[15]  120, 240, 480, 960 and indefinite lifespan humans!

We are now going to discover the 4 types of human body that God created for sons of Adam and the maximum lifespan of each type of body. We need this information to determine which characters in the bible lived too long for their generation and were therefore non adamic like Jesus was. By this we mean characters who were sons of God and actually sons of pre fall Adam rather than sons of post fall Adam. We need to know all of the non adamic characters in the bible, the characters who are not under any death sentence from Adam or at all, because they all die sacrificially in order to ransom a mediator of a salvation covenant. And salvation covenants are the legal means by which mankind is saved into the Kingdom of God. Every salvation covenant gives you a future life in the form of a resurrection or a rapture because a non adamic human gave his life for that covenant - see I28. The blessing of the salvation covenant is a body of the same type as that which was given in sacrifice..

Below is a table of the ages of the Patriarchs from Adam to Moses. There are 3 biblical texts that the table is based upon. Firstly we have the BHS text (Bilblia Hibraica Stuttgartensia), which is the standard Hebrew text of the old testament written and preserved by the Jewish Masoretic Scribes. This text is also called the Masoretic text, and the true version of it is the inspired and holy Hebrew text of the old testament. Secondly there is the Samaritan Pentateuch. This is a copy of the first five books of the Masoretic text, which make up the law of Moses made by the Samaritan scribes who worshipped on Mount Gerizim in Samaria. The Samaritans did not accept the Psalms or the prophets as a part of the holy bible. The Samaritan Pentateuch, being a copy from the old Hebrew of Moses into the Hebrew spoken at the time of the exile of the people of Samaria into captivity in Assyria, is not inspired or holy. However it does contain some true information that is absent from the Masoretic text. Thirdly there is the LXX (the Septuagint), which is the first Greek translation of the old testament made in Alexandria by 70 Greek speaking Jewish Scholars in the third century BC (between 284 BC and 247 BC according to Sir Lancelot Brenton, an LXX translator into English). The LXX, being a translation is neither holy nor inspired, but again it does contain some true information which is absent from the Masoretic. The 3 texts differ substantially in Genesis 5 and in Genesis 11. We use the Codex Alexandrinus version of the LXX (LXXa, in the British Library) rather than the Vatican version (LXXv, which has obvious mistakes in Genesis 11) - see U506 and U102 on www.truebiblecode.com. The LXX tends to follow the Samaritan Pentateuch where it differs from the Masoretic text. The New Testament tends to quote the LXX when quoting the old testament, since the LXX was written in Greek as the New Testatment is. This is not a problem, because every LXX word quoted in the new testament then becomes holy and inspired, even though the LXX itself was neither for the most part. However to our great surprise we have discovered that there are a few accounts in the Alexandrinus version of the LXX rendering of the Law of Moses that are holy and inspired, since the scripture says:

24 After that Moses went out and spoke to the people the words of Jehovah. And he went gathering seventy men from the older men of the people and proceeded to have them stand round about the tent.
25 Then Jehovah came down in a cloud and spoke to him and took away some of the spirit that was upon him and put it upon each of the 70 older men. And it came about that as soon as the spirit settled down upon them, then they proceeded to act as prophets; but they did not do it again (Numbers 11).

The 70 older men symbolize the 70 Jews at Alexandria who translated the LXX we are saying. Since the spirit was taken away from Moses and put on these 70 men, there is inspired information missing from the 5 books of Moses in the BHS which is present in the LXX. Also the LXX includes Cainan as the son of Arpachshad, and this is confirmed by Luke 3. So again the LXX is for the most part neither holy nor directly inspired. However the holy spirit has inspired some parts of the Law, the first 5 books of the LXX and we shall discover that the History of Shem in Genesis 11, is one of those parts. We are in effect saying that really some parts of the Law in the LXX should be in the bible cannon. The incredible thing is that there are some authorities which claim there were 70 translators of the LXX in Alexandria and others claim there were 72. Whereas 70 older men got some of the spirit from Moses and it is not clear whether the 2 extras, Eldad and Medad were included in their number. Furthermore Jesus designated 70 disciples in addition to the apostles and sent them forth by twos according to the Sinaiticus but he designated 72 according to the Vatican B manuscript. (Luke 10).

1 After these things the Lord designated 70/72 others and sent them forth by twos in advance of him into every city and place to which he himself was going to come. (Luke 10 NWT)
1 meta de tauta anedixen o kurioj kai eterouj ebdomhkonta kai apestilen autouj ana duo pro proswpou autou eij pasan polin kai topon ou hmellen autoj ercesqai (Luke 10 SCSa)
1 meta de tauta anedeixen o kurioj eterouj ebdomhkonta duo kai apesteilen ana duo duo pro proswpou autou eij pasan polin kai topon ou hmellen autoj ercesqai (Luke 10 VatB)

The BHS describes the ages of the patriarchs in Genesis 11 when they stopped procreating, whereas the Samaritan Pentateuch and the LXX describe their ages when they died. 

Genesis 11 from the BHS text

10 Shem was 100 years old when he became father to Arpachshad 2 years after the deluge.
11 And after his fathering Arpachshad Shem continued to live 500 years and/whilst he became father to sons and daughters.
12 And Arpachshad lived 35 years. Then he became father to Shelah.
13 And after his fathering Shelah, Arpachshad continued to live 403 years and/whilst he became father to sons and daughters.
14 And Shelah lived 30 years. Then he became father to Eber.
15 And after his fathering Eber Shelah continued to live 403 years and/whilst he became father to sons and daughters.
16 And Eber lived on for 34 years. Then he became father to Peleg.
17 And after his fathering Peleg, Eber continued to live 430 years and/whilst he became father to sons and daughters.
18 And Peleg lived on for 30 years. Then he became father to Reu.
19 And after his fathering Reu, Peleg continued to live 209 years and/whilst he became father to sons and daughters.
20 And Reu lived on for 32 years. Then he became father to Serug.
21 And after his fathering Serug, Reu continued to live 207 years and/whilst he became father to sons and daughters.
22 And Serug lived on for 30 years. Then he became father to Nahor.
23 And after his fathering Nahor, Serug continued to live 200 years and/whilst he became father to sons and daughters.
24 And Nahor lived on for 29 years. Then he became father to Terah.
25 And after his fathering Terah, Nahor continued to live 119 years and/whilst he became father to sons and daughters.
26 And Terah lived on for 70 years, and he fathered namely Abram, Nahor and Haran (Genesis 11 - BHS).

32 And the days of Terah came to be 205 years. Then Terah died in Haran (Genesis 11).

The Hebrew is ambiguous. The Hebrew word 'and' could mean 'whilst', in which case the account only give the procreative lifespan of the patriarch.

Genesis 11 from the SP text

Shem was 100 years old when he begat Arpachshad 2 years after the flood. And Shem lived after he had begat Arpachshad 500 years and begat sons and daughters (and died).
And Arpachshad lived 135 years and begat Shelah. And Arpachshad lived after he begat Shelah 303 years and begat sons and daughters (and died).
And Shelah lived 130 years and begat Eber. And Shelah lived after he begat Eber 303 years and begat sons and daughters (and died).
And Eber lived 134 years and begat Peleg. And Eber lived after he begat Peleg 370 years and begat sons and daughters (and died).
And Peleg 130 years and begat Ragau (Reu). And Peleg lived after he begat Reu 109 years and begat sons and daughters (and died).
And Reu lived 132 years and begat Seruch (Serug). And Reu lived after he begat Serug 107 years and begat sons and daughters (and died).
And Serug lived 130 years and begat Nahor. And Serug lived after he begat Nahor 100 years and begat sons and daughters (and died).
And Nahor lived 79 years years and begat Tarrha (Terah). And Nahor lived after he begat Terah 69 years and begat sons and daughters (and died).
And Terah lived 70 years and begat Abram Nahor and Haran (Genesis 11, Samaritan Pentateuch).

Genesis 11 from the LXXa text

Shem was 100 years old when he begat Arpachshad 2 years after the flood. And Shem lived after he had begat Arpachshad 500 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Arpachshad lived 135 years and begat Cainan. And Arpachshad lived after he begat Cainan 430 [400 LXXv] years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Cainan lived 130 years and begat Sala (Shelah) and Cainan lived after he begat Shelah 330 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Shelah lived 130 years and begat Heber (Eber). And Shelah lived after he begat Eber 330 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Eber lived 134 years and begat Peleg. And Eber lived after he begat Peleg 370 [270 LXXv] years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Peleg 130 years and begat Ragau (Reu). And Peleg lived after he begat Reu 209 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Reu lived 132 years and begat Seruch (Serug). And Reu lived after he begat Serug 207 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Serug lived 130 years and begat Nahor. And Serug lived after he begat Nahor 200 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Nahor lived 79 years years and begat Tarrha (Terah). And Nahor lived after he begat Terah 129 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Terah lived 70 years and begat Abram Nahor and Haran (Genesis 11, LXX Alexandrinus).

If we put the LXXa together with the BHS, then since the patriarchs, with the exception of Shem, all lived longer in the LXXa, we deduce that the latter of the two possible meanings of the BHS mentioned above must be correct. So the BHS must be referring to procreative lifespans. In the BHS text, the patriarchs procreate but are not said to die (until Terah). In the LXX (Alexandrinus) text they die at an age which is older than the BHS gives for them stopping procreation except in the case of Shem. In the SP the total age given is the same as the BHS except in the case of Eber. We do not as yet know whether the SP includes the words "and died" we are researching this.

Actually the Genesis 5 pre flood patriarch entries have the words 'and he died' at the end of them, whereas the Genesis 11 post flood entries do not.

The LXXa and the SP both give an incorrect figure for the length of life of Noah's father Lamech in Genesis 5. They have him dying aged 753 whereas the BHS has him dying aged 777. So the LXXa cannot be inspired for this particular chapter of Genesis.

The LXX in Genesis 11, has the extra patriarch Cainan who is also referred to in Luke 3 in the line to Jesus. So the LXXa looks like it might be inspired for Genesis 11. The SP and LXX have different ages for the procreations of the sons (100 years older). 

The translators of the SP believed that the patriarchs were giving the physical birth years of these various sons, and for some reason added 100 years to them. The LXX just followed the SP in this regard. But due to our decoding of the Masoretic version of Genesis 11, and due to the different wording between the BHS and the LXX, and due to the LXX having some parts being inspired, we have deduced that the ages given in the LXX for births are the ages of the baptisms in holy spirit of the sons by their fathers. They are spiritual births, they are the dates when the sons were born again. For everyone in the line to Jesus from Adam was born again including Adam himself. This was not a judicially dead line, but a living line. In other words we are saying that the LXXa is inspired for Genesis 11.

The age at death of Eber is given as 504 years in both the SP and the LXX but he is said to have continued to live whilst procreating for 464 years in the BHS. So we deduce that he stopped having kids aged 464 and died aged 504.

The LXX is giving ages when the patriarchs baptised their sons in holy spirit, at which time they were born again. So the BHS has physical birth and the LXX has spiritual birth. 

Patriarch Pre-flood Whole Life or Procreative Life in years from BHS Life? in years from SP Whole Life in years from LXXa Actual Whole  Life in years 
Adam 930 (Genesis 5:5) 930  930  930 
Seth 912 (Genesis 5:8)  912   912 912 
Enosh 905 (Genesis 5:11) 905  905 905 
Kenan 910 (Genesis 5:14) 910  910 910 
Mahalalel 895 (Genesis 5:17) 895  895 895 
Jared 962 (Genesis 5:20) 962  962 962 
Enoch 365 (Genesis 5:23) did not die 365 did not die 365 did not die 365 did not die
Methuselah 969 (Genesis 5:27) 969  969 969 
Lamech 777 (Genesis 5:31) 777  777  777 
Noah 950 (Genesis 9:29)  950   950   950  
Shem 600 (Genesis 11:10,11) 600  600  600 
Arpachshad 438 (Genesis 11:12,13)   438  565  565 
Cainan n/a n/a  460  460 
Shelah 433 (Genesis 11:14,15) 433  460  460 
Eber 464 (Genesis 11:16,17) 504  504 504 
Peleg 239 (Genesis 11:18,19) 239  339 339 
Reu 239 (Genesis 11:20,21) 239  339 339 
Serug 230 (Genesis 11:22,23) 230  330  330 
Nahor 148 (Genesis 11 24,25) 148  208  208 
Terah 205 (Genesis 11:32)   205  205 
Abraham 175 (Genesis 25:7)   175  175 
Isaac 180 (Genesis 35:29)   180  180 
Jacob 147 (Genesis 47:28)   147  147 
Levi 137 (Exodus 6:16)   137 137 
Kohath 133 (Exodus 6:18)   133 133 
Amram 137 (Exodus 6:20)   137 137 
Moses 120 (Deuteronomy 34:7)   120  120
All men born after Moses died 120 years maximum (Genesis 6:3)   120 years maximum 120 years maximum

From this table it is apparent that man's age has fallen from between 777 and 969 before the flood, to around 339 - 565 just after the flood to around 120-208 from Nahor to Moses and then to a maximum of 120 years after Moses. This may all seem rather fanciful today to many readers. Although it will not appear fanciful to Star Trek or other Sci Fi enthusiasts of course! However the LWs know that the chronologies of Genesis are correct to the year, since we have used them in all sorts of consistent long term prophecies. 

Now God himself decreed before the flood that the maximum lifespan of mankind would become 120 years. The Interlinear New International Version Hebrew Old Testament NIVHEOT (Zondervan) has...

3 Not he will contend, spirit of me, in the man, until time indefinite, because he has erred/because he is mortal. And they will be, days of him, 120 years (Genesis 6 - NIVHEOT)

3 After that Jehovah said: My spirit [the spirit I blew into man's nostrils and my mood] shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh/he has erred. Accordingly his days shall amount to 120 years [the days left for the 960 year humans, and the final length of days of all humans, 120 years max] (NWT Genesis 6).

This statement contains 3 ambiguities. God's spirit can mean the spirit he blows into the nostrils of the foetus or it can mean his attitude. The Hebrew expression for: he is also flesh/he is mortal, can also mean: he has erred. Limiting man's days to 120 years can apply to the time left for the 960 year humans in the preflood system, or to the eventual max lifespan of all humans.

This was fulfilled by Moses and everyone born after him. Moses lived for 120 years to the day, dying on his 120th BLC birthday. He lived from 1594Adar1 to 1474Adar1 - see U31a

2 and said to them: 120 years old I am today. I shall no more be allowed to go out and come in, as Jehovah has said to me, You will not cross this Jordan (Deuteronomy 31).

7 And Moses was 120 years old at his death. His eye had not grown dim, and his vital strength had not fled (Deuteronomy 34).

Josephus, the famous Jewish Historian, who was a contemporary of Jesus said, when describing the descent of man from the Ark:

"For the life of man was already, by degrees, diminished, and became shorter than before, till the birth of Moses; after whom the term of human life was one hundred and twenty years, God determining it to the length that Moses happened to live."

Nobody has lived longer than 120 years since Moses. There is only one person who died with a verified age over 120, a French woman, Jean Calment who lived to a verified age of 122. But she has recently been discovered to be a fraud which was not hard to see because she agreed a deal that she would get a flat in Paris if she lived to be more than a certain age (knowing that she had stacked the odds in her favour).- Josephus

Jeanne Calment, the French woman who holds the title as the world’s oldest person, may have been a fraud, Russian researchers allege. Calment died in 1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days. However, Nikolai Zak, a mathematician and a member of the Society of Naturalists of Moscow University, wrote in his study, “Jeanne Calment: The secret of longevity,” that he believed the French woman “took the identity of her mother.”

"The analysis of all these documents led me to the conclusion that the daughter of Jeanne Calment, Yvonne, took the identity of her mother," Zak told the AFP.

According to an official document, Calment’s daughter Yvonne died of pleurisy in 1934. However, Zak believed the mother, Jeanne Calment died and Yvonne “borrowed the identity” of her mother in order to avoid “paying the inheritance tax.”

Calment is believed to have been 99 when she died in 1997, researchers said.

Novoselov told the AFP he “always had doubts” about Calment’s age. He said Calment was “sitting without support” and had “no signs of dementia.”

Jean-Marie Robine, a French demographer and gerontologist who helped the Guinness book of World Records on the validity of records regarding Calment’s agent said he “never had any doubt about the authenticity of the documents.”

Nicolas Brouard, the director of research at the French Institute of Demographic Studies, has called on the bodies of Jeanne and Yvonne Calment to be exhumed in order to determine how old they were.

If Calment’s record is canceled, Sarah Knauss, an American, will be named the world’s oldest person. Knauss died in 1999 at the age of 119.

But were there any other age limits on mankind during this descent? Here we get some help from Peleg and Reu in the BHS.

16 And Eber lived on for 34 years. Then he became father to Peleg.
And after his fathering Peleg, Eber continued to live 430 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
And Peleg lived on for 30 years. Then he became father to Reu.
And after his fathering Reu, Peleg continued to live 209 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
And Reu lived on for 32 years. Then he became father to Serug.
And after his fathering Serug, Reu continued to live 207 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters
22 And Serug lived on for 30 years. Then he became father to Nahor.
23 And after his fathering Nahor Serug continued to live 200 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
24 And Nahor lived on for 29 years. Then he became father to Terah
25 And after his fathering Terah Nahor continued to live 119 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters (Genesis 11 - BHS).

And Eber lived 134 years and begat Peleg [baptising him in holy spirit]. And Eber lived after he begat Peleg [spiritually] 370 [270] years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Peleg 130 years and begat Ragau (Reu) [baptising him in holy spirit]. And Peleg lived after he begat Reu 209 [physically] years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Reu lived 132 years and begat Seruch (Serug) [baptising him in holy spirit]. And Reu lived after he begat Serug [physically] 207 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Serug lived 130 years and begat Nahor [baptising him in holy spirit]. And Serug lived after he begat Nahor [physically] 200 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Nahor lived 79 years [179] years and begat Tarrha (Terah) [baptising him in holy spirit]. And Nahor lived after he begat Terah [physically] 129 years [125] and begat sons and daughters and died (Genesis 11 - LXXa [LXXv]).

So Reu and Peleg both stopped having kids aged 239 (BHS) (although they actually died aged 339 - LXXa). 

We have Eber living for 504 years then Peleg his son and Reu, Peleg’s son, both living for 239 procreative years, which we notice is just under 240 years, which we notice is twice 120 years. Then everybody after Reu lived less than 240 procreative years  We take the 239 procreative year lifespan as being a hint that during these procreative years the full lifespan limit of man would be reduced to 240 years. 

25 And to Eber there were 2 sons born. The name of the one was Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided; and the name of his brother was Joktan (Genesis 10).

19 And to Eber 2 sons were born. The name of the one was Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided; and the name of his brother was Joktan. (1 Chronicles 1 NWT)

Two parallel accounts of the earth being divided. So the earth was divided at Babel into the languages during the days of Peleg. And the church, the earth, was divided, i.e. separated out by baptising people into the first church testing covenant the Peleg Church Covenant!

But the name 'Peleg' means 'division'. The holy spirit is screaming out that we should also examine the meaning of Peleg's brother’s name, which is Joktan. For why tell us the meaning of the name of the one brother without telling us the meaning of the name of the other brother? 

Now Joktan !jqy is from the root !jq meaning: to be smaller or to be younger. So this division "in his days" reflected by Peleg’s name was into younger men, reflected by Joktan’s name. In fact it was a division in the days that men lived. Since to Eber there were two sons born, and they are symbolising a division of age, to make younger men, a division by 2, the most basic division. So we now deduce that the maximum age of the human body was reduced by a factor of 2 in the days of Peleg (after Reu, who lived 339 years and therefore was in the 480 year band). In any event Eber had two children both of whom stopped procreating aged 239 and who died aged 339. So he had two children of equal ages in respect of procreation and of death. This again indicates a division in two of maximum age of sons of Adam during their proceative lives. Furthermore the earth was divided liguistically by God on 2233Sivan7 BC, 2 Prophetic TimesI before the inauguration of the Law of Moses on 1513Sivan7 BC.

Indeed the max lifespan of man was 'divided' from 480 to 240 years in the days of Peleg, which days ran from 2270 when he was born to 1931 BC when he died. Reu, his son, lived for 339 years like Peleg. Then Serug was born in 2208 and lived for 330 years. Then Nahor was born in 2178 BC and lived for 208 years. So the 480 to 240 reduction occured between 2208 and 2178 BC.

Putting this another way Eber had precisely 2 sons called 'division' and 'smaller'. So his sons had a maximum lifespan that was smaller by a division in 2 of the maximum lifespan of his generation (480 years which he Eber actually exceeded by 24 years). This interpretation is cryptic, rather like a Times crossword. God is giving us clues in the scriptures, just as he does in our lives. 

Extrapolating this we deduce that there must have been 4 divisions by 2 to get us from 960 years down to 120 years. So we then have maximum ages of 120, 240, 480 and 960 with a few exceptions. 

The Division at Babel occurred in 2233Sivan, 2 Prophetic Times of Babel's Times before the law

6 And Jehovah said, Behold, the people [is] one [dx'a,], and one [dx'a,] lip to all of them, and this they are beginning to do, and now all which they have purposed to do will not be restrained from them [by law]. (Genesis 11 GLT)
7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another's language. (Genesis 11 NWT)

2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: She has fallen! She has fallen! [] Babylon, the Great, [Babel fell when the law came into force on 1513Sivan7, 2 Prophetic times of Babel's Times after 2233Sivan7. She has fallen, she has fallen. Or Genesis 11:6, one people and one lip and this is what they start to do and there will be nothing restricted for them until the law of Moses] and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit [someone who has failed his spirit baptism test] and a prison of every unclean [saint with no water baptism, rotten in the flesh, Miriam] and hated [unsealed saint, rotten in spirit] bird!

This is a witness to 1+1=2x precisely from the Babel (this they are beginning to do), to the law of Moses, when god's people were restricted by a set of righteous laws. These are 2 Prophetic Times of Babel's Times from 2233Sivan7 (when the languages were divided and when the maximum lifespan of man was again divided from 480 years to 240 years) to 1513Sivan7 (when the law of Moses came into force upon the Pentecost)..

Does this theory fit the data?

Looking at the preflood ages and the post flood ages of the Patriarchs we see that everyone lived for less than 960 years except Methuselah who lived for 969 and Jared who lived for 962.
Looking at those born after the flood we see that Arpachshad lived for 565 years and everyone after him except Eber lived for less than 480 years.
Peleg, Reu and Serug all lived for 339, 339 and 330 years respectively and everyone after Serug lived for less than 240 years. This means that both Serug was non adamic.  
Everyone after Moses lived for a maximum of 120 years with the exception of Jehoida who lived for 130 years.

20 So all the days of Jared amounted to 962 years and he died.
27 So all the days of Methuselah amounted to 969 years and he died. (Genesis 5 NWT)
15 And Jehoiada got to be old and satisfied with years and died, being 130 years old at his death (2 Chronicles 24).

So the limit from Adam to Arpachshad was 960 years. Then after Arpachshad down to Peleg, it was 480 years. And from after Serug's brith and before Nahor's birth to Moses it was 240 years and then from Moses down to today it was 120 years. But we have 6 exceptions to these rules in Methuselah, Jared, Eber, Jesse and Jehoida. These 5 were all in fact non adamic and so not subject to adamic age limits - see intro21 and see U506.

Hence the glorious pronouncement from God to Moses...

6 And Jehovah went passing by before his face and declaring: Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth,
7 preserving loving-kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but by no means will he give exemption from punishment, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons and upon grandsons, upon the 3rd generation and upon the 4th generation. (Exodus 34 NWT).

God punishes 4 generations for the error of fathers. So why did the 5th generation down from Adam, Jared, age and die at 962 years old? Well, actually he did not. He was not adamic, which is why he lived for more than 960 years! He died sacrifcially and if he aged his ageing was cosmetic not judicial. However of course all the children of Adam still age and die even today and we are now around 100 generation down. Jesus was the 77th in line from Adam. So why are we today, at generation 100, still dying? Well, it is because these generations are not the genetic generations down from Adam, they are lifespan generations down from Adam. The generations are...

Generation1 960 year max lifespan
Generation2 480 year max lifespan
Generation3 240 year max lifespan
Generation4 120 year max lifespan.

The 5th generation is not adamic and not subject to the adamic death penalty which is due to the error of our father Adam.

Now God made this pronouncement to Moses when he showed him his back rather than his face...

22 And it has to occur that while my glory is passing by I must place you in a hole in the rock, and I must put my palm over you as a screen until I have passed by.
23 After that I must take my palm away, and you will indeed see my back. But my face may not be seen (Exodus 33 NWT).

This must be understood in the light of Exodus24 when Moses and Aaron and Nadab and Abihu and the 70 older men of Israel all saw God's face...

9 And Moses and Aaron went up [with] Nadab and Abihu, and seventy from the elders of Israel.
And they saw the God of Israel. And under His feet [was] as the work of a pavement of sapphire, and the same as the essence of the heavens for clearness.
11 And He did not stretch out His hand to the nobles of the sons of Israel. And they saw God, and they ate and drank (Exodus 24 GLT).

So something had changed by Exodus34. This was God turning his back not upon Moses but upon mankind by reducing our lifespan the final step to 120 year max and visiting the error of Adam upon the 4th lifespan generation of his sons. For more on this see U363.

The 480 age limit came in 2 years after the flood and 120 years into the Alienation times during 2368Sivan - see U106.

The LWs initially deduced the lifespan steps of man from a counting argument of the code applied to Genesis 6:3

Perhaps Job was non adamic too? Or perhaps he just lived before Peleg

16 And Job lived after [his] affliction 170 years: and all the years he lived were 240, and Job saw his sons and his sons' sons, the fourth generation. (Job 42 LXXb)

Reversing the Curse by Steps

The ark landed upon the mountains of Ararat. And Ararat means curse reversed. Now the curse was 4 stages, the 960/480/240/120 year max lifespan stages. That is how age and death was visited upon Adam (by which we mean the house of Adam). His lifespan got shorter and shorter by 4 steps. So to reverse this process we have to go back up the same steps that we came down. Although no son of Adam man was ever subject to two different max lifespans.

Technical Note on the vessels of Numbers 7

Consider the inauguration sacrifice of the altar in the tabernacle:

84 This was the inauguration offering of the altar on the day of its being anointed, on the part of the chieftains of Israel: 12 silver dishes, 12 silver bowls, 12 gold cups;
85 130 shekels to each silver dish, and 70 to each bowl, all the silver of the vessels being 2,400 shekels by the shekel of the holy place;
86 the 12 gold cups full of incense being 10 shekels respectively to a cup by the shekel of the holy place, all the gold of the cups being 120 shekels;
87 all the cattle for the burnt offering being 12 bulls, 12 rams, 12 male lambs each a year old and their grain offerings, and 12 kids of the goats for a sin offering;
88 and all the cattle of the communion sacrifice being 24 bulls, 60 rams, 60 he-goats, 60 male lambs each a year old. This was the inauguration offering of the altar after its being anointed (Numbers 7).

252 animals were offered up, each with a redemption value of 5 shekels:

15 Everything opening the womb, of every sort of flesh, which they will present to Jehovah, among man and among beast, should become yours. However, you should without fail redeem the firstborn of mankind; and the firstborn of the unclean beast you should redeem.
16 And with a redemption price for it from a month old onward you should redeem it, by the estimated value, 5 silver shekels by the shekel of the holy place. It is 20 gerahs (Numbers 18).

So the value of the living sacrifice was 1260 shekels, and the value of the containers of the grain and incense offerings was 2520 shekels.

All the animals together

Fine wine baptism into the name of Jesus, where sealing was not yet possible.

1260 shekels

1260 days of the ministry of Jesus

2520 shekels 

2520 years of the Alienation Times, from 2488Sivan to 33Sivan5, when the gifts of the spirit were bestowed upon sons of Adam

120 shekels of Gold cups 

First 120 years of Alienation Times (Gold precedes Silver in value and therefore in time here)

The Altar Jesus Christ
The altar being anointed Jesus’ baptism by John
After it’s being anointed The period after 29Tishri10
The ‘day’ of it’s being anointed

The Alienation Times, waiting for the release by sacrifice

Peter was called on the first day after John saw Jesus having returned from the 40 days in the wilderness. The 40th day of fasting in the wilderness was 29Heshvan19 (since 29Tishri10 was the great fast of atonement day). John would have seen him on 29Heshvan20. So Peter was called the next day on 29Heshvan21, Jesus' birthday and the 2NC Pentecost day. Jesus changed his name from Simon to Cephas (Peter) on that day:

42 When Jesus looked upon him he said: You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Cephas, which is translated Peter (John 1).

This name change was point to his baptism into the Hebrew name of Jesus, his sanctification. Peter was sanctified on the 8th day after he was called which was 33Heshvan29, the last day of the marriage feast of Cana from 29Heshvan23-29  (see John chapter 1).

One thing that emerges from this is that the total number of shekels of the physical containers was 2400+120 =2520 shekels. This is a very straightforward witness to the length of the Alienation Times - see [128]. But it also includes the 120 year period of the decree of Genesis 6:3. Furthermore there were two types of silver vessels, split 1560 and 840 between the dishes and the bowls.

So the solution to this divine puzzle, is that Adam and his sons initially had a life span of 8x.120x=960 years. Then there were three divisions of this down to 480 years, 240 years and finally 120 years. The first division occurs just after the birth of Arpachshad, the second around the time of Peleg, and the final division occurred at the time of Moses. The first division occurred at the end of the 120 years of the decree, this being 120 years into the Alienation times, in Sivan 2368. Arpachshad must have been born just before this. 

From this it is apparent that the last division, with the 120 year limit occurred after Moses was born, since he did live 120 years, and of course Aaron his brother lived 123 years. But the split of the silverware into dishes and bowls gives us the date of 1528Sivan, this being 840 years after 2368Sivan and 1560 years before 33Sivan. So we deduce that in this month man's age was limited to being below 120 years. 

This is all beautifully and cryptically confirmed in Genesis 3:21:

21 And Jehovah God proceeded to make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife and he clothed them (Genesis 3).

A classic it is. The garments were long garments or under garments, the root !tk means garment in the sense of one covering everything, so it would have to have been long. Verse 21 sentence counts as 4x (the count is triggered by skin being a body part), and these are the 4 bodies of skin that God made for man, of 960, 480, 240 and 120 year lengths. This was the last creative act of Jehovah, the transformation of Adam and Eve from indefinitely lasting flesh to 960 year lasting flesh. He also clothed them, with animal skin - literally. The concept of clothing them is repeated, so one recital refers to the new clothes and the other to the new ageing bodies.

A further subtlety now emerges. Cain killed Abel in Sivan 3928BCE, this being 11 times before the great forgiveness of 33Sivan5 AD, these being the 11 times of Lamech's times, 3960 years - see [C10]. So Cain killed Abel 2400 years before man's age was limited finally to 120 years, and Satan in Judas killed Michael by betrayal to Caiaphas 2400 years after man's age limit was reduced to 480 years. Now Abel's death was the inauguration of all the sacrifices of all the true worshippers, the inauguration of the altar of the sacrifice of human life. And there are 2400 years from the death of Abel to the end of 240 year lifespan man split 1560 and 840 by a change of vessel, the one in Sivan 2368, so we the 3960 years have Lamech's times split up as:

Cain killed Abel           480 year max lifepan begins      120 year max lifespan begins       Alienation Times ends at Pentecost
3928Sivan                   2368Sivan                                  1528Sivan                                    33Sivan5
          1560 years                               840                                         1560 years (1560+840 = 2400) (1560+840+1560 = 3960)

3 After that Jehovah said: My spirit shall not judge [!WD] man indefinitely in that he has erred/is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to 120 years. (Genesis 6 LWT)

120 year flood warning       Flood of Noah began
2491Heshvan                     2371Heshvan17
             120 years

Alienation Times starts ARC sealing suspended
120 year lifespan warning                                        480 year max lifespan begins
2488Sivan5                                                              2368Sivan7
                  120 years

Finally Abel was born in 3990Shebat - see [41] and so he was killed in his 61st year by Hebrew reckoning. But 960 year lifespan men cannot procreate before 60 so this could explain why he had no kids, hence the line was through Seth.

However there is also the meaning that 120 years before the flood, i.e. in 2491Heshvan, God warned Noah that he would wipe men whom he created off the face of the earth 120 years later in 2371 Heshvan. For there is a pattern of 120 years of a presence followed by a flood and an ark. This applies to the day of Noah and to the days of the first two presences of the Christ. Hence we read...

37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be [120 years to the day in two parts].
38 For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark;
39 and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.
40 Then 2 men will be in the field: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned;
41 2 women will be grinding at the hand mill: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned.
42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming (Matthew 24).

It is very interesting that there are 3½ years, the length of Jesus' ministry, between the flood warning and the age decree.