[167] Daniel 2: World Powers and The Christian Congregation

Two stones are cut from a mountain not by human hands in this account. 

The bad stone of verse34 becomes a demonic administration and hits the feet of the image. 
The good stone of verse45 becomes the Kingdom of God and hits the demonic administration in the days of the toes of the image.

The secular stone that ends individual nation state power in this world is the image of the UN, the son of the UN of Revelation13.  The sacred stone that ends false religion in this world is the Jesus Christ. His mountain is Zoar. The 2nd/3rd fire signs of 1Kings18, hitting the feet of Adam, lead eventually to the appearance of the 10 toes of the image which are 10 kings who give their authority to the UN, and become the 10 horns of the 4th beast. 

The Big Picture here is that the interpreter must see the dream before he can interpret it. Now we know that Adam and his sons are hybrids, each man having an associated angelic soul. This soul is shared until he is born again and owned after he is born again - see U255. We dream in our angelic minds both when we sleep and when we enter into the first death. This is because a human brain which has trouble in remembering a 16 digit credit card number cannot possibly create a full colour, full Audio, 3D real time virtual reality for our spirits to play in during the night. Only an angelic mind has that kind of computing power. So a dream is information from a heavenly source. But the inspired scriptures are precisely the same thing. So seeing the dream is seeing a further meaning of the inspired scriptures. 

So the modern day Daniel must see the extra word symbolic threads over and above the one seen by the original Daniel. This account is not just about the march of world powers in the days of Daniel. Just as Daniel saw the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. So we must see the greater dream in its further symbolic applications. These are both secular and religious. So it is not just a case of I have a dream as the reverend said. It is rather the case that we have several greater dreams.

Pulling Down Statues

This giant image of a man is a statue. It is going to be knocked down by a stone hitting its foot. Each part of the statue represents a military world power, a national power over the world, a nation supremacist military power.

The image of Daniel 2 is a supremacist racist image in modern politically correct parlance.

In fact it is pretty much a white supremacist nationalist racist statue. 

Its fall caused by the stone hitting its UK and US feet at the 2nd and 3rd fire signs, is right now being predicted by the tearing down of the confederate statues in the US and the extreme left wing Guardian article proposing the tearing down of Nelson's Column in the UK (since Nelson had slaves - as did most people with any power who lived more than 200 years ago). 

The Word Symbolism for the 4 true churches of all Christianity

The Secular Thread

1 And in the second year of the kingship of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams; and his spirit began to feel agitated, and his very sleep was made to be something beyond him.
2 So the king said to call the magic-practicing priests and the conjurers and the sorcerers and the Chaldeans to tell the king his dreams. And they proceeded to come in and to stand before the king.
Then the king said to them: There is a dream that I have dreamed, and my spirit is agitated to know the dream.
4 At that the Chaldeans spoke to the king in the Aramaic language: Oh king, live on even for times indefinite. Say what the dream is to your servants, and we shall show the very interpretation.
5 The king was answering and saying to the Chaldeans: The word is being promulgated by me: If you men do not make the dream known to me, and its interpretation, dismembered (cut into pieces) is what you will be, and into public privies your own houses will be turned.
6 But if the dream and its interpretation you will show, gifts and a present and much dignity you will receive on my part. Therefore show me the very dream and its interpretation.
7 They answered a second time and were saying: Let the king say what the dream is to his servants, and we shall show its very interpretation.
8 The king was answering and saying: For a fact, I am aware that time is what you men are trying to gain, forasmuch as you have perceived that the word is being promulgated by me.
9 For if you do not make known to me the very dream, this one and only sentence is upon you. But it is a lying and wrong word that you have agreed to say before me, until the time itself is changed. Therefore tell me the very dream, and I shall know that you can show the very interpretation of it.
10 The Chaldeans answered before the king, and they were saying: There does not exist a man on the dry land that is able to show the matter of the king, forasmuch as no grand king or governor has asked such a thing as this of any magic-practicing priest or conjurer or Chaldean.
11 But the thing that the king himself is asking is difficult, and nobody else exists who can show it before the king except the gods, whose own dwelling does not exist with flesh at all.
12 Because of this the king himself became angry and got very furious, and he said to destroy all the wise men of Babylon.
13 And the order itself went out, and the wise men were being killed; and they looked for Daniel and his companions, for them to be killed.
14 At that time Daniel, for his part, addressed himself with counsel and sensibleness to Arioch the chief of the king's bodyguard, who had gone out to kill the wise men of Babylon.
15 He was answering and saying to Arioch the officer of the king: For what reason is there such a harsh order on the part of the king? Then it was that Arioch made known the matter itself to Daniel.
16 So Daniel himself went in and asked from the king that he should give him time expressly to show the very interpretation to the king.
17 After that Daniel went to his own house; and to Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah his companions he made known the matter,
18 even [for them] to ask for mercies on the part of the God of heaven concerning this secret, in order that they might not destroy Daniel and his companions with the remainder of the wise men of Babylon.
19 Then it was that to Daniel in a night vision the secret was revealed. Consequently Daniel himself blessed the God of heaven.
20 Daniel was answering and saying: Let the name of God become blessed from time indefinite even to time indefinite, for wisdom and mightiness -- for they belong to him.
21 And he is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings, giving wisdom to the wise ones and knowledge to those knowing discernment.
22 He is revealing the deep things and the concealed things, knowing what is in the darkness; and with him the light does dwell.
23 To you, Oh God of my forefathers, I am giving praise and commendation, because wisdom and mightiness you have given to me. And now you have made known to me what we requested of you, for you have made known to us the very matter of the king [So the greater Nebuchadnezzar had wisdom and mightiness but even so his interpretations were made known to him not by his personal brilliance but by God].
24 Because of this Daniel himself went in to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to destroy the wise men of Babylon. He went, and this is what he said to him: Do not destroy any wise men of Babylon. Take me in before the king, that I may show the interpretation itself to the king.
25 Then it was that Arioch, in a hurry, took Daniel in before the king, and this is what he said to him: I have found an able-bodied man of the exiles of Judah who can make known the interpretation itself to the king.
26 The king was answering and saying to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar: Are you competent enough to make known to me the dream that I beheld, and its interpretation?
27 Daniel was answering before the king and saying: The secret that the king himself is asking, the wise men, the conjurers, the magic-practicing priests [and] the astrologers themselves are unable to show to the king.
28 However, there exists a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what is to occur in the final part of the days [Indeed he has]. Your dream and the visions of your head upon your bed, this is it:
29 As for you, Oh king, on your bed your own thoughts came up as regards what is to occur after this, and the One who is the Revealer of secrets has made known to you what is to occur.
30 And as for me, it is not through any wisdom that exists in me more than in any others alive that this secret is revealed to me, except to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king himself and that the thoughts of your heart you may know.
31 You, Oh king, happened to be beholding, and, look! a certain immense image. That image, which was large and the brightness of which was extraordinary, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was dreadful.
32 As regards that image, its head was of good gold [first kingdom, first in value meaning first in time, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, but also the softest metal, representing the softest heart, and also the highest in the image, representing the most heavenly focus. This man is the succession of worldwide military powers over the sons of the ICC, God's official people], its breasts and its arms were of silver [second kingdom in value and time and spirituality, harder in heart, the Medo-Persian empire, which became divided in later years, the arms], its bellies and its thighs were of copper [The Greek world power, which became divided in later years, the thighs, actually into sub kingdoms under the 4 generals, but these split into two camps before the kingdom fell],
33 its legs were of iron [Roman empire, split into Eastern and Western parts], its feet [UK and US kingdoms and military coalition] were partly of iron [hard hearted people bound for Gehenna] and partly of moulded clay [soft hearted people bound for the kingdom of God. These people reject the progressive hardening of the heart from Gold to Iron and choose to go the other way completely towards love rather than aggressive self interest. Self interest is ultimately self defeating in any society of free willed beings].
34 You kept on looking [as we should] until a stone [This is not Jesus Christ or the Kingdom of God, since he is not involved in military conflict. The Kingdom of God is not the ultimate military power!] cut itself [Hithpael reflexive - this is a sect of the mountain 'going rogue' and turning on itself - a false flag] out not by hands [cut out from the mother mountain of the rulership of mankind. This stone is those possessed by the fallen dragon. It will exercise power through the UN - we think through the image of the UN beast, the son of the UN - see verse 45. This demonically possessed stone, the descended dragon, then becomes a larger mountain than the human administration of mankind and fills the earth. The image of the UN beast is therefore demonically orchestrated, which is not surprising since it is going to take over the world. Demons often pose as angels of light], and it struck the image on its feet which [were] iron and moulded clay [The stone strikes the UK/US world power, it strikes both kingdoms, before the 10 toes appear. The 10 toes are a response to the strike] 

Feet stand for 10x since they have a toe 10x. And a time is a day a month of a year, an astronomical cycle. The stone, the 4th beast of Daniel7, the 10 King beast, the first beast from the sea of Revelation13, takes real power for 10 months precisely (due to 10 kings having one thought and 10 horns giving power for one hour).

The Roman Iron took over from the Greek Copper. The Romans took over from the Greeks but did not strike the image in the process, they just won the normal military contest. The stone does not just win a military contest and so become the next one in a long line of dominant military powers. It is a stumbling block to the whole concept behind the man, which concept is warfare. It sets off a debate between the moulded clay class - 'love your brother'- and the iron class - 'kill your brother' - It eventually crushes the feet of the man so he stumbles and falls over - the kill your brother class win the debate or at least have the power to follow through on their bankrupt agenda. There will be a WMD attack, probably a radiological or nuclear attack which causes such pain that the whole concept of conventional warfare upon which this man is built ends! This is the end of the road for military dominion. The weapons have become so powerful that the game has to end. This account does not say that the mountain, human rulers, orchestrate the terrorist attack. The demons (not by hands) orchestrate the disconnection of this stone from the administration of mankind, by possessing targets within that administration and then cause the strike itself. The stone then grows into a large mountain. We know that this large mountain exercises its power through the UN. This could be seen as the image of the UN beast, the son of the UN, getting dominion through its mother mountain, the UN, over the whole earth - not by military power, but by fear of terrorism power, a type of soft power. 

The descended dragon capitalizes massively from the 2nd/3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. These two are essentially a further 911 and a further 77 we think (but nuclear and larger). These were trial runs as far as the demons were concerned. So there will be one strike the US foot and one for the UK foot since the stone hits both feet. These attacks will be used as a justification for a worldwide UN power grab, which proves to be a total disaster for mankind.  They will form a diabolical UN political monopoly in the name of Peace and Security. But in fact very tightly controlled by Satan. This is the demonically possessed stone that becomes a mountain filling the whole earth, an administration running the entire planet.

The 2nd/3rd fire sign, the rising mushroom cloud of 1Kings18, is a nuclear attack on Westside Manhattan from the waterways around Manhattan. The 3rd/2nd fire sign is a nuclear attack on London from the Thames around Dartford. This attack leads to the US and the UK foot being crushed by the stone hitting the feet of the giant man of warfare, conquest by military means] and crushed them [Jesus is not the 8th world military power that strikes the 7th (the feet) and takes over from them! The UN is the 8th military king of the world, we know this from Revelation 17. Babylon was the 3rd military king over the sons of the ICC after the Assyrians, the 2nd, and the Egyptians, the first].

This crushing is the power grab resulting from the twin strike! This stone of nuclear terrorism is a stumbling block for mankind.

33 its legs of iron, its feet, which from iron and which from clay (Daniel 2 YLT)

15512 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight [the UK/US deep state controls the Big Tech sea beast]. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed.
13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind [the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18, false flags in the UK and US].
14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast [The new global digital currency - beastcoin - wokecoin, fearcoin, theftcoin, CBDCs] that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. (Revelation 13 NWT)

34 You kept on looking [1x] until a stone was cut out which/that not [was cut out] in hands [Dual: 10x], and it struck to the image [1x] upon feet of it which/that the iron and the clay [10x.2x=20x if each foot has both materials. But one foot could be iron and the other clay] and crushed them [1x.10x.2x].
35 At/In that time the iron, the moulded clay, the copper, the silver and the gold were crushed as one [5x.(1x+1x)=10x], and [they] became like the chaff from the threshing floors of summer [5x.(1x+3x) = 20x], and the wind carried them away [5x] and all of trace not found to/for them [5x]. And the stone that struck the image [1x], became a large WALL and filled the whole earth [1x+1x as a stone and as a large wall]. (Daniel 2 NWT/KIT/LWT)

rWj m.—(1) a wall around about, a fence, an enclosure. Ezekiel 46:23. (طَوْرُ a boundary, طَوَاُر a fence). A garden is an enclosed area. This is the new garden of Eden, filling the earth. The wall is the secular and sacred law of the Kingdom of God. It could also be Mark of the beast exclusion filling the whole earth, the wall of the digital concentration camp.

Verse34: 1x+1x+10x+1x+10x.2x+20x = 53x
Verse 35: 10x+20x+5x+5x+1x+1x+1x = 43x
Total = 53x+43x = 96x or 8 years of compelled Mark Registration which looks like a wall excluding the unregistered from the financial world but is in fact a wall excluding the registered from the Kingdom of God.

IT IS A DUAL PURPOSE WALL. Those who have iron hearts take the Digital ID and don't care about those who are excluded. If any man is excluded all should stand with him. We should all stand with the minority who suffers discrimination. Those with mouldable moist clay hearts refuse the Digital ID.

8 years from 2025Iyyar14, the start of Mark compulsion (4 years of Revelation13:16 before 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC salvation) to 2033Iyyar14. These are also the 8 Happinesses of the sermon on the mount of the ark administration. That is when the wall of the law of the Kingdom of God fills the whole earth, which earth is resident in the ark under the sacred and secular law of the Christ. THAT IS THE LAW THE LWs HAVE BEEN WORKING ON SINCE January 1992.

Also there is a demonic fulfilment where a demonic stone (cut out from the administration of mankind and demon possessed - is this Cain?). Further stones are cut out by the vaccine. They needed the vaccine to cut out these stones. It hits the two feet and becomes a wall that fills the whole earth, a worldwide digital prison created by social credit score linked CBDCs (the image of the Beast) and vaccine passports. This wall is the means of total financial exclusion for the non complaint. Accepting the Mark puts you under the central bank beast as Caesar. Rejecting it puts you under Jesus Christ as Caesar.

The dream of Daniel2 applies to the Kingdom of God. The interpretation applies to the Kingdom of the demons. 
The 2NCs are cut out from the mountains of non adamic Sodom and 2NC Zoar by rapture. The members of the sea beast of Revelation13 are cut out of the mountain of mega money by demon possession.

41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of moulded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay.
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of moulded clay [10x.2x = 20x, the G20], the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile.
43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they [the descended demons] will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with moulded clay.
44 And in the days of those kings [Those kings, the 10 toes, the 10 Kings of Revelation17 who are 10 horns, the G20 members] the God of heaven will raise up [~Wq] a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin [in the ark, gradually rapturing or resurrecting all Kingdom citizens into that Kingdom. God's kingdom is caused to arise by rapture actually to 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC ark rapture, during the days of the 10 Kings/Toes]. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite
45 forasmuch as you beheld that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the moulded clay, the silver and the gold. The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy. (Daniel 2 NWT).

44 And in the days of those kings [10x] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite

44 and in/at days of them who kings they, will cause to arise [into the ark] God of inhabitants of heaven, Kingdom, which to/for hidden times not will be hurt [3x] and Kingdom to/for a people another not will leave (self) [2x] [it] will cause to be crushed and  will cause to snatch away all of these Kingdoms [5x: iron copper moulded clay silver gold] and herself will arise to/for the hidden times [3x] ! (Daniel 2 WLCi)

45 Because you saw vision that from the mountain she was cut out rock that not in/by hands [Dual: 10x] and she broke/smashed/crushed the iron, the copper, the moulded clay, the silver and the gold [5x] God great he showed to the king what that he will take place after this [1x+1x=2x] and true the dream and being trustworthy the interpretation of him [2x] (Daniel2 NIVHEOT)

The king gave his kingdom to his son = 1x
The king gave his kingdom to someone new = 1x
The king gave his kingdom to someone else = 1x
The king gave his kingdom to his other son = 2x

An object is always other to a subject unless the verb is reflexive. 

Verse 44: 3x.10x.3x.(1x.3x+2x+2x.5x+3x) =90x.18x = 1620x. 
Verse 45: (10x+1x.5x).2x = 30x 
Total: 1620x+30x = 1650x, 55 months. From 2024Tishri15, the start of the ark resurrection of the ELCs to 2029Iyyar16, the end of ark rapture and non adamic transformation of the FRCs of the 6th crop of Revelation22. 

So there are 55 months of raising up the Kingdom of God into the ark by resurrection and rapture. That is the import of Daniel2:44-45. 

These 10 kings who are 10 horns, the G20 members are supposedly democratic governments of 20 nations/blocks. They MUST (but not all their individual members) survive the lava flood which kills non OMC Adam and non OMC Cain, by having some OMCs in them155.

But in the end the love of the living Abraham triumphs over the control of the dead Adam, thanks to the love and power and authority of Jesus Christ and Jehovah

35 At that time the iron [iron hearted leaders, authoritarian inflexible wicked], the moulded clay [democratic leaders, listening to the people and remoulding themselves to be popular], the copper [slightly soft hearts and slight grasp of righteousness], the silver [reasonably soft hearts and reasonable grasp of righteousness] and the gold [very soft hearts and good grasp of righteousness] were, all together, crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor [those who fail to be sealed], and the wind carried them away so that no trace at all was found of them [All the sons of Adam who have not made it into Abraham are crushed, and shown to be hopeless, even the best hearted of them. They are all garbage, chaff, from a moral sustainability standpoint. This is Armageddon, the battle for rulership of the world between the human governments controlled by the descended dragon through the stone and through the UN, and the government of the descended 1NC saints, Zoar] And as for the stone [stone is harder and less malleable than iron] that struck the image, it became a large mountain and filled the whole earth [the stone of descended dragon takes over the planet after the nuclear terrorist attack. They crush all independently sovereign nations and take over the whole earth in the name of international peace and security. But really it is just a global political power grab under the pretext of saving the world from a nuclear conflict that they themselves caused]

36 This is the dream, and its interpretation we shall say before the king.
37 You, Oh king, the king of kings, you to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, and the strength and the dignity,
38 and into whose hand he has given, wherever the sons of mankind are dwelling, the beasts of the field and the winged creatures of the heavens, and whom he has made ruler over all of them, you yourself are the head of [the] gold [meaning you are the present head of the golden kingdom of the head. The man is a series of kingdoms, not a series of kings].
39 And after you there will rise another kingdom earthward more than you; and another kingdom, a 3rd one, of copper, that will rule over the whole earth.
40 And as for the 4th kingdom, it will prove to be strong like iron. Forasmuch as iron is crushing and grinding everything else, so, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter even all these.
41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of potter's clay partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay [moist clay are water baptised sons of Abraham, bound for the kingdom of God].
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron [hard hearted bastards bound for Gehenna, unrepentant, never admit mistakes] and partly of clay [soft hearted sons of Abraham, repentant, hearts moulded by God, bound for the kingdom of God], the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile [10 toes are the 10 kings of Revelation 17, individually. They give their sovereignty to the WEF fronted Sea Beast, the mountain. The feet themselves may also stand for 10 months].
43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they [the Iron hearts of Cain- not the Lion hearts and the potter's clay heats of Adam and the moist clay hearts of Abraham and Isaac in the true church] will come to be mixed with the seed of mankind [vn"a/] [Adam, Abraham and Isaac is the seed of Adam/mankind]; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with potter's clay [The clay hearted adamics do not stick to the iron hearted Cainians].

In fact the iron could be the demonic spirits mixed with the clay of their human vessels. For the demons come to mix with the seed of mankind after they are evicted from heaven. But there again the demons which make up these 10 Kings (each one is a demon possessed human) do not stick together because some of them, the potter's clay class, discover their humanity and repent. But others are hard iron hearted pigs who are bent on destruction out of anger. So the demons kingdom of the 10 toes are divided against themselves and therefore the kingdom itself falls. It could be divided 5 and 5, for 5 toes on each foot. So you have a hard spirit in a soft vessel and a hard heart divided from a soft heart, all carried by the same words, iron and clay. 

Iron is Cain
Potter's clay is Adam (made by the potter)
Moist clay is non adamics (remade by the potter, reshaped)

But iron mixed with clay is a great symbolism for demon possessed humans mixed in and disguised amongst humans. 

44 And in the days of those kings [the 10 kings of the 10 toes of verse 42, these arrive after the stone hits the UK and US feet. These are the 10 rulers, 5 chosen by each foot of the new UN clone organisation with the UN as its mother and the UK/US world power, the two horned beast of Revelation13 as its father. the US/UK put their spirit into this UN clone outfit. So it has the US/UK mindset. It has UK/US software and UN hardware] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom [in the ark] that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people [Zoar is given to the 2NCs, who temporarily give it to the 1NCs who lead the people into the promised land of the Kingdom and then pass it back to the 2NCs]. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [including the kingdom of stone that became a large mountain, the UN clone, the hardest hearted of them all], and it itself will stand to times indefinite;
45 Because you beheld that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the moulded clay, the silver and the gold [Stone crushes but does not put an end to Adam. The Kingdom of God puts an end to all left in Adam. It then even crushes the moulded clay which escapes into Abraham but fails to get sealed into either the FRC or the OMC] The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this [after the image is destroyed and after this large mountain that fills the earth is destroyed. The last satanic physical administration over the sons of the ICC is the large mountain of the son of the UN, the image of the UN, the 4th beast of Daniel7. This is really a demonic administration. It is not a part of the giant image of the man and it is not made by hands]. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy.
46 At that time King Nebuchadnezzar himself fell down upon his face, and to Daniel he paid homage, and he said to offer even a present and incense to him.
47 The king was answering Daniel and saying: Truly the God of you men is a God of gods [So we shall be Gods to be worshipped] and a Lord of kings and a Revealer of secrets, because you were able to reveal this secret.
48 Consequently the king made Daniel someone great, and many big gifts he gave to him, and he made him the ruler over all the jurisdictional district of Babylon and the chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon.
49 And Daniel, for his part, made a request of the king, and he appointed over the administration of the jurisdictional district of Babylon Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, but Daniel was in the court of the king.

The demonic administration of the stone cut not by hands and the Zoar administration appear to run fairly parallel courses. But the former lasts only until the end of demon possession on 2028Heshvan14. Then beast from the sea of Revelation13, the 4th beast of Daniel7, is caught on 2032Tishri22/23, the end of WW3, when it is domesticated and stops fighting wars.

The Dream itself, as recited by Daniel has an event symbolism which Daniel himself interprets as the 4 successive Kingdoms. 

The Kingdom of the 'feet and toes' which are divided are the UK/US 7th world power, which is again split temporally rather than geographically. The final kingdom of the 10 toes is 10 kings of the UN clone, a toe for a King. Two groups of 5, the initial 5 permanent members from December 5th 2001 onwards (who are the UK, US, Chinese, Russians and French) and then the next group of 5 appointed after the first birth pang of the Kingdom. This final kingdom is split temporally as is the UK US kingdom preceding it. The Kingdom that crushes and puts an end to all these kingdoms 'in the days of those kings' (who are the 10 kings of Revelation 17) is the Kingdom of God.

The import of this for today is that this image clearly prophesies that the 8th biblical king of the world, the 6th king of this vision, will have 5 rulers initially and then an additional 5 rulers at a later time. This is because the toes on one foot share common boundaries (being next to each other), but the two sets of toes do not share a common boundary.

In fact it prophesies further that the first 5 Permanent UN Security Council members, who are 5 of the 10 kings of the UN clone, being attached to the first foot (the UK foot), will be chosen largely by the UK (which did occur after WWII), and the second 5, kings of the UN clone, being attached to the second foot (the US foot), will be chosen largely by the US (which will occur as a result of the first fire sign)!!

We realised a version of the above on April 10th 2002. To summarize the event symbolism and literal meaning of the interpretation:

Gold Head Babylonian Kingdom (Nebuchadnezzar being the first King)
Next Kingdom Medo Persian
Earthward more than you Inferior
3rd Kingdom Greek
4th Kingdom Romans
Feet and Toes divided Kingdom (5th) UK/ USA. But the toes have power with the feet (the UK/USA Kingdom).
10 Toes Kingdom (6th) 10 years from the start of demon possession on 2023Nisan24, to the absolute end of Adam/Cain on 2033Nisan14.Iyyar14, the 1st death/late 1st death Passover.
Winged creatures of the heavens Sons of the JAC
Beasts of the Field Sons of the 1AC
Sons of Mankind People who unofficially get a resurrection.
Seed of Mankind Unofficially saved through Armageddon - The Zoar Class - unrighteous mankind who make it through to new system without dying, with no associated angels. These seed the new system from a human standpoint. 
Like iron Strong in the sense of rigid inflexible, unrepentant hearts, hard hearted bastards
Iron Hard hearted. Unresponsive to God. Sons of Gehenna. Cainain and non 1AC adamics,
Procession of metals, Gold < Silver < Copper < Iron Is an increase in hardness of heart of the people in these Kingdoms. This is an increase in unresponsiveness to God of the subjects.
Moist clay Remade Adam, reshaped Adam, non adamics (Abraham and Isaac)
Potter's clay Adamics
Potter God
'They' (those represented by the iron) will come to be mixed with the seed of mankind The sons of hardness (iron) will be mixed with the sons of softness (moist clay). The moist clay, class is the seed of mankind that will start the Kingdom of God. The iron hearted ones will go into destruction of body and soul in Gehenna. The potter's clay are those yet to decide.
But they (iron and clay) will not be sticking together (in this system), this one to that, just as iron is not mixing with clay Iron and clay will be mixed side by side but they will also be separated, for the sons of the light go to the mountain of Jehovah and leave the sons of the darkness (iron) behind. 
Stone cut not by Hands Jesus
Kingdom set up by God Kingdom of God

The Word Symbolism for the 4 true churches of all Christianity

The Giant man is all Christianity
The Head of good gold is Jesus (crushed when he was sacrificed but the wind carried his spirit away to God)
The breasts (heart and lungs) and the arms are 4 kingdoms of the 4 true churches over the saints between their appointments as FDS1, FDS2, FDS3, FDS4 and their fall over the saints.
The bellies (plural in the Hebrew) and thighs (food and procreation) are the 4 kingdoms of the 4 true churches over the water baptised, the priests, after they fall over the saints.
The legs of iron and the feet of iron and clay are the 4 kingdoms of the 4 true churches over the sons of the 1AC after they lose their water baptisms until they either cease to operate or becomes false churches. FDS4 never becomes a false church. It just ceases to operate because everyone is inside the ark. So it never contains any clay. So it is one of the legs of iron. FDS2 did not become a false church either it just ended - ceased operating. So it is the other leg of iron. But FDS1 became the first Evil Slave, ES1, when it fell over the saints, and then became a false church when it lost its global 1AC baptism. After that it contained both iron brothers who were strong in faith and kept their 1AC baptism individually, and clay brothers who were tumbleweed, blown about and deformable i.e. corruptible and therefore lost their 1AC baptism. These two did not stick together. The iron moved into TCC2 whereas the clay remained in the fallen Roman Catholic Church. Likewise in the second presence the iron brothers in the Watchtower, who are strong in faith, will come into Zoar and be saved. Whereas the clay brothers, who are deformable/corruptible, will remain in the fallen Watchtower and be condemned.

Watchtower Church Thread?

Nebuchadnezzar is FDS3/ES2
The King is the 1NC reserves
King Nebuchadnezzar is AOL

1 And in the second year of the kingship of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams; and his spirit began to feel agitated, and his very sleep was made to be something beyond him.
2 So the king said to call the magic-practicing priests and the conjurers and the sorcerers and the Chaldeans to tell the king his dreams. And they proceeded to come in and to stand before the king.
Then the king said to them: There is a dream that I have dreamed, and my spirit is agitated to know the dream.
4 At that the Chaldeans spoke to the king in the Aramaic language: Oh king, live on even for times indefinite. Say what the dream is to your servants, and we shall show the very interpretation.
5 The king was answering and saying to the Chaldeans: The word is being promulgated by me: If you men do not make the dream known to me, and its interpretation, dismembered (cut into pieces) is what you will be, and into public privies your own houses will be turned.
6 But if the dream and its interpretation you will show, gifts and a present and much dignity you will receive on my part. Therefore show me the very dream and its interpretation.
7 They answered a second time and were saying: Let the king say what the dream is to his servants, and we shall show its very interpretation.
8 The king was answering and saying: For a fact, I am aware that time is what you men are trying to gain, forasmuch as you have perceived that the word is being promulgated by me.
9 For if you do not make known to me the very dream, this one and only sentence is upon you. But it is a lying and wrong word that you have agreed to say before me, until the time itself is changed. Therefore tell me the very dream, and I shall know that you can show the very interpretation of it.
10 The Chaldeans answered before the king, and they were saying: There does not exist a man on the dry land that is able to show the matter of the king, forasmuch as no grand king or governor has asked such a thing as this of any magic-practicing priest or conjurer or Chaldean.
11 But the thing that the king himself is asking is difficult, and nobody else exists who can show it before the king except the gods, whose own dwelling does not exist with flesh at all.
12 Because of this the king himself became angry and got very furious, and he said to destroy all the wise men of Babylon.
13 And the order itself went out, and the wise men were being killed; and they looked for Daniel and his companions, for them to be killed.
14 At that time Daniel, for his part, addressed himself with counsel and sensibleness to Arioch the chief of the king's bodyguard, who had gone out to kill the wise men of Babylon.
15 He was answering and saying to Arioch the officer of the king: For what reason is there such a harsh order on the part of the king? Then it was that Arioch made known the matter itself to Daniel.
16 So Daniel himself went in and asked from the king that he should give him time expressly to show the very interpretation to the king.
17 After that Daniel went to his own house; and to Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah his companions he made known the matter,
18 even [for them] to ask for mercies on the part of the God of heaven concerning this secret, in order that they might not destroy Daniel and his companions with the remainder of the wise men of Babylon.
19 Then it was that to Daniel in a night vision the secret was revealed. Consequently Daniel himself blessed the God of heaven.
20 Daniel was answering and saying: Let the name of God become blessed from time indefinite even to time indefinite, for wisdom and mightiness -- for they belong to him.
21 And he is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings, giving wisdom to the wise ones and knowledge to those knowing discernment.
22 He is revealing the deep things and the concealed things, knowing what is in the darkness; and with him the light does dwell.
23 To you, Oh God of my forefathers, I am giving praise and commendation, because wisdom and mightiness you have given to me. And now you have made known to me what we requested of you, for you have made known to us the very matter of the king.
24 Because of this Daniel himself went in to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to destroy the wise men of Babylon. He went, and this is what he said to him: Do not destroy any wise men of Babylon. Take me in before the king, that I may show the interpretation itself to the king.
25 Then it was that Arioch, in a hurry, took Daniel in before the king, and this is what he said to him: I have found an able-bodied man of the exiles of Judah who can make known the interpretation itself to the king.
26 The king was answering and saying to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar: Are you competent enough to make known to me the dream that I beheld, and its interpretation?
27 Daniel was answering before the king and saying: The secret that the king himself is asking, the wise men, the conjurers, the magic-practicing priests [and] the astrologers themselves are unable to show to the king.
28 However, there exists a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what is to occur in the final part of the days. Your dream and the visions of your head upon your bed, this is it:
29 As for you, Oh king, on your bed your own thoughts came up as regards what is to occur after this, and the One who is the Revealer of secrets has made known to you what is to occur.
30 And as for me, it is not through any wisdom that exists in me more than in any others alive that this secret is revealed to me, except to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king himself and that the thoughts of your heart you may know.
You, Oh king, happened to be beholding, and, look! a certain immense image. That image, which was large and the brightness of which was extraordinary, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was dreadful.
32 As regards that image, its head was of good gold [Russell and all those who joined the Watchtower during his presidency], its breasts and its arms were of silver [the congregations of Rutherford, then Knorr, then Franz, then Henschel up until 1998Tishri27, late 2nd tablet shattering day, when the Watchtower fell over the saints and became copper], its belly and its thighs were of copper [the congregation of Henschel after 1998Tishri27, the fall of FDS3, then ? after Henschel resigned on 2000Heshvan4, with POL running the Laodicean thigh after 2003/2004/2005? his baptism. Copper because they had a priesthood. The Watchtower thigh became an iron leg on 2005Sivan14, when they became a false church. The Laodicean church became false on 2017Elul10, but must have become iron on 2005Sivan14, since it was controlled by the Watchtower administration],
33 its legs were of iron [One Watchtower leg and one Laodicean leg from 2005Sivan14 onwards - the division of the two legs prophesying the cutting of the evil slave into two], its feet [from 2008Nisan22, the Kingdom onwards] were partly of iron [hard hearted inflexible fossilized idolaters of man] and partly of moulded clay [soft hearted true worshippers who remain like little children and are prepared to follow the lamb wherever he goes].
34 You kept on looking [as we should] until a stone [One Christian. The stumbling block for this image] was cut out not by hands [cut out from the heavenly administration of God, the mountain of God, by the angels. It is not self appointed by men in the Watchtower who falsely claim to be saints], and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of moulded clay [before the 10 toes appear] and crushed them.
35 At that time the iron, the moulded clay, the copper, the silver and the gold were, all together, crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor [after the 2nd and 3rd fire signs on 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21], and the wind [the Holy Spirit] carried them away so that no trace at all was found of them [the saints enter into the ark and are then raptured]. And as for the stone that struck the image, it became a large mountain [the 2NC gives this stone, its mediator, an administration from 144,000 2NC kings. These are FDS4 the administration of the LWs, a large mountain eventually. One of the two mountains of Zoar] and filled the whole earth [Zoar fills the earth. It ends up having all the sons of the 1AC within it]
36 This is the dream, and its interpretation we shall say before the king.
37 You, Oh king, the king of kings, you to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, and the strength and the dignity [Russell],
38 and into whose hand he has given, wherever the sons of mankind are dwelling, the beasts of the field and the winged creatures of the heavens, and whom he has made ruler over all of them, you yourself are the head of gold [Russell and all those who joined the Watchtower during his presidency].
39 And after you there will rise another kingdom inferior to you [that of Rutherford and then Knorr and then Franz and then Henschel up until 1998Tishri27]; and another kingdom, a 3rd one, of copper [then Henschel from 1998Tishri27 onwards, then Jaracz then Loesch], that will rule over the whole earth [the entire congregation of the Watchtower].
40 And as for the 4th kingdom, it will prove to be strong like iron. Forasmuch as iron is crushing and grinding everything else, so, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter even all these [oppressive kingdom from 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower becomes a false church onwards. Each metal in the image is harder and less valuable and less malleable than the one above it. It is divided into two legs to prophesy that the evil slave will be divided in two]
41 And whereas you beheld the feet [The Watchtower from 2008Nisan22 until the 10 toes, the 10 kings appear after the 3rd fire sign] and the toes [last administration of the Watchtower by 10 kings. 5 Watchtower kings against 4 Laodiceans in accordance with Genesis 14. Then presumably one more Laodicean so that there are 5 on each foot] to be partly of moulded clay of a potter [soft hearted attentive to the potter, malleable JWs] and partly of iron [hard hearted inflexible JWs, not prepared to change to be LWs], the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay.
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of moulded clay, the kingdom [of the 10 toes, 10 kings running the final administration of the Watchtower] will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile [The fragile ones will break away].
43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with moulded clay [The moulded class class will become LWs. The iron hearted class will not].
44 And in the days of those kings [the toes therefore are the kings] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;
45 forasmuch as you beheld that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands [angelic 2NC baptism, the stone is all 2NC saints who impact the Watchtower trying to save their brothers in the mind prison], and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the moulded clay, the silver and the gold [all who remain in the Watchtower until the end whether they joined in the days of Russell or the 10 toes will go to Gehenna. This is a different crushing from verse 35]. The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy.
46 At that time King Nebuchadnezzar himself fell down upon his face, and to Daniel he paid homage, and he said to offer even a present and incense to him.
47 The king was answering Daniel and saying: Truly the God of you men is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a Revealer of secrets, because you were able to reveal this secret.
48 Consequently the king made Daniel someone great, and many big gifts he gave to him, and he made him the ruler over all the jurisdictional district of Babylon and the chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon.
49 And Daniel, for his part, made a request of the king, and he appointed over the administration of the jurisdictional district of Babylon Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, but Daniel was in the court of the king (Daniel 2).



The Vision is symmetric about the vertical centre line through a 2D representation of a human. The stone hits the feet of the giant man (not one foot only). The Head of the giant man is decoded by Daniel, who is describing the EVENT SYMBOLISM as being:

You, Oh King, the King of Kings... are the head of [the] gold (Daniel 2:37,38 NIVHEOT).

So the event symbolism for the 'head' in the vision is Nebuchadnezzar. But the 'King' in the account symbolism is Jesus as we shall see later. So Jesus is not 'the head of gold', or 'the head of good gold', but 'the head of the gold'. Jesus is not gold, he is the head of the gold. 'The gold' is the head of the image, which is eventually crushed, and is those of the 1NC saints who administrate FDS1 and FDS3. So Jesus is the heavenly head of the earthly and human gold head of the entire earthly image of the man. The earthly head of the image is FDS1 and FDS3 split between each presence. Jesus is also of course the second designation of verse 37, namely: King of Kings. 

This is all very similar to the event Symbolism of Daniel 4 befalling Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon, and the account symbolism befalling God, the king of Israel. So here is the meaning of the vision (left and right are interchangeable). True Christians are simply sons of the ICC (Isaaic Church Covenant). 

Left half of GOOD Gold Head FDS1
Right half of GOOD Gold Head FDS3
Left silver breast and arm True Christians in the 1st and 2nd watches of FDS1
Right silver breast and arm True Christians in the 1st and 2nd watches of FDS3
Left Copper belly and thigh True Christians in the 3rd and 4th watches of FDS1
Right Copper belly and thigh True Christians in the 3rd and 4th watches of FDS3
Left Iron leg True Christians in the 5th watch of FDS1
Right Iron leg True Christians in the 5th watch of FDS3
Left foot of iron and clay Hard hearted and soft hearted Christians in the Wicked and Sluggish Slave of Matthew 25 in the first presence (WSS1) 
Right foot of iron and clay Hard hearted and soft hearted Christians in the Wicked and Sluggish slave of Matthew 25 in the second presence (WSS2)
Left half of the stone (which half hit the left foot) Paul. Strikes when he is appointed over all Jesus' belongings as the head of FDS2 in 69Nisan
Right half of the stone (which half hit the right foot) Gordon. Strikes when he is appointed over all Jesus' belongings as the head of FDS4 on 1995Tishri18
Left Half of Mountain created by left foot impact FDS2
Right Half of Mountain created by right foot impact FDS4
Pure/Good Gold True Christian administrators of FDS1 and FDS3 (1NC Saints) who have soft responsive hearts, like those of children, and are uncorrupted
Gold Administrators of WSS1 and WSS2 (1NC Saints) who have become corrupt (not said to be pure/good anymore)
Gold > Silver > Copper > Iron Gold is softer and more valuable than Silver which is softer and more valuable than Copper which is softer and more valuable than Iron. The softness and the value of the metal is the softness and therefore the value of the heart of the Christian.
Iron True Christians (sons of the ICC) who have become rigid, inflexible and hard of heart
Molded Clay True Christians with soft hearts that can still be molded by God.
The iron, molded clay, copper, silver, gold were all together crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor, carried away by the spirit (ruach) so that there is no trace of them.

It is important to realise that these kingdoms were crushed. But Daniel describes in the interpretation of the event symbolism that the Kingdom set up by God will crush AND PUT AN END to all these kingdoms. So in the account symbolism of the dream the kingdoms are crushed but not ended by the halves of the stone. Hence WSS1 and WSS2 become bundles of weeds (GNS1 ands GNS2).

The Christians who remain in this image after it is crushed, which becomes an idolatrous image in the iron legs and the iron and clay feet periods, go to Gehenna. For that is the symbolism of chaff from a threshing floor. Jesus who is the head of the Gold (head) permitted WSS1 and WSS2 (the feet) to take a talent and have a kingdom until these two are finally crushed, when the whole image falls apart. At that time all of the True Christians from FDS1 and FDS3 are crushed emotionally. If they do not leave the idolatrous image of the fallen slave then they are locked into the bundle of weeds that the fallen Christian congregation has become and they are carried of to Gehenna - by the looks of this. Idolatry is the first sin.

Here is the account symbolism of the rest of the account up to the interpretation:

Nebuchadnezzar Remnant of the 1NC saints in FDS1 and WSS1 and FDS3 and WSS2
The King Jesus
Nebuchadnezzar the king Remnant of the 1NC saints who make it to FDS2 and FDS4 (Kingship assured)
Magic practising priests, Conjurers, Sorcerers, Chaldeans The Nethinim, called in the first and the second presences. there is a count of 8x on this group (1994Elul to 2002Elul the whole baptism of the Nethinim, first sanctification to last sealing in the second presence - not sure about the first presence)
They proceeded to stand before the king They were sanctified in holy spirit.
Dreams of the King The existence of account symbolism in the bible. The true symbolic meaning of literal accounts and the second symbolic meaning of symbolic accounts.
Aramaic language The literal language of Nebuchadnezzar. The greater Chaldeans can not see beyond the literal language of the bible.
If you men do not make known to me the dream and its interpretation If the Nethinim do not realise that every chapter of the bible has an account symbolic meaning and then interpret that meaning
Dismembered is what you will be They will be divided and split up in different religions 
Your houses will become public privies The brothers in GNS1 and GNS2 will be unclean (no water baptism)
They answered a second time Relating to the second presence only
The Servants of the King FDS3 and WSS2
Let the King say what the dream is to his servants Let Jesus directly instruct FDS3 and WSS2 by inspired dream or whatever what account symbolism is.
Time is what you men are trying to gain WSS2 play for time, hoping that Jesus will have no choice but to directly tell them about account symbolism.
It is a lying and a wrong word that you have agreed to say before me until the time itself is changed Unholy dishonest agreement between the remnant and the Nethinim in WSS2/GNS2, which has not yet been exposed. But the angels who saw it in advance have ensured that a larger unholy agreement between the UN and the Watchtower is exposed. This is how they work. No one on earth may know of a brothers adultery, but the angels will know and will stop protecting him (due not to his fornication but his lack of honesty which is a lack of faith) and he will fall to something more visible, so that the elders can see his sin and disfellowship him.
There does not exist a man on dry land that is the able There is no one under the authority of GNS2, an administration (land) with no water baptism (dry) that can see the dreams of Jesus - the word.
Wise men of Babylon Sanctified brothers and sisters in the JWs (Remnant or Nethinim)
Nobody else exists who can show it before the king except the gods. This is a lie. Gordon, Tony and Massoud and the other Nethinim in the LWs have seen these dreams. Not only this but FDS3 and the WSS were kept fully informed - directly. The Watchtower chooses to believe a convenient lie that it is impossible rather than an inconvenient truth, that God has chosen someone else because he put in the effort.
Destroy all the wise men of Babel (the place where the physical confusion of languages began) Let all the Remnant and all the Nethinim in the JWs be sanctified in spirit whilst they are unclean in flesh, so that they are effectively baptised into Gehenna unless they join the LWs. So Remnant! you Serpents, and Nethinim! you offspring of vipers, how will you flee the judgment of Gehenna? 
Daniel Gordon
Destroy Prevent a water baptism
Kill Silence
They looked for Daniel and his companions to kill them WSS2 disfellowshipped and therefore silenced Gordon on 1995Adar11. The WSS2 also silenced those who saw something in the work of the LWs.
Arioch, the chief of the king's bodyguard Wicked slave (Matthew 25), Evil slave (Matthew 24), Remnant administrators
Arioch, the officer of the King WSS2 (Matthew 25) Nethinim administrators
Arioch WSS2 in its entirety
Arioch appointed to Destroy the wise men of Babylon The Watchower became a bundle of weeds (Matthew 25) when if fell on 1995Tishri15 and then was disfellowshipped on 2001Tishri30. From then on it became GNS2. It now exists to trap the wicked JWs in order that they do not infect the LWs and if they do not repent they are burned up (as far as we can see). Those who see the work of the LWs and do not flee and join are behaving wickedly.
Daniel's house The temple of FDS4, the stones of which are baptised from 1995Chislev to 2000Chislev
Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah 3 years of the baptism of the 2NC Lords??
Are you competent enough to make know the dream to me that I beheld, and its interpretation? Daniel was not, he was directly told it by the holy spirit. But Gordon was, he worked it out (with help from the holy spirit). This is a Yes/No Question. The point is that the JWs want to be told directly like the first Daniel was. But Jesus did not encode the bible to have to decode it himself. That is why he gets so very angry with those who claim to love him but have no interest in the true meaning of his book!
The wise men, the conjurorers, the magic practising priests, the astrologers are unable to show the king No one can show the king how the account symbolism works for 8 years??  This group counts as 8x.
Belteshazzar Means: Protect the life of the King. This is what Gordon does in the case of the body of the king, the wife of the king, the 1NC saints.
Made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will occur in the final part of the days The 1NC saints who flee to FDS2 and to FDS4 understand the account symbolic meanings of the bible and in particular of Daniel 2. This understanding means life for them: This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you the only true God and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.
The iron, molded clay, copper, silver, gold were all together crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor Brothers who were in all of these watches, even those who were with Jesus before any one these watches become chaff, rotten saints, if they remain with WSS1/GNS1 (left foot) or WSS2/GNS2 (right foot).

Here is the account symbolism of the interpretation:

Head of Gold FDS1
another kingdom earthward from you FDS2 earthy hope for 2NC saints in it.
3rd one of copper FDS3
4th Kingdom strong like iron FDS4, the strongest of all the 4 Christian religions (due to the decoded understandings)
Feet and toes divided kingdom with moist clay WSS1/GNS1, it appears that the Nethinim of the first presence got a water baptism with their sanctification.
10 Toes kingdom WSS2/GNS2, 1994Elul to 2004Elul
Iron 1NC saints (heavenly destination) spiritually inflexible
Molded Clay 2NC Nethinim (earthly destination) spiritually responsive
Potter God (not repeated, so the same as the event symbolism)
Winged creatures of the heavens Sons of the JAC (not repeated, so the same as the event symbolism)
Beasts of the Field Sons of the 1AC (not repeated, so the same as the event symbolism)
Sons of mankind  Unofficially saved.
Seed of mankind Unofficially saved through Armageddon - The Zoar Class - unrighteous mankind who make it through to new system without dying, with no associated angels. These seed the new system from a human standpoint. They procreate in the new system.
They (1NC and 2NC saints) will come to be mixed with the seed of mankind LWs will contain 1NC saints (iron) Nethinim (clay) and Zoar class (seed of mankind).
Stone cut not by Hands Jesus
Kingdom set up by God Kingdom of God
Iron and Clay not sticking together In the Kingdom of God the 1NC saints are in heaven and the 2NC saints are on earth. And again the Nethinim do not marry the seed of mankind, the Zoar class.

Those who are clay in the account symbolism are under the authority of a WSS or a GNS so are sons of the light. Those who are clay in the event symbolism are under the authority of the UK/US and the UN world powers so are sons of the darkness.

The Account Symbolism for the last bit of the account is:

Present Large number of JWs join LWs when remnant brothers come in
Incense ??
King gives Daniel Many Big Gifts Great bible interpretations
Daniel ruler over all jurisdictional district of Babylon Gordon head of FDS4
Daniel chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon Gordon head of the remnant
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego Paul, Timothy and the second Timothy (the other presidents of FDS2 and FDS4)

There are a whole load of parallels that the Holy spirit is drawing between the precession of Worldly kings and the succession of Sacred Kings over Abraham's children under the 1AC. Both Kingdoms eventually attempt to replace God and become objects of idolatry, wherein the subjects worship the system and the powerful men in the system rather than God. Both the secular and the sacred image become harder hearted and more arrogant and inflexible with time until their subjects divide into Good and Bad, Common interested and Self interested, Soft hearted and Hard hearted. When the division is complete then the relevant Kingdom is destroyed by God through Jesus.

You could sum up the whole of Daniel 2 in the phrase, True Christians are in as big a hurry as everyone else to fear, worship and idolise powerful men.