[8]  The Structure of the Kingdom of God: New Jerusalem and the Great Crowd of Revelation 7:9 and Revelation 19:6

New Jerusalem

Now Jerusalem was the ruling city of the nation of Israel. So a 'New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven' symbolises a heavenly rulership over God's people applying to the earth. So the kings who rule with the Christ are in heaven and are therefore angels, and their subjects are on the earth. The husband is Jesus, and his wife is all of the kings as a group who rule with Christ for 1,000 years as mentioned in Revelation 20:4, who are the true saints of the New Covenant that Jesus made at the last supper:

29 And I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, 
30 that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Luke 22).

The bible uses the marriage agreement between a husband and a wife, to symbolise agreements or covenants between God and his people. The 1st new covenant saints, being Jesus’ wife, live with him in heaven as angels. He takes his wife home to his place.

The precise administrative structure of the kingdom as we presently understand it is...

Position Heavenly Ruler Earthly FRC Ruler Earthly OMC Ruler
King Jesus Methuselah  
Queen (Head of wife) Peter Gordon ?
Wife 144,000 1NC Kings in 12 tribes 144,000 2NC FRC Kings in 12 tribes 144,000 2NC OMC Kings in 12 tribes
Head Administrator Apollos, the mediator of Zilpah (HLC) Paul, the Mediator of Bilhah (ELC) Paul, the Mediator of Bilhah (ELC)
Administrators 1.44 Million HLC Overlords in 12 tribes 1.44 Million 2NC Overlords in 12 tribes 1.44 Million 2NC Overlords in 12 tribes
Administrators 14.4 Million HLC Underlords in 12 tribes 14.4 Million 2NC Underlords in 12 tribes 14.4 Million 2NC Underlords in 12 tribes
Priests n/a Everyone who has ever been in a true religion. Sons of the CRC Everyone who has ever been in a true religion. Sons of the CRC
Citizens n/a Everyone who has ever had faith in God (1AC) and works of fatih. Sons of the FRC Everyone who has ever had faith in God (1AC) and works of love. Sons of the OMC

Jesus is also a God of the Kingdom and his wife the 1NC kings is the holy spirit of the Kingdom of God, which is the 3rd Holy Spirit Covenant (3HSC). Just as the HLC produces heavenly Lords, so the ELC produces earthly Lords. 

Paul and his sons are the firstborn Lords. So Paul will be the head Lord, the Lord of Lords, the head bureaucrat in the Kingdom. The Kingdom equivalent of Humphrey in the UK TV series, Yes Minister, the head of the civil service, the chief bureaucrat. 

So the 2NC kings are all in subjection to their angelic 1NC heads, half of whom have had 1,900 years of angelic life. And the ELC earthly Lords (who will have had 1,900 years of life on Eden2?) will be in subjection to their HLC heads, many of whom (form the Gad call - see U42) have likewise had 2,000 years of angelic life.   

The 144,000 1NC and 2NC FRC and 2NC OMC Kings run 144,000 independent kingdoms (3 kings to a kingdom). This is the complete opposite of the UN or the EU or the AU. It is more like the USA used to be before the Federal government corrupted everything.

The Patriarchs such as Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Moses David etc are all sons of the JAC but their kingships are in the 2nd Eden , not the 3rd. Eden3 is the Kingdom of God that Jesus preached. 

The rulership arrangement will not end after 1,000 years for the scripture says...

5 And night shall not be there, and they have no need of a lamp and light of a sun, because the Lord God doth give them light, and they shall reign -- to the ages of the ages (YLT Revelation 22).

More specifically on earth the administrative structure is as follows...

Title (Subject to revision) Position
Absolute King Methuselah overall earthly ruler
Queen (Head of wife) Hyperking, King of Kings Gordon, ruler of 144,000 2NC FRC and OMC Kings
2NC FRC Apostle Ruler of a tribe of 12,000 Kings and 1 Kingdom
2NC OMC/LRC Apostle Ruler of a tribe of 12,000 Kings and 1 Kingdom
ChiliMelek Ruler of 1,000 Kings and 1 Kingdom
CentuMelek Ruler of 100 Kings and 1 Kingdom
DecaMelek Ruler of 10 Kings and 1 Kingdom
King Ruler of 1 Kingdom
Overlord (District Overseer) Ruler of 10 Underlords
Underlord (Circuit Overseer) Ruler of 10 Congregations
Presiding OVerseer Ruler of 1 Congregation
Elders Ruler of 50 or 100 brothers

Paul is the Lord of Lords. He has a Lordship over all the Overlords presumably. There will be an interkingdom structure, a Kingdom of Kingdoms structure under Gordon. Paul will be administrative head of that

We end up as the wife of Gabriel who possessed Methuselah when we become the 5th Holy Spirit after the Kingdom has ended. We are after all sealed into the ARC, i.e. baptized into the name of the holy spirit. 

The Great Crowd of Revelation 7:9 and of Revelation 19:6

On Monday Nisan10 33 CE (March 27th 33AD), Palm Monday, Jesus came to Jerusalem and a great crowd was there to greet him, many of whom had seen him resurrect Lazarus. In fact the chief priests were so worried by this development they took counsel to kill Lazarus! A man whom Jesus had resurrected! Blindness in the extreme, deliberate blind power politics. The account reads:

9 Therefore a great crowd of the Jews got to know he was there, and they came, not on account of Jesus only, but also to see Lazarus, whom he raised up from the dead.
10 The chief priests now took counsel to kill Lazarus also, 
because on account of him many of the Jews were going there and putting faith in Jesus.
12 The next day the great crowd that had come to the festival, on hearing that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took the branches of palm trees and went out to meet him. And they began to shout: Save, we pray you! Blessed is he that comes in the Lord's name, even the king of Israel! (John 12).

This really was Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Monday 33Nisan10. This was the recognition by the Jews that Jesus was to be their king. Even the young boys cried out: 'Save we pray son of David' and when the Pharisees, who missed the beauty in everything only having eyes for their own status in front of the crowd, complained to him he said:

16 Did you never read this: Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have furnished praise (Matthew 21).

Now in Revelation, the apostle John saw in vision the following:

9 After these things I saw [a new subaccount], and, look! a great crowd, which no one was able to number, out of every nation [pantoV is singular referring only to nation]  [Christian church] and [out of] tribes [12 Tribes of all the water baptisms] and [out of] peoples [Peoples from Noah to Babel] and [out of] tongues [Language], standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes [righteous in flesh - robes UPON their flesh]; and there were palm branches in their hands [FRCs].  
And they keep on crying with a loud voice [to everyone including John], saying: Salvation [we owe] to the God of us [Jehovah, the great crowd is not only Christian. It is all the FRCs], the [one] sitting on the throne, and to the Lamb.  
And all the angels had stood [pluperfect] in a circle [kuklw dative, literally 'in circle of' and 'circle' is a noun] the throne and the elders and the 4 living beings, and they fell upon their faces before the throne and worshipped God,  
saying: Amen! The blessing and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honour and the power and the strength [be] to our God forever and ever. Amen.  
And in response one out of the elders said to me: These [particular ones], the [ones] dressed in the robes, the white [This does make sense singly due to verse 9. But not said to have palm branches in their hands - omission principle] who are they and where did they come from?

This question does not apply to all of those in white robes because all the elders fell down to worship God as a result of the entire group crying that they owe their salvation to the God of us, the on sitting on the throne. It is a specific subgroup of them.

14 So right away I said to him: My lord, you are the one that knows [Event: John talking to an angel/messenger/president of TCC2. Word1: Gordon talking to a 1NC apostle]. And he said to me: These are the ones that come out of the tribulation, the great [not a double designation. Does not make sense singly] and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb [washed in the blood of the lamb, the validation sacrifice, of the testing covenant and whitened in the blood of the lamb, the validation sacrifice of the sealing covenant. Not for flesh but for robes. So not a priestly covenant but a salvation covenant for citizens, the 1AC for FRC sealing of the OMC for LRC sealing. The robes are your personality, faithful or loving, but not chosen to be a saint by God or to be a priest by the saints. Your personality clothes your spirit, which is your character, which is you].  

Angelic covenant is a washing of the spirit, the character
Priestly covenant is a washing of the flesh, the animal instincts, getting control of the fleshly desires 
Citizen covenant is a washing of the robes, the personality, the demeanour.

699 After these (things) [2x] [sealings of the 144,000 1NCs and 2NCs and reserves] I saw [1x], and look! crowd much [1x], which to number it and not one/not even one [oudeij] was able [1x: So they include the non priestly FRCs], out of every nation [pantoV and eqnoV are both singular] and [out] of tribes and [out] of peoples and [out] of tongues [within nations?] [2x+2x+2x+2x=8x],
(ones) having stood in sight of [enwpion] the throne [1x+1x=2x] and in sight of [enwpion] the Lamb [1x+1x=2x: lambs can see]
(ones) having been thrown around [periballw] robes white [1x: 1 robe each around the bodies of the representative people - the count of the crowd]
and palm [branches] in the hands of them [1x.5x+1x.5x=10x];
10 and they are crying out to voice great, saying The salvation [is due] to the God of us [1x. Jehovah NOT Jesus - there are non Christians in this group] to the (one) sitting upon the throne [2x: Jesus NOT Jehovah] and to the Lamb [1x: Elijah4, who runs the departure lounge]. (Revelation 7 KIT)

Verse9-10 from look!: 2x+1x+1x+8x.(2x+2x).2x+8x.10x+8x.(1x+2x+1x) = 4x+64x+80x+32x = 180x from 2028Heshvan10 to 2029Iyyar10 for FRC entrance into the 1st 6 crops of the tree of life or Revelation22
And from 2029Iyyar10 to 2029Heshvan10 for LRC entrance into the last 6 crops of the tree of life of Revelation22

11 And all [pantej] the angels had stood to circle [1x: Making one circle containing] of the throne and of the older persons [24 of them] and of the 4 living [creatures] [a circle of 1x+24x+4x = 29x], and they fell in sight of the throne upon the faces of them [[2x.(1x+1x+1x) = 6x: Each one falling upon face before throne]
and worshiped to the God. 12 saying Amen (truly to verse 10); the blessing and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving [rather than wealth of Revelation5] and the honour and the power and the strength to the God of us [7x] into the ages of the ages; amen (truly) Revelation 7 KIT)

Verse 11-12: 2x.29x+6x+2x.(4x+7x.4x+7x.4x) = 58x+6x+2x.60x = 184x from 2024Heshvan17 - the 17th day of the 2nd month of Genesis 7:11, when some springs are busted open or when the floodgates of the heavens are opened? to 2025Iyyar21, the end of the rapture of the 2NCs, the collection of all the angels to stand to circle of the throne in the ark. 

11 And I saw [1x], and I heard sound of the voice [Gesenius] of angels many [1x] in/to [dative] circle of the throne and of the living [creatures] and of the older persons [1x: One circle of the 1x+4x+24x=29x], and was the number of them myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands [a witness to 100x, the comparison between 100,000,000 and 1,000,000],
12 saying [1x for the circle that they make] in/to voice great Worthy is the Lamb [Elijah4 killed to the 3EC, or FDS4 killed to Adam and resurrected to Abraham then Isaac: 1x] the (one) having been slaughtered [1x: sacrificed by the Watchtower to silence him] to receive the power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing [7x. Whereas Jesus is worthy of worship being a God. There is no question as to his worthiness]. (Revelation 5 KIT)

I saw = 1x. 
The sound of the voice of many angels in circle of 29x = 29x. 
myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands = 100x by comparison of the two.
So John hears the sound of the voice of 100x of angels in a circle of 29x making 2900x in total from 2025Nisan24 to 2033Iyyar14
Verse 12: 7x. These are the 7 years of the gifts of the spirit from 2025Iyyar21 to 2033Iyyar14 less the 12 month honeysun of the 2NC marriage from 2028Adar9 to 2029Adar9. 

2025Nisan24 is the 7th day counting from 5th row baptism day on 2025Nisan18. So all the 2NCs are installed as Isaaic 4EC priests on that day. That is when we are all worthy to receive the gifts of the spirit for 7 years.

13 And concluded/answered [apokrinomai, apo and krinw] [to decide from, to conclude] one out of the elders [24x] saying to me: These (ones), the (ones) having been thrown about the robes the white [a further specification of these ones. White outer robes about them, means sealed. This was a conversation about outer garments only, not about underwear - the inner robe] who are they and wherefrom came they [who are these ones, the ones wrapped in robes, and where did they come from: (2x+2x.2x).(1x+1x)=12x]

14 And I have said to him [24x: One of the elders]: Lord of me, you have seen [oidaj from eidw[1x, Lord of me, not one of the elders]

And he [1x] said to me: These [2x: Redefined from 4x of verse13] are the (ones) coming out of the tribulation the great [present tense - into Zoar and then the ark. ALL of them come out of the Great Tribulation]

And they washed the robes of them [2x: disrobing to wash, one robe each, robe standing for faithful character here, This is a baptism into the 1AC/OMC, NOT into the 4EC which cleans the flesh. And a sealing into the FRC/OMC] and they whitened them in the blood of the Lamb [2x: The relevant lamb. Melchizedek, the lamb of the FRC. They wash their robes in the blood of the 1AC/OMC. They whiten them in the blood of the FRC/LRC. Robes are not flesh. But the law they obey is that of Zoar] (Revelation 7 KIT)

Their love is human deep not divine deep. It is shallow because they do not recognise its source. It is a 2nd hand emotion for the 2nd law of God. Clothes are made by man, the body is made by God. Love of man cleans the clothes, love of God cleans the body. Love of man is shallow and plastic compared to love of God. But it is love and that is good enough for salvation. These are the OMCs, the glassy sea..

12 Accordingly, as God's chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long-suffering. (Colossians 3 NWT). 

15 Through this they [2x] are in sight of/before [evnw,pion equivalent to o` evn wvpi w;n, one who is in sight] the throne of the God [2x.(1x+1x) = 4x: In the ark], and they are rendering service to him of day and of night in the divine habitation of him [2x+2x=4x] [So they are either priests or in the outer courtyard. They are worshippers], and the (one) sitting upon the throne [2x] will tent upon them [1x+2x=3x].

16 Not they will hunger yet/further [2x.2x] not-but they will thirst yet/further [2x.2x], not-but not should fall upon them the sun [1x+2x=3x] not-but all/any burning heat [1x+2x=3x],
17 because the Lamb [1x], the (one) up [ana] middle/midst [meosj] of the throne [2x] will shepherd them [2x], and will guide them upon of life fountains of waters [2x+2x.2x=6x. Apostles] and will wipe out the God every tear out of the eyes of them [2x.2x.2x=8x]. (Revelation 7 KIT)

They stand before the throne is 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
They kneel before the throne is 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
They are standing before the throne 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
They are [existing] before the throne 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
They are [situated] before the throne 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x

Verse 13: 24x.(2x+2x.2x).2x = 24x.12x= 288x  
Verse 14: 24x.1x+1x.(2x+2x+2x) = 24x+6x=30x
Verse 15: 4x+4x+2x.3x=14x
Verse 16-17: (2x.2x+2x.2x+3x+3x).(1x.2x.(2x+6x)+8x) = 14x.24x = 336x
Total for great crowd coming out of great tribulation: 288x + 30x.14x + 336x = 288x + 420x + 336x = 1044x. The length of the Great Tribulation of Matthew24, which extends until the end of the ride of the 4th horseman, the end of nuclear war.. So it runs from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2 covering 4 winters.

To render service in the temple you must be a worshipper. So you must be obeying the 1st law. So you are an FRC not an OMC. You do not have to be officiating at the altar as a priest. 

15 Whenever therefore you might see the disgusting thing of the desolation the (thing) spoken through Daniel the prophet having stood in place holy, the (one) reading let him be minding,
16 then the (ones) in the Judea let them be fleeing into the mountains,
17 the (one) upon the housetop not let him come down to lift up the (things) out of the house of him,
18 and the (one) in the field not let him return behind to lift up the outer garment of him.
19 Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and the (ones) giving suck in those the days
20 Be praying but in order that not should occur the flight of you of winter and not to Sabbath; (Matthew 24 KIT)
20 proseucesqe de ina mh genhtai h fugh umwn ceimwnoj mhde sabbatw (Matthew 24 VatB)
21 will be for then tribulation great of what sort not has occurred from beginning of world until of the now not-but not not should occur.
22 And if not were cut short the days those, not likely was saved all flesh; through but the chosen ones will be cut short the days those. (Matthew 24 KIT)

14 However, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing where it ought not let the reader use discernment, then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.
15 Let the man on the housetop not come down, nor go inside to take anything out of his house;
16 and let the man in the field not return to the things behind to pick up his outer garment.
Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and to the (ones) giving suck in those the days.
18 Be you praying but in order that not it might occur of winter;
19 will be for the days those tribulation of which sort not has occurred such from beginning of creation which created the God until the now and not not should occur.
20 And if not shortened Lord the days, not likely was saved all flesh. But through the chosen (ones) whom he chose he shortened the days. (Mark 13 KIT)

So the Great Crowd of Revelation 7:9 are the ark raptured/resurrected FRCs AND the ark resurrected LRCs. The FRCs have the palm branches in their hands (worship, the 1st law) and come out by rapture before the Great Tribulation and by resurrection during it. The LRCs have washed their robes, their human interactions (the 2nd law), by OMC baptism and made them white by LRC sealing, but they have not washed their bodies, their divine interactions (the 1st law). They come out during the Great Tribulation. So Rutherford was not so far out.69

15 Through this they are in sight of/before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple [So they are priests]; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them.  
They will hunger no more nor thirst anymore, neither will the sun beat down upon them nor any scorching heat,  
the Lamb, the [one] in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life [not fountains of baptisms, for the great crowd have already made their robes white in the blood of the lamb, but teachings which are necessary for everlasting life]. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes (Revelation 7).  

All the heaven bound sanctified people from Adam to Armageddon are resurrected as angels not long after they die. All the sanctified earth bound people and the water baptised Christians from Peter to Armageddon are friends of the Groom, Jesus, having joy at his voice, and so are invited to the marriage of the lamb, and so are resurrected during the rapture to attend the evening meal of God, which is the spectacle of mankind's futile power games causing his self annihilation. This is not the evening meal of the lamb's marriage. This perhaps is why Jesus, the groom, said...

19 And Jesus said to them: While the bridegroom is with them the friends of the bridegroom cannot fast, can they? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast.
20 But days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day (Mark 2).

Obviously you invite your friends to your marriage feast, those in the true church who are alive at the time. But more, these friends, who are priests, get invited to the evening meal of God (if they have finished their testing so that said testing in hot short circuited) as we read in Revelation 19. Whereas all the faithful people in the FRC are resurrected into the Kingdom in accordance with the resurrection timetables for the pre-flood and Abrahamic systems. The timetable for the 1AC is covered in U102.


1 After these things I heard [new subaccount] what was as a loud voice of a great crowd in heaven [The great crowd of loyal angels in heaven].[a great crowd] of [ones] saying: Praise ye Jah! [Allhlouia!] The salvation and the glory and the power belong to our God,
because his judgments are true and righteous. For he has judged the harlot, the great who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and he has avenged the blood of his slaves at her hand.
And a second [time] they said: Praise ye Jah! [] And the smoke from her goes on ascending forever and ever [Her destruction will never be forgotten. Also a play on the white smoke that is release with a New Pope].
And the elders, the 24 [12 1NC apostles and 12 2NC apostles] and the 4 living beings fell down and worshiped to the God, the [one] sitting upon the throne, [Jesus] saying: Amen! Praise ye Jah!
Also, a voice issued forth from the throne [Jesus or his wife] and said: Be praising our God, all you his slaves, who fear him, the small ones and the great.

1356 And I heard [new subaccount] what was as a voice of a great crowd and as a voice/sound of many waters and as a voice/sound of heavy thunders. They said: Praise ye Jah! because Lord, the God of us, the Almighty, has begun to reign [The heavy thunders must be saints, since thunder is a heavenly phenomenon. These thunders are predicted and preceded by the lightening of the 3rd presence. They praise Jah when they enter into the ark on 2019Tishri17 and on 2019Heshvan22 and on 2019Chislev20 and on 2019Tebbeth18 and 2020Tammuz19 for the 3rd to the 7th marriages, and on 2020Ab17/Elul22/Tishri20/Heshvan18 for the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th marriage HLCs, and on 2024Tebbeth16-20 and 2024Shebat15-20 and 2024VeAdar15-20 for the 2028Shebat2 and 2028Adar2 2NC marriages. The many waters are the priests. They praise Jah when the priests enter into the ark from 2025Tishri15-21 - 2026Tishri15-21 (whereupon they get Jesus as Caesar) and from 2026Elul16-2026Heshvan5, when the 3rd Holy Spirit is 4EC baptised into Zoar. But Elijah does not come down to the King, until the 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1, who is 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5. THIS Great Crowd is the sons of the 4EC (many waters) and the saints (heavy thunders). It is NOT the sons of the FRC or the LRC]

The great crowd of the faithful, are solid in their faith
The many waters are liquid, the priesthood
The heavy thunders, the serious heavenly people, the saints, those who are gaseous, a cloud, have evaporated becoming angelic! saying

7 Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself []
8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine-linen, for the fine-linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones [the 1NC saints and reserve saints are declared righteous in spirit. They are get a white robe when they are rebaptised into Laodicea for the Watchtower Passovers].
And he tells me: Write: Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb's marriage [Not the engagement party on the marriage Passover, but those who attend the marital supper on veil lifting day. This cannot be the 1NC marital supper days on 2008Nisan29, 2015Iyyar27, 2019Tishri23, 2019Heshvan28, 2019Chislev27, 2019Tebbeth25, 2020Tammuz26, 2020Ab24, 2020Elul29, 2020Tishri27, 2020Heshvan25, because there were 7 1NCs marriages and 4 HLC marriage. It must be the 2NC marital supper and veil lifting day on 2028Adar9. BECAUSE they see behind the veil to the resurrected and descended bride, a kingdom manifestation]. Also, he tells me: These are the true/dependable sayings of God.
10 At that I fell down before his feet to worship him. But he tells me [responding to John's actions]: Be careful! Do not do that! All I am is a fellow-slave of you and of your brothers who have the witness to [not of] Jesus. Worship God; for the witness to [not of] Jesus is the spirit of prophecy [This must mark the end of a sign since it is real, i.e. out of vision] (Revelation 19).

Jesus is referred to as a lamb because he was the greater Passover lamb, dying on the Passover day, Nisan14, good Friday, to end all Passover lamb sacrifices. We read of John the Baptist:

29 The next day he beheld Jesus coming toward him, and he said: See, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world! (John 1). 

The 3 phases of matter (solid, liquid and gas) are the 3 states of saved people (citizens, priests and kings/lords = angels)135