verse 5: 5x+3x+8x+8x+3x.2x = 30x
Verse 6: 5x+3x.2x+3x+3x.2x = 20x
More verses to count?

The stretched hand in rod of Aaron of verse5 runs from ??
The stretched hand of Aaron over the waters of Egypt runs from ??

The end of water based - church based - plagues: The end of Magic practicing priests duplicating the plague: GNATS/NIPPERS (3) = Anti Establishment views of everybody these days (August 2021). ALL the dust became gnats. So every son of Adam starts taking bites out of this system. They start becoming net takers rather than net givers - if they have not started that already. The classic banker gnat is the guy who would risk the entire future of his financial institution on the markets for a 50% chance that he personally might make 20 million dollars. If he wins, great he is 20 million the richer. If he loses, well he has to find another job - and so do thousands of others for whom he cares absolutely nothing. This kind of thinking did not exist in banks 50 years ago. The sense of public duty, of loyalty to your institution, has declined substantially. The gnat the guy who sees through the deception to the rotten core of this system. Jesus comes when even the man on the Clapham Omnibus is a gnat, seeing through the deception. It is as if they know that the system is finished. So they become vultures, picking as its dying flesh.

Here is how Satan corrupts BLM and every other attempt to improve things...


The demons are trying to stop love for brother and love for God. so that people cannot be saved. AND they are trying to seed the Kingdom with brainwashed lawless, people whose parents were forbidden by law from disciplining them and who therefore do not accept or want any form of policing. These arrogant anarchist brainwashed destructive mobs are the end result of the failed university subject of Sociology, that is to say Socialistology. Another left wing experiment on children that has ruined a generation.

16 Jehovah now said to Moses: Say to Aaron, 'Stretch your rod out and strike the dust of the earth [Well the rod of Aaron is completed in ark based Zoar on 2024Tebbeth21/22. Stretching out for 1 time to 2024Shebat21/22. This dust is non salvation covenant mankind (dust you are and to dust you shall return) So the gnats begin on 2024Shebat21/22, around the time of the 2nd fire sign], and it must become gnats in all the land of Egypt.'
17 And they proceeded to do as-this. And Aaron [The administration of Hebron, the administration of Abraham not Isaac] stretched out his hand [from 2024Tebbeth21 to 2025Sivan21] in his rod and struck the dust of the earth, and the gnats came to be on man and beast. All the dust of the earth became gnats [anti establishment mind set, taking bites out of the system, seeing through the government and media lies - waking up to the deception] in all the land of Egypt.
18 And the magic-practicing priests tried to do the same by their secret arts, in order to bring forth gnats, but they were unable. And the gnats came to be on man and beast [individuals and administrations].
19 Hence the magic-practicing priests said to Pharaoh: It is the finger of God! [This is God identifying his true church ny the 2nd fire sign] But Pharaoh's heart continued to be obstinate, and he did not listen to them, just as Jehovah had spoken.

The preparation for these gnats began when George Floyd was killed by Derek Chauvin or by Fentanyl overdose or both or is still alive with a new identity being hidden by a corrupt CIA, FBI, NSA, working for the globalists, on 2020May25 (2020Sivan2). Mayors impose curfews due to looting and rioting on 2020May31 (2020Sivan8). Large UK protests begin on 2020May31. Minneapolis council announce intention to defund the police 2020June7 (2020Sivan15). Swarms of protestors have been invading US cities ever since then. The crime rate in Seattle during the CHOP zone period was 5x higher than normal according to RT.com. A 19 year old black lad Horace Lorenzo Anderson, was gunned down in the lawless Seattle CHOP zone. No big fancy funeral for him. No speech by Reverend Al Sharpton. Then an 8 year old black girl, Secoria Turner, was gunned down in the Atlanta Burger zone around Wendy's, by BLM gunmen policing their zone. So the people who protest about police brutality shot an 8 year old black girl whilst policing their burger zone. But left wing paid activists are not the gnats. Anti government sceptics who see through the deceptions of the demons as regards COVID regulations, vaccines, mask mandates, globalist agenda, vaccine passports, vote fraud, human rights and freedoms etc are the gnats who start biting the system.

Pharaoh comes out of the water: GADFLIES (4) = Expelled demons. None in Goshen

20 Then Jehovah said to Moses: Get up early in the morning and take a position in front of Pharaoh. Look! He is going/coming out the waters! [The waters are leaving the JW church to reveal Pharaoh. And Pharaoh is possessing some of them - so will have to leave. Because an unclean spirit cannot possess a water baptised Christian. They go from parched places to parched places looking for a home]  And you must say to him, 'This is what Jehovah has said: Send my people away that they may serve me.
21 But if you are not sending my people away, here I am sending upon you and your servants and your people and into your houses the gadfly; and the houses of Egypt will simply be full of the gadfly, and also the ground upon which they are.
22 And on that day I shall certainly make the land of Goshen upon which my people are standing distinct, that no gadfly may exist there; in order that you may know that I am Jehovah in the midst of the earth [the midst of the earth as defined as Isaaic Zoar and the last chance saloon from 2016Chislev5 over Abraham to 2033Sivan5 over Abraham 16½ years. The mid point is 2024Adar5: A good day to make a distinction between God's people and Satan's].
23 And I shall indeed set a demarcation between my people and your people. Tomorrow/afterwards this sign [] will take place [].'
24 And Jehovah proceeded to do so; and heavy swarms of gadflies began to invade the house of Pharaoh and the houses of his servants and all the land of Egypt. The land came to ruin as a result of the gadflies.
25 Finally Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said: Go, sacrifice to your God in the land.
26 But Moses said: It is not admissible to do so, because we would sacrifice to Jehovah our God a thing detestable to the Egyptians. Suppose we would sacrifice a thing detestable to the Egyptians before their eyes; would they not stone us?
27 We shall go a journey of 3 days into the wilderness and we shall definitely sacrifice to Jehovah our God just as he has said to us.
28 Pharaoh now said: I -- I shall send you away, and you will indeed sacrifice to Jehovah your God in the wilderness. Only do not make it quite so far away that you are going. Make entreaty in my behalf.
29 Then Moses said: Here I am going forth from you, and I shall indeed make entreaty to Jehovah, and the gadflies will certainly turn away from Pharaoh, his servants and his people tomorrow. Only let not Pharaoh trifle again in not sending the people away to sacrifice to Jehovah.
30 After that Moses went out from Pharaoh and made entreaty to Jehovah.
31 So Jehovah did according to Moses' word, and the gadflies turned away from Pharaoh, his servants and his people. Not one was left.
32 However, Pharaoh made his heart unresponsive this time also and did not send the people away. (Exodus 8 NWT)

PESTILENCE UPON LIVESTOCK OF EGYPTIANS ONLY (5) = Coronavirus only kills sons of Adam who are NOT in a salvation covenant

1 Consequently Jehovah said to Moses: Go in to Pharaoh and you must state to him, 'This is what Jehovah the God of the Hebrews has said: Send my people away that they may serve me.
2 But if you continue refusing to send them away and you are still keeping hold of them,
3 look! Jehovah's hand is coming upon your livestock that is in the field. On the horses, the asses, the camels, the herd and the flock there will be a very heavy pestilence.
4 And Jehovah will certainly make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt, and not a thing of all that belongs to the sons of Israel will die [Psalm91 and Genesis 15:1 protection against plagues for all those in a salvation covenant].'
5 Moreover, Jehovah set an appointed time, saying: Tomorrow Jehovah will do this thing in the land.
6 Accordingly Jehovah did this thing on the next day, and all sorts of livestock of Egypt began to die; but not one of the livestock of the sons of Israel died [No LW dies from any plague. they may become infected. But they will not die].
7 Then Pharaoh [The Dragon] sent, and, look! not so much as one of Israel's livestock had died. Nevertheless, Pharaoh's heart continued to be unresponsive, and he did not send the people away.



8 And Jehovah said to Moses and to Aaron, Take for yourselves the fullness of fists/hands [dual] of you dust [x;yPi] of furnace [condemned adamic dust] and let Moses [deliberate omission of Aaron who must also himself have thrown the dust towards the heavens. So Moses here means Drawn out one rather than Moses himself. Drawn out of the world into the true church. Drawn out of Adam to be non adamic] scatter it toward the heavens to eyes of Pharaoh.
9 And let it become to light-volatile-dust/powder [qb'a'] [risen non adamic dust] on all of land of Egypts, and let it [the adamic dust] become to inflammation erupting/causing boils on man and {erupting/causing boils} on livestock in all of land of Egypts [Boils are ON man and beast. Inflammation is IN man and beast].
10 And they took dust of the furnace and stood to faces of Pharaoh. And Moses scattered it toward the heavens, and it became/existed [an] inflammation in the man and {[an] inflammation} in the livestock boils erupting/producing [an inflammation IN man and beast producing boils not in them but on them] [not said to become powder in the literal account - so it does in the noun symbolic account].
11 And the magical-scribal-priests [false religious leaders] were not able to stand to faces of Moses, from faces/appearance of the inflammation. For the inflammation [not said to be erupting boils] was/existed in magical-scribal-priests and {the inflammation existed] in all of Egypts/Egyptians.
12 And Jehovah made heavy heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them, as/like Jehovah had said to Moses. (Exodus 9 GLT)

Literal Countable Noun Count LCNC: 6+6+6+4 = 22x (2 threads)
Literal Distinct Noun Count LDNC:  Moses (3), Aaron (1), Fullness of Hands (1), Dust of Furnace (2), Heavens (2), Land of Egypts (2), Inflammation (4), Boils/Blisters (3), Man (1), Livestock (1), Priests (1) Egyptians (1) = 12 (2 threads) 

So Moses (3), Aaron (1), Fullness of Hands (1), Boils/Blisters (3), Man (1), Livestock (1), Priests (1) Egyptians (1) are literal (invariant) in the noun symbolic meaning
Whereas Dust of Furnace (2), Heavens (2), Land of Egypts (2), Inflammation (4) take greater meanings in the noun symbolic meaning

One needs a perfect interlinear translation to see those counts. The symbolism is carried in the nouns of a bible account.
Nouns prefixed with inseparable prepositions such as b or l are not counted. 
Nouns prefixed with an inseparable definite article are counted
Nouns with hyphenated prepositions such as l[ are counted

Jehovah is invariant in symbolism and therefore does not affect any noun count
Symbolic/Comparative nouns are in green do not count in literal noun count
Literal nouns acting as nouns are in black and do count
Possessive nouns acting as adjectives are in brown and do not count
Inseparable prepositions and nouns prefixed with them are in wine red and do not count
Symbolic Interpretations are in blue
Literal Explanations are in olive
{noun} denotes an implied noun omitted by abbreviation (such as the daughter of Fred and Susie which is an abbreviation for the daughter of Fred and the daughter of Susie)

The account is an exercise in distribution of countable nouns such as...

Inflammation causing boils on man and {boils} on beast
Inflammation in man and {inflammation} in beast causing boils

Boils are on man and inflammation [viral infection] is in man hence verse 10 distributes boils but not inflammation and verse 11 distributes inflammation but not boils.

Inflammation counts 4x and so takes a second meaning which is viral infection ion the greater meaning, the noun symbolic meaning
Boils counts 3x and so are literal in the the greater meaning, the noun symbolic meaning

So the adamic dust spreads the Monkeypox virus not the non adamic powder. There is no asymptomatic spread.  

Inflammation = viral infection = Monkeypox
Heavens = home of God not the atmosphere.
Dust of the furnace = condemned adamic dust, non 1AC adamics
Powder/list dust = uncondemned non adamic dust, non adamic Abraham
Land of Egypts = People of the world
Egyptians = Egyptians (when a noun has 2 meanings in the literal account - such as Egypt and Egyptians - it takes two meanings in the noun symbolic thread)

So any congregation which gets a case of Monkeypox is not a part of God's people and is therefore in false church. People should leave that church and join the church that gave them this interpretation.
And any person who gets Monkeypox is not presently in the 1AC and therefore not saved and not under test to be saved. He should repent, and show as much love as he can for his brother or join the church that gave him this interpretation.. 
The instructions for the dust of the furnace apply to secular people in the Egypt of this world
The execution of the instructions for the dust of the furnace applies to religious people in the religions of this world.

If you get Monkeypox you are adamic and therefore not in a true church and you are not one of God's people because the pox is a demarcation of Exodus 8

23 And I shall indeed set a demarcation between my people and your people. Tomorrow this sign will take place.' (Exodus 8 NWT)

HAIL (7)

13 Then Jehovah said to Moses: Get up early in the morning and take a position in front of Pharaoh, and you must say to him, 'This is what Jehovah the God of the Hebrews has said: Send my people away that they may serve me.
14 For at this time I am sending all my blows against your heart and upon your servants and your people, to the end that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth.
15 For now I [could] have thrust my hand out that I might strike you and your people with pestilence/destruction/death and that you might be effaced from the earth [A Hypothetical which did not occur in the literal meaning. So in the greater meaning God does kill every Egyptian with plague/destruction/death].
16 But, in fact, for this cause I have kept you in existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the earth.
17 Are you still behaving haughtily against my people in not sending them away?

18 Here I am causing it to rain down tomorrow about this time a very heavy hail, the like of which has never occurred in Egypt from the day it was founded until now.
19 And now send, bring all your livestock and all that is yours in the field under shelter. As for any man and beast that will be found in the field and not gathered into the house, the hail will have to come down upon them, and they will have to die.'
20 Anyone who feared Jehovah's word among Pharaoh's servants caused his own servants and his livestock to flee into the houses,
21 but whoever did not set his heart to have any regard for Jehovah's word left his servants and his livestock in the field.
22 Jehovah now said to Moses: Stretch out your hand toward the heavens, that hail may come on all the land of Egypt, upon man and beast and all vegetation of the field in the land of Egypt.
23 So Moses stretched out his rod toward the heavens; and Jehovah gave thunders and hail, and fire would run down to the earth, and Jehovah kept making it rain down hail upon the land of Egypt.
24 Thus there came hail, and fire quivering in among the hail. It was very heavy, so that there had not occurred any like it in all the land of Egypt from the time it became a nation.
25 And the hail went striking at all the land of Egypt. The hail struck everything that was in the field, from man to beast, and all sorts of vegetation of the field; and it shattered all sorts of trees of the field.
26 Only in the land of Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there occurred no hail.
27 Eventually Pharaoh sent and called Moses and Aaron and said to them: I have sinned this time. Jehovah is righteous, and I and my people are in the wrong.
28 Entreat Jehovah that this may be enough of the occurring of God's thunders and hail. Then I am willing to send you away, and you will not stay any longer.
29 So Moses said to him: As soon as I go out of the city I shall spread my hands up to Jehovah. The thunders will stop and the hail will not continue any longer, in order that you may know that the earth belongs to Jehovah.
30 As for you and your servants, I know already that you will not even then show fear because of Jehovah God.
31 As it was, the flax and the barley had been struck, because the barley was in the ear and the flax had flower buds.
32 But the wheat and the spelt had not been struck, because they were seasonally late.
33 Moses now went out of the city from Pharaoh and spread his hands up to Jehovah, and the thunders and the hail began to stop and rain did not pour down on the earth.
34 When Pharaoh got to see that the rain and the hail and the thunders had stopped, he went sinning again and making his heart unresponsive, he as well as his servants.
35 And Pharaoh's heart continued obstinate, and he did not send the sons of Israel away, just as Jehovah had stated by means of Moses. (Exodus 9 NWT)

LITERAL LOCUSTS (8): In the Middle East, East Africa, India and South America - already. They will eat up everything that the hail, the 7th plague, lets remain



https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/12021576/locust-swarm-plague-famine-africa/ - ‘Apocalyptic’ LOCUST plague swarms Africa as trillions of Biblical bugs risk causing mass famine








1 Then Jehovah said to Moses: Go in to Pharaoh, because I -- I have let his heart and the hearts of his servants become unresponsive, in order that I may set these signs of mine right before him,
2 and in order that you may declare in the ears of your son and your son's son how severely I have dealt with Egypt and my signs that I have established among them; and you will certainly know that I am Jehovah.
3 So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh and said to him: This is what Jehovah the God of the Hebrews has said, 'How long must you refuse to submit yourself to me? Send my people away that they may serve me.
4 For if you continue refusing to send my people away, here I am bringing locusts within your boundaries tomorrow.
5 And they will actually cover the visible surface of the earth and it will not be possible to see the earth; and they will simply eat up the rest of what has escaped, what has been left to you people by the hail, and they will certainly eat every sprouting tree of yours out of the field.
6 And your houses and the houses of all your servants and the houses of all Egypt will be filled to an extent that your fathers and your fathers' fathers have not seen it from the day of their existing upon the ground until this day.' With that he turned and went out from Pharaoh.
7 After that Pharaoh's servants said to him: How long will this man prove to be as a snare to us? Send the men away that they may serve Jehovah their God. Do you not yet know that Egypt has perished?
8 So Moses and Aaron were brought back to Pharaoh, and he said to them: Go, serve Jehovah your God. Who in particular are the ones going?
9 Then Moses said: With our young people and our old people we shall go. With our sons and our daughters, with our sheep and our cattle we shall go, for we have a festival to Jehovah.
10 In turn he said to them: Let it prove to be so, that Jehovah is with you when I shall send you and your little ones away! See, on the contrary, something evil is your aim.
11 Not so! Go, please, you who are able- bodied men, and serve Jehovah, because that is what you are seeking to secure. With that they were driven out from before Pharaoh.
12 Jehovah now said to Moses: Stretch your hand out over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up over the land of Egypt and eat up all the vegetation of the land, everything that the hail has let remain.
13 At once Moses stretched his rod out over the land of Egypt, and Jehovah caused an east wind to blow upon the land all that day and all night. The morning came and the east wind carried the locusts.
14 And the locusts began to come up over all the land of Egypt and to settle down upon all the territory of Egypt. They were very burdensome. Before them there had never turned up in this way locusts like them, and there will never turn up any in this way after them.
15 And they went covering the visible surface of the entire land, and the land grew dark; and they went on eating up all the vegetation of the land and all the fruit of the trees that the hail had left; and there was left nothing green on the trees or on the vegetation of the field in all the land of Egypt.
16 So Pharaoh hurriedly called Moses and Aaron and said: I have sinned against Jehovah your God and against you.
17 And now pardon, please, my sin just this once and entreat Jehovah your God that he may turn away just this deadly plague from upon me.
18 So he went out from Pharaoh and made entreaty to Jehovah.
19 Then Jehovah made a shift to a very stiff west wind, and it carried the locusts away and drove them into the Red Sea. Not a single locust was let remain in all the territory of Egypt.
20 However, Jehovah let Pharaoh's heart become obstinate, and he did not send the sons of Israel away.

DARKNESS FOR 3 LITERAL DAYS (9) (the penultimate plague from Exodus 11:1)

21 And Jehovah said to Moses [the leader of God's people]: Stretch your hand out toward the heavens, that darkness may occur over the land of Egypt and the darkness may be felt [This must be Laodicea from 2019Tishri10 -2019Adar16 - run by Satan1].
22 Moses immediately stretched his hand out toward the heavens [], and a gloomy darkness began to occur in all the land of Egypt for 3 of days [??].
23 They did not see one another, and none of them got up from his own place 3 of days; but for all the sons of Israel there proved to be light [literal light, noun count is 1x] in their dwellings.
24 And Pharaoh called Moses [1x] and said: Go, serve Jehovah [1x]. Only your sheep and your cattle will be detained [3x+3x=6x]. Your little ones also may go with you [3x+1x=4x].
25 But Moses said: You yourself will also give into our hand [5x] sacrifices and burnt offerings [3x+3x], as we must render them to Jehovah our God [2x.6x=12x].

Verse 24: 1x+1x+6x+4x=12x
Verse 25: (3x+3x).5x+2x.6x = 42x
Total: 12x+42x=54x
Darkness (3)., Light (1).

26 And our livestock will also go with us. Not a hoof will be allowed to remain, because it is from them that we shall take some to worship Jehovah our God, and we ourselves do not know what we shall render in worship to Jehovah until our arriving there.
27 At this Jehovah let Pharaoh's heart become obstinate, and he did not consent to send them away.
28 So Pharaoh said to him: Get out from me! Watch yourself! Do not try to see my face again, because on the day of your seeing my face you will die [This must be fulfilled in the greater meaning. It must refer to the raptured 2NCs. From the ark we shall see the face of Satan2, and those who are yet to be baptised will die to Adam upon 4EC baptism. But the literal day of seeing the face of Satan2 (by rapture) is not the day of 4EC baptism. So this day is not literal but must be a month]
29 To this Moses said: That is the way you have spoken. I shall not try to see your face anymore. (Exodus 10 NWT)

Perhaps men are the sons of the DAC (the serpents) and beasts are the sons of Vipers, the demonic priests, the sons of the VCC? The Egyptians are sons of the CSC.

142The 5 types of Satanic seed (weeds)

Physically the 5 types are... 
1. Genetic through Anak a Nephilim son of Arba, a human possessed by Satan who founded Kirath-arba, meaning the 4th city, which was Hebron, which is a city of FDS4 actually - see U314. It may have been the 4th earthly administration of Satan.
2. Sons of the CSC, cainian seed by covenant
3. Sons of the VCC, vipers, satanic priests by covenant
4. Born again sons of the DAC with 2nd dead angels - Hell's angels in fact.
5. Demon who (exclusively) possess sons of the DAC

The Satanic Counter Covenants for Hell

Covenant wise the 3 types are...
1. CSC: Cainian Seed Covenant are the corrupted of mankind, those who have defiled their consciences, or killed their brother unjustly as Cain did, or abused love to the point of losing it.
2. VCC: Viper Church Covenant are satanic priests, they are the corruptors of mankind, they advocate and entice people into conscience defiling and hating/attacking/damaging/killing their brother. They also join churches to corrupt them.
3. SAC = DAC: Serpentine Angelic Covenant = Demonic Angelic Covenant are those who are born again demonically, the serpents, the offspring of the vipers. Only this group can be demon possessed.


7 When he caught sight of many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to the baptism, he said to them: You offspring of vipers, who has intimated to you to flee from the coming wrath?
8 So then produce fruit that befits repentance;
9 and do not presume to say to yourselves, 'As a father we have Abraham.' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. (Matthew 3 NWT)

34 Offspring of vipers, how can you speak good things, when you are wicked? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (Matthew 12 NWT)

33 Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are you to flee from the judgment of Gehenna? (Matthew 23 NWT)

7 Therefore he began to say to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him: You offspring of vipers, who has intimated to you to flee from the coming wrath? (Luke 3 NWT)

The Serpents are the promised seed to the Vipers who are the promised seed to Cain. 

The incredible thing is that DACs are given angels just as JACs are, by the level playing field principle (for all God's ways are just). This is how the demons can do miracles142.

1 And Jehovah proceeded to say to Moses: One plague more I am going to bring upon Pharaoh and Egypt. After that he will send you away from here. At the time he sends you away altogether, he will literally drive you out from here.
2 Speak, now, in the ears of the people, that they should ask every man of his companion and every woman of her companion articles of silver and articles of gold.
3 Accordingly Jehovah gave the people favour in the eyes of the Egyptians. The man Moses too was very great in the land of Egypt, in the eyes of Pharaoh's servants and in the eyes of the people.
4 And Moses went on to say: This is what Jehovah has said, 'About midnight I am going out into the midst of Egypt,
5 and every firstborn in the land of Egypt must die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who is sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the maidservant who is at the hand mill and every firstborn of beast.
6 And there will certainly occur a great outcry in all the land of Egypt, the like of which has never yet occurred, and the like of which will never be brought about again.
7 But against any of the sons of Israel will no dog move eagerly its tongue, from man to beast; in order that you people may know that Jehovah can make a distinction between the Egyptians and the sons of Israel.'
8 And all these servants of yours will certainly come down to me and prostrate themselves to me, saying, 'Go, you and all the people who follow your steps.' And after that I shall go out. With that he went out from Pharaoh in the heat of anger.
9 Then Jehovah said to Moses: Pharaoh will not listen to you men, in order for my miracles to be increased in the land of Egypt.
10 And Moses and Aaron performed all these miracles before Pharaoh; but Jehovah would let Pharaoh's heart become obstinate, so that he did not send the sons of Israel away from his land. (Exodus 11 NWT)


Psalm 78 also covers the 10 plagues...

9 The sons of Ephraim, though armed shooters of the bow, Retreated in the day of fight.
10 They did not keep the covenant of God, And in his law they refused to walk.
11 They also began to forget his dealings And his wonderful works that he caused them to see.
12 In front of their forefathers he had done marvelously In the land of Egypt, the field of Zoan.
13 He split the sea, that he might let them pass over, And he caused the waters to stand like a dam.
14 And he continued to lead them with a cloud by day And the whole night with a light of fire.
15 He proceeded to split rocks in the wilderness, That he might cause [them] to drink an abundance just like watery deeps.
16 And he went bringing forth streams out of a crag And causing waters to descend just like rivers.
17 And they kept sinning still more against him By rebelling against the Most High in the waterless region;
18 And they proceeded to test God in their heart By asking for something to eat for their soul.
19 So they began to speak against God. They said: Is God able to arrange a table in the wilderness?
20 Look! He struck a rock That waters might flow and torrents themselves might flood forth. Is he able also to give bread itself, Or can he prepare sustenance for his people?
21 That was why Jehovah heard and began to be furious; And fire itself was kindled against Jacob, And anger also ascended against Israel.
22 For they did not put faith in God, And they did not trust in salvation by him.
23 And he proceeded to command the cloudy skies above, And he opened the very doors of heaven.
24 And he kept raining upon them manna to eat, And the grain of heaven he gave to them.
25 Men ate the very bread of powerful ones; Provisions he sent them to satisfaction.
26 He began making an east wind burst forth in the heavens And making a south wind blow by his own strength.
27 And he proceeded to make sustenance rain upon them just like dust, Even winged flying creatures just like the sand grains of the seas.
28 And he kept making [them] fall in the middle of his camp, All around his tabernacles.
29 And they went eating and satisfying themselves very much, And what they desired he proceeded to bring to them.
30 They had not turned aside from their desire, While their food was yet in their mouth,
31 When God's wrath itself ascended against them. And he went killing among their stout ones; And the young men of Israel he made collapse.
32 Despite all this they sinned some more And did not put faith in his wonderful works.
33 So he brought their days to an end as if a mere exhalation, And their years by the disturbance.
34 As often as he killed them, they also inquired for him, And they returned and looked for God.
35 And they began to remember that God was their Rock, And that God the Most High was their Avenger.
36 And they tried to fool him with their mouth; And with their tongue they tried to lie to him.
37 And their heart was not steadfast with him; And they did not prove faithful in his covenant.
38 But he was merciful; he would cover the error and not bring ruin. And many times he made his anger turn back, And he would not rouse up all his rage.
39 And he kept remembering that they were flesh, That the spirit is going forth [forth out of their flesh back to God: 'Then the dust returns to the earth just as it happened to be and the spirit itself returns to the [true] God who gave it.' (Ecclesiastes 12:7) and does not come back. [it is now 'you' and rests in a sleeping angel and does not go back to your defunct human body]
40 How often they would rebel against him in the wilderness, They would make him feel hurt in the desert!
41 And again and again they would put God to the test, And they pained even the Holy One of Israel.
42 They did not remember his hand, The day that he redeemed them from the adversary,
43 How he put his signs in Egypt itself And his miracles in the field of Zoan [];[another sub]
44 And how he began changing to blood their Nile canals, So that they could not drink from their own streams.
45 He proceeded to send upon them gadflies, that these might eat them up; And frogs, that these might bring them to ruin.
46 And he began to give to the cockroaches their yield, And their toil to the locusts.
47 He went killing their vine even by the hail And their sycamore trees by hailstones.
48 And he proceeded to hand over their beasts of burden even to the hail And their livestock to the flaming fever.
49 He went sending upon them his burning anger, Fury and denunciation and distress, Deputations of angels bringing calamity.
50 He proceeded to prepare a pathway for his anger [like the 7 angels with the 7 bowls of God's anger]. He did not hold back their soul from death itself; And their life he handed over even to the pestilence.
51 Finally he struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, The beginning of their generative power in the tents of Ham.
52 Afterward he caused his people to depart just like a flock, And conducted them like a drove in the wilderness. [end of sub]
53 And he kept leading them in security, and they felt no dread; And the sea covered their enemies themselves.
54 And he proceeded to bring them to his holy territory, This mountainous region that his right hand acquired. [from whom? Satan?? ', death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses' Romans 5:4]
55 And because of them he gradually drove out the nations, And by the measuring line he went allotting them an inheritance, So that he caused the tribes of Israel to reside in their own homes.
56 And they began to test and rebel against God the Most High, And his reminders they did not keep.
57 They also kept turning back and acting treacherously like their forefathers; They turned around like a loose bow.
58 And they kept offending him with their high places, And with their graven images they kept inciting him to jealousy.
59 God heard and got to be furious, And so he contemned Israel very much.
60 And he finally forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, The tent in which he resided among earthling men.
61 And he proceeded to give his strength even to captivity And his beauty into the hand of the adversary.
62 And he kept handing over his people to the sword itself, And against his inheritance he became furious.
63 His young men a fire ate up, And his virgins were not praised.
64 As for his priests, they fell by the very sword, And their own widows did not give way to weeping.
65 Then Jehovah began to awake as from sleeping, Like a mighty one sobering up from wine.
66 And he went striking down his adversaries from behind; A reproach of indefinite duration he gave to them.
67 And he proceeded to reject the tent of Joseph; And the tribe of Ephraim he did not choose.
68 But he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loved.
69 And he began to build his sanctuary just like the heights, Like the earth that he has founded to time indefinite.
70 And so he chose David his servant And took him from the pens of the flock.
71 From following the females giving suck He brought him in to be a shepherd over Jacob his people And over Israel his inheritance.
72 And he began to shepherd them according to the integrity of his heart, And with the skillfulness of his hands he began leading them.
A melody of Asaph (Psalm 78).



Exodus Chapter 7

1 Consequently Jehovah said to Moses [LWs after 2001Tishri30]: See, I have made you God to Pharaoh [GNS2], and Aaron [1NC reserves after 2001Tishri30 when last non reserve 1NC saint died] your own brother will become your prophet [Aaron's job is to save the JWs].
2 You -- you will speak all that I shall command you; and Aaron your brother will do the speaking to Pharaoh [GNS2], and he must send the sons of Israel away from his land.
3 As for me, I shall let Pharaoh's heart become obstinate, and I shall certainly multiply my signs and my miracles in the land of Egypt [Watchtower].
4 And Pharaoh will not listen to you men; and I shall have to lay my hand upon Egypt and bring my armies, my people, the sons of Israel, out from the land of Egypt with great judgments.
5 And the Egyptians will certainly know that I am Jehovah when I stretch out my hand against Egypt, and I shall indeed bring the sons of Israel out from their midst.
6 And Moses and Aaron went ahead doing as Jehovah had commanded them. They did just so.
7 And Moses was 80 years old [2001Tishri30 - 2008Sivan6, 80 months of exlcusive water baptism for LWs, Moses means drawn out of the water] and Aaron was 83 years old [perhaps the last non reserve 1NC remnant died in 2001Tammuz, so Aaron is 1NC reserves by themselves for 83 months from 2001Tammuz to 2008Sivan] at the time of their speaking to Pharaoh.
8 Jehovah now said to Moses and Aaron:
9 In case that Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, 'Produce a miracle for yourselves,' then you must say to Aaron, 'Take your rod and throw it down before Pharaoh.' It will become a big snake.
10 So Moses and Aaron went on in to Pharaoh and did exactly as Jehovah had commanded. Accordingly Aaron threw his rod down before Pharaoh and his servants and it became a big snake [jumped off the temple gave up his priesthood and a big corrupt satanic snake took over the Watchtower, on 2004Elul14] .
11 However, Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers; and the magic-practicing priests of Egypt themselves also proceeded to do the same thing with their magic arts.
12 So they threw down each one his rod, and they became big snakes [various other power groups in the Watchtower had other equally corrupt rulership ideas]; but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods [1NC reserve corruption won the day].
13 Still, Pharaoh's heart became obstinate, and he did not listen to them, just as Jehovah had spoken.